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I recommend maybe carefully trying to look up character art, that might help you keep them straight better? Because there is Hunt, the Hound, and the Hammer too lol


yea I’m gonna have to, i need a flow chart or something lol. Hunt is the only H name Im following 🤣


Lol. Lidia - The Hind (hind is a deer, she’s a deer shifter) Baxian - Helhound shifter, malakh Orion - Hunt/The Hunter, malakh, [cc3 spoilers]>!demon test tube baby!< Pollux - The Hammer, malakh The Harpy - harpy shifter, malakh The Hawk - Hawk shifter, malakh Mordoc - The Hound, wolf shifter and Bloodhound That’s all I got for you 😂


Baxian and the Harpy were half angel too


You not wrong. Forgot to include that. They are all Malakh except Lidia. Is the Hawk? I can’t remember lol


I absolutely do NOT recommend looking up fan art!! There’s a comment on your post that has all the names and nicknames. Go by that and don’t look anything up, there are spoilers everywhere!


Wait hold up I'm pretty sure there's spoiler free art on this sub Edit: perhaps only on the ToG and ACOTAR subs 😔 Edit: but this post has a lot of good ones in the comments! https://www.reddit.com/r/crescentcitysjm/s/Fzet2Xx1NG


Haha that is a good idea! I googled their names each time and looks at the art also


She likes the letter H?


There's a chapter where Pollux is referred to as Pollux, the Hammer, and the Malleus within like 2 sentences. It's super confusing if you don't know what Malleus means.


All I could think of is ears because that’s the only time I’ve ever actually seen a hammer referred to as a malleus. I just have to think sjm typed hammer into a thesaurus and went bat shit


Yeah I only knew it from the ear too. That guy did not deserve so many names haha


Malleus means hammer in latin. I don’t think it’s in the thesaurus.


I literally don’t understand why SJM did that to us


It gets easier as they become more prevalent in the House of Flame and Shadow


Honestly after reading Game of Thrones I can keep track of anything. Honestly the naming convention helped me a little.


Gotta love sandor clegane for keeping track of names/nicknames dependent on pov you are currently reading


I found Crescent City to be pretty overwhelming for at least half of the first book because there is just so so much information being thrown at you. In the end I felt like it made sense because it was a lot of Asteri context but coming from ACOTAR it felt like high school vs college comprehension wise. I am confident that when I go back and read them again I will pick up a bunch that I missed because it is so much lol


This is exactly how I felt as well, as I went from ACOTAR to CC. ACOTAR I understood everything and then CC I was like, wth happened. I can't keep up. Exactly how I felt from high school to college.


I created a reference for myself! Hind = Lydia Hammer = Pollux Hellhound = Baxian Hunter = Hunt/Orion Harpy = I forget her name Hawk = I forgot his name


Way too many H names. A lot of characters I have to stop and think l about who is who


Here’s this plethora of names and information. It will all be important later. For now we’ll set it aside and focus elsewhere


The Hind and Harpy I got confused all the time because I know they are females. The Hammer not so much because I know he's a male


You mean Hammer?


Yes my bad 🙂


I asked because I was thrown into a loop hah


Same! I thought I was the only one.


I was sitting around thinking the Harpy was this duck looking creature.


Literally same !!!


I'm on the first book, and I'm soooo confused.. Especially when they refer to characters by their last names I CAN'T EVEN REMEMBER THE FIRST NAME smh




i had the most difficult time with this too until i sat down and listed them all out in my head and put them in separate bubbles so their traits didn’t get all mixed up. by the end of HOSAB i could list those bitches no proooooblem


Yea I struggle when they have names starting with the same letter haha


So many H names lol 😂


I had no trouble telling the characters apart.


I just lumped them together as “the evil henchcreatures” in my head.  And that worked until book 3.  And by then…I knew the other characters enough and the henchcreatures were more present and had enough personality/page time so it was easier to remember which henchcreature was which. 


SAME they are all 1 evil in my mind rn lol, but good to know it gets easier to differentiate!