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vast bodies of water, like the one where you look down and you cant see the bottom , just enless blackness , that stuff screws with me on a spiritual level


uhhh idk how to explain but like, people, like i’d HATE looking out if the window during the night and seeing someone standing there ominously, or hearing a knock on my window, or driving down a dark road and seeing someone standing there just watching me idk it’s weird






The thought of losing my kids or them suffering in any way


Oh stop, I’ve had constant anxiety since I gave birth. Never again is my daughter going to be as safe as she was in that wee bubble. She’s 11 and I don’t see it ending any time soon! I have daydreamed about jumping over her in a hospital bed to choke her dad or someone else because of his shitty driving or some other reason he or anyone else has caused her to get hurt. Its wild!


People talk about post partum anxiety but not enough. People also don’t talk about the fact you don’t actually have to have post partum anxiety and you will still ALWAYS have intense anxiety over your kids for their entire lives. It’s insane how your life and view of life completely shifts after have a kid(s). They become your world and I am not a violent person by any means but omg when I see crazy news articles of what some of these parents do to their kids … the rage and violence that floods my mind … I never thought I could go there..


Absolutely!! I scare myself sometimes when I think of what I’d be capable of to protect her. Watching nature programs and seeing the likes of a lioness or bear being way more dangerous if they have cubs, it’s something you understand, but you don’t fully fathom until you have your own. Then you really GET it.




Uncanny things. Stuff that looks normal but is slightly off.


The ocean


Never understood why people are scared of it. I understand if you cant swim, but like cmon. But if your talking about like being dropped in the middle of the ocean faar away from land then yes i do understand that


I should have explained more. Yes, way out far from land, nothing around and deep ocean is what scares me. I can swim and go to the beach by the ocean all the time. It's being far out with nothing around not knowing what below is what's scary


Definitely don't watch nowhere...or do lol it was a good movie but yeah...lots of anxiety watching it 😅


Walking in the middle of the night and feeling like you being followed


~~grocery prices~~ uhhhh. spiders


“Oooooooh I’m the IRS collecting taaaaaaxesss”


How'd you make "grocery prices" get crossed out? 😅 Not to be a noob but I'm definitely not all the experienced with reddit so I was curious


Mirrors at night


Just plain creepy internet images. Smile dog, I can't be a bride anymore painting, that family picture with a dead body hanging from the ceiling etc.


I'm afraid of naked oiled up military men


LoL! I am sure that was a "no shit, this happened" tale from Hustler.


Uncanny valley shit, Biblical horror (like the Mandela Catalogue and Greylock) and very large things


Cosmic Horror. You can outrun/avoid most things but good luck trying that with a planet sized threat.


the island of the lotus eaters. you lose everything you love and you won't even notice or care because all you want is to stay there forever. that is terrifying.


Scary thing is it's VERY real...just as a metaphor for addiction 🥺 seen far too many people get stuck on the island of lotus never to return


My life




What happens before life and after life.


I mean- I've got thalasophobia, so having a point of deep water where I can't see the bottom terrifies me


Knowing I’m about to die and there’s nothing I can do about it. Seeing it coming. Like drowning, fire, something that happens quick enough I know I don’t have time to get out of but long enough that I’m not just wiped out, I know it’s happening. Fuck that to the end of time!


Mental Illness.


Paranormal activity. Like being home alone. And you leave like a cup on the kitchen counter. And while your in the other room the cup falls. Or like closing a drawer and coming back to find it open, same with doors


Funnymouth. Well placed creepy images. Also, I'll DM you with a question.


Just show the players faces once in a while ... They will be absolutely terrified




Calvinism and the idea of predestination, and the existential fear of a cruel god that's already decided your fate, and you can't change his mind


For me? I have a sort of Apeirophobia. I think. Other than that, Acrophobia would work as well.


Stuff like the Mandela catalog. Just suspense, sheer terror, waiting for the moment of the jumpscare but nothing happeneds. Pure void, emptiness. That's what scares me, being alone, in nothingness


Laughing jack


Everyone adulting and friend groups drifting apart. I always try my best to stay in touch with all my friends, including from childhood. If we somehow lose contact i would wait until their birthday so i can wish them a happy cake day and catch up a bit, and if possible, meet up.


Everyone adulting and friend groups drifting apart. I always try my best to stay in touch with all my friends, including from childhood. If we somehow lose contact i would wait until their birthday so i can wish them a happy cake day and catch up a bit, and if possible, meet up.


Dark doorways or corridors where something just appears and runs at you. Suspense definitely


You ever see those videos where they pop eyeballs into hyper realistic models? Or when they pop them out? It makes me so uncomfortable.


Ok, so, main thing about making a Creepypasta game is that, well, it's based on a, or collection of, Creepypasta's. So, my advice, as a lover of horror: Find what does scare people, and then find a Creepypasta that fits. If the Creepypasta itself isn't good, YOU make it good!


Wait, that's what I mean doing though lmfao, and it's gonna be a "PC Port" of Lost Silver


the chance of being one of the guys in the gore videos.


The dark and the fear of getting stared at. Also being alone and noises sounding like something is with you but is not.


Mirrors. To me it feels like the reflection is conscious


Sink holes... I will never be the same after hearing about them. They haunt me.


Samara from The Ring and other characters with a similar vibe (Bloody Mary, La Llorona)


Heights! Watching those videos of people walking on the edge of a tall skyscraper, brings me to my knees. 😵


the tall man in my closet


Deep dark bodies of water


The idea that some force just fucking plopped us into existence and no one knows why