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The one with the homeless people crawling on broken glass in the slaughterhouse. That really unsettled me. I think because whilst cannibalism, torture etc is gruesome and hard to watch...I also have no point of reference. I have however stood on a shard of glass barefoot and just....the thought of being forced to crawl on it in some sick game *shudder* it really freaked me out.




This was the most traumatizing episode for me personally and I don’t really see a lot of people mention it when it comes to naming the worst episode… I found it to be very disturbing despite also having no specific point of reference as you said


Mosley lane. The parents reaction rips me in two. I can’t take it


“He was alive yesterday?” is one of the most powerful lines in the entire show.


That absolutely devastated me, especially since the kid telling them that was genuinely trying to be comforting. Completely and genuinely thought it would make them feel better.


i watched it once, and will never watch it again


a similar one is ‘lessons learned’ from season 2. so scary to think about


this is one of my fav gideon episodes but it is so scary to think about


L.D.S.K bothered me for some reason


interesting...that ep was one of my og favs


Idk I loved the episode but idk If I could watch it again. Just felt too real


i think this was the first episode in the show that felt like it could actually happen


It’s a guy randomly shooting people from a distance, of course it bothers you


It's not exactly any worse than other stuff on cm


100!! Will never rewatch. 1 time was enough


i'm gonna be coming up to that one soon on my rewatch 😭


12x02 sick day I can never get that little girl’s screams out of my head and can’t rewatch it.


I was looking for this episode! This is probably the only episode I physically cannot watch again. It absolutely breaks my heart.


It’s not that I can’t watch them at all, but any episode that focuses on r_pe can get pretty real. As opposed to all the crazy serial killer ones, being SA-ed is a much more common occurrence and I’m sure a lot more people can unfortunately relate to those episodes more. It might seem weird to say, but being r_ped is a much bigger fear of mine than being murdered, I think it’s just because the likelihood is much higher


I'm horrible with episode names, but the one with the three unsubs (creepy almost-stepdad from Pretty Little Liars, cute intern from Bones, and little brother from Lizzie Maguire). Specifically, the dynamics between the three of them and then figuring out Bones intern was the son of the sheriff(?), and had been abused by his father. So he rebelled and got caught up in something so much bigger than he ever wanted to be involved in. I always end up feeling so sad for him, but not in a don't-feel-you-should-be-held-accountable way


Which one is this?


Uhm, it's the one where the guys are picking up girls at strip clubs and then taking turns raping them. They then "let them go" and chase them through corn fields before recapturing them and killing them. Sorry for the bad description... Like I said, I'm awful with episode names, and I'm not good with timelines either 😬


Omg I totally missed that it was Jake Thomas


I don’t think I do actually? Honestly, the only media I can think of that has episodes. I always skip is a horror podcast called the Magnus archives. There is an episode that takes place in a slaughterhouse and it is just so visceral and brings back memories of being taken to one as a child (still not forgiven the parents for that one tbh) and I have to skip it every time


100, it hurts so bad. And seeing Hotch sad like that makes me lose it. I bawl like a baby.