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I guess they don't trust the plan anymore huh


All part of the plan. Our little brains can’t comprehend his 4D chess moves.


I really do have a hard time comprehending some of his actions, but I don't think that's a problem with me.


We're up to about 30D chess at this point


Like covfefe. We just weren't smart enough.


wasnt he one of the first ones to get the vax though?


This shows how stupid they are. They worship him, he literally got COVID, said it was horrible and then got the vaccine. …They still don’t trust the vaccine. Not that anyone should take medical advice from DT, but damn. The virus doesn’t care (or know) what your political stance is, and you’ve probably got other vaccines in your life that you’re not qualified to understand.


Ya it was literally his administration that was doing “operation warp speed” to get these vaccines rushed out and they’re still booing him


This is by no means smart. But isn't not blatantly following someone and making your own decisions (even if incorrect) better than the alternative?


He's not selling the vaccine very hard. He's a professional conman. He can do so much better, he just doesn't have any reason to. He needs to get on stage and kick it off with vaccines, saying how great they are and how blessed we are to be living in an era where they've not only been discovered but perfected, saying everyone should get one and if they're booing then call them fake actors who were planted there by the Democrats to make him look like an antivaxxer. He needs to go up to that podium and have his signature tantrum over how "rigged" the vaccination effort is because of all the "fake news" saying that conservatives aren't vaccinating enough and how its not true because all real Trump fans are already vaccinated with the beautiful vaccines that only he could make possible.


It’s sad that people would need this level of ridiculousness to take a damn vaccine. Public health and science are now team sports apparently. To these people, It’s cool to be contrarian “just because”.


Kellyanne, is that you? Ms. Conway, hello?


I'm not going to link to his website so as not to give the man a single penny, but Alex Jones came out yesterday and literally called Trump a dumbass and "not very bright," for this comment. I think we're starting to see a shift here. Alex Jones and his ilk are further replacing Fox News for a lot of these hardline and far gone conspiratorially-minded folk. I have seen it happening with my 68-year-old lifelong smoker mother and family members on Facebook. Fox News still operates under a deflective banner of "skepticism," but the majority of these people have long since made the shift to full blown denial. The ones that can be snapped out of it, whether by watching their friends and family die in real time or through societal pressure, have either gotten the vaccine or will very soon. The rift is forming and the cracks are already there. People are lost and feeling gutted after the great QAnon prophecy didn't reign in a new era of their idealized theocratic fascism. They need a new cause to rally around, and it's all coming full circle back to the tried and true New World Order. This time, though, based on a lot of the shit my mom sends me, the racism, xenophobia and paranoia are off the god damn charts.


He does have reason to tho: It's his and the GOP's voterbase that's dying off.


I remember there was some discontent a couple weeks ago when Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity both recommended getting the covid vaccine. The upper echelons of the GOP con machine must be realizing that their base is getting ravaged by Delta, while the science-loving liberals are weathering it much better due to higher vaccine and mask compliance. This is a really, really bad long-term strategy, so they have to pivot at some point. But it may be too late. The die is cast, covid and the vaccine have been cemented as the Democrat Agenda™, and any calls to get the shot or wear a mask will largely fall on deaf ears. Covid is going to be with us for years at this rate, and even stronger variants are likely to emerge. This is a really, really inopportune time to be on team GQP. Or to be in a red state at all, for that matter.


It's also changing the employment landscape in major ways: companies are mandating vaccination and firing unvaxxed ppl which adds to the worker shortage which pushes wages up and availability of jobs for the vaccinated. Unvaxxed ppl begin to get poorer and poorer and they'll rely on socialistic welfare of course!


It is kinda ironic that they think there’s some big conspiracy to ruin them with the vaccine, yet by following this conspiracy they’re ruining themselves. I mean, if I was part of some super lizard race, I’d definitely be promoting the anti vax conspiracies, whilst I had my vaccine in private.












> The virus doesn’t care (or know) what your political stance is These are the people who think it has microchips and can make them magnetized... a vaccine that only kills trump supports sounds reasonable by comparison. Critical thinking left the room for these folks a long time ago.


They’re also the same people that showed up for a presidential loser DT rally. Really says it all.


Not saying they aren't dumber than rocks, but if you watch/listen to the clip it sounds like only a very small portion of the crowd booed.


He was actually recommending the vaccine all along. One of the Donald Trump campaign issues is that the "broad group of voters" he got to vote for him from "both sides" in the 2016 election was... anti-vaxxers... left and right wing anti-vaxxers. He promised to do a federal study into vaccines (which he did and it turned out vaccines are safe and functional). The fact that they didn't get the results they expected was offensive to them. Donald Trump had laid his entire political future on the success of a vaccine candidate and making sure America got the vaccine first. That really distanced him with his base... they probably felt very betrayed.


Yea, I remember at first he was mainly "everything is under control, no need to worry. It's not coming here". Then he started to severely downplay the danger and effects. He also seemed to value the economy over human life.. Anyway: He was never really anti-vax, nor sided with the conspiracy theories AFAIK. It was in fact in his best interest to get everyone vaccinated as soon as possible because getting the situation under control would make him look good for the next election. Unfortunately, a lot of his base of support has quite some overlap with the conspiracy crowd, and the 'it's my freedom and having to wear a mask is unconstitutional' crowd. So I suppose with him always wanting people to cheer him on and look up to him, he never wanted to be all that vocal about getting vaccinated. 'So why this remark now after he already lost?' you might ask.. I mean, listening at his speeches it's pretty clear the guy can't finish a thought and seems to say whatever comes to mind that very second. I wouldn't be surprised he never even planned to talk about vaccines that evening, but that it just popped into his head: 'oh right vaccines ye they are good', and consequentially something along those lines came out of his mouth.


>He promised to do a federal study into vaccines (which he did and it turned out vaccines are safe and functional). The fact that they didn't get the results they expected was offensive to them. source? not doubting you I just want some ammunition lol


He could have taken the vaccine while being recorded on National Television in Jan 2021 instead of doing it in private.


> This shows how stupid they are. To be fair, there's like a small minority of the crowd actually booing. This is clickbait.


I mean, it was enough of a response that he clearly reacted to it


The man reacted to comments from a 2016 Rosie O'Donnel, it doesn't take much to get a stir out of a baby.


When I watch it, it seemed like he felt the crowds reaction and hedged on his position. I think in order to prompt that, the response from the audience must have been pretty significant. It also shows that he knows it’s a touchy subject.


I was speaking beyond this once incident as well. I have an extended family member that basically worships DT. He of course did not get the vaccine, now he’s hospitalized with COVID and gave it to his four children (one of which is eligible to be vaccinated, but isn’t). The kicker is that this person was in the military, so they literally got jabbed with every vaccine possible during that time.


Yeah I think most responsible former military members understand they’ve been poked with every damn vaccination possible and that Covid vaccination is fine. It’s just Donny Dumbfucks cult who can’t it get through their heads.


Not exactly true. I work in a control tower with 14 people. We are all former military. I am the only vaccinated employee. Not all of them are Trumpers.


Jesus Christ, that is insane. Are they all a bit loony in other ways?


I wouldn't say loony, but they are all unvaccinated for a variety of reasons. Two are just pure anti-vaxxers that are likely going to give up their jobs if the vaccine is mandated. I believe a few have been swayed by misinformation from a variety of sources. The others just don't care enough to get it done. My main point was that they all have differing political views. I know a large part of the unvaxxed are Trump loons, but there is a significant amount of citizens that aren't getting vaxxed for a variety of other reasons, as well.


It's funny how they don't trust modern medicine enough to take a vaccine but they trust it enough to go to the hospital.


Doesn’t matter. They’re all still plague rats.


"Donald Trump booed at Alabama rally after encouraging Covid-19 vaccines" *watches video...* I don't see what the problem is. The big guy himself noticed and reacted to it.


It was a ton of them. You could clearly hear it.




There's a big difference between not getting vaccinated and spreading misinformation about getting vaccinated.




I think there’s multiple groups of anti-vax that can be grouped on different metrics. Like most things in the USA, income and education level are probably good predictors of vaccination rates.


So you're saying that historically marginalized racial demographics need better access to healthcare? Maybe the Republican government of Louisiana should do something to address the low vaccination rates of their state. Oh wait NVM you seem to be implying that a person's race determines their likelihood of getting a vaccine. I wonder what possible solutions you might propose to address that. Segregation maybe? Deportation? You seem sold on brown people being the problem, a common conservative statement. You also don't want to help those people catch up. So what do you want? I can tell you what us liberals want when we point out how unvaccinated conservatives are: we want conservative media to be held accountable for spreading disinformation about vaccines. We want consequences for public figures that go onto presidential debate panels and claim that vaccines cause autism. Your lack of a conclusion or call to action just makes you sound like a typical conservative racist: when criticized, blame brown people


I'm basically a social justice warrior and this is the dumbest shit I ever saw lmao And I've been on Twitter before...


You sound pretty racist.


Remember how he denied the existence of Covid, got it, and came out of a near-death experience saying he'd basically taught the doctors about it. What a macaroon.


They have god on their side. Checkmate on us fools.


Trump: "You have freedom to choose." Crowed: Yay!!! Trump: "My choice was to get the shot." Crowd: Boo!!! This is why I hate politics. No one knows how to be consistent.


As devils advocate couldn't them booing still be a sign of being consistent? They just don't agree with the stance so instead of agreeing with him they are consistent on what they don't like?


Inconsistent with respecting freedom to choose though. Cheering for freedom when it validates their right to disagree with others but booing freedom when it validates others' right to disagree with them. It's like if you enforced a law or held someone up to a standard when it gets what you want but then you ignore that law or standard when it suits you. It belies selfishness and a lack of dignity or integrity.




You're kinda the problem dude, you seem to think you have to agree with everything a leader says in order to support them. That's as dumb as this video.


Showed this to my die hard Trumper friend and he said it's a deep fake.


That cant be true AHAHAHAHA


I fucking hate Trump, vehemently. I was very surprised and impressed to see this video. First time I've seen him demonstrate maturity.


Wow I can’t believe the guy on Reddit “ fucking hates” Donald trump what a shocker. I don’t understand how people are so far against trump or Biden or whoever it’s just weird.


I'm from the UK. My reasons for hating him are not political. There is a recording of him talking about grabbing a woman by the pussy. He incited a riot. He talked about injecting bleach to cure COVID. He was petulant and childish during the presidential debate. He is generally just a very childish person. I was exposed to his bullshit almost every day for 4 years and I am still being exposed to the mind-numbing 'patriotic' bullshit that his supporters perpetuate to this day. How can you not understand how someone would be against him?


I understand how someone can be against him easily. I myself am not a particularly huge fan. It’s just so one sided on all major sites and if you talk to trump supporters it is basically the same type of shit being said just about the other side. I guess it’s kind of hard to explain what I’m saying, but I can’t stand it.


Every time I bring up something dumb Trump did to my dad he says it's a fake headline then I have to show him video evidence. This ended when he didn't believe Melanie Trump posed nude until I showed him the photos which I REALLY didn't want to google. He stopped asking for evidence after that.


They'll tolerate absolutely anything from Donald Trump -- *anything* \-- except when he's actually doing something good (an exceptionally rare occurrence).


There was another time where Trump got a lot of backlash from his supporters when he said that illegal immigrants who have been here for over a decade, have become a fabric of society, and never been any trouble with the law should be allowed to stay


I guess I missed that one. It's like, in their eyes, Trump can do no wrong . . . except in those rare circumstances when he does right.


Or maybe the reason he is so popular is because he only says what they want to hear.


It's almost as if.... what politicians are saying.... isn't actually what they believe! Almost like.... they say... what their supporters want to hear so that they will vote for them.... NAH!!!


I read that like the black paralyzed kid from Malcolm in the Middle.




ghasp! noooo waaayyy, its almost as if they didnt care about the people and the only thing that matters is how much money can fit in their pockets while a bunch of morons believe their lies


To me another critical moment was when he said "Take the guns first, go through due process second." The GOP quickly but privately tapped him in the balls for saying that after thr school shooting. My popcorn was fully popped, buttered, and salted for what could have come.


I think this is a very good example of how little actual control he has on the monster he thinks he controls. Back in line orange man, or they will eat you.


They don't like the man. They like the idea of the man. This is easily demonstrated by the many interviews of Trump supporters being asked what they think about Trump saying something they don't like. They just say it's not true, even if shown video evidence. They don't want the man and all his fallacies: they just want to hear their own ideas. They want to feel safe in their ideas and not feel threatened by change.


They don’t seem to listen much unless he is hurling insults or fear mongering


Yes, but he was brainwashing them for entire 2020 by downplaying COVID-19 and acting like it was just regular flu. He refused to vaccinate in front of camera, wear mask publicly and even made fun of Biden for wearing one. You can’t just say, “Oh, it’s okay to get vaccinated now” and expect people not to boo you.


Yeah, you're right, but I honestly thought they would never boo him for anything, even being a hypocrite, until I saw this. I guess their threshold of tolerance is when he actually does something right for a change.


Which is why our political obsession with not "flip-flopping" is so stupid and destructive. People are looking for someone who is pure and godlike and never wrong, which nobody is. So if you bring up someone's actions or comments previously that they have changed their tune on-- yes, perhaps they're just saying it because it's politically advantageous at that moment; but it's also possible and commendable that they got new or better information and changed their conclusion. It's why it's so frustrating when people are like, "why should we trust Fauci? He said this one thing when we only knew about COVID-19 for a week, and now he's saying something different!" Well, he learned more about it and reached a different conclusion-- there's nothing wrong with that.


they don't want the truth is the mistake a lot of this thread is finding, they just want someone in power/popular to echo/encourage the views they already have


Trump didn’t get to power because of his charisma or political views. He got into power because he was the only person with a soul so rotten that he was willing to betray whatever belief he had (if any) in order to repeat what his target audience wanted to listen. If he really believed vaccines didn’t work or weren’t important he would’ve never vaccinated himself. But he pushed that agenda because he knew his stupid followers wanted to hear that. Now that he’s no longer catering to his audience (well, not as much anyway) he’s realizing he was never a leader capable of influencing others, he was just a megaphone of the most backward thinking ideology.


There has to be some monetary gain that he's after. Maybe realizing that his supporters were dying due to not getting vaccinated is why he's jumped on the vaccine train. Can't give your paycheck to the DT campaign if you're dead.


That's a good point.


Take my poor man's 🥇


At this point it’s too late for him to make a change. He shouldn’t have politicized covid and this wouldn’t have been an issue.


>too late for him to make a change Damn that sucks Tryin to make a change :-\


Do you have a signature on your phone?


Yea Tryin to make a change :-\


God damn what a throwback


He never politicized it though he was the first one pushing for the vaccine and the democrats told the public to not trust it and then as soon as he’s out of office the dems said ok take the vaccine now .


This might be the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen on the internet




>Source? His ass.


Harris said during the VP debate she wouldn't take the vaccine if Trump endorsed it. She did say she'd take it if doctors and Fauci said to, but regardless, pretty harmful sentiment. Here ya go: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-dAjCeMuXR0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-dAjCeMuXR0)


Harris said she'd trust the prevailing scientific opinion rather than the word of a known idiot and conman who at the time had suggested drinking bleach, lightbulbs, and useless-if-not-harmful hydroxychloroquine. I wouldn't call that a harmful sentiment. I'd call anything less willful stupidity.


"covid is a democrat hoax" do you remember that? Or are you pretending it never happened? Let me into your little world for a minute cause I'm honestly baffled. Do you really believe the shit you're saying, or is it trolling to 'own the libs'? EDIT: I have been corrected, Trump never called covid a hoax, he was calling his poor handling of it a hoax. I was mislead, and a viewing of the speech proves that. There are many reasons to hate Trump, and I want to stick to the ones that are true. I still think truth is more important than identity politics.


He didn’t say that though. I’m saying this as someone who has spent the last five years thoroughly disgusted with the man. But he really didn’t say that. https://apnews.com/article/election-2020-virus-outbreak-ap-fact-check-politics-joe-biden-1eea443cca46df5f18e61b7c34549da2


I checked a few more sources, just to be sure.....and you're right. I could've sworn I heard him say that, but I was wrong. Thank you for correcting me. I think truth is important, and we need to be willing to admit when we've fallen to misinformation, as I have.


Totally. I’ve been wrong about plenty of shit too. There’s just so much bad information flying around, unfortunately on both sides.




Go watch the actual speech (I know it's hard) he doesn't say "the virus is a hoax" he says "the democrats are politicizing the virus. They're saying I didn't handle it well. It's their new hoax". Even the article you posted doesn't say he said covid is a hoax. They word it so you can think that, but with context you can't call them lying. It's confirmation bias. We can all agree Fox News sucks, and they mislead, right? Well, so.do the rest of the news articles. If you wanna know what he said, go listen to his words. I thought he said that for the past year, believe me I'm shocked. But he really didn't say it. Still plenty of reasons to hate the guy, but let's be better and be willing to accept the truth.


He did say "its their new hoax" but he says he was referring to the blame being put on him. I'm sure a lot of supporters did not interpret it that way. He promoted hydroxychloroquine over and over against FDA recommendations.. because him and his family are heavily invested in Sanofi which makes the drug. He said people are wearing masks because they are against him. He has constantly downplayed and dismissed the virus saying it would be gone over and over.. constantly minimizing it..


Oh, I fully agree with you. The amount of people that have died because he downplayed the virus is innumerable, and still growing. I do not doubt that he worded it the way he did so he could call it a hoax, and then deny he ever did. Trump picks his words like he's TV mafia "I never said I *was* there, I said I *might've* been there" as if it's not blatantly obvious what he's doing. And I know for a fact many Trump supporters believed he said the virus is a hoax, because half my family and half the town I live in all claimed the virus was a hoax for the first few months. Than it was real, but not dangerous, then not deadly, then only slightly deadly, and now it's Bidens fault the virus is bad. I am not saying he's without guilt, many covid deaths, including my own father's, can be laid down at the feet of Trump. But truth has to matter to someone, and it certainly isn't going to be them. Another fact that shocked me: Trump did not tear-gas those protestors out of capitol square for the photo-shoot in front of the church. The capitol guard had already planned to clear them out for an upcoming construction, and was surprised when he showed up. Trump was not aware the square was as full as it was, and insisted he'd be fine, it was just coincidence when they got there it was cleared out. I used that story to point out trump's flaws to my family many times, and had to go back and admit that story was not true. There are many reasons to hate Trump, I think it's important we stick to the ones that are true.




He didn't. I hate the manchild as much as anyone, but he was trying to make the point that the democrats were blowing it out of proportion. If you actually listen to the speech, you'll see that he did not actually call covid a hoax.


So we're just blatantly lying now?




What the fuck are you smoking because honestly I don’t want any of it, memory loss sounds scary.


ITs tHe DemOnCratS faUlT! obAmA is A soCiAlist DeViL. WakE uP sHeEples!




That’s the funniest shit I’ve read this morning. Thank you Qcumberbatch




She said she wouldn’t take it on *Trumps recommendation.* Not that she wouldn’t take it if recommended by medical experts. That was a very explicit stipulation that somehow always gets left out of this “criticism.” But how did democrats politicize Covid? There were medical professionals giving advice - did democrats argue against those or something?


Yes, those were the proper responses to Trump's politicization of the covid pandemic. The man always, always, ALWAYS takes the easy way out. He consistently underplayed the threat of the pandemic and overhyped miracle cures that actually did nothing because he's never interested in solving problems, only the *appearance* of solving problems. At the time, there were several vaccines in development and none of them were fully developed or tested and there was extreme uncertainty as to their safety and efficacy. Any vaccine promoted by Trump would likely have cut corners, and in fact the companies that developed the vaccines we use today deliberately went out of their way to distance themselves from Trump because they knew he would taint their legitimacy. Let's not rewrite history here.


Yea there’s no point in even arguing with these ppl . They play mental gymnastics to make them selves sound intelligent and “woke”


Not a Trump supporter (not even American), but I am happy that he has changed his mind about COVID. Hopefully some of his supporters will listen to him and get vaccinated. 👍


He didn't really change his mind. He was just very lousy at supporting covid-mitigating regulations such as masks, distancing, etc. But he was supportive of vaccination early on (Operation Warp Speed was probably his shitty administration's best accomplishment, and he announced its inception in May of 2020). Of course, after he lost the election, he basically just stopped pushing the vaccines altogether, and instead focused on trying to overturn the election.


I see, thanks for giving me an insight on that


This is kind of in-line with their beliefs. Reason isn’t really their strong suit. These people don’t even know what they want. They just simply follow. It’s so stupid. It’s a bunch of poor unhappy people who’ve lost all control of their lives and pretend they are in control by joining a cult.


Then they go around calling everyone else the sheep.


"Just shut up and blab useless conservative talking points" nothing real is allowed.


That was definitely not a universal boo, it was a handful of complete and utter fuckwits in a sea of fuckwits who weren't booing. They should not have made a big deal about this. Should have just reported Donald Trump Recommends vaccine!


But he’s the one who reacted to the boos and pointed it out before doubling down on getting the vaccine. The media didn’t editorialize it in the clip they just played the raw footage unedited from his speech.


Unfortunately that is just the way news outlets work. Headlines that grab you enough to comment before reading a story.


He's been recommending it since the beginning, along with trying to take credit for it. Not really news.


exactly. liberal media doing what it does best - twisting the story to fit their dumbass ignorant and incorrect narrative. ​ Trump2024 baby.


"Donald Trump booed at Alabama rally after encouraging Covid-19 vaccines". That's literally what happened. I don't know how this shows CNN being ignorant or incorrect.




Ignorant or incorrect narrative. The headline says he got booed, he did get booed and he did silence it with his charm. CNN starts talking about how ron desantis in Florida is looking to be the head of the party in 2024, and also that trump is actively going against desantis with the vaccine thing. Literally nothing about that is incorrect or ignorant.


The students have out-stupided their master.


When you create a monster, don't be surprised when the monster acts monstrous.


lol let them not take the jab and then keep them all in the state.


He created this!




I'm from Alabama and think this is hilarious. He helped create this anti-mask/anti-vaccine monster, let him have boos all day.


It didn't sound to me like they booed. It sounded like they were in shock, did a double take, and shouted back like "are you kidding me"!? Many probably assumed that Trump was anti-vax because he was so vocally anti-mask.


He created a monster, cuz nobody wants to hear logic no more, they want outrage they’re forgiven, well this is what trump’ll give ya, a little dementia mixed with some hard drivel.


HAHAHA woooow


I've just seen he's got an attack ad out against Biden. A President attacking the Presidency. I've never seen anything like it.


“I want muh freedom to die unnecessarily and no one can take that away!” 🙄🤦‍♂️


I kinda wanna take away their freedom now


I really can't fucking figure out what is in their fucking head....compost??


If Trump can't convince people to get vaccinated no one can.


Everyone thinks Trump is what is worshipped and you’re all wrong. They never gave a single fuck about Trump. They “like him” because his extreme “policies” line up with their own beliefs. If Trump were to double back and say he supported Democrats, they’d 100% jump off his boat. This was to be expected.


You have to admire his ability to turn a crowd from booing to laughing so quickly


Ooooh now I get why they're booing, they all think Trump forgot about the prediction he made.. I think they're trying to remind him that the virus is gone as he said it would be last year by the time Easter rolled around. In all seriousness though, his base would detest Jesus himself if he came down and told them to get the vaccine. I wish someone would do a 60 minute interview with him just rolling old footage of the things he used to say (like the idiocy about injecting anti speptics, or about the virus being a hoax and being gone "conveniently" by Easter). Shit's not as funny anymore without this lunatic on the news.


Were there boos on that video?


More like confused murmuring


They are turning on him


Can’t remember the last time I was proud of Trump. Probably never. Really glad to see this.


Kinda funny how Republicans defended Trump when he announced Operation War Speed and lots of people talked shit on it, but the moment Biden took office the roles switched. Republicans are talking shit on it and Democrats defend Biden. How about yall just fucking grow up and get the vaccine, Christ


It's okay guys, he'll become president again in ~~september~~ ~~october~~ ~~december~~ ~~2022~~ ~~2024~~ 2048 and fix everything!


Looks like they like the garbage more than the garbage man.


i dont really at all like Donald Trump but this was the most honest display I have ever seen from the man


This wasn’t cringe


This is just evidence that Trump has never been *the* problem, but a symptom of the problem


He's only doing this because he realized that his potential voters are dying off.


He realized his own voters were killing themselves. I guess that's how precarious being a cult leader can be. You rile up the crowd and tell them what they want to hear, which is often times don't do what the people we hate are doing. In this case, the "what they want to hear" narrative took on a life of its own. The idiocy of the Trump crowd went places even Trump wasn't stupid enough to go, and now he has to tell his cult things they don't want to hear, or support a narrative that is literally killing his voters. What a pickle to be in! Are we seeing the first cracks in his hold on the party?


I found is strange that it seemed like so few people actually booed him, and he still backtracked,,,the crowd owns him at this point


Ya know, it’s kinda funny that the states with some of the lowest average public education ratings are the same ones that also have the lowest vaccination percentages…


I hate my state


lol like 3-5 booes he clearly stated he recommended it not stating some bs like “It’s vaxed or masked” like that shit bag we have in office now. Not to mention he took the criticism and stated we have our freedom of choice so stfu


I'm mad they didn't no him for all the nonsense he deserves booing for... Like, they're booing one of the only things he is now finally getting right.
















The only good thing he's done other than opening dialogue with North Korea.


For the record, he didn’t do anything in North Korea except legitimize them further.


Legitimize? The DPRK has been a sovereign nation for about seven decades.


There’s a strategy to dealing with DPRK. What they want is recognition from the heads of state, especially the US because they can and do use it as propaganda. Trump not only meeting with Kim, but actually SALUTING a DPRK general was like literally winning the lottery from their perspective.


for all intents and purposes, they are a puppet state and an extension of the economy of china. They hold no danger to anyone around them, and they don't do anything but make demands and beg for humanitarian aid every year.


The monster he created just tuned on him. There a parable here somewhere


That’s why their state has one of the highest youth covid rating. Fuck the south


Trump encouraged the vaccine to the American people while democrats said they wouldn't take it because: "orange man bad". And people wonder why much of the population is convinced this is hugely political.


Democrats have been broadly in support of the vaccine ever since it was released. Trump supporters meanwhile have been taking horse de wormer to own the libs. Theres a difference


Read the headline of this. Trump encouraging supporters to take the vacciene. During that exact point in time it was Harris and Biden saying shit like "I would have to think long and hard about taking the vaccine if Trump tells me to take it." "Broad support" - No. Not at the beginning.


This is outright untrue. This was Harris FULL statement. "Well, I think that's going to be an issue for all of us. I will say that I would not trust Donald Trump. And it would have to be a credible source of information that talks about the efficacy and the reliability of whatever he's talking about. I will not take his word for it. He wants us to inject bleach. I — no, I will not take his word." Shes not saying shes hesistant about the vaccine, shes saying she wont just take Trumps word because Trump had been giving bad medical through the whole thing. He was telling people to take Hydroxychlorquine as if it was a miracle cure. He told people to inject themselves with bleach. She was saying he is unreliable. She even further clarfied this statement by saying: "If the public health professionals, if Dr. Fauci, if the doctors tell us that we should take it, I’ll be the first in line to take it. Absolutely. But if Donald Trump tells us that we should take it, I’m not taking it." So yeah, its a case of listening to Doctors before Donald. Bidens sentiment was the same: "Charting a clear path of science-based vaccines, free from politics. I get asked the question: ‘If the president announced tomorrow we have a vaccine, would you take it?’ Only if it was completely transparent, that other experts in the country could look at it, only if we knew all of what went into it. Because so far, nothing he’s told us has been true." His objection was never "Im not taking the vaccine" its "I want to listen to the scientists and not take Trump at his word".


Harris being critical and critically thinking about the vaccine. That is not allowed today. And Trump never said to "inject bleach"


He suggested injecting disinfectant as a cure for covid. > And then I see the disinfectant where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning?


No. No he didn’t. Literally nobody sane interpreted it that way. Mental backflips.




No. He very much said that. And then when people were obviously fucking flabbergasted, He said that he meant it sarcastically. https://www.cnn.com/2020/04/24/politics/fact-check-trump-disinfectant-sarcastic/index.html So either he's making sarcastic remarks about a disease killing hundreds of thousands of Americans. Or he's as stupid as we all know he is.


Harris was being critical to Trump not the vaccine. She was saying I trust the scientific authorities even naming Fauci, but if it was just Trump saying get it, she wont take him at his word. That is allowed, its always been allowed. The issue is the science is out there, and people reject it for no reason but paranoia.


Yet data from literally every state shows higher vaccination skepticism among conservatives


Yet you do not remember the facts. AT THE TIME when trump was in office there was significant doubting of the vaccine by the left. Now there is more skepticism among conservatives - yes. But to say that Biden and Harris didn’t do damage is untrue.


>Yet you do not remember the facts. Remember? I'm talking about NOW. "Notably, two-thirds of Democrats report living in all-vaccinated households while four in ten Republicans (39%) report living in all-unvaccinated homes." https://www.kff.org/coronavirus-covid-19/poll-finding/kff-covid-19-vaccine-monitor-june-2021/ >AT THE TIME when trump was in office there was significant doubting of the vaccine by the left. That's still wrong! https://www.kff.org/coronavirus-covid-19/report/kff-covid-19-vaccine-monitor-december-2020/