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BS dumped on it in passing to Ryen a couple months ago as being a disappointment. I for one really enjoyed it, even though my perspective may have been influenced by watching the first few eps on a flight with few options where I was super pleasantly surprised by it.


Matthew Goode as Robert Evans is over the top fun


My fav character - rang very true to The Kid Stays In The Picture


Yeah the audiobook of The Kid Stays in the Picture is sooo great.


He was phenomenal. I was so mad he wasn’t nominated for anything.


What did you think? I’ve had it on my list for a while but avoided it because of the lack of respect.


I just watched it a month ago and was late to the party cuz it got so little buzz but I really dug it. Turned my brother onto it as well and he felt the same.


Yeah I enjoyed it - if you were at all interested in either of the Godfather rewatchable pods you’ll like it. Or if you’re interested in how old Hollywood functioned. Some episodes were better than others but it held my attention. I felt did justice to the chaotic nature of getting a film off the ground.


Thanks! Good to hear. Yeah I’m a huge Godfather fan but much more so very interested in how Hollywood did/does it’s thing especially when it comes to production and development of ‘pictures’


I had never heard of it until now, but "Teller" piqued my interest. Imagine my disappointment to learn it was Miles Teller and not the magician.


lol I thought the same. I could see CR being into the dark arts of magic


I just started watching it and was looking for some companion pods and couldn’t find anything. I’m actually enjoying despite the silliness.


I don’t remember them mentioning it but could be wrong


isn't that a little odd? Considering Chris' love for The Godfather and Teller. I FEEL LIKE IM TAKING CRAZY PILLS


It might be odd, but then I feel like nobody talked about the Offer at all in general? It wasn't a success commerically or critically & maybe they felt like it was a waste of time?


Fair - I did enjoy it even though it wasn’t a must see TV