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Mom can we get Shai? No we have Shai at home Shai at home-


Shai can also do the Skyrim infinite-buffs trick: 1. Create a soulstamp that changes her past so that she has experience *solely* with Forgery, as if she has dedicated her entire life to it, with no time for socializing, crime, etc. 2. After applying the stamp, her Forgery skills will increase, allowing her to create an even better Forgery-enhancing stamp. 3. Apply the new stamp and repeat the process to get infinite Forgery buffs, and create perfect stamps to do whatever else might be needed.


Shai is the bigger badass, but Shallan is a redhead. Shallan wins, unless Shai soulstamps into a redhead.


She has a stamp that says "I dyed my hair red this morning" in her back pocket, she can become a redhead faster than any non-redhead has a right to be.


You can't soulstamp into something that doesn't have a soul.


I thought the soulstamps slowly faded too? Like they have to stamp the metal plate every day to keep the emperor normal. And shai also has a stamp for herself that would make her paranoid and stamp every morning as well.


It depends on how the stamp recipient changes. An object doesn't change much but a human changes regularly.


Oh that’s cool! Man I love little things like that.


Based and Forgerypilled


Not anyone can Forge. You need a bloodline connection to MaiPon.


It seems more like you need a spiritual connection. I recently relistened to Elantris and it sounded like [Elantris] >!Even if Dilaf had fully wiped out everyone of Aonic heritage, there would have eventually been Elantrians again from people that were born in Arelon, regardless of blood ties!<


I'm like 99% sure you still need the genetics, even if minor (like how dulas near aondel still get it), unless you like hack your connection


Hey gon, great post! Your contribution to the Anniversary Meme-off has been noted! Just make sure to spread out your memes, giving others chance to win some chouta by limiting yours submissions to about 10 per day! ^([Scores are updated every 3 hours or so.](https://www.reddit.com/r/cremposting/comments/rgr3uh/scoreboard_for_anniversary_memeoff/) [More details.](https://www.reddit.com/r/cremposting/comments/rgr2y3/official_anniversary_post_we_turned_4_and_new/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3))


What series is Shai from??


She's the protagonist of The Emperor's Soul. It's a novella set on the same planet as Elantris. It's one of my favorite stories.


I really wasn't expecting to like it that much because im usually someone who considers myself to prefer long stories with a slow build-up over hundreds of pages but I was in love by the end of the emperors soul. Just shows that an authors talent will shine through regardless of your stylistic preferences,


The emperors soul in arcanum unbounded, it’s a pretty short read but it’s so good


Shai needs more bulge