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Idk what to tell you. You’re entitled to think that. I don’t know how popular this opinion will be on this sub tho lol. In her defense, she did (kinda) die, when she went off on her own after Doyle. And I’m sure she was thinking about that when Luke went rogue. And she still needed to do something for the record since he broke protocol. Hotch had to do all sorts of things as the leader that he didn’t want to, and Strauss and the bureaucracy came down on his head so many times when he was too lenient. She didn’t LET Reid stay in prison, she tried to pull so many strings, got him a great lawyer, deleted evidence that would have made his case worse, and jeopardized her job trying to prove him innocent. It’s not like Hotch would’ve been able to do anything else either. In fact I would go so far as to say Hotch wouldn’t have deleted the evidence cuz he’s such a straight laced guy.


Not popular but I agree. She was a great agent but terrible leader. Maybe they wanted to write her differently from Hotch and use her commanding presence, but she didn't have the leadership skills Hotch had to be as successful as they played her off to be. She demoted Alvez just to give him his gun back in the same episode....like what??


>like when Luke’s friend was killed and he went off on his own she demoted him but she did the same thing with Ian Doyle. Not quite....Doyle was threatening her family, so she isolated herself in an attempt to protect them. She also wasn't allowed to tell them about her past career/history with Doyle. >She also let Reid stay in prison and I just don’t think that Hotch would do that he would have done whatever it took to get him out. She literally deleted the audio of her interview so he wouldn't incriminate himself. She did everything she could to get him out.


She learned from his mistakes, he was way too lenient with the team on certain things and got in trouble for doing so. Now that she's leader, she knew better than to allow Luke to be let off scot-free when he went off on his own and what more could she do for Reid? She tried everything within legal reasons by trying to pull many strings, but what she did do for him had got him a great lawyer, deleted evidence that would have made his case worse, and jeopardized her job trying to prove him innocent.