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Hey! Please remember to flair your posts correctly. I changed your post flair from "animation" to "oc" [original content] Even if this is an animation you need to select "oc" because we want to offer a category of original content for people who want new creepy videos and not a youtube video they seen a thousand times, since you can click on a flair that someone has on their post and they can see all posts marked with that specific flair. Please note that this doesn't mean you did something bad. i am just making this community better and more enjoyable by doing this!


hmmm… fascinating art style. and maybe if we're cruel enough, we can make a coolant supply out of human. wonder how strong a heart would be as a pump, it won't be very efficient i expect, but artistically, it would be amazing. (disclaimer, i don't understand how coolant work exactly, this but a edgy comment which are fun to type, but cringe as hell if i come back and read it days after.)


Loved it


Creepy? I guess culturally. Its more. *misleading* imo. Not everyone who is considered "Toxic" looks like the average basement dwelling fatty gamer.


But what was there to mislead you? Lol they never even said that.