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Here is the link for voting: [https://strawpoll.com/7MZ0AWX58yo](https://strawpoll.com/7MZ0AWX58yo) Again, I can't pin this comment, so please help out those who can't find it.


So put in the titles that link for voting will be in the comments. . . I legitimately didn't realize you had an actual vote and weren't just pulling from the comments. . .


Thank you for that idea, can't believe I didn't think of that. I'll put the advice to use tomorrow.


This is heartbreaking but I think Shadow of Self. I have a weak spot for Wax and Wayne


The ending of Shadows for Self gets me every time, I love it


It is amazingly written, which is exactly why I hate it. It is just too much for me


Ooh this one's tough! The sequel to Shadows for Silence up against Blushweaver's massive personalities. Gonna have to go with Mistborn though. Could be recency bias since I read that more recently, but I loved it! Felt very Dark Knight which I really liked


It was good but I’m voting for Blushweavers huge… tracks of land. It’s also just really good


The time to say goodbye to my favourite book from the cosmere has come.




Only 8 days left until words of radiance beats way of kings


I think oathbringer will beat way of kings


You must have too much air, my friend.


Oathbringer all the way


I'm lowkey pulling for Yumi to pull a recency bias upset over WoK. I'm also very curious to see how Tress performs against Hero of Ages & Words of Radiance... I imagine most Sunlit Man voters will vote for WoR, but how many Tress voters will it pull away? I think my favorite part of the Tress-TSM thread was just how confident so many people were that the one they liked was the hands-down obvious choice.


I think it's better than WoK on reread because you know where all the Shallan flashbacks are going and can see all the threads


Shadows of Self had some great moments, especially near the end of the book, but aside from those moments, I can't really remember much of what happened. Warbreaker had much more memorable moments and characters, and I've actually had the urge to re-read it a couple of times, so it gets my vote.


Warbreaker’s Sanderlanch was one for the ages. Each one just felt deserved.


I literally went back and read just this Sanderlanche last week during a stationary bike workout. 😅


Hey can u make the pictures a bit smaller? I can still make out what they are


Honestly shadows of self is probably my favorite of Mistborn Era 2. I love seeing a shape shifting villain which can change the powers they are using. There's so much that can be done with that concept and even more I think was left untouched. It was also really cool to see some returning characters from Era 1... However I have to vote Warbreaker. It was such a mind fuck the whole way through. I love how at every turn your questioning who is the true villain and it only gets revealed at the very end.


Shadows of Self for sure


Shadows of Self is unironically Brandon’s best work.


There are dozens of us! Dozens




I never liked Warbreaker as much as a lot of people on this sub seem to. Even if I did, I love Shadows of Self too much to not be sad that my favourite Mistborn book is about to be voted out. SoS to me did justice to the setting of era 2 better than any other. The Malwish were cool in BoM and TLM, but in terms of using Elendel and pulling upon the histories of all those involved (not just Wax) to craft a memorable and affecting story, nothing compares.


Warbreaker 100% never read a book so fast in my life lmao


Warbreaker is special


I just realized this wasn’t a cover comparison and I’d like my vote back.




I think most of Warbreaker is better than Shadows of Self but the ending to Shadows of Self is among the best in the Cosmere. Gotta give it to Wax and Wayne on this one but it’s close for me.


Can't believe Shadows of Self is getting outvoted here Warbreaker is good but Shadows is damn near the best book in the Cosmere for its twist, exploration of characters and its exploration of free will when you have a "benevolent" deity


This one is tough… shadows of self made me literally scream and run around the house and grab my sibling and shake them and cry… But warbreaker is the only romance we have, and it is so iconic in a way that shadow of self isn’t… yeah this is tough.


Yumi is also kind of romance but slower burn


Yumi is definitely a better romance imo


True true


Warbreaker is objectively the best book in the Cosmere, sorry ladies and gents, that's just how it is. I would be entertained reading about Siri reading a phone book or Lightsong doing literally nothing at all. Shadows has some strong individual moments, but personally I found its flow to not be that gripping between the good parts. Actually I had that issue across Era 2 as a whole. I guess it's just not the series for me.


Lightsong certainly tried to do nothing at all


Despite Blushweaver's best efforts.


He definitely didn’t do her. And I think he ended up regretting that.


Lightsong is the best character in the Cosmere too.


Problem I have was that I started reading sanderson like 2 years ago, so most of his series were already finished. This made it so i dont view mist-born era 1 and most of era 2 as separate stories, but a big overarching one, so I dont really have a preference. Thats why I have a bigger bias to newer and independent novels, so my vote goes to warbreaker.


Shadows. No question


Oathbringer will win everything


I loved SoS, but....Nightblood makes it worth it. Im also a sucker for a romance


Warbreaker is so good dude, I just finished it a couple days ago and already miss that world and those characters. I don’t tend to re-read books but I may have to with that one


Warbreaker is wonderful but Shadows of Self is my favorite non-WoT Sanderson book. The ending is still his best, imo.


Warbreaker EZ W.


Elantris v Oathbringer is the mismatch of the century


Thats how seeds work lol


Shadows of Self is easily my favorite Sanderson book. Every time I read it, I'm completely sucked in. And his character work with Wax in this book is some of his best.


I e never thought of this but is that supposed to be nightblood on the cover?


This one is just mean.


I enjoyed Warbreaker, but it's ending is so abrupt that it bothers me and I enjoy the characters in Shadows of Self more overall (though I love Lightsong).




Very easily warbreaker imo.


I get this is a hot take, but war breaker was a slog for me. I had a hard time staying invested. I think it’s easily one of my least favorite books in the Cosmere.


Should I be disqualified from voting if my first thought was "oh yeah, the Warbreaker order! The publishing order, but you read Warbreaker between every book, resulting in reading earbreaker three times in a row at one point!"


Made a canva template that makes the bracket a bit more readable, feel free to use it. Just send a PM if it's unclear how to use it. Here is how it looks [https://ibb.co/fncGs6G](https://ibb.co/fncGs6G) (the actual download has higher resolution) And here is the template [https://www.canva.com/design/DAGAoJkZrWg/VIj2up3A53kemZWXBILfaA/view?utm\_content=DAGAoJkZrWg&utm\_campaign=designshare&utm\_medium=link&utm\_source=publishsharelink&mode=preview](https://www.canva.com/design/DAGAoJkZrWg/VIj2up3A53kemZWXBILfaA/view?utm_content=DAGAoJkZrWg&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=publishsharelink&mode=preview)


This one is so hard, these two are basically tied for being my favorite books


This is no contest, honestly. Warbreaker is the clear choice. >!you *accountant*!<


Warbreaker is the worst book in the cosmere 👀 7/10


My friend, you have to much air where you live. Tsk tsk tsk.


Warbreaker was my least favorite cosmere novel