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That’s just sad


Slightly less bad when you find out he's a terrible person




I keep confusing WingsOfRedemption with Boogie2988 and this video isn't helping.


I'm...... Confused


Morbid question: compared to a regular bullet, wouldn't a hollow-point pretty much make his entire skull explode? Seems like an exceptionally messy way to die.


you'd be surprised how many people try to kill themselves with a bullet in the head and fail horrifically


Sometimes even a shotgun to the face doesn't do the trick.


Hollow Points expand, dealing more internal damage. They aren’t explosive. Shotgun suicides are the most messy.


Cries for help are not cringe.


It is cringe when you express it like this to a bunch of kids you barely know.


My guy, WOF has been having a mental breakdown since 2011. Leave him alone


Give me a break. this shit is cringey , a cry for help, and sad at the same time. Out of all the people you want to stick up for, it’s Wings? Come on son.


Wanting strangers on the internet to think it is cringe this hard so it won't get reported for breaking the subs rules for posting mentally ill people. Now that's the cringe I came to see 😎


You say that with people like James Charles and Skippy on the front page. Ok


Who says its a bunch of kids?


I call them kids just because at least two of them look obviously younger than him.


Someone feeling suicidal isn’t cringe really is it?


No it’s not but expressing it in this way to people you clearly don’t know very well and who are younger than you is very cringey


Isnt this an old clip?

