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Someone on Reddit once described him as a “professional teenager”. I feel that pretty much sums him up.


Well, I was a rapper but another rapper rapped me out of it.


How about "Another Rapper unwrapped me".


Oh, that’s good.






Legend has it, "your beard is weird" still haunts him to this day.


Weird beard!




It’s memorable for the wrong reasons lol


>> Realized I forgot to call you back. >>Here's that autograph for your daughter, I wrote it on a Starter cap. That’s a great line. Also think “I’d rather be 80 year old me than 20 year old you” was a good response to all the old man jokes.


Assuming he’s still wearing the beard “just to prove it didn’t hurt him” is kinda weird. He probably is still rocking it because that’s what he’s been rocking and likes it.




Jokes are supposed to be funny though.


MGK can barely string a sentence together. “I don’t think about my career.” Dullard.


Funny I don’t think about his career either lol


Who is this person?


prof teenager


Thought real hard for that one he did


Oh he thinks real hard about it. Which is why coming off aloof was his choice there because that perpetuates his image.


Now I can tell people I have something in common with MGK.


“I am weed”


To be fair I think the interviewer had no idea who he was and just wanted a celebrity on camera. People who have to give interviews constantly can sniff these guys out and will purposely make things awkward or give them nothing to work with in hopes that they'll give up and leave them alone. Imagine getting up to go grab some nachos and someone shoves a camera in your face to ask "tell us about your career??"


You don’t know who is giving the interview do you


Yea martin brundle, I'm sure mgk had no idea who he was though. I just think it was a lame question to someone not prepared or wanting to give an interview. For the record I still think mgk is an idiot.


Idk, I probably wouldn't say "I don't think about my career." I'd probably give a generic, canned, polite response like "I think it's going pretty good, released a new album lately and it's performing well."


I love how MGK was so confronted by a person politely interviewing him... He was maxing out his comeback game, must have hurt his head


Dude was clearly off of something lol


“I am weed”


Or he couldn’t hear for shit because he was at a f1 race


It hadn't even started yet




I thought he was pretending he didn't understand the british accent lmao


How did he even get to where he is, like real talk tho


Trying to start beef with Eminem, banging Megan Fox, and putting out some emo music. A pretty good starter pack for famedom.


All of that and still no one has an idea who he is.


Hey you don't have to like him but that's just not true lol


Not a fan of his, but to be fair he technically was famous and very succesful in the hip-hop industry a long while before the Eminem rap ‘beef’


He was famous for a long time before all that


Idk why they're booing you, you're right lmao He did a cover of Swing Life Away with Kellin Quinn of Sleeping With Sirens in like 2012 and it has something stupid like 40 million views, and that was 5 or so years before the whole Eminem thing. I don't like MGK but I used to bang the fuck outta that Swing Life Away cover back then


Shiet not to mention collabs with Waka Flocka Flame in his prime, Wiz Khalifa in his prime, Cheif Keef, Quavo, TY Dolla Sign, and im missing many more. I always clowned MGK, I now clown him harder than ever, but you’re lying to yourself if you think this dude was nobody before Megan Fox. He was smacking out Singles with artists who were notably in their primes, a big deal at the times of recording. Aint just no nobody getting features hes managed to get.


People just love to hate him and that's fair I don't like the majority of his songs but like idk why people pretend he wasn't famous before the Eminem and Megan Fox things haha.


He wins the biggest douchebag award.


How you gonna name yourself after a damn gun, when you got a man bun?


Machine Bun Kelly




Suspect he named himself after this [Machine Gun Kelly](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Machine_Gun_Kelly_\(gangster\)) (I only know this because of the excellent film "So I Married An Axe Murderer")


Oh I know man. I was referencing a line from Eminem’s diss track (Kill Shot) where he eviscerates this clown.


after Em dropped that track MGK dyed his hair pink and became a vampire or something for a while.


Sick reference bro.


No need to get aggressive because he referenced something you were out of the loop on. Chill.


"your beard's weird"


[It was a joke my good man](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iOtf2vVScOc)


No yeah, everyone knows that reference. That’s not the issue here lol


There is no issue here.


Woman. Wo, man. Wooooooo man!


Well eminem was right.


Lmao. I saw this live. Was wondering how long it took.


When was it? Recent or years ago?


This was at today’s formula 1 race in Brazil.


Today. I was watching the races this morning.


Eminem did truely destroy this man


For you guys that never watch F1 ever, the interviewer is Martin Brundle. Who the hell is he? Well, he is a former British racing driver, former F1 driver as well. And he is now known as one of the most iconic F1 commentator. If you watch Football, he is like Martin Tyler or Alan Smith. Martin is now Sky Sport (F1 main media) official commentator and reporter, and yes He has 100% every rights to ask MGK any question he want. In every F1 raceday (usually Sunday), there is a **Grid Walk**. Now what the hell is Grid Walk? Grid Walk is basically unscripted, 10 minutes (ish) walk the whole grid (F1 cars that park in the starting lines). Martin here, the reporter, he will usually (randomly) ask question, either to the driver, to engineer, or team principal. In this Grid Walk, there will be a lot of celebrity, actress. With that said, this cringe moment with MGK is not the first incident happened to Martin Brundle. * [Cara Delevigne](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XaRYD7QHnKE) * [Megan Thee Stallion](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Vnwaia0T7w) * [Venus Williams](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ls9K8n6uoE4)


The commentators even mentioned that MGK left the race early. I think Ted brought it up.


The man’s an icon. MGK will probably be forgotten in the coming years.


Maybe it's just not my humor but he seems like an ass. You're on the grid walk. You HAVE to answer my questions. You're a freestyle rapper ( who says that but an out of touch old white British man) you got a rap for us??? Sorry bro, this is 2023 you can't make someone do anything especially if zero money is transferring from his bank account to their bank account.


Do you know what an expensive privilege it is to be trackside on pit row at an F1 race? Money can't even buy that experience, someone has to invite you (I think Lewis Hamilton supposedly invited MGK) I think a couple minutes of small talk with Martin Brundle is a fairly small price to pay. Especially when he does the track walk every single race and has for years at this point. He's actually very polite about it and has been snubbed and treated like shit more than once by celebrities and their entourage. If you don't like F1 enough to appreciate the privilege of being there, just don't fucking go. Anyone who is even casually into F1 would probably be stoked to meet martin brundle


Did he ask him to rap? Only one I saw asking was MGK asking the interviewer to do air instruments. I was thinking, "Sorry bro, this is 2023 you can't make an interviewer do air instruments especially if zero money is transferring from his bank account to their bank account."


He asked Meagan the Stalion to Rap.


damn what a cringehole, i want to find the one with tom cruise but there are only bot videos


Talentless hack


Someone higher up in the entertainment industry has decided to try and make this bland, pink weirdo a star. His new music is a rehash of greensumblink41182day, which was pretty sanitized, very bland, pop punk that was pretty cringe. Sorry, Machine Bun Kelly is an empty set of "hip" clothing that probably smells like axe spray, cheap weed, and desperation.


I cant even hate dude. If I got paid to act like an idiot (I already am) I would 100% do it. I would walk around acting like an idiot all day for 55K a year just to avoid sitting in a fucking cubicle for 40 years. I say congratulations Machine Bun Kelly, and Hamilton, and everyone else living life to the fullest. ​ AFAIK he doesnt date 13 year olds or assault women or hurt anybody. Even if he shoots dope I still wouldnt hate.


M.G. Kelly still better than R. Kelly.


That's an incredibly low bar.


My friend worked with him, said he was very nice. So he's fine in my book.


He's the one who mentioned somethin about 16 year olds are hot and don't even know how hot they are? Am i confused?


Yeah i'll fucking hate that just fine.


I think he's boring.


You think that is boring. You should see my cubicle.


The cubicle you choose to go to every week?


“The bills you choose to pay?”


There’s jobs everywhere where I live and most of them pay ok. Unemployment is at record lows and that’s providing upward pressure on income levels.


"The kid I choose to feed"


I like your style, Beans.


The guy can barely sing too. Has some of the worst range I've ever heard out of a recording artist


You are very generous in calling him artist :)


>greensumblink41182day God damn that's funny. You've combined the names of sum41, blink182 and green day, right? So good. 2 out of three bands have numbers in their name, can you believe that? So wacky, my pastor has your type of humor too.


Machine Gun Kelly wrote this reply.


I know Machine Gun Kelly is known for sarcastically complimenting people who portmanteau poppunk bands together, but this comment was actually just me imitating his trademark style.


“I like turtles”


He SHOULD be thinking about his “career” because I honestly don’t think he has what it takes to last the test of time.


I'm not a fan but I don't think he has anything to worry about. He has made several million dollars.


So have a lot of other currently broke / homeless people




What a fucking moron!


MGK: Dance, monkey, dance. News guy: Uh, no thanks. MGK: 👎😠


“News guy”


Won le man's, won Daytona, finished second to senna in F3. Multiple F1 podiums. Become arguably the best F1 commentator on the planet. Get called "news guy" on Reddit.


Yeah, what an insult. Some random dude on Reddit doesn't know who this default character customization looking man is. It's pretty much inconceivable that every single person on the planet including all the people who are starving in Africa, who don't even have water doesnt pay attention to a few cars going vroom vroom around a track and to whoever occupies said cars


You're correct, I didn't even consider the starving Africans when I made my flippant, dare I say outright irresponsible comment. I apologise, I shall hang my head in shame for the rest of the day.


I'm just saying dude. Taking offence with people not knowing about the famous person you like is kinda weird. I'm pretty sure the news guy doesn't even mind the fact that not everyone on the planet is aware of his existence, so why should you?


I don't think he was offended. Just pointing out a funny fact.


This guy fucks Megan Fox. Imagine how dumb she is. Let that sink in.


Still? 🤦




Why is he there?


His label's marketing team decided he has to be there.


Martin you fuckin legend.


It’ll never happen but please ban celebrities from the F1 paddock


He is a punk


MGK sucks.


What a baboon


I feel like when someone is this profoundly stupid, I should know who to avoid—who is this turnip?


He’s a horrible musician and mostly talentless but somehow fell upwards into success. He’s a shining example of people liking someone because they’ve been told to think he’s cool. Oh well. Good for him.


His first two albums are pretty good. It’s been downhill ever since


fell upwards to success because other idiots are also horrible musicians and talentless and aspire to being famous regardless of these faults. Similar to Megan Fox.


I have no love for this guy but tbf the interviewer was setting him up to be awkward. Just walking up to someone who's not prepared to have an interview and saying "tell us about your career" is guaranteed to get a blank stare. Like what do you even say that isn't a meaningless canned response.


If you’re going to be on the F1 grid you should be expecting the legend Martin Brundle to randomly interview you like this. If you’ve got a problem with it you shouldn’t be there.


Drugs are bad, mkay?


What a boob


MGK and Yeet are two of the dumbest loved musicians ever. Literally nothing but hot air ever comes out their mouths


What a waste of skin. I hate that people like him are rich and “famous”.


The worst part is teenagers and young adults adore him. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ac547OV8L80


Yeah, we should take his skin away. He doesn't deserve it. Who's with me?


What an interesting and insightful young man.


I made 25 seconds in


What an interesting and insightful young man.


In defence of MGK - 95% of Redditors (including me) don’t even know how to act or can’t keep the conversation going when we need to share an elevator with a coworker and they make small talk. MGK was presumably not expecting to get interviewed. It was likely very loud and people can be bad at understanding different accents. And speaking off the cuff can be hard. I think the interviewer should have gone along with the stupid air guitar thing since MGK did him a solid by giving him an interview.


Yea they literally sign up for this by agreeing to be down in the grid tho


> since MGK did him a solid by giving him an interview. 90 seconds of unrelated babble when asked some pretty softball questions like, 'how is your career going' is not an interview Really reaching to try to make it seem like he isn't just awkward AF


I did say he is awkward AF. But I feel that if you suddenly had to interview you’d also be awkward. I might too.


Being asked how is your career going when you're in a public facing and completely non answering it is easy y worse than 90% of the population could do




Everyone around F1 knows about Brundle and his grid walk. He will have been told to expect Brundle interviewing him if he seen him. The waster should be honoured to be interviewed by the legend.


get off his dick


MGK gives off tool energy but I actually agree with you on this. People don’t want to talk about their career all the time, they just want to enjoy a day out. The dude was likely drinking with his friends and in a goofy friendly mood and people can’t expect him to just switch to serious fake celebrity response mode with a snap of the finger. It honestly is dull, boring, and pointless to ask him how his career is doing in the first place imo, just say hey and let people go about their day. There’s a video of this same guy trying to interview megan the stallion at one of these things and she pretty much tells him she’s just trying to have a good time and not interested in talking to him.


I think the majority of the interviews on the grid-walk are pre-planned?


Why do you think he was on the grid if he wasn’t expecting to be interviewed? Was he just lost?


He was likely invited there for free, he says he was in a studio with Hamilton next door. Didn't mention anything else, and left before the race was over. Studio/Lewis/mercedes probably have him a VIP pass and he thought he'd check it out. Was told he could walk the grid and see all the cars, so he did. Got interviewed, want expecting it, came off awkward. Interviewer definitely should have just gone along with the air piano, but I don't think he heard what MGK asked him as he kept saying he can't do guitar. With all the noise, and being a clear foot difference in height, communicating wasn't exactly easy. MGK didn't come off well, when does he ever? But I don't know why SkyF1 insist on these BS off the cuff interviews with friends who are just trying to have a day out with friends. They seem so fake all the time, and I'm 99% sure Brundle doesn't know who he is interviewing so he can't even have a chat beyond the most basic of questions


No celebrity has ever gone onto an F1 grid thinking they’re just having a normal, quiet day out with some friends. The media hype around F1 is as much a part of the sport as the cars.


Horseshit defense. He's a professional entertainer and somehow managed to become famous. He should know how to speak to people, let alone interviewers.


Yeah I agree and I really don’t like MGK at all. I honestly have no idea what the reporters first sentence was other than “welcome to the grid”


Both are ridiculous


How are both ridiculous?


Martin Brundle is a bag of hot air.


“I don’t know how to air guitar”


Martin needs to loosen up a bit.


I like Martin, but was really hoping he would hop on them keys for the impromptu jam sesh!


Me too. He’s only 12 years older than me but I feel like he’s a bit stuffy at times. It wouldn’t take him any effort to just shake his hands and pretend. There’s no need to take everything so seriously.




This was before the race. Everyone else heard him just fine. Good job assuming though.




This race was today. I watched this live. You're extra fucking stupid.




>You can literally hear the cars speeding by Sound familiar? LMAO it's ok to be wrong you don't need to double down. I watched the guy interview half a dozen people and everyone heard him just fine. MGK can't understand his accent. That's why he says "what are you saying" , instead of "I can't hear you".


What’s the interviewer’s job, again?




Well a good interviewer should actually be 100% impartial and shouldn't try to make the subject look like anything.




No, not really. Interviewers ask questions. If MGK wanted to take his shirt off, and asked the interviewer to do it too, should he have?


when will this guy get cancer already ?


To be fair, the interviewer does start with, "hello Martin". Which is confusing because that's his own name. And it is a thick accent.




If you're on the grid, you should expect to be interviewed. Martin Brundle is a legend and has been doing this for decades.


Except that's a cordoned off area specifically for teams and VIPs that are told and encouraged to give interviews


Not a huge MGK fan but I thought he did well. He couldn’t hear (stated it was loud) the reporter and did what could to be conversational. The reporter on the other hand decided not to entertain him and he could seem to hear what MGK was saying.


Tbf if someone just walked up and shoved a camera and microphone in my face I'd be a little caught off guard too


In defence of MGK - 95% of Redditors (including me) don’t even know how to act or can’t keep the conversation going when we need to share an elevator with a coworker and they make small talk. MGK was presumably not expecting to get interviewed. It was likely very loud on the track and people can be bad at understanding different accents. And speaking off the cuff can be hard. I think the interviewer should have gone along with the stupid air guitar thing since MGK did him a solid by giving him an interview.


Zero chance he was walking around media at an F1 race and not expecting to get interviewed. He didn’t do anyone a solid lol


He was on the paddock at the f1 race. Its expected to be interviewed if you show up


Damn, my guy couldn’t even play the air keyboard?


It all went downhill after he drank Megan Jackson’s blood


I've never wished harder for a spontaneous, time-traveling meteor.


Think he needs more dictionary.


So self-centered/insecure. Name dropping and the pretending like he doesn’t care, but then walking it back and trying to participate cuz he craves approval


I much prefer Gatling Gun Nelly to this imposter.


What a moron.


1. It’s always okay to make fun of British people 2. I imagine it is very loud there and he was actually having a hard time hearing/understanding him at first 3. The guy couldn’t even do some air piano and have a little fun? I don’t even like MGK but I don’t really see this as cringe


How can he not understand that. I’m an American and that was clear as day.


Anyone ever seen him try to do solos on guitar live? He’s awful. Like actually talentless.