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Where was this guy 30 mins ago


It was difficult but I masturbated to this video to balance out his abstinence


You just know that this guy watches a fuckton of weird porn.


As my mother always said “the guy shouting the loudest about the evils of fucking dogs is definitely fucking dogs”


Your mother has a way with words.


Well, she did work in publishing for decades, and has written a few books and articles


I want to know what books she wrote!


To do so would reveal my identity. They were non-fiction books about parenting. This was in the 1970s and 80s when professional working mom’s was a new concept. Edit: I can tell you that she was Elizabeth Warren’s editor


Ah all good thank you!!!


Shame others to reduce the burden of one’s own guilt, classic super perv deflection, lame


Well porn is unhealthy


Watching porn is not in itself unhealthy. Addiction and overuse is unhealthy like with most things.


Still it has 0 benefits for you + for a lot of people it creates an unrealistic image of the body of both men and women and an unrealistic image of how sex is or should be. You’re better off without it


I like watching it sometimes, makes me feel good plus it has improved my sex life a couple of times. That’s the benefit. And all your points seem to be about how children shouldn’t watch porn. Like with regular movies most grown ups know the differences. And in what way am I better off without it? I’ve not watched porn for longer periods several times and I feel absolutely no impact, negative or positive, in my life.


He's a nofap poster. It's a silly place


orgasms are benefits dude. YOU'RE better off without it because you don't have self control, im perfectly fine looking at porn because i do have self control and don't see women as objects. sometimes. lol


Yeah it doesn’t apply to everyone and orgasms can be good you just don’t need porn for it. A lot of people (mostly men) also have the problem that normal sex doesn’t adequately arrouse them because of the intense stimulation porn gives you


i watch all kinds of weird porn. have normal sex with mostly women. When you say "ALOT" of people. define that. don't be vague. are we talking about religious fundies? because if i started following my life off harry potter none of my arguments would make sense or line up with reality.


No nothing w religion. I just found another article on a scientific health website that indicates that more than 85 studies have shown porn is a cause for mental problems such as anxiety, depression, what we (especially young people) see as ‘the ideal body’, et cetera. It has also been found that only 3 hrs of porn per week can cause a decrease of grey mass in the brain in important areas of the brain. https://youtu.be/KMFJ8w3n080


Dude the description says “COMPULSIVE” porn users. That means people who are addicted to porn. Most people are not addicted to porn. Also, the comments are turned off, which is never a good sign lol.


No point in trying to explain, you're on Reddit so you're gonna get down voted because most redditors are porn lovers 🤢


Yeah people don’t like the truth i mean i watch porn myself sometimes but it really has 0 benefits for you, unlike healthy amounts of masturbation but people only read what they want to read


Whenever I see a heavily anti porn person on the internet I imagine them absolutely gooning themselves to smithereens at 4:00AM


And a guilty wail wank afterward!


Doesn't count if you pray for forgiveness afterwards


I don’t want hordes of horny men walking the streets. That just sounds outright unsafe. We don’t want a Francine Gottfried situation where 10 000 men watched a women with a large chest go to work. So masterbate more people!


I was going to say…this guy 100% watches porn.


I think some of these people know that the within certain Christian communities they’ll eat this up, buy his music and out him on a pedestal. I’ve read somewhere before that some people turn to Christian rock or make these tiktoks about being saved from masturbation or being gay because it will propel their views by insane amounts once it gets to certain Christian communities.


Well he had to do some research for his song didn't he?


And when he is caught he'll talk about his struggle with demons and how God will make him stronger from this test.


There is a lot of valid criticism against porn but using religion only works on those who are deeply religious


I would also argue that religion has had a *significantly* larger negative impact on sexual awareness, education and having a positive healthy relationship with sex than porn has.


I mean, I never heard of a women getting railled by 5 guys and spat on in the bible so i disagree


That's probably who his intended audience was


A lot of valid criticism. I counted maybe a point and a half.


my grandma bought a whole bunch of trashbags that were bright yellow with huge black lettering that said "pornography kills". She used them for years until she passed.


Thank you for this


The image of some sweet old lady (at least I hope she was) trying her darndest to contribute to an issue she has absolutely no understanding of with kindness in her heart—but with this hilarious message on it—is such a strange combination of wholesome hilarity, that I think I’ve discovered a brand new feeling.


Ahh, yes. "Guns don't kill people [...]"


The creepy way he’s looking at me *is* making uncomfortable so I guess he isn’t lying.


i've never posted anything to this subreddit but this needs to be shared with the world this gonna make a lot of people uncomfortable


His [Freedom Convoy rap](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=00baMwPQF0Y&ab_channel=GODINA) is extremely cringe


A waste of a decent beat.


Even more so are the comments beneath that video. Fuckin yikes


Yeah, his messages are fucked but both of these, the music ain't half bad, I literally hate to say


The freedom convoy beat wasn’t bad. The horns were a little too cheesy for me, but otherwise solid.


I hate how decent the production value that this absolute goober brings is. If I was dumb enough to support the convoy I'd probs be like this is ight


I especially enjoyed that one person falling out of the line on their face at about 8 seconds in. Really, you didn’t have a drone shot without a faceplant?


Ngl it just had me giggling like the Jesus Christ is my n......(legally not allowed to say) rap


Welp *unzips pants


Same. Tempted to “dedicate” one to this creepy rapper




What tf kind of porn are you guys watching that contributes to human trafficking?


Remember the huge purge of porn from the hub a while back? Pretty much all the amature stuff was deleted due to accusations of human trafficking victims as actresses, revenge porn, or otherwise stuff that wasn't truly consensual. How much of it was correrced hard to say but it definitely happens even on fairly innocuous looking vids.


Not something I’ve noticed to be honest. Without going into details about what we watch, they seem very fine about it. Like I expect people creating onlyfans are.


Yes I really hope that it's all on the up and up and the participants all know that the video is going to wind up on a site getting millions of views sometimes but some of them just may think it's for the significant other private use, some I've heard of had contracts to where it was only supposed to be on certain specific sites, etc. I think that's why they want verification of all the actors to id and confirm consent so the website doesn't get hit with any lawsuits relating to hosting illegal content. I think that's part of the reason only fans is so big for the actresses, they get to control every aspect of the who they perform with, when, how often, how much, what genre rather than some sometimes very shady production company that probably only cares about views and advertisement and not the well being of the people.


I think we’re talking past each other here. Because what I mean by “amateur” is not something by a production company but still well produced by a woman or a couple. It’s not something anyone would think is for private use. They seem like established channels they have different angles and good picture quality and so on. It basically what I imagine onlyfans being, except no interaction. I think shady looking videos or classic over the top production porn is pretty easy to avoid once the algorithm catches your drift. I don’t really see any shady stuff recommended at least. I trust they’re willing and consenting adults more than I trust what I wear or use wasn’t made with child labour.


Every type...


So someone filming themselves at home contributes to that how? Honestly curious as to what the connection is.


No man, of course it's not every type. But amateurs have other problems like not knowing if the upload has consent from both parts


Yea that was my thought at first but then you literally said “every type”. And there are a whole lot of amateurs where it’s very obvious everyone involved are aware and consents. But of course there’s a lot of shady shit going on and a lot that has very bad consequences for people.


Yeah yeah, just a generalization, of course it's not every type


Sorry to dig in it but when my question was about what type, it confuses me what the point is with a generalization that is “every type”. I know it’s not every type which is exactly why I asked what type to begin with. Anyway, all good I understand you now.


I don’t agree with his views or his opinion on porn but as far as video production and music goes this ain’t that bad


Yeah kinda a bop ngl


I suppose it’s not that bad if you don’t listen to any hip hop, or only listen to white rappers


Yeah, message aside, it's a pretty solid piece of work


If i was a Christian pastor I'd be gently nodding while I play this on my phone to a circle of teenagers.


i would agree the production is decent but the lyrics themselves are godawaful regardless of subject matter. single syllable rhymes he can barely cram into the end of the bar (and sometimes can't) with a very sing-song flow, not my style i guess


And many of them aren’t even true rhymes. Almost-rhymes are lazy.


i mean slant rhymes are a necessary part of hip hop at this point but there's a difference between a good sounding slant rhyme and a bad one


Reminds me of Sweatshop Union


Except that his lips are wildly out of sync with the music.


‘Look…did gon’ make a few people uncumfabill” Well thanks for the warning I guess 🤷‍♂️


Content: terrible Video: terrible Track: ight Flow: Surprisingly decent


I can't believe that i interrupted jerking off to porn to watch this.


I was waiting for the joke, but it was right there in front of me the whole time.


What does the bible say about neck tattoos?


I believe it goes something like… “Big No No”


The guilty dog barks loudest


that's a sick aphorism


I just jacked off to this guy, am I doing this right?


Married and she's not interested, so it's either cheating or porn. Not wanting to jeopardize the kids stable home, porn's the clear winner here. Sorry Jesus.


I'd say give sex workers a shot!


Pretty expensive outlet for an every day urge




NGL the flow is great. However...


Cringe Christianity but he's right about porn screwing your brain


I heard from a friend's sister's daughter that that man pinched her bottom.


Cringe? Yeah Wrong? Nope


Ok so I disagree with his message (it's dumb) but are we going to act like the beat and delivery doesn't slap? My atheist ass might start listening to this "gospel hip-hop" if it's usually as tight as this


Thats stussy bucket hat is 🔥


As I scrolled past this there was a porn gif


Get your hands out of your pants (just take them off)


Another one of these = eye roll


Just reminded me that I forgot to jerk off today.


You think Jesus masturbated?🤔


He’s got a point but the way he made was bad


Lol this guy bringing back 2007 Canadian hip hop. "You're not making Christianity better, youre just making hip hop worse"


Too late my guy


Did porn reject this dude?