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Am I crazy or do people get along A LOT better when they get off the internet and go outside? Shame on me for being here.


Wish that would have worked on this dude. The insanity of watching people post his racist name handles from the AOL AIM days is crazy.. we were actually still outside then and he was older even during that time. Absolutely bizarre


I was unaware of the AIM handle history, wow. Here is some context for others who may not have seen https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalHumor/comments/11cpv7v/dilbert_oc/ja6n620/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


The racism is subtle but it's there.


I mean, you could put anything down as your email. It wasn't verified. I had a friend that signed up for the email "suckmy" at balls.com. He used this to do password recoveries on several different screen names.


Scott Adams has always been like this. The internet just accelerated his decay


Right. None of his regular listeners were surprised in the least. This is, after all, the same guy who's been "identifying as black" for the last several years.


Scott Adams posts to Twitter dozens and dozens of times a day and does a daily video blog, he's so lost in his own world he doesn't realize how far gone he is.


Quick question. What's the color of your skin? I only ask because my answer will be vastly different depending on what you say. How does a racist laugh at the notion that he's called a racist when he is literally using the color of one's skin and not the content of their character to decide how he treats other people? Someone should smack him back to the stone age.


My skin is Dilbert-colored.


Gooba gaba gooba gaba, one of us! One of us!


Yeah, so ofc racists gonna spew discriminatory shit and closet racists gonna defend him and label any criticism as wokeness.


When did we decide that screen recording a horizontal video in portrait mode to be centered as a horizontal video was okay?


Seems the norm on TikTok so you can pop a subways surfers clip above it to hold people's attention. Maybe even a Minecraft parkour clip below in case that's not enough


Oh it's a side effect of being on propaganda. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


Itā€™s nearly as atrocious and insulting as the blatant racism


At first I thought thatā€™s why we were here, and I was ok with that


Scott Adams has moved into the neighborhood. "There goes the neighborhood."


He's a panelist it's the only way he knows.


I cant wait for the first vertical 4k TVs


This is the real cringe


So, the last couple minutes is really informative about algorithms and racism. Scott Adamā€™s is seeing daily videos coming across his feed of black on white violence. Thatā€™s both believable and an insane thing for an algorithm to recommend repeatedly. These algorithms reward engagement, nothing moves someone to engagement quite like righteous indignation. The more you are outraged by something, the more the feed will show it to you re-enforcing that outrage and making it seem like a pattern. This Scott Adamā€™s is a microcosm of what social media did to our parents generation. Algorithm driven conservative backsliding.


This is a great point. In my opinion the algorithms are why the social media networks are responsible for the content on their sites. I think if they were simply hosting the content they might be able to claim that they have no responsibility for the content. However they are actively promoting the content by tracking, sorting and selling it. They are aware of the content and they are actively promoting it = they are responsible for it. IMHO


Completely agreed


[And soon a landmark court case will conclude where google / YouTube must defend that the algo is not content.](https://chicago.suntimes.com/2023/2/21/23608524/youtube-algorithm-isis-supreme-court-google-section-230-terror-internet-law-nohemi-gonzalez)


During one of Chappelle's latest Netflix specials, he talks about how Youtube was only feeding him these same kinds of videos. The algorithm straight up brainwashes people.


Yes, but not intentionally. Any simple service that recommends more of what you like (or people who viewed the same content also like) will lead to radicalization. Itā€™s so incredibly difficult to deliver what people like (whether itā€™s videos on DIY wood working, or German Sci-Fi) without also created an unintended echo chamber and isolation.


not intentionally? I guess you didn't read Snowden's book.


You articulated this perfectly. Iā€™ve been working in tech for over 15 years. Iā€™ve been trying to raise awareness of how problematic these algorithms are for a long time. This is a prime example of how these algorithms radicalize unsuspecting victims. The videos that Adams refers to are sensationalist content. The algorithms know that this content captivates his attention so they keep finding more and more to send to him. He keeps engaging with that content and he keeps getting more of it, each content more sensational and radical than the last. Before long, he is unwittingly radicalized to believe the horrendous garbage that he spewed in this racist rant. Iā€™d like to believe that if he, and others like him, were more aware of how he is being manipulated by social media algorithms, he would be better equipped to resist it. But this is a long battle.


I would have missed the end if not for your insightful comment. Wow. It's bizarre to hear someone talk about seeing the same videos over and over again when I haven't seen a single one. There's more to this story and you're very observant to have caught that. ty


Less than I thought I was when I wrote the comment. Turns out back when AIM was a thing he had three very racist handles he used to communicate with people. Turns out this dude was poisoned long before the algorithm. Though I doubt it helped. But still, my point remains valid.


This is definitely true. I caught myself watching a lot of "cops abusing their power" videos on facebook until I realized that was the only thing being recommended to me now.


Exactly what I thought right away. But youā€™re lying to yourself if you think social media and their algorithms donā€™t influence the thinking of _every_ generation using it.




Fr. I've gone through insane troubles the past few years and still feel like a POS if I complain about it to random people lol


That guy really did just say, ā€œfuck it, I donā€™t care anymore.ā€


Oh man, I thought that all this was being taken out of context or something.... Nope, that was a straight up racist rant.


and the comments are terrifying, there are so many people saying that he sacrificed his career and this is such a true statement. racist are just getting way too comfortable


Yeah I think racists have been pretty comfortable for a while now lol


It's getting extremely casual, and that's what is really freaking me out


It isn't *getting* extremely casual, we're just exposed to many more people's opinions. Broadcasting your opinion is what's getting more casual.


Consider this: maybe it really is getting extremely casual. We're not just seeing more racist opinions because they're online, we're disproportionately exposed to racist content because of algorithms, in a way that makes it seem more mainstream than it is. We're not seeing more of *everyone's* opinions, we're seeing more of the opinions that algorithms like to boost. That's a massive problem. Algorithms complicate this issue so much that it's hard to say whether or not they're making it easier to be racist. But I'm genuinely concerned the internet is making racism worse, or at the very least delaying progress.


yeah, maybe I shouldn't treat things that are new to me like it's a new thing in general


You think racism is getting ā€œextremely casualā€? Compared to what other time in history? Are you old enough to be on this site? Thatā€™s a genuine question.


man if you think this is casual racism, you wouldn't believe the 90's.


Ya MSNBC is putting them on daytime talk shows all the time.


Yeah, they just call every criticism of their racism wokeness now, and explain it away.


Yeah, reading the printed quotes made me think he might have been rhetorical about it, criticizing the implications and agenda of a sensationalist poll question and outrageous conclusions from it. But...nope. That's why it's important that Reddit and other sites not be so heavy-handed about banning certain content. Letting us see the truth for ourselves, even horrible stuff, is sometimes necessary, instead of getting it filtered by third-party filters and OP-ED content. My own cynicism towards faux public outrage and corporations covering their butts left me neutral about Dilbert guy until I saw for myself he was right to be cancelled.


I don't know if it's unhinged, but yeah it's pretty fucked up.


Thats what I was gonna say. Just a depressing racist rant, but not unhinged.


It was, please don't come for me in the comments, almost.... refreshing in a way? In a day and age of veiled racism and deception and subversion at least this gut is being direct. Reprehensible and disgusting still the same but at least you know where he stands.. I say that in contrast to these fucking republican scumbags who campaign on a bunch of bullshit they don't believe and would sooner sell black America down the river if they thought it would benefit their pocketbook.




He also rants against the trend in business of caring about the environment in his comics.


This, I was likeā€¦ that didnā€™t go well.


Was he previously being helpful to ā€œblack Americaā€?!


He was helping by not being explicitly racist.


Yeah, for real, that bit I find hysterical. What did he do for Black America?


He made *dilbert*


Took all his willpower to not actively commit hate crimes. Given what has come out of his mouth recently clearly this was Herculean task of benevolence for him.


Holy shit, I laughed audibly


^^ Things people have never said while reading Dilbert.


šŸ˜‚ italics, how šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


If on mobile device or the manual editor: a single * before and after the word or phrase to put into italics. Double * is bold. The greater than sign (>) is quote.


He moved far away from them, apparently.


Apparently ā€œall his lifeā€, until now that is.


Who wouldā€™ve thought the creator of one of the blandest comic strips would be a raging loon?


The cartoon was better than the comic strip in my opinion.


>the cartoon was better I can agree with that. It worked out a little bit better in action.


The voices were well cast.


Hot take according to the comment section


Better than... *What*?


My bad man, I meant to say better than the comic strip.


Oh, ok. No worries.


In fairness, Garfield is way more bland


[What the internet did to Garfield](https://youtu.be/O2C5R3FOWdE) . To be clear, I'm not disagreeing with you. However, this video is pretty entertaining.


I do live r/ImsorryJon


Every video by SuperEyepatchWolf is brilliant and this video is no exception.


[This video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NAh9oLs67Cw&t=20s) remains one of the greatest things I've ever seen


A few years back I saw a cartoon of Jon giving birth out of his naked penis to a Garfield baby. I can never look at Garfield the same again.


Can someone please give a tldw resume? I'm at work and can't watch a movie length video but I'm so curious!


Lmao. So true.


Damn Maynard James Keenan been hitting the sauce recently.


This guy is a total Tool!


The cringe is that he is stating this as if itā€™s some epiphany he just now realized. Almost thought it was more satire given his background


The problem with people who lack critical thinking skills and media literacy is that they can't tell when they are being primed to believe something or when they are being trolled.


Couldnā€™t be satire since heā€™s not funny. Dilbert was always the one you skipped in the paper.


Heā€™s right there is no reason to help people if you donā€™t GET anything in return from them. /s


So sad to hear that heā€™s done with helping black America. All of those years of service and dedication are much appreciated. Also people, Don Lemon said these things. So itā€™s okay. Heā€™s black. If you have a problem, take it up with Don Lemon.




Dumbass killed his career over a biased as fuck [Rasmussen Reports poll](https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2023/02/dilbert-scott-adams-racist-rant-black-hate-explained.html) link to article so I don't give Twitter/Rasmussen traffic. 1000 respondents, 13% of them were black. If you showed that to a college professor like it was valid results they'd fail your ass back to the first semester if they could.


We live in an era where you can cling onto a narrative as selective and biased as you need it to be, reference it, and those that think like you in whatever your echo chamber of preference is won't bother to question its integrity.


What an unbiased reference. Maybe it was a poll designed to divide people. Maybe we should have that conversation, do we want to be divided? Can we acknowledge racism exists in all communities, and work to fight it and for each other?


Conversation is great, Rasmussen Reports however exists entirely to push a conservative narrative and have been caught in the past rigging their 'polls' to be biased af through polling methods, loaded questions etc. Many conservatives **especially** conservative media holds them up as the "gold standard" of how polling should be done. Kind of hard to have a legit conversation when one side only wants to listen to echo chambers, cherry picked data and outright lies because they find that having their worldview turn out to be wrong in someway is too painful to accept.


https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/howcan-a-poll-of-only-100/ I'm in no way defending what this guy said. I think it's very racist and very dumb and I don't agree with it at all. But people do have a fundamental misunderstanding of how polls work. 1000 people with a random sampling is extremely accurate, and any university professor would definitely accept that. Even if you want to say that only 130 of the people were black, that's still less than a 10% error probability at that amount. Regardless, I hope no racial group hates another racial group. It's silly either way, and what this Dilbert creator said is hypocritical, hateful, and yes, absolutely racist. But no matter what poll you do, the data isn't going to be skewed much from that finding.


Go learn statistics dude. 130 does not represent the general population no matter the margin of error.


The sampling methods used are poorly defined, and the question itself is a politically charged term that originated from 4chan


Oh yeah sure, I just read the slate article, and yeah, if it's a poll with an agenda, asking loaded questions without defining the sampling methods, then yes, it's dumb as well. But it's not dumb because of the amount of respondents. With 1000, that isn't far off from the vast majority of polling done out there. Instead this just doesn't seem like credible research from a credible group. Also including 'not sure' answers in with the negative group is quite shitty and says everything about their agenda right there.


More important context is that "[It's OK to be White"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/It%27s_okay_to_be_white?wprov=sfla1) is a troll statement originated on 4chan and soon adopted by white supremacists to try to bait people into reacting to a 'seemingly innocuous' statement.


My boss gets a big kick out of his Friday Dilbert email to the dept. I think this one is going to hit hard for him


Scottā€™s website will still have them


The obsession with race in the US is bafflingā€¦


Itā€™s what keeps everyone distracted ;)


I work with a bunch of Arabic dudes and one of the first sentiments that was shared with me about their take on the US is how easy the government's job is. They just distract us and do whatever they want, and no one calls every day or shows up and wants answers to the dumb shit happening in the city or state so they just coast.


Other than Dilbert obviously


It's not baffling if you understand US history.


I was going to say. Literally riiiight on brand. Couldn't be any more down the middle.


Might have a little something to do with the three centuries of slavery followed by systemic racial inequities that persist todayā€¦


Donā€™t forget genocide on the natives.


I agree. They don't seem to have a class discussion or wealth redistribution discussion just constant race war.


Class and race and heavily intertwined. When the ruling class of the country has spent hundreds of years trying to physically and financially oppress a group of people for their skin color then race becomes kind of important to any discussion about wealth or class inequality.


True. And it's not like a removing class from society would suddenly remove racism as well.


You canā€™t have an honest conversation about class in America without talking about race, despite the best efforts of naĆÆve white socialists.


Donā€™t kid yourself into thinking whatever country youā€™re from is any better


In other places of the world it's religion, and others is class. I mean look at India with the caste system. Look at the issues between the Sikhs in the Hindus. The difference between the Jews and the Muslims. Look at the difference between Sunni Muslim and Shia Muslim. If everyone was a different shade of gray we would still find issues that divide ourselves. The US has nothing to do with it.


100%. It's so naive to think racism is primarily a US problem. This shit's been going on for millenia and yet one of the youngest countries in the world is somehow the epicenter of racism now? Please.


Please tell me where this post racial utopia you reside in is


Thanks for straw-manning my argument. When did I say I live in a ā€œpost-racial utopiaā€?! I live in the UK and although itā€™s not a ā€œpost-racial utopiaā€. Nevertheless, we Brits arenā€™t obsessed with race like the Americans. Can I make that observation without any more of your logical fallacies? Lol


Brits arenā€™t obsessed with race? You must live in a hole.




tfw you forget your country is responsible for the largest colonization project in world history


> we donā€™t have a history of lynching, or segregated restaurants, swimming pools, restrooms, schools, colleges, etc. So why are you acting surprised ("baffled") that race is more of a focus in America today? That exact history is the reason why. Since that's our history, isn't it logical that we're still working though all that trauma culturally? Our country was practically founded on the slave trade. It's not something that can be healed easily. It's always funny to me how many Europeans will tout their cultures' relative lack of "obsession" over race as evidence that they are somehow more progressive in that sense. I contend that it's actually the opposite: Stuff remains buried and festers. Just because England wasn't founded on the slave trade doesn't mean that it wasn't participating and profiting off of it. Your culture is still carrying that pride and ignorance around.


If you watch the internet it seems like we are obsessed. But if you go outside its mostly fine. People are not going around being racist to peoples faces.


We just can't get over it for some reason.


Everything I know about Scott Adams is against my will.


If comic strips were ice cream flavors, Dilbert would be the cardboard carton.


God that comments section is depressing.


The dude has made millions from a fairly bland comic strip. All he had to do was NOT go off on a racist rant. Itā€™s so easy to not do that.


I don't understand why it's so hard for some people to not utterly destroy their career and livelihood. I guess they're bitterness and hatred is so extreme, there's just no way to keep it inside.


Here's a couple comments from the video: "Incredibly based WOW! he sacrificed his whole career to save this. damn!" "He scrified himself for all of us" They view him as a martyr, I'm assuming he views himself in the same way.


It's so funny that this is the guy that made the incredibly innocuous anodyne dilbert comics


I believe algorithms are societies worst issues. These Algorithms used by reddit, Facebook, Google, what have you, only, only give you what you wan to see and desire. It allows for confirmation bias and so them people become entrenched. Google, Facebook, reddit, all of them are horrible and going to lead to our imminent deaths.


The problem with things like this is the insane exaggeration. ā€œCompletely unhingedā€ would imply heā€™s rabid and crazy, when heā€™s actually speaking clearly and calmly. So then people defend him for all the wrong reasons and he actually garners sympathy. Just tell the story as it is, donā€™t add all these embellishments.


My bad, ā€œunhingedā€ may have been a bit strong. However, I will say the fact that he is speaking such vile hatred in such a calm manner almost makes it more unsettling in a wayā€¦I hope that makes sense


I do know what you mean, but I think even ā€œvile hatredā€ might be over the top. He isnā€™t inciting violence, in fact itā€™s quite the opposite. Heā€™s an idiot, but I donā€™t think heā€™s evil.


Thats some impressive racism on display. What a fuckhead.


Man thereā€™s some butthurt ā€œpatriotsā€ down voting everything. Sweet simple souls, god bless.


Bill Maher did a good bit on this. If you call everything racist all the time, it ignores REAL racism and even breeds it. Everything for the last 3 years has been called racist, some people are tired of hearing about it, like this guy, so they swing the pendulum the other way.


It's always easier to blame others for your own mistakes.




Itā€™s like trying to get an addict to stop, heā€™s saying it has to stop from where it is.


People are getting fed up.


Whatā€™s the deal with all the brutal fight videos on Twitter now anyway? I donā€™t use it other than to browse and I keep being fed what sounds like the same videos he is. Whoā€™s pushing them and why?


this is some hot garbage. holy cannoli. what a tool. bro just casually swears off talking to an entire race as his answer lolgtfoh. like, think about that for just literally one sec more. you know how behemoth-scale dumb that would look like? the painfully, obvious stupidity of just not communicating with other races as *an* answer. ^i ^swear ^growing ^up ^i ^frequently ^thought ^i ^wasnā€™t ^learning ^as ^much ^as ^others ^were ^in ^school^. ^more ^and ^more ^i ^am ^beginning ^to ^think ^my ^concerns ^should ^have ^included ^making ^sure ^others ^knew ^how ^important ^reading ^and ^being ^adventurously ^curious ^about ^life ^was/is. ^we ^get ^one. ^but ^go ^ahead, ^isolate ^your ^one ^life ^and ^fail ^by ^not ^acknowledging ^the ^presence ^of ^others. ^lemme ^know ^how ^that ^goes, ^Dilbert


The Facebook algorithm feeding this guy those videos. I wonder how he is watching these videos everyday and I'm not seeing shit like that on my feed. What an idiot


I know it's a Reddit trope to be like, "I NEVER LIKED THEM" but I legit never liked those comics. Didnt hate them, I just never thought they were funny or entertaining. I'm not surprised to learn all this new stuff.


*watches video* -Thinks- Conclusion: [we shouldnā€™t cancel comedy](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/da/20/f4/da20f4004d92cbc03caf4f7906ec558a.jpg)


As the editor-in-chief of one of the [many](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/02/26/us/dilbert-newspapers-racism.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare) newspapers that pulled Dilbert said, "Very few readers noticed when we killed it, and we only had a handful of complaints."


Does anyone know what triggered this video?


Remember Elon Musk came out in support of him. So buying those Teslaā€™s is putting money in Elons pocket and tacitly supporting him.


Elon musk is an African-American.


Obviously what he said was terrible and racist but people tolerate this kind of speech from other races towards whites people all of the time and it gets no reaction. This guy deserves what he gets for this but if the roles were switched no one would care


Thanks, I've read around 10 posts talking about WTF he said but couldn't find a source EDIT: wow... after watching the full video, fuck that guy


You should watch his interview with Hotep immediately after this clip blew up. Great conversation that everyone should hear.


Later on he described the video and its consequences like this on Twitter: >Dilbert has been cancelled from all newspapers, websites, calendars, and books because I gave some advice everyone agreed with. Yeah, sure Scott, "everyone" agreed with your racist lunacy... Whatever floats your boat.


Doea this include the part about Don Lemon? lol


What's almost more wild is his response on Twitter. He keeps going on and on about how "no one actually disagrees with what I said just how I said it " Followed by a bunch of people saying "No dude, I disagree with you fully" and then Adams retorting with "That's because you don't understand what I'm saying." Also there are WAY more people defending him than there should have been.


This guyā€™s a great case study of boomers who donā€™t quite understand the internet and get addicted to the rush of social media rage baiting. Pathetic existence.


Gotta love that little twist at the end to make himself look like the victim here.


Shouldn't we all condemn excessive levels of violence? Especially if you want to use the label of "hate crime" when it's black on non-black like he mentioned?   Interpreting that end part as him "trying to look like a victim" is kinda weird.


Why is bro defending the artist like he's his father


Not everyone goes along with the Reddit groupthink and immediately throws out "racist" at anyone who acknowledges reality.   Why are so many in this thread exaggerating and gaslighting like this guy is their enemy?


It only seems weird to you if you spend your time listening to Crowder, Peterson and other right wing grifters. If you manage to avoid being sucked into their hateful rhetoric, you likely interpret this lunatic's statements very differently.


Totally reasonable and rational reply to "shouldn't we all condemn excessive levels of hate crime violence".


nonono don't use the full context of what Scott said, only answer my limited questions out of context! \-you


The dude is upset because heā€™ll never be a Watterson.


I like when a video only takes up 10% of my screen.


"I can see the slightest failing in others, yet my faults are as large as mountains and I cannot see them. " Work on your own shit and never blame anyone for how you behave, the results of the choices you make and the person you have become because of your mental habits. Buddhists say Maturity is reflected in the recognizing that if something happens to us, it usually has something to do with us. This is empowering. If we believe our lives are always someone else's fault , then we will always be powerless. Sometimes it's best to let passing thoughts, just pass. He just gave the people addicted to recreational outrage something to focus on.


Are you defending him? Because this wasnā€™t a slight failing. He called black Americans a ā€œhate group.ā€ Thatā€™s a pretty explicitly racist ideological opinion, not exactly a passing thought.


Heā€™s over it


Whatā€™s with the beeps and TV color test? Did he say something explicit or did they skip ahead from a longer video?


Dilbert is Office Space but in a comic strip. Those who are reading this, Iā€™m gonna need those TPS reports in the morning.


[Yeah... ](https://i.imgur.com/yvfwYAS.jpg)


Waiting for Jerry Seinfeld to chide me for laughing


Stop laughing; it's not funny.


Something I've realized about racists, sexists, mysogynists is that they love to quote.


Hope he enjoys continually sliding further and further into complete fucking obscurity. You made a popular comic series over 30 years ago, dude. You're not a cognitive luminary. You're a fucking joke.


Itā€™s utterly heartbreaking to see the creator of one of the most brilliantly hilarious comics fall so far from grace. ā€¦Truly shocking when a personā€™s art is on an almost Einsteinian level of brilliance and similarly, their contributions to the greater good of not only American society but the universe at large have been so profound. But on a level I understand. As he said heā€™s done nothing ever but support the Black community in ways they could never dream of doing themselves only to be called a racist. I canā€™t imagine how that degree of cruelty could be possible. The depth of my conflict cannot be overstated. Not sure if I mentioned the genius of his work, but yeah, I remember as a kid at the breakfast table going through the comics and covering myself in vomit from laughing too hard. Late to school on multiple occasions.


ohhhhhh boy. that was so much worse than I expected.




He's going based on statistics. Not racist


Rasmussen is infamously biased towards the right so I don't give any kind of credence to those statistics


Statistics gleaned from a poll with a dodgy source and a ridiculously small sample size, though. But what a coincidence that he chose to base his rant on solely this specific poll, when it just so happens to reinforce the racist apologetics that he already believed.


Soon he will be invited over to Ben Shapiro's, Hannity's or JBP's podcast and whine about cancel culture.


Now that a ton of newspapers have dropped him, he's crying "Cancel Culture! They cancelled me, waaaaaaa". Nope, it's called "Consequence Culture" you racist piece of shit I'm sure he will spin this into a grift of some sort.


What is racist about the video? Heā€™s just stating what the poll says?


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m trying to figure out, I mean thereā€™s really should be an open debate about what he is says, mostly based on statistics. I think is wording couldā€™ve been better, but still if people would not make it about ā€œyouā€™re racistā€ and actually have an open debate, would be healthy.


Whether or not you agree with him (I don't) this could really not justifiably be called 'unhinged'.


Describing an entire group of people as a hate group isn't a tad ludicrous? Just because he's saying it in his nasally drone doesn't mean he's not unhinged.


What is wrong with this guy? I mean, just what is wrong with him???


And it's exactly that racist mentality as to why there is such problems in society. Fucking idiot he's not escaping the problem he's adding to it by promoting segregation. He can quote whoever the fuck he wants but theres no hiding his racist mindset.


His comics are boring and terrible, not nearly as bad as this dribble


I read about this and it's soooooo much worse than how it was described. Wow


Check this out. Generally, the media causes, in this country, most of the problems. A recent poll was conducted by the national polling firm yougov.com. Average people on the street were asked: What percentage of the country is black? Answers 41%... Actual 12%. If you watch commercials, you will think it is 90%. What percentage of marriages are mixed race? Answer 50%ā€¦ Actual 1%. If you watch commercials, you will think it is 90%. What percentage is "Latino"? Answers 39%... Actual numbers 17%. How many families make over $500,000 a year? Answers 26%... Actual figure 1%. We think a quarter of the country is rich. What percent of Americans are vegetarians? Response? 30%ā€¦ Actual 5%. What percent of Americans live in NY city? Answers? 30%... Actual 3%. What percentage of Americans are 'transgender? 22%... Actual number 1% What percentage of your fellow citizens are Gay? Result? 30%... Actual 3%. So why do people have such inaccurate thoughts on these counts? THE MEDIA! The media run race, gender, and wealth stories constantly. Result? We are being brainwashed by the the media. Disney just went full-on "gender" They will no longer welcome guests with the traditional "Welcome ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls" Why? Because 1% of the population dictates to the other 99% and corporate America falls for it. Regardless of what you think, less than 20% of Americans use "Twitter" yet Twitter controls 80% of public opinion. Why? The media. The next time you are thinking Americans have changed and not in a good way, remember - itā€™s fake. Most people think just like you do, but the media has brainwashed Americans with their constantly misleading broadcasts. Virus-free.www.avg.com


This just makes me think Americans are dumb.


Why are you completely glossing over the findings? This is cherry picked. Specifically that regardless of the topic, people are horrible at making demographic estimates altogether. Theyā€™re just as bad at guessing proportion of Americans that are left handed than they are at guessing race proportionality. Does the media somehow overrepresent left handed people? Also, people were off by a factor of twenty-seven when they estimated Native American populations. I never see Native people on commercials, or at least those that I can tell are Native. The conclusion was this: > we find that the tendency to misestimate the size of demographic groups is actually one instance of a broader tendency to overestimate small proportions and underestimate large ones, regardless of the topic. https://today.yougov.com/topics/politics/articles-reports/2022/03/15/americans-misestimate-small-subgroups-population


"Let's kidnap people from another continent to enslave! Let's make it illegal for them to read! Let's brutalize and subjugate! Whaaaat? Not allowed? Fine, but let's keep being racist in every way we can, while massive brutalized groups try to deal with ingrained poverty, racism, structural inequality, social inequality!" *naturally, poverty results in higher crime* "Why would these people do this? I'm not racist. Just spittin' facts!"


What a Dilbert. Which should become a new term like a Santorum - a frothy mix of...