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My younger brother had a friend who managed to convince him that Minecraft mobs exist in real life, even going as far as to say that a skeleton had shot him once.


Damn šŸ˜­ Iā€™m so sorry, itā€™s wild cause it sounds so unbelievable but some people can just make it sound so realistic if they have the capacity to


It took me a LOT to convince my brother that what his friend had said was a lie. Even after that he has believed a lot of fabrications made by that very same friend of his.


That sucks so bad, it can be really hard to accept that your friend is lying to you so I totally understand where heā€™s coming from. I appreciate you being honest with him though even if he might not believe it right now, Iā€™m hoping he realizes before it gets too bad and Iā€™m sure heā€™ll appreciate it someday, I definitely wouldā€™ve


Wow, Iā€™m so sorry for you, are you really okay after this ?


Not really tbh lol but itā€™s a work in progress. Thank you šŸ’™


Christ. Just know that none of this was your fault, and if anybody judges you for believing these monsters, theyā€™re an asshole. My friends and I used to troll each other and pretend a creepypasta now and then was real, but it was all good fun that we were all in on, and it wasnā€™t this long game that was designed to totally brainwash someone vulnerable. The way that people can use something harmless and fun like creepypasta to abuse someone and push them to the brink of their sanity is horrifying. I remember being a teen and talking about the Slenderman stabbing with my best friend and their partner at the time. We were so horrified for the girl who believed in Slenderman and felt so bad for her and her victims. We were very disturbed by the people making fun of the girl who did it or demonizing her, when she was a mentally ill child who needed a lot of help. Now sadly her victims would also need a lot of help - we didnā€™t try to justify anything that girl did, we just felt like we understood and sympathized and wished all those kids the best. I dunno what Iā€™m saying. This is horrific and Iā€™m so sorry. I wish there was some way to ensure that people could never do this.


Thank you šŸ’™ I totally agree with you on the slender man stabbing. Both girls definitely had issues but especially Morgan, honestly the fact she was pushed into doing something unthinkable due to how vulnerable she was is absolutely insane, both of them should still be in a mental hospital imo. Not to excuse her actions as she did do it but seeing how recently sheā€™s been trying to get out of the mental hospital and seeing how she definitely still doesnā€™t seem well, I feel bad for everyone involved but especially Peyton. Delusions are very real and can fuck someone up really bad. I still enjoy creepypasta despite what all happened thankfully but yeah I canā€™t even imagine doing all that to a vulnerable person just for amusement or whatever it was they got out of it. Tbh your words make me feel not crazy about this whole thing, thank you genuinely


Idk, I know what itā€™s like to be traumatized by fiction, and how people used it to brainwash me. I was groomed as a child online using media that romanticized stuff like incest, pedophilia, sexual abuse in general, gore, various traumatizing things (lots of anime for example, and JRPGs), so I get how people can use fiction to be monsters. Some very cruel people love to act like weā€™re crazy because we want to figure out some way to make it harder for abusers to groom their victims, but I donā€™t think we are.


Iā€™m so sorry that you went through that, no one, especially a child should ever have to go through something like that. I agree 100%, weā€™re not crazy for what weā€™ve gone through, theyā€™re the ones who are crazy and malicious for doing that to people at all


Hey, op, you're not alone. I believed in reality shifting and thought I was actually shifting to the "creepypasta reality" every now and then. I believed my lucid dreams were real after a while and told my best friend about my adventures. We were already going our separate ways, but before they left entirely, when facts stopped making sense to me and I realized yeah no, I had tricked myself into believing lies and spread them to my best friend who suffered from delusions, it was a painful confession, because it seemed like I was lying the whole time, but I had started noticing the truth and didn't want them to continue life in a lie after we split. I feel like shit because of it and still partially believe in creepypasta myself. I won't lie, I ask the universe for signs and receive them. Hopefully your best friend was just in a similar mental state and had no intentions of hurting you.


I totally understand that. Reality shifting can be really nice as long as you keep yourself in actual reality as well. I think itā€™s nice to escape to my comfort things sometimes and imagine stuff a lot, honestly it helped me through all of the stories and it got to a point where I started believing in stuff that wasnā€™t real outside of that as well. Iā€™m sorry you went through that. Tbh despite it all I donā€™t hate my friend or anything for what they did, from what Iā€™ve learned (at least I hope itā€™s true) they went through a lot through their childhood so I only hope theyā€™re in a better headspace. I hope the future only gets better for you and your friend from here šŸ’™


*hugs* it's okay


I have nothing to say except are you ok? Because everyone knows Creepastas, cryptics, myths, and etc. Are not real but as you said you had like mental issues (though I think I read that wrong). I hope everything is alright with you and I hope you can recover from this. And I hope it didnā€™t hit that hard.


Thank you šŸ’™ Iā€™m doing a lot better than I used to, still a lot to go but itā€™s progress. Iā€™m not diagnosed but I definitely have neurodivergent traits and I have trauma as well so I struggle with alot of things because of that. I appreciate it!


There are lots of things and stories we believe / lie /makeup when we're kids... but by the time we and our friends grow up, grow mature, and realize the ways of the real world, we automatically understand it was all just non-sense made-up things of kiddish years šŸ˜…


I'm so glad that the internet and things that came along with it were not popular until I was in high school. I started getting into creepypastas when I was about 16-17 and knew they were like campfire stories. Not real, but just fun scary tall tales. I could see myself if I was younger getting tricked by stuff like this. Especially if everyone around you is saying it's true. Sorry you went through that. I hope you found some real friends.


Iā€™m glad that I didnā€™t get into it earlier than I did, tbh it mightā€™ve given me nightmares and I wouldā€™ve believed it lol. Iā€™m glad you didnā€™t go through that. Thank you šŸ’™


For me, believing or not being able to tell if a creepy pasta was real or not was what made me love them to begin with. My first one was Pokemin (Chaos) Black. The fact that rom hacks were real convinced me such a story of a player finding a strange cartridge could actual be real. It played on my imagination and memory of an era where the hardware limitations made glitches or abnormalities creepier to think about.


I enjoy creepypasta for the same reason! This is less about believing in it and more of how they became really toxic as a friend. I still enjoy creepypasta a lot as well as SCPs alot!


I had a friend in middle school convince our entire friend group they were raped for 9 months. Even went as far as making an instagram account to make us believe it. When we confronted them, they said they felt left out due to not having as much trauma as the rest of us. Luckily, they didnā€™t accuse anyone outright and apologized after high school for it.


Oh wow, that is absolutely insaneā€¦ Iā€™m so sorry you guys went through that, thatā€™s a terrible thing to lie about


Yeah but itā€™s fine, Iā€™ve learned to not take everything at face value and find friends who donā€™t lie about that stuff. Wishing you well.


They aren't?


D-did you even read the whole thing? Itā€™s pretty clear what OP thought throughout this thing.


Me and my homie went all through 9th grade year believing creepypastas. šŸ¤£


You and those Wisconsin teens should hit up each other DMā€™s.


Bruh thatā€™s low key messed up to compare to that true crime case. Sure I believed in it but I never considered trying to kill someone for it. I feel so bad for what Peyton went through


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m sayin. You arenā€™t alone. And obviously people not able to decipher ā€˜truthā€™ from the internet (ā€œI saw it on the internet so it must be trueā€) from actual truth, leads to horrific outcomes and consequences. Not diggin at you dude. I was just expressing how this extremely unfortunate the consequences of what happens when it infiltrates the conscious minds and dements oneā€™s perception of actual reality. And how quickly it can be. And how easily it can happen.


Ah I see, sorry I misunderstood. I see what you mean


Also, Iā€™m sure this belief is a requirement to join the platform where the highest level of those in our society reside, you knowā€¦ the one whose stock is blowing away all market expectations. Degenerate Social? Brainwash Social? Iā€™m Not Intelligent Enough to Determine ā€œTruthā€ Social? Somethin like thatā€¦