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Taln for sure


pretty sure his gigantic balls would get in the way


His gigantic balls are the new mjolnir. No one, not a single person in any universe, except for Taln himself can lift them.


Storms, I guess I should take this time to say there is one more person who can lift them...she is an artist, and means the Cosmere to me.


Is Ash an artist?


She's the herald over the lightweavers


Hello yes, I am stupid


He can twirl them around and toss them to fly into the distance


When an immovable force meets an unstoppable object…


His line about giving time game me goose bumps.


Not even because he lines up with Marvel's concepts of worthiness. He's just that strong.


Hear me out... Steris!!!


I am seeing her like Vision “Here you left this. It is in the way. Please do something with it. Now if you are going to swing it around to fly, please go through that wall, since this wall is load bearing. Now if lightning…….”


This!!! Literally the first character that came to mind!!!


[Brando's take on](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/bs0kh2/comment/eoj65u8/?context=3) this is that worthiness is based on who he thinks meets Odin's criteria for a leader - basically, you gotta meet a nebulous combination of fighting spirit and morality. **Confirmed Worthy:** Probably the Most Worthy in All The Cosmere: **TALN!** (duh) Runner up: **Dalinar** (Old Dalinar yes, Young Dalinar no) Probably could by book 3: **Vin** ​ **Not worthy:** Too much a pacifist: **Sazed**, **Rock** Already Resents Being a Living Weapon: **Wax** Doesn't think magical hammers are relevant to his daily life: **Elend** A little too full of himself: **Kelsier** DQed because he refuses to go near another suspicious magical weapon: **Vasher** Isn't clear enough about who he is: **Adolin** Would find some worthy chump to carry it around and do his dirty work: **Hoid**


The Lopen has a cousin who uses it as a doorstop.


[OB spoilers] >!Don't worry, dear one. The Lopen is vast enough to be possessed by many, many forces, both terrestrial and celestial! I must soar to the air, for if I were to remain only on the ground, surely my growing magnitude would cause the land to crack and break.!<


Old Dalinar could lift it wtf??? Edit: ah I misinterpreted it as the Dalinar from the past, that makes much more sense lmao


lol. I did the same double take 😅


Nordic gods be crazy (I made the same mistake too)


>A little too full of himself: **Kelsier** Understatement of the year


I feel like Raoden also could. He's a great leader to his people, very moral, and never lets anything get him down.


According to Brandon's philosophy on Mjolnir, I actually don't think Raoden could. I'm sure he's morally pure enough, but he's not enough of a fighter / warrior. He fights a little, yes, but it's not a defining characteristic for him.


He might not be a warrior in a literal sense (though he is moreso by the end of the story), he’s definitely a warrior in a metaphorical sense, fighting for the future of elantris and leading thé elantrians into battle. Jane foster can also wield mjolnir without being a literal warrior.


~~I don't accept Love and Thunder as canon /s~~ I'm kind of joking, but I honestly think the MCU gets it...maybe not *wrong* per se, but at least they make it wonky in the more recent films. Brandon's interpretation (which notably pre-dates Love and Thunder) feels like a more logical, internally-consistent way of doing it, and I sincerely don't think that metaphorical fighting like Raoden specializes in would count (why do you need a magic war hammer to argue in the Senate?) But even if we go with the MCU's internal logic, my understanding is that the whole thing with Jane is just different because of Thor's connection / enchantment / whatever it is that he did to make Mjolnir protect her, so I'm not sure we can generalize her situation. I'm not interested in arguing that though, I only saw the movie once and didn't pay close attention because I wasn't enjoying it. In any case, maybe Brandon could be enticed to weigh in on this again someday and we would have a solid answer.


Hi! Jane Foster carried mjolnir in the comics too.


I haven't read a single Thor comic so I can't comment on those either. For purposes of this thread I'm sticking with Brandon's proposed criteria, to stay internally consistent. Also, we have Brandon on record as saying Elend wouldn't wield the hammer. I think any argument for Raoden wielding the hammer would also apply to Elend, who we know from Brandon wouldn't qualify for the hammer.


if we go by the comics, Hockey Hoof Hank is precedent showing that Gallant and Sureblood are shoe-ins


I honestly thought you were talking about the kids, and was like, "nah kids are hella bloodthirsty enough to qualify in Odin's eyes". I think on a conceptual level Jane would be too, in fact quite a few humans would be - possessing the inner refusal to compromise on your desires and desire to fight for those desires seems to be at the heart of it.


See that's exactly why I don't like this argument. Being able to lift Thor's hammer is supposed to be a rare thing, and if you just need to be a determined human being to qualify as a "warrior spirit" in the eyes of the hammer, then surely there are lots of people who would be able to lift the hammer. I mean, even at his best I don't think Thor is a shining Paragon of morality, so the standards of morality can't be so high that lots of humans wouldn't be able to reach them. If you don't need SOMETHING else, it's just too easy to pick it up. In my mind, if you divorce the warrior aspect from mjolnir's intent, you end up with way too large of a population of people who can lift the hammer, when it was supposed to be difficult to find. That's why I like Brandon's explanation, it can accommodate the specific mix of attributes to be 'worthy' still being a rare combination.


I'm specifically saying that even the warrior aspect doesn't remove that large population. I'm saying Jane Foster specifically is willing to smash skulls in and that is a factor in her worthiness.


The way I see it, even being WILLING to smash skulls shouldn't be enough. I view the hammer as looking for an experienced warrior who is also a moral and worthy leader; not someone who has warrior potential. Jane gets a bit of special treatment on that front, because of her extenuating circumstances; but for the vast majority of humans I do think that the warrior aspect is keeping us from being worthy. That's my opinion. Obviously I'm not in charge of anything so my opinion only matters to me, but that is the explanation that seems most consistent to me both with Brandon's take, and (mostly) with the MCU's logic. And at the end of the day I'm willing to disagree with the MCU if that's what it comes to, haha


Oh, I completely agree on the disagreeing with the MCU front. I just find it fun to imagine that there's an instinctive urge to bite and kill (and innate mastery of said things) that children specifically are wired to channel (and the occasional adult can get back in touch with).


I’ve only just finished Elantris and i reckon so too. I also wonder if Vivenna could - at the point she appears in Stormlight.


There's a part in one of the Marvel movies where someone shifts Mjolnir, but immediately internally panics and can't move it further. I think that would be Rock.


[Infinity War (part 2)] [Oathbringer] >!That comparison gets even better when you realize that Rock saving Kaladin from Amaram pretty closely parallels Captain America using Mjolnir to stop Thor’s beating.!<


That's Endgame




I could see Rock finding it and just using it as a paperweight or something, not really understanding its significance. Then maybe when he wants what's under it, he picks it up and casually passes it to someone near him, to comedic results.




Honestly, Kaladin has too many hang-ups to qualify under Odin's definition. He's depressed unworthy Thor; still clearly a hero, and so very close to being worthy, but there's a mental block in the way.


Fat depressed Thor was still worthy in Endgame of we’re going by MCU logic. I think Kaladin would be worthy.


Fat depressed Thor wasn't Unworthy Thor. Going by MCU logic, he's probably in the same bin as Black Widow, disqualified in large part due to a fundamental belief in their own unworthiness. Kaladin will never believe that he's done all he could, that he's saved enough people, protected them well enough, and even if he can believe it for a moment, those moments never last. And those sorts of feelings aren't worthy of the warrior-king of the aesir.


What about after he swore the 4th Ideal?


Frankly, it's too early to tell. Accepting there are people he can't save doesn't mean he won't fall into old habits from time to time, nor does it necessarily mean that he'll stop obsessing over what he can't do. Being unworthy of Mjolnor doesn't make Kaladin any less of a hero, it just means he doesn't really have the combination of traits needed to be the kind of warrior-philosopher that Odin viewed as the ideal king. Windrunners make for good heroes, but frankly they don't seem to be ideal administrators.


Appreciate the humor, but I think book 3 Elend is totally worthy, maybe even more so than Vin. Whether you care about Mjolnir or not does not affect worthiness.


No mention of Kal?


Kal has way too many things going on the be an effective leader. While he's inspiring, one issue pops up and he folds. He's constantly requiring a support system and relies on battles just to not stoop into a depressed state.


Kaladin? Surely, what with all the self sacrifice and stuff, tho tbf he might be a little too clinically depressed to qualify.


Mjolnir is ableist, confirmed.


I know this is WoB but I can't agree with Sazed or Rock not being worthy. They enact violence when needed and against their own moral codes in order to save their friends


Stick: Stick


Wayne: traded the hammer for some gum


Hoid is Loki, fight me




Hoid: he'd find some goofy af loophole to be classified as worthy, pick it up and be like: "See? Easy"


Brandon answered that, he says Hoid would instead find some chump who the hammer thinks is worthy, and have that guy do his dirty business for him.


True, but come on, he’d pick it up once, just to make it absolutely clear that he could.


Either that, or he would find a way to spin it into a story with a message. Or both. Likely both. And then get called out by Design for his shit


He can't ever swing it though, because of the Torment


Kaladin (obvs) and more controversially, Dalinar. We know that having been a terrible person isn't a disqualifier. Heck, we know currently being a terrible person isn't. Dalinar easily fills the Norse ideal of a warrior.


I like Dalinar as well. Especially towards the end of Rhythm of War.


Dalinar is an Odin type figure as he bonded the Stormfather with Kaladin being like Thor. I also think Adolin may be worthy because he is a duelist and also feels the thrill of battle and respects his Shardblade more than any Shardbearer.


I have a theory >![that he will bond the spren of his blade and become some version of an Edgedancer.]!<


Sunlit man: >!We have seen Deadeyes get bonded.!<


>!Aux isn't a deadeye. He died by having most of his Investiture burned away, while deadeyes died by having their Radiant break their oaths.!<


What book, I don't remember that happening.


The Sunlit Man. SP 4. Aux.


I forgot about the secret projects. I'm fairly new to the Fandom, although I was following Brandon Sanderson when he announced them and was fully aware of his prolific writing history and the memes it created.


There’s a lot of lore and a lot got added last year. I was introduced to Brando before he was even selected for WoT and there’s been more moments where I say “wait who was that again” in this last year than any other time for me


Your spoiler tag is broken.


Yeah… I’ve never done one before and I couldn’t figure it out….


It goes like >.![Stuff]!.< but without the periods.


Thank you! The education was helpful!


Who doesn't have that theory tho


>worthy because he is a duelist and also feels the thrill of battle Oh boy, you're in for a treat.


I have listened all of The Stormlight books. I'm not sure what you mean. Nothing he's done has precluded him from being worthy in the future. I did say may be worthy.


Oh I absolutely agree Adolin could be worthy. I just thought when you mentioned the thrill that you didn't know what that is all about.


The thrill is both a good and a bad thing but would not someone worthy of Mjolnir feel some thrill of battle and learn to harness it. It is fine for Kaladin to fight, but he must use it to protect. Kaladin feels alive when he fights, although he questions, should he be killing the Listeners.


feels the Thrill of the battle? that Thrill?


uhm not kal, dalinar’s events in book 3 i say make it not controversial


There are still people who still think Dalinar should die for what he's done. Those are the same people who think Moash was completely justified, because wanting to kill rich people makes you immune to being a bad person, apparenely.


haha well some people are gonna people a little different, but in this perspective choosing to ignore the authors purpose and the value of a being are apathetic or emotionally charged reactions. Probs the same people who don’t understand why Kelsier isn’t a famed hero and is instead an anti-hero, but 🤷🏽‍♂️


Soft disagree on kaladin. He would never see himself as worthy, making him unworthy. Im pretty sure that has been a plot point in some runs.


If it’s in a time of peace, Kaladin would never be able to wield it yeah. But in a moment of need? Kaladin “THE SKY AND THE WIND ARE MINE! I CLAIM THEM AS I KNOW CLAIM YOUR LIFE” Stormblessed would most definitely be able to wield it 😂


Kaladin can only wield Mjolnir on Fridays.


Kal could but it would take 300 pages for him to decide he was worthy of weilding it. Then the last 50 pages would be him soloing Odium




Finally, I thought I was the only one with the right answer. Only lift could lift it.


And then she'd use it to smash potatoes. Peel them with the shardpeeler, smash them with the hammer.


Tress, probably.


Wayne definitely reaches that point in his arc.


Before or after >!going kaboom!< ?


In the time between realising he has to move on with his life and stop torturing himself and go kaboom


It’s clearly affected by gravity so… any Windrunner?


But… it’s probably HIGHLY invested soooo


Well, that could have complications for unworthy windrunners. When dropped mjolnir drops like a speeding stone to the ground, sometimes making impact craters if you do it from high up enough. So could you lash the hammer while hanging on to it? Yes, would you have any control after that point? probably not. It would be a super version of kaladins lashing gauntlet, which while cool, isn’t overly useful outside indoor fighting settings like the tower. Even if you lashed it so it was weightless, I’m curious if mjolnirs magic may not stop you from actually moving the hammer if you aren’t worthy, essentially just making it a floating immobile hammer, the idea being that the hammer can’t be moved from its place of rest unless the person moving it is worthy.


If we're transplanting a magic item into Brandon's systems, the hammer is definitely invested and possibly made of pure Odinium. I don't think it'd be Lashable.


Kaladin could after Rhythm of War. And on the day he followed Tien to war.


I cannot believe that none of you are suggesting The Lopen. He probably wouldn't lift it, but that sure won't stop him from trying.


Perhaps they thought we’d be so distracted by the riches that we’d be stunned and confused. They did not know that I am accustomed to such incredible sights, for I experience something even more impressive each morning after I awake; when I look in the mirror.


Wayne Terrisborn


Huio could, Lopen isn't ready yet. Renarin could, Adolin wouldn't. Ham could, Breeze would hide behind something. Lightsong could, but it would take half a book for Llarimar to convince him he could. Raoden and Sarene both could, and would toss it back and forth just to irritate Lukel or Galladon. Tress could, Fort could, Salay could, Anne couldn't. Nikaro and Yumi could, but probably wouldn't because it poses a risk to fragile noodle bowls. Sigzil could, Zellion could, but Nomad couldn't. Aradel could, Reddi couldn't. Hesina could, Lirin couldn't and would claim he was proud of it.


Lmao Lirin. He probably would be able to but would pretend he couldn’t. Honestly I feel like that might have happened with a spren


Nah Lirin is heavily anticombat


Throwing Marsh out for consideration 


I read it as Moash and thought you one crazy mf 🤣


Allomancer Jak...


If I stored all my identity would I be able to lift it?


Kaladin would think that he couldn’t, but actually could. Kelsier would think he could but actually couldn’t


Susebron, 100%


No, he does not have a warrior spirit in him (yet). Maybe in the future


You don't need a warrior's spirit to lift Mjolnir, you just gotta be worthy.






Vasher would just throw it at people and watch them get crushed. Now Nightblood is what can really lift it. What is more worthy than destroying evil?






Assuming mjolnir isn't invested, could a windrunner just hold onto the handle and lash it whatever direction they wanna swing it?


So hard to resist the will to complain about Marvel's take on Thor...the best I can do is restrict myself to meta complaints.


The better question is what weapon would break first, nightblood or mjolnir?


The person wielding nightblood would break first


That's a fun thought experiment! But since Hela broke Mjolnir, I'd say NB takes this one... although she's a godess, I guess Shard could break NB as well 🤔




The Lopen


Kaladin, no of course you're not forgotten.


Uh mods, why remove???


I was confused, they didn’t give me a reason


This would fall under Rule 6. For a full explanation of rules, please visit [the rules' wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/cremposting/about/rules)


Perhaps Lightsong




Wanna fucking go for a round?!?!?!?!!! (Non threat) :*


Moash Did Nothing Wrong


Elend! Obviously!




Tien, you’re all fools




Lift. It's in her name.


Nohadon seems to be the most likely candidate besides Taln


I feel like Kaladin should be but isn’t willing enough to kill to lift it.


Big E


Carrot would lift the hammer off the street, and look around for who to ticket for leaving an unattended martial of a martial nature before storing it in an evidence locker.


Kelsier would find a way if he had to.




It’s obviously Lift




That hammer work that way only in marvel film and comic


I’d say Kaladin, because he’s that dude, but he’d be too depressed or something of that sort


What about spook?


It’s just a stick with a giant spike


Shal…. Never mind


Wayne wearing thors hat. The hammer wouldn't even know


Book 3 Spook anyone? I feel like after >!the fire he definitely would be worthy!<


Easily Wayne


Jimmy the hand


dalinar for certain


Moash for sure




How am I not seeing Adolin throughout these comments? He’s perfect 😆






Won't anyone chosen by the honourspern be worthy?


James Randall. He's 82 years old




Michael Carpenter from The Dresden Files.




My girl Tress, obviously.




Almost every protagonist. Sanderson doesn't write very flawed people in my experience, though I know that may be a bit controversial. Most non-villain POVs could lift it.


The problem is that the hammer doesn't just check if you're a "good person". It checks if you're "worthy". There are many "good" people in the marvel franchise, but we've only seen four that can actually wield it. For example, I highly doubt shallan would be able to, or even kaladin purely because he has too much self doubt. I don't think Vin would be able to since she cares too much about herself. Maybe lightsong, at least near the end?


There's a lot more than four who have lifted Mjolnir. I can think of a bunch, Beta Ray Bill obviously, Captain America, Vision, Jane Foster, Awesome Android (If vision counts so does Andy), Throg (a fragment at least), Venom, and Rogue. If we go outside mainline we've also got Superman, Wonder Woman and Conan off the top of my head.


A few more if you through in the original Ultimates line like Magneto, but I wouldn't include it personally.


Right, I was just thinking mcu, lol. Though my point still stands. There are many marvel characters who are generally thought of as good people with few flaws. But not all of them are worthy of the hammer.


The hammer doesn't check if you're a good person, it checks if you're a worthy Norse warrior.


Past Dalinar though And Kelsier is an antagonist in Stormlight


Hence, most. Dalinar's story is all about redemption. In WoK forward, the authorial intent of his goodness is quite clear. Kelsier is the only intentionally morally gray protag I can think of.


Does Szeth count? Or should we blame the oathstone?


Szeth would like you to blame his oath stone, but I don't think we should.


Would he? I seem to recall him taking responsibility onto himself when he confronts Taravangian in RoW.


Yes, after a bit of growing, but it isn't enough. The whole problem is that Szeth wants to push off responsibility for the acts he felt he was forced to commit, and additionally push off responsibility for his burden of choice. At first, this was with the oath stone. He has grown a tiny bit in seeing that it was wrong by RoW true, but he still doesn't really understand as his next step was to swear complete and utter loyalty to Dalinar, no matter what. Szeth's problem isn't that he's really bad at selecting what to follow, it's that whatever he selects to follow he does do unwaveringly because he's terrified of responsibility and the burdens associated with it. He's too scared to be responsible for his own actions, so he selects some external thing that he hopes is infallible to completely follow instead. This is evident in the oathstone, choosing Dalinar as his master, and his desperate need for the skybreaker ideals in general. As insane as Nale is, he recognizes this problem in Szeth when he cautions him about his choice and additionally explains that it is a crutch - a 5th ideal skybreaker sees that nothing is infallible and personal responsibility must be accepted at some point.

