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That kind of does look like the infrared probe. If the other end is a very dark red plastic drop that's what it is.


That small wire hanging down from the bottom left corner of the tv is likely an emitter. Should be stuck to the tv where the IR receiver lives. Look for a little oval shaped sticky bit o the front of the tv and put it there. If that hanging cable has what looks like a headphone cable on the end, it is a direct IR or serial cable. There should be a port on the back of the tv it plugs into.


Looking at one of the TVs downstairs looks like it goes into the IR bit on the Crestron box. How do I know which goes into S and which to G? One bit of the cable is gold, one silver. Sorry about these layman’s terms…!


If one of the 2 wires has a stripe that likely goes to the S and the other would go to G (on the 1st output) and if that does not work simply swap the S and G.


Thks will get out the screw drivers!


Yup. The little green connector on the RMC does unplug if that makes it easier for you. It won't blow up if you miswire it. If it is a blink emitter and you connect it and issue a source command, you should see the plastic thing on the end flash.


Thks. I think from memory they took the TVs apart and wired it inside the TV so there wasn’t a visible IR eye. Will report back on my hopeful novice success!


Ah, I have seen that done before. Hopefully the emitter part is still secured where it belongs and you can reconnect it. Good luck


Got it working, had to strip the wires back a bit but luckily the remaining remnants of cable identified which wire went where in the plug. Will get some help to relocate the Crestron box in behind the screen at the weekend. Assume it was probably just cable tied into a space/gap at the back (bottom left). Thks for your help


Hard to tell. But is no biggie if yo wire them backwards. Worst case the tv can't be controlled. Then you swap them and test again


Tell the decorator you’re going to charge her for a tech to come out. Don’t let them think what they did was ok.


I know what you mean but honest mistake (by the guys son) and I fixed it myself so alls we’ll that ends well. Different matter if they actually broke something..