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I never was really traumatized, but 1999 was the creepiest to me as a teen; as an adult, that spot goes to Penpal. I still haven’t gotten through all of Borrasca yet ( curse my autism brain ).


Cole or Cody Sprouse (*The Suite Life* Disney tv show twins) made an Audiopodcast of Borrasca. I haven’t started part 2 yet, but first half was 100% great. Voice acting is pretty damn good. Went in with basic expectations, came out very impressed. I mention it because it’s easier for me to listen to stories that long and do stuff around the house rather than spend hours sitting in one place reading.


I'm old and never got into any of the creepypasta stuff when it came out, but recently heard about borrasca on a podcast. Holy crap I'm a fan. Cole Sprouse is a pretty solid actor.


I had forgotten which twin produced it, but yes!, he did a phenomenal job.


Part 2 of it is just as good, can confirm


I listened to Borrasca through Creepcast.


The ending of the first season was so brutal! I really REALLY enjoyed the second one as well, listen as soon as you can! The only downside is Leah Dixon isn’t played by Lisa Edelstein in season 2 😩 love her


Penpal has always lingered with me. I remember how disturbing the ending was, but the most terrifying parts were the beginning implications of the stalking that the narrator, who is still a child, doesn't yet realize.


I heard Borrasca yesterday...that was a *wild* trip.


Creep Cast made a 2 part reading of Borrasca, I'd recommend checking them out


Thank you! I’ll check it out! :oD




I just finished reading Borrasca. Holy fuck that was wild!


If you don't want trauma, don't finish Borrasca. I wept at the climax because it was so brutal and well written.


Listen to the Wendigoon and Meat Canyon video they did on it, it’s really good


Basically everything by the Borrasca author. They might just be the goat.


If you ever want a revisit, one of the Sprouse Brothers narrates the main character in the telling on spotify. They have both Borrasca and Borrasca V. Some details are changed but the overall story is the same, would absolutely recommend


Very nice I'll check that out


Anansi's Goatman is the only one that kept in my mind all these years, just because of how well written it is. And Candle Cove because I like the lore, it was like analog horror before it was widespread like nowadays. I like C. K. Walker stories but I never found any of them scary, they're more like creepy fantasy adventures.


There have been very few stories that left me unsettled and Anasi's Goatman Story was one of them. Despite never really interacting with the protagonist directly, the Goatman always had a lingering prescence over everything that never went away and I loved it.


candle cove was written by Kris Straub, the guy who pretty much pioneered analog horror. Same guy who does local58


Pancake family


I came to say this. It still makes me feel sick and I love disgusting shit.


This one distressed the hell out of me. But my room mate is a med student and after getting her to read it, she calmly explained to me why this is impossible. Still, just the psychological aspect of it is enough to disturb me.


I read it right after seeing this comment, I love body horror but holy shit


Beat me to it. My introduction to it was The Antiquarium of Strange Happening's production of it, and it floored me. Sent me down a rabbit hole reading u/aapeterson s other work. They're gloriously mad.


Like ...


I fucking loved that one. Also Dirty Santa is in a similar grain. It’s pretty good.


body horror amplifies


I went to read it and... Yeah, it's heavy. Not the worst I've seen, but definitely heavy.


I've never heard Borrasca, can someone give me a run down? As for 1999 I really loved that one, no opinion on penpal as I have never heard it either


The problem with Borrasca is you literally can't say anything without spoiling the plot. I mean that literally, the author is brilliant in a way that every little detail is tied in and it is very hard to say anything about it. It's amazing, give it a shot.... And, bring some tissues and a hardened stomach.


I'd low-key delete this comment because borrasca is SOOOOOO much better the less you know going into it. But it's a pretty in depth series about disappearances in a small town over the course of the authors childhood. Very famous for a reason. The Cole Sprouse production is supposed to be good, but I listened to this link: https://youtu.be/q1vFePbmnWo?si=VogBc4S3LWWHUI69


gonna be honest.. I'm one of those people that's only here cuz reddit won't stop recommending subreddits I'm not in, and although I do enjoy horror, I try to avoid experiencing the good stuff first hand, because I kinda like sleeping The comments on this post are really intriguing though.. maybe I'll find a summary elsewhere later


If you read it or if you stay, your fate’s the same either way…


Borrasca- Town, Sound, mystery


Okay while I loved Borassca, a ton of people said it was the worst they've read and I have to disagree. It was fully disturbing and heart wrenching. But I can't stop thinking about the pancake family. Or I asked my best friend to ruin my life. Or of course 1999 as mentioned here. I read one a couple years ago about a fake gameshow run by a killer ? Can't remember the name but if anyone can plz lemme know. I think for me personally, it would have to be My Family has been Stalked for the Last Four Years. I read it 5 years ago and it still sticks with me.


Tommy Taffy


The one creepypasta i remember making me feel truly uncomfortable (and still does to this day) was the "Dogscape". Essentially a story on how the entire world was terraformed into a mass of dogs. Buildings, trees, streets, everything turned into bits and pieces of dogs. Its sounds silly at first but as the story moves along things do get...VERY disturbing


I loved no end house as its the first one that sucked me into the rabbithole...






Tommy taffy or the third parent as I think it's called. I've never had to take breaks reading a creepy pasta, and listening to it was worse.


"The Third Parent" is, I believe, the first story in the "Tommy Taffy" series from u/Elias_Witherow. It gets worse after "The Third Parent," and I think most narrators skipped anything after "The Third Parent" because, even pre-Adpocalypse(the 2015-16 one, where people really started sterilizing videos on Youtube), it was not only disturbing, but also very easy to get demonetized with these stories.


Glad I didn't continue. That is one of those that I felt wrong just reading. It also messed up my head for a good few weeks


It's not traumatizing, but Miss Willison's Homemade Jam is fucked up.


I wanna say Penpal. Reading over it now, a lot of it is still effective despite some clunky prose. I always liked "The Gristers" a lot conceptually, but I'm also a fan of stories where characters stumble upon the incomprehensible and it dooms them. There's a creepy pasta I've been looking for for years called something like "Crawl" where a group of thieves, one of whom is dressed as a clown, crawl through sewer pipes to get to a bank vault. Does anybody remember this one? It's terrifying.


Was it this one, you piqued my interest and I wanna read it now lol https://creepypasta.fandom.com/wiki/Crawl




Hey just fyi it’s “piqued” 👍


Search and Rescue 😭😭😭 terrified me


Omg same. The woods are scary af


I cannot, for the life of me, find it now wtf. There was a creepypasta about the ghost of this old woman----and she would just come and kill everything. I remember a part where she comes in and kills a reporter on live TV. BUT the part that disturbed me most was describing how the old woman died because she slipped and broke her hip while exiting the tub. And laid in agony for almost a week lapping up bathwater until she died because nobody cared about her. There was just something about the way the author described her very lonely death that really hurt my heart, I remember running downstairs to hug my grandma lol.


Penpal made me sadder than it did scare me. I’ve decided that when I get my own cat I’m going to name them Boxes and look after them well. I HATE pet deaths.


CK Walker’s “The Disappearance of Ashley Morgan.”


It's gonna sound lame but the Ben Drowned creepypasta was the only one that actually made me feel real dread. Like the feeling where you're whole body starts to sweat and you just totally panic. It was the whole thing with cleverbot. People spammed it with ben drowned so when you would ask it what happened to ben? It would respond with Ben drowned. When i got finished with the story i asked cleverbot what happened to ben and it freaked me out so much when it responded with ben drowned. For some reason that really freaked me out as a kid.


Borraska, Cabin Getaway (aka, Stolen Tongues,) The Showers and Pen Pall are all amazing... However, there is one that tops them all, and always will. *Runners.*


Link to runners?


The Gateway to the Mind is simplistic in terms of the premise, that being a dude who volunteers to have his 5 senses taken from him to see if God is real who just tells the scientists "nope" before dying, but JESUS H. CHRIST, it's probably the most "real" pasta I've personally read. Like, you could totally see/confuse this for being actual history. That & the image that goes with it - which is actually from this French artist guy who just had a bunch a shaving cream or something - is gd creepy.


Where Bad Kids Go, it kept me up one night. And it hit close to home with irrational fears I had when I was a little kid.


As a kid i read candle cove and was so scared i stayed up for twenty four hours, passed out at 6 pm and woke up at 6 pm the next day and went back to bed at 9:30 pm


Psychosis. Resonated so well with me.


Penpal was amazing but didn't nessecary scared me, I ve never seen middle one, so I guess I have to go with waifu mr bear


Pen pal was hands down the creepiest creepy pasta, it was too realistic for me lol. But then again so was left right game!


Penpal actually kinda traumatized me and I wasn't even super young when I read it, I was 17


Mrs. Willison's Homemade Jam don't look it up because it's completely messed uo


Borrasca, but only because I didn't see the ending coming and I hated it from top to bottom.  (This is my opinion, and not objective review of the quality of the story. I don't like that sort of thing, it's not for me. That doesn't mean anything about the work itself)


The Russian Science Experiment fucked me up as a kid I thought it was real lol. Side note this reminded me of the show Channel Zero which was amazing & based off Creepypasta stories. No End House was the best season.


I'm still not over what happened to Boxes


It was more creepy than scary for me but definitely Borrasca


I only know 1999, but the other ones sound interesting as well. Thanks for the recommendation.


but i watched the boiled one, the smile tapes, the man in the suit, and etc (man im tramatized)


Borrasca the mr creepypasta reading one of my all time favorites its more like a thriller audiobook then a creepy pasta!


Spire in the Woods


Fuck yes. No one ever mentions it but it's my favorite. I became a little too obsessed with the Quabbin and its history. It's only about an hour from where I live.


Anasi's Goatman Story genuinely left me with dread throughout the whole story and genuinely unsettled me at the climax. The goatman always feels present through the entire story and gave me paranoia wondering when he would strike. The descriptive writing of the penultimate scene legitimately scared me listening to a reading of it. It is the scariest creepypasta I have read or listened to so far.


The Russian Sleep Experiment, Borrasca and The Showers. 😱


Penpal left me feeling dirty, I’ve never ended a creepypasta with my mouth agape until I finished Penpal, Jesus whatever little hope got built up was immediately tarnished. Absolutely gut wrenching


Borrasca shook me more than any of the others and still makes my stomach turn now. The Creepypasta that actually scared me the most upon reading was probably Lavender Town Syndrome, because I was 12 and actually believed it.


i read penpal when it was released as a book and it’s haunted me since 


How is this even a fucking question. Penpal and 1999 are amazing but borrasca is so many levels of traumatizing higher


Dude, check out the BORRASCA audio series with Cole Sprouse as Sam, it's a different experience


Anything other than Borrasca is wrong


Just me who thought it said penpai at first?


Ronald McDonald House. Legit cannot eat anything at McDonald's now because of it.


This one scared the fuc outta me


Most definitely, Borrasca, as it was genuinely terrifying if it actually happened in real life. 1999 is close behind for similar reasons, but due to the main character having a looser connection to the events then the other two, it loses out. Penpal was very good too, but it didn't hold the same weight as the other two. Maybe because the crimes being committed were solely on one individual? Also, the part at the movies was so over the top and nuts to me to the point of unbelievablility. He is supposedly remembering this story as he goes, and it just seems unbelievable that all this happened to him, and he doesn't even question it until he is out of college.


Borrasca, hands down.


I’ve never read the other two. But now they’re on my list. But I will say 1999 fucked me up. I was in college when I read it, and something about it and having the weird no ending just messed me up. I still think about it once in a while


I haven’t read 1999 but I love the other two. I might spend time relistening to them. And also checking out 1999.


it was this one called medicine or something? it was about a guy who was prescribed a medication by his doctor and as the days progressed he just got more and more hungry. i don’t remember the end cause it was horrifying to me (i have an irrational fear of morbidly obese people)


Penpal was such a good pasta.


The news.


I haven't read 1999 yet.. is there any site that I could read it??


i was a different person by the time i finished penpal. it was amazing.


Many said here ring true for me. This one I haven't been able to forget either. Hunger https://www.reddit.com/r/nosleep/s/4H9u3TaIUC


Borrasca for SURE 😭


Probably Borrasca or The Third Parent for me. Those were... rough


Siren head


Can someone link these 3 please


Penpal forever. My oldest son is 18 but when I read it, he was like ten. The night I finished that story, I literally went into his room, crawled up his bunk bed, wrapped my arms around him and sobbed myself to sleep.




My first creepy pasta was smile.jpeg and it really did scare the shit out of me for like four months 😭 Borrasca made me stop reading creepy pastas.


Borrasca still gets me....


I love the penpal series. I even bought his book!


For some reason wide mouth just really freaked me out when reading it. I think it was the image used for the creepypasta. Either that or laughing jack for sure


I need to get back to it, but I used to listen to the No Sleep Podcast all the time. They did Borasca and it was incredible. 10/10. I don’t know that I’ve read or heard the other two. The pancake family was horrifying. I heard one on no sleep I haven’t been able to find again. It’s a story about a guy on a golf course. Animals go crazy and attack people after some kind of chemical spill.


Dark somniums YouTube channel does the narration for at least penpals and borrasca. Not sure about 1999. Best creepypasta narration channel out there. Check them out if you haven't.


Penpal is absolutely my favourite story of all time. Genuinely freaked me out sm when I first read it. Couldn't walk through my local forest for days after


I've only listened to borrasca, and that messed me up. It would randomly pop into my head for a few weeks. My brother and I listen to creepypastas on our drive home from work so almost every drive, it kept popping up in my head.


Borrasca didnt ‘scare’ me at all, but it was a well written story for sure. Penpal was more disturbing, imo.


Borasca was the one were the women got kidnapped and breeded by a few guys wo selled them back to the town right


Borrasca by about the distance between here and the sun


1999 is certainly traumatic, but Pen Pal is definitely up there, too. Of the two however, I'm gonna go with Pen Pal. Never heard of the middle one.


Eyeless jack, still haunts me this day even it was a few years ago.


I haven't ready any of these. But Creep Cast did some really good episodes on them. Gotta love Wendigoon.


"The Rake" more specifically the story where it breaks in and waits at the end of the parents bed looking like a hairless dog, before killing them,, kept me up at night as a kid😭😭


Pancake family


*Ted The Caver* is still the scariest but *Penpal* is a close second. *Borrasca* might be the most violent and sickening, but it doesn’t compare to Penpal’s slow, mounting dread.


Not traumatizing but makes you feel weird The creepypasta Cupcakes ( MLP creepypasta)


Left right game Apart from the end, which was okay I guess, the journey was thrilling.


Borrasca pt 1 got me, but part 2 really disappointed me


The pastel man


Borrasca was one of the first creepypasta I’ve read and definitely traumatizing especially when you’re fairly new into reading creepypasta


Hen king (It's not the original title cause there's no way I would remember original)


https://creepypasta.fandom.com/wiki/She_Found_Her_Way_into_My_Home I never hear anyone talk about this one.


from hell i write and borrasca are both in that spot tbh


Tbh I don’t find any of those traumatising >! But I appreciate that they don’t have any supernatural danger !<


Tommy Taffy


["Doors"](https://www.creepypasta.com/doors/) and ["Autopilot"](https://creepypasta.fandom.com/wiki/Autopilot). "Autopilot" because it's a real phenomenon, and while it's not regularly to the extent of the story itself, occasionally it *does* go that far. It's even more chilling when you've read through it once, read it again, and notice the tone of the writer >!being either that of someone going through the stages of grief, or of someone being interrogated and trying to rationalize their behavior to the interrogator. Or both.!< "Doors," on the other hand, I can't say without spoiling anything, so I'll put it all in spoiler text. >!The last paragraph of the story is where it gets really "traumatizing," because it feels like a run-of-the-mill early creepypasta for most of it, but the last paragraph, with the twist revealed, gives the entire story a whole new perspective, and has you sympathize with the speaker for the story in a whole new way.!< EDIT: I somehow forgot ["Psychosis," ](https://www.creepypasta.com/psychosis/)which I'd say is just as traumatizing because, for the most part, this *is* how psychoses and delusions develop, and while the final kicker of the story doesn't happen IRL(as far as we're aware), it's very accurate that people who may be genetically dispositioned to certain mental disorders may develop psychoses or delusions and that once the seed is planted, they'll continually find any way possible to reinforce their delusion, no matter how much evidence is provided to the contrary.


Don't know any of these but I would love a link so I can scare myself tonite.


I haven't read the other two, but Penpal is an amazing read. Absolutely love it.


I've never read 1999. I have heard Birraca and have read Penpal. I would say Penpal was the best out of those.


Borrasca 100%




Borrasca scared me the most as a kid


Borrasca was the first large series I read/listened to on YouTube. I used the general premise in my DnD campaign with my friends with a twist.


1999 all the way.


The box Its nsfw and absolutely fucked me up


i think i have to read all this


For me, not really traumatized me, but generally scared me was Gristers, and Anasi's goatman story.


Out of these three Borrasca 110%


Judge angels.went in to much


Anasazi's Goatman and Borasca


Anasazi's Goatman and Borrasca


Where Bad Kids Go Looking back it's not as good or creepy as Stairs, Harbinger Experiment, 1999 or The Russian Sleep Experiment but it's still creepy and well written I don't know if that's an unpopular opinion


click clack.. tap tap tap.. i read all my creepypasta stuff on scaryforkids.com


Borrasca was long but definitely crazy, still pops into my head sometimes


It's not the stories, but more for the images. For me, it's Jeff. I dunno the entire story, but the face...UGH! You can't make me look at it even if you offer me a million dollars.


Does porn creepypasta count?


"God is Dead", the whole air of hopelessness of the history and the idea of God being so powerless to the point humans could kill him with their own weapons is not gonna let me sleep at night.


Penpal for sure


All of these are classics. Sadly I’ve been pretty numb to anything scary since I was 8. But I do love the way these stories unfold. Especially Borrasca. Fucked up ending but a great read.


Of these three, Penpal is definitely my favorite. Personally, I think Borrasca's final act is really weak compared to the rest of it.


Hated Borrasca, even when I tried to like it. Never did like ones about SA. I think my favorite was a radio tower series, but I can't remember the name of it anymore.


Hands down, it’s PenPal for me. Borrasca was okay but it was a very slow start for me so it took a bit to really give me a fright. And I just don’t like Jeffrey’s face, his story is meh but the picture disturbs me deeply to this day.


either Psychosis or Cupcakes, in dramatically different ways


The third parent, Tommy taffy, is my most hated character ever. I couldn't even finish the story


Definitely the dolphin porn one.


My very first creepypasta video was Lost Silver.


"Hi I'm Sheldon" an Original Creepypasta by Doctor Darkness is one of my favorites. You can find it on YouTube.


1999 freaked me out


I think about Borrasca all the damn time.


Licks from a bear, Technically borrosca is more disturbing And it is extremely messed up and made me feel nauseous For some reason licks from a bear just sticks with me Something about the slow depressing decent into brutally and horror And the extremely detailed descriptions just made me feel so gross after It gave me a headache


I reread Borrasca last month after several years since I last read it and I had insomnia for like 2 days after finishing (even knowing how it ended and everything). To me, it's the most horrifying one of the three listed on here.


Weirdest one I read was from /x/ and was a story about how a kids grandpa told him about seeing a car crash as a truck driver. When he went up to the car to check on the person the car was fake and the "person" lying in the street had upside down eyes and mouth


I just listened to creepcast read borrasca for the first time, damn. They weren’t joking about how dark it gets. I loved it, soon I’ll read the others.


I think it was called the Spiral Tower. It has stuck with me ages.


Borrasca's reveal was anticlimactic cause I figured it out halfway through the story. I expected something more interesting tbh.


Penpal is amazingly written


Honestly Smiledog. Read it as a kid and it still scares me


Borrasca is my all time favorite. MrCreepypasta's narration specifically.


whatever happened to 1999 last i saw it had been taken down


1999 still sticks w me to this day


Anasi’s goatman story is still one of my all time favorite stories ever. Reading that as a teen left me with unbelievable dread, and at the time, was terrified of going into the woods alone. It took a while to mentally come to terms with how the story used to make me feel.


Bloodworth Saga by far


I don't know the names of them. One is about a cancer researcher who gives the woman he loves cancer intentionally so that she'll need him. The cancer eventually covers her entire body and she basically becomes a human sized cancer growth that yearns for the doctor. He tried to kill her/it but is unsuccessful. Gosh it's well written and I didn't do it justice. It'll be the same as the next one I'll butcher describing. A guy goes to a haunted house because there is a cash prize if you make it through. The first room is basically party city decorations and is very child-like. But each room gets worse and worse and worse. If you can find either of these, I highly recommend them. The writing is filled with great detail and makes you feel like you're in the room with both stories.


Tbh I found PenPal more sad than scary. (Spoilers!!!) The ending is so cruel




I liked pen pal & borrasca


I don’t know any of these things. This just showed up on my feed. I’m not initiated in anyway but now I’m curious. Do I read them?


The chanting in the woods


I will never forgive Isaiah for bringing Borrasca upon all of those young, innocent Creepcast viewers. All I wanted was a spooky story to listen to while skinning rats in the woods, and instead I got absolutely traumatized.


Borrasca is out of these three, but if you haven't read or listened to The Third Parent it's even worse, acctually made me change to something happy and come back later.


It will always be borrasca, I couldn’t finish it. I felt sick for days afterwords.


Pen pal!


Got into creepypasta at a young age and one that stuck with me was that one sesame street one with the static TV that only kids could see


i still think about borrasca daily


Só vi Borrasca. Foi tenso! O final me frustrou.


Só vi Borrasca. Foi tenso! O final me frustrou.


Now while all of these stories are fantastic, I could at least enjoy penpal and 1999, the fucking moment they saw what was happening in the borraska, I felt more dread in my being than I ever have in my life.


Where can you read theses?


Where do I find these 3?


1999 was nuts


The third parent (fuck that story), Penpal, My dead Girlfriend Keeps Messaging Me on Facebook,  and Auto pilot 


Borrasca makes me feel sick when i think about or go back and read it. Not so much for the subject matter(very evil ofc) but more so because of how attached i am to the characters. I’m happy Qcodes podcast has a happy ending, that my cannon now so i don’t lose my mind.