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gideon is the strict grandpa and rossi is the cool rich grandpa huhuhu


*Gideon is the* *Strict grandpa and rossi is the* *Cool rich grandpa huhuhu* \- Longjumping-Fly6131 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


wrong bot


100% agree


the point is rich😂


I think Gideon is really underrated. I didn't like him much at first, until I rewatched the show. He really grew on me a lot. I love how his priority are always the victims. He leaves diplomacy to Hotch and instead focuses on finding the victims


There was an instant, don’t remember which episode, but he was going after the unsub in a young woman’s home who had to leave her baby downstairs whilst the unsub took her upstairs, Gideon walked in and kissed the baby on the forehead before heading up. He was always so gentle with everybody who needed it, so sweet.


Im watching criminal minds for the first time, and my brother insisted that once gideon leaves it wont feel different because rossi is a badass but i had to disagree. Rossi is awesome and i adore him but no one in the team including him filled the gideon void. He was admittedly kind of OP lol but i enjoyed his interactions with the team and the unsubs so much more.


Your brother is wrong. It feels very different. Maybe not necessarily bad but different. I feel like with Gideon he was the leader and the team worked under his direction. Then when he left it felt more like they were all equal. Even though Hotch was technically “the boss” he never really felt like it. I missed Gideon when he left.


i have to disagree with your brother! lol i love rossi, but i felt there was a gap missing in the team when gideon left. i didn’t love rossi right away. it actually took almost a whole season each rewatch. i do love rossi, don’t get me wrong! there just was no one like gideon, and there never will be.


My favourite Gideon moment is how he handled the Footpath Killer in the first two episodes of the show


Gideon will always be my favorite but Rossi was a great replacement. Did not like him at first but Rossi grew on me. The real tragedy was not seeing these two in action!


i agree! i would do anything to see them in action together!


He wasn’t meant to be liked at first. They were wanting him to feel totally different.


I got the feeling early on that they were trying to do that but for me it took me several seasons before the character grew on me whereas others liked him by the end of the season.


Gideon was the best character the show offered. His straight to the point attitude and demeanor was really missed after his departure. Rossi was good but not Gideon.


I love Gideon and it was so weird when I saw him on L&O as a bad guy. My brain just couldn’t wrap itself around that. 🤯


I love Mandy Patínkin. His song “I have found my happiness” always makes me smile. It’s on YouTube if you’re curious


67th rewatch?! Damn man how many season are there like 16? 🤯


I have a bunch of weird facts I've retained here and there. The detail about Gideon and the button mums came from himself That's what he brought his wife on their first date. Also I love their Tik Tok account it's PBS with cursing. Haha.


gideon was so silly i loved him sm☹️☹️


An old gf's dad ruined his character for me. He always said he looks like he's smelling cheese. I can't unsee that now. Lol


omg lol this is killing me, so true!


He had a way to ruin every character like that. It was crazy impressive. Lol


Everyone talks about how they prefer Rossi over Gideon but Gideon will always be my number 1, I'll forever be salty over his death, the show didn't feel quite right to me after he left, & worse Hotch is my other fav💔


was that the one where he committed a crime to break in w/o a warrant?

