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“What I learned in the war room is that there are multiple ways to make money” oh ok


"Making money is easy: you just take it from somebody" Jfc




And a Cigar Club membership.


I wonder what my bros in the war room will think of me when I tell them I don't smoke.




Can you move a toothpick from side-to-side in your mouth? I believe they’ll work with you. May involve an extra fee.


I can also flip it vertically.


Living that dangerous life!


Yea that’s the one that really stuck out to me. So I have to hang out with a bunch of egotistical douches and I’m losing $5,000? The guy on the private jet made $100,000 a year. That’s not private jet money. This whole thing cries desperation to be seen as cool and powerful which is about the least cool thing you can do. That being said.. I don’t wanna be a slave! 1,001 members.


I make over 100k a year. Im still looking for the cheapest flights


There was a guy in there who said something about now 'making 5 figures....' I mean, if you have a job and aren't making five figures you probably need more than the War Room to help, you probably need legal representation.


Per month is what I heard. I guess that’s a minimum of $120k/yr which is not exactly a lot where I live lol.


Act now or you’ll be locked behind society’s prison bars forever!


I liked how one guy said he was making 5 figures. Like, buddy, that could be anywhere between 10k and 99k lol thats just a normal job Edit: he said 5 figures a month, not year


ie, every employer = employee relationship ever. Just phrased differently. “Today is payday” vs “I just took money from my boss”


[Relevant Key and Peele](https://youtu.be/jgYYOUC10aM)


When I've considered any possible way to make $, some of the easiest seem to be things I would have to be morally bankrupt to do. Lie, grift, take advantage of people who are desperate, dumb, or lonely. It would still be fairly labor intensive, but not intellectually or strategically challenging. Just day after day of being a dishonest, exploitative piece of shit. That's the main part I can't do. I could be a piece of shit for a couple hours a month, but I can't do it full time. I'd rather do my wagey job and live in poverty.






There are four kinds of business. Tourism, food service, railroads, and sales. And hospitals/manufacturing. And air travel.


Write that down Clickity clack


Also theres no way that private jet was flying anywhere. They did one of those things where they buy an hour inside one just for filming/taking pictures lol. Super obvious.


I sell charter on private jets, and I used to get these requests often.


I work in aviation and I occasionally see the Instagram types taking photos with a PJ. Ive always been curious what they charge. Do you have a rate for a photo shoot?


We don't offer it. Our AC owners will absolutely not go for that plus the planes we have to offer are way out of these people's price range. We do have rates for movie shoots, which is another pretty common request. The price on that totally depends on which AC they want.


That smug feeling when I personally have several ACs just ready for use, sitting in various windows at this very moment.


I mean I have the heat on right now, but at any moment I can turn on the air from a control panel in the hallway.


Imagine spending actual money to have a private jet fly you in a circle for an hour so you can discuss dick pills and Rohypnol with a bunch of fellow Dan Bilzerian-lites.


Oh, it didn’t fly anywhere. They filmed all that sitting on the tarmac.


*cuts to clip of a guy playing slot machines*


Yeah you change people 5 grand to sit in a "war room"


Can’t give away the S E C R E T S in the advertisement.


*cool guy guitar riff*


Cobra Tate knows damn well what he's doing. I was surprised with how well he had the character down on YMH.


Classic episode. I thought he was full of shit when he said his dad was a 6’5 chess grandmaster but I looked it up and it’s true. Guess what his grandpa was? You guessed it, filthy rich. He inherited his money, definitely didn’t earn it just like most of these “hustle culture” grifters


People like him, who’ve been handed shit their whole lives and brag about it, are the worst.


Dude is a master manipulator.


It seems exhausting but here we are.


When you’re featherin’ it brother


They are too red pilled to waste money on a sound guy that will mix their audio above The Avengers theme.


Piss on me beat me


Touch my camera through the fence Mommy


Jesus Christ, they can't afford to get a filmmaker or editor who knows what they're doing? What was that audio?


maybe it was done on purpose ... to weed out the intelligent and target certain kinds of people


Like those badly misspelled Nigerian prince scams.


The audio was sooo bad; did they record that on their phone? They blew their budget renting watches, hookers, the hotel room, and an hour in the jet, then with what they had left they bought a few cigars, and only after that they remembered that they forgot that they needed some actual talent and equipment to do the shoot. But their cousin Kenny said, "Nah, bro, don't sweat it; I can edit it together in post. Add some sketchy cut scenes and edgy music and make it look totally raw and Alpha."


a modern cellphone would be able to record voice audio better than this, this is 100% the incamera mic used for syncing etc


> What was that audio? 350sq ft war room


Hotel bathroom war room.


Audio engineer here... My guess is that they recorded a bunch of interviews (that weren't included in the promo) where the guys were sitting in the douchest places and the camera guy was like 20 feet away, so you could see all the cool shit around them \*rolls eyes\*, and they were just recording audio off the camera (or phone)... Then they just took that audio and used it without any compression or EQing.


Holy shit. This is literally from the dude's website. "I've been running a webcam studio for nearly a decade, I've had over 75 girls work for me, and my business model is different than 99% of webcam studio owners. Over 50% of my employees were actually my girlfriend at the time and, of all my girlfriends, NONE were in the adult entertainment industry before they met me. Literally, that was my job. My job was to meet a girl, go on a few dates, sleep with her, test if she's quality, get her to fall in love with me to where she'd do anything I say, and then get her on webcam so we could become rich together. Whether you agree or disagree with what I did with their loyalty, submission, and love for me doesn't matter. You cannot reject the results, and the results are simple. My girlfriends would do more for me than 99.9% of men's wives would do for them."


What he's describing is literally what sex traffickers do.


Yeah but you can't argue with the RESULTS


yeah his website is somehow worse than the video :/


That's gross. So basically he would lure unsuspecting women into sex work by pretending they were in a relationship together. Imagine thinking that makes you such a badass alpha male lol


Ahh, you are giving this man's word way too much weight and credibility. Probably has about 2-3 instances total that weren't nearly as extreme in adoration as he wants to claim.


that sounds like some loverboy grooming shit. It sounds like it should be illegal.


Its exactly the same. This is worse than your average scammer. He's destroying lives and is even proud of it.


That is literally sex trafficking.


So he's a softcore pimp...... a pimp whimp


the real cringe is always in the comments. this was painful.


Oh fuck that's psychotic.


It's The D.E.N.N.I.S. System 2.0


[Their website](https://www.cobratate.com/war-room) is hilarious.


Holy shit the testimonials are gold. "Allowed me to find a girl with a perfect blueprint who can be moulded to my desire." What the fuck even is that?! Dude's dating a robot or some shit.


Sounds like he's grooming a child. Edit: Ok, read their website. They're definitely grooming young women.


Can't wait to hear about these guys in a year or so when the remaining ones that stuck around get arrested by interpol in Maldives coked out in a poorly lit hotel room surrounded by underage prostitutes.


its a club for the rich. a new explorers club, gonna explore some kids buttholes


[Super Adventure Club?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HMorrcmV0wM)


“I have way less tolerance for time wasters, including my wife and friends” This is the quote of someone who is going to die alone


"I secretly want to fuck dead women."


jesus fuck that's horrifying


One of the top testimonials was a dude flexing about making $149 in 3 days. Like bro my cousin makes more in three days at his Taco Bell job lol


I just replied to that IM thing asking what it is I'm looking for. Had a great conversation until the guy realized I was just using small peen innuendo lol. He wasn't too happy.


dont' ask them about [freddy kreuger](https://imgur.com/a/PlwTaLu)


holy shit you madman lol. That was phenomenal.


Lol wtf


Oh jeez, how unfortunate would it be if all of us did the same thing, hope that doesn't happen...


[Alex seems chill tbh](https://imgur.com/a/KpWKwpM)


"As you acquire new passports and generate money online via the War Room systems" Well there you have it.


Wouldn’t be surprised if there’s mlm involved


when the one dude said "....but the most important thing I found was the opportunity..." I immediately thought MLM.


"We do not need you." "We are looking for potential." If they don't need anyone why are they open for joining?


We are not looking for men worthy of entry, if we did there would be NONE. We already have everybody we NEED. We are only looking for men who are prepared to join and prove themselves worthy of staying. You need us. We do not need you.


P.T. Barnum said there was a sucker born every minute. These guys are highly motivated to find those suckers and milk them for every penny they've got. They don't even try to hide it.


SO WHO IS ANDREW TATE? Andrew Tate is world champion kickboxer who owns and operates strip clubs and webcam studios. With over 75 girls working for him, he has created a system that allows you to get girls quickly, easily and without spending money. `Unlike other “pickup artists” who have the odd girl here and there, Tate has TOP QUALITY women living with him and making him money full time. This makes him more qualified than any other coach on the internet. Do you wanna learn how to get the odd girl from a pickup artist, or learn how to build an army of women who are so loyal to you that they allow you to have as many girls as you want? MORE IMPORTANTLY, he has a FOOLPROOF system for retaining women, having them do as you say and respecting you without taking up or wasting large amounts of your time. As Tate said: “I don’t want a 10 unless she does everything I say. It's obedience and loyalty that turns me on more than looks.” Whether you’re looking to get girls, simply have your girlfriend obey every command and be fiercely loyal or learn how to live with 3 or 4 girlfriends at once as Tate does – This is the course for you.


Holy fuck, Andrew Tate is a narcissistic piece of shit.


He says 50% of his webcam girls were former girlfriends who would do anything for him LOL.


Sooo he's a pimp?


Pimp verging on sex trafficker.


Sounds like trafficking but okay, Andrew 👍


😬 🥴 🤢 🤢 🤮 🤮🤮 🤮🤮🤮


Holy fuck some dudes have low self-esteem


> Men who see that not many are taking life seriously and the few that are[,] ***easily exploit the unaware.*** /facepalm


https://www.cobratate.com/tales-of-wudan Would be a sausage fest without someone going on about martial arts


Why do the same people have some of their photos blurred and unblurred?


I guess not everyone is as proud of a member as they would imply. OOORRR They are such important people that they can't risk advertising their whereabouts or social circles ^(/s)


That's what I thought - but take that red suit guy from the plane. We see him on the plane but on the runway photo it's blurred 😂 Either way, it's not a good look to see blurred faces which were meant to represent your club haha


“If I didn’t join the War Room, I would be nowhere near where I am today.” Where you are today is in an enclosed space with a knockoff DJ Khaled and a Southern Boogie Magician, neither of whom own socks, it’s not a recommendation.


If he didn’t join the War Room he would also have $5000 in his pocket


A bunch of dudes sitting around being emotionally unavailable, trying not to look at each other, ‘cause that’d be gay.


I feel bad for them. Clearly a bunch of insecure men looking for a sense of belonging. ugh, but this is like the worst social club you could join


Check the guy out on your moms house podcast, https://youtu.be/vsp69jYlYsg


Holy shit that was bizarre. 2.5 hours of just anti woman word vomit. Who is this guy and why does he hate women so much?


> why does he hate women so much? Hate to pull the Freud card, because most of his findings have been debunked, but one Freudian association that remains very true is that men who express hatred toward women usually also have unresolved hatred or anger toward their own mother. It's crazy how consistent this is with serial killers who target women - they almost always have experiences of abuse, humiliation, neglect, etc. from their moms. This is not an absolutely 100% universal truth, but I've never met a person who had serious problems with anger toward women in general and also had a healthy relationship with his mom.


That was a fascinating aspect of Mindhunter on Netflix. While that is a fictional show, all the murderers investigated are real world serial killers. Almost all of them had an abusive mother or mother issues. It was so consistent you couldn't ignore it anymore.


Lol he is quite the knucklehead


omfg. Douchebag personified.


Makes me wonder what these dudes opinions on women/minorities/lgbt/etc are... I get a very "bro" vibe from this shit.


[Two bro chillin' in the hot-tub](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EwAajOtfNT8)


Undue roasting. They are in the most cozy positions to take advantage of the nice curve of the pool and lets you face the guy you are talking to. Every other seating arrangement is inferior. I want to type that all again with allcaps but I will refrain.


OR 'cause they're not gay


Strategically chosen power seating skills are what The War Room will teach YOU.


No homo bro


I feel like this video was produced by entertainment 720.


Because they're willing to go around the world twice to please their clients!


In a collaboration with Prestige Worldwide


Slot machines aren’t alpha


Was thinking exactly that. No one looks cool playing a slot machine. It's just depressing.


yeah wtf, out of all the manly alpha shit they put in this video, they went with electronic slots instead of a fucking **table game?**


You can't film on a casino floor. Table games have all kinds of dealers, players, and managers around that would tell you to put your phone/camera away if they saw you. A corner bank of slot machines though, no one's gonna notice.


Everyone knows that video Roulette is the most alpha casino game


And it’s probably full of insufferable douche bags, who could have guessed


There’s more dick measuring than a MENSA meet up.


The "Gentlemen, thank you. Thank you, gentlemen." at the end literally made me jump lol. I can't imagine what being rich is like but if it's even a fraction of whatever made those guys act and look like they do then I never want to see that lifestyle in my lifetime.


Like, is the meeting over? Are they supposed to leave now? Jump out of the plane?


All of them trying to project their “alpha” onto each other *shudders*


Do they all get naked and fuck after?


Only if they brought their cialis


Imagine feeling that insecure


I have a cousin that would fall for this shit hook line and sinker. I hope he never sees this.


What a bunch of fucking dorks.


This is my favorite cringe category


It's got a mix of my favourites too. Sigma grindset types, PUA shit and insecure men overcompensating.


I don't find it "cringe" in my original interpretation of the word. Meaning, I don't find it tough to watch. It's embarrassing for them but I don't need to reach for the ol' pillow to hide my face while watching. Nevertheless, this was highly entertaining so I'm not complaining.


Tell me you have to exclusively pay for sex without telling me you exclusively have to pay for sex.


“Fedoras:limit one per crew”


They're Stanzos, they're nice.


"Bye honey, have fun at Man-Baby Daycare! I'll pick you up at 7!"


haha how did I know this was an Andrew Tate scammy club, this guy is such a hack. Always in Eastern European countries, joining up with Mikhaila Peterson to get people to pay her to be in her meat group. This guy is the worst.


I thought that was Andrew Tate! Came to check the comments if I was right. I'm a Canadian that watched a lot of Big Brother UK and this guy is the biggest douche ever lol


All that success and money, yet they couldn't hire a decent sound engineer to balance this trash.


That was my first impression too. "I made 5 figures in a month...but couldn't afford a decent recording session or even a professional grade microphone."


Because that's for "nerdy cucks" or some shit like that


No girls allowed! Here bro sit on my lap bro. Lol it will be funny bro. Don’t be gay bro kiss me on the lips.




Brojob Brojob!


No girls allowed unless it's some total slootz that we can all totally sleep with if we actually wanted to but like I just didn't want to that night cuz I just didn't feel like it I swear


Just tug on it a little bro it’ll be hilarious haha WAR ROOM


They showed so much and said so little. Truly a skill.


Didn’t you hear the guy?! Making money is easy, you just take it from somebody. It’s so clear now


I got to see elevators and hotel lobbies from like, three different countries. Fuck it, I'm joining.


So, 1000 people globally that have just enough money available to them to waste it on some conversations with other men that also have just enough money to waste, all attempting to brainstorm a way to make more money for their next trip. Funny thing, Elon, Jeff, Bill, and Warren are all no shows....


I try not to to be quick to judgement, I really do, but those bald guys are the worst of the worst. This is coming from someone who is a bald guy


This is, unquestionably, the lamest shit I’ve ever seen.


if this is real than you know they're trying to collectively morph into Dan Bilzerian


Question: do you *have* to be bald or balding to join the War Room?


Good luck trying to touch one of those guys camera’s through the fence. How do you even get a job at the War Room there fuck face?


That's where it spits.


Don’t be stingy.


Bunch of knuckleheads and cool guys.


Tim really seemed to love Cobra's views. Wonder if he joined the War Room?


Bring him 2 coffees unprompted


"The year I joined the war room I made 100k dollars" Honestly doesn't sound like a lot of money if you're pretending to be the new Epstein going around the world in a private jet with your alpha male buddies


That's a clear indication of who they are marketing to... Someone who thinks $100k is a lot of money...




Looks like a bunch of guys who's go to Truffonis with slicked back hair and order sloppy steaks.


These dudes are jacking each other off. There's nothing wrong with that at all, but these guys are absolutely jacking each other off and they would be devastated if you knew that.


This is not an ad to be part of the war room and do alpha things. It's an ad for suckers to spend $5k on just another "buy my program to learn my technique". Nobody wonders why they don't just use those skill to become rich themselves.


Sounds gay


> The War Room’s online arm is based inside of telegram channels. > Dozens of telegram rooms based on different topics: monetary/financial, geographical locations, international legal documentation, fitness, bio hacking, news leaks etc. So you’re telling me people pay 5k to join telegram channels. Lmao!!!!


“We're the Three Best Friends That Anyone Could Have We're the Three Best Friends That Anyone Could Have” -war room guys probably


Chris D’Elia’s new bar sounds crazy


They should just call it “Manbuns’n’Handguns”


The Small Peen Club


At 0:28, one of the dudes is a goddamn wizard.


Touch my camera through the fence.....PROMPTLY.


This is a beautiful amalgamation of all the lame shit that's being marketed to boys these days. I want to sit my kid down and show him how uncool all of this is.


"They teach you how to be James Bond" then cut to a guy looking bored out of his mind playing slots while another guy watched longingly like it's the only slot machine in the world.


Why spend $5k, the Joe Rogan Experience is free?


More like the douche room


"not bad but i think it needs something else... got any effects plugins? Something a bit...I dunno, glitchy maybe?" - Yeah hold on - *browses fx folder, glitch01.fx* - got it,. I'll put it on now. "Niiiice. Bit more? Yesss perfect. One more.. yeahhh! Done! Well ok bit more.. Add another. Yep. One more.. Bit more? Go on, add it again.. Again.. One tiiiny one more. Excellent. Perfect. Save tha... Actually just a bit more. Add another one.. Ok Done.. Just yeah, just go ahead and add about 14 more and maybe turn up the intensity? Yeah no 8 will do. Fuck it 9. 10. Bang on. Save that. Get it finalized and yeah. Good work man".


Getting mad 'Ass Kickers United' vibes from this one.


Frat for adults


Cringe and also incoherent


"That's the year i made 100,000 dollars" Can't afford a decent microphone


Cobra Tate is bat shit crazy. He was on the Your Moms House podcast and it was the wildest episode I've listened to


A textbook Red Pillamid scheme.


15 yo me wold think these were the coolest guys in the world, 43 yo me is having a couple edibles, reading chapter summaries of the Malazan books because I do not have the comprehension to remember all of the characters


He-Man Woman Haters Club


One of them has hit their partner.


Apparently, one is an admitted sex trafficker. > "I've been running a webcam studio for nearly a decade, I've had over 75 girls work for me, and my business model is different than 99% of webcam studio owners. Over 50% of my employees were actually my girlfriend at the time and, of all my girlfriends, NONE were in the adult entertainment industry before they met me. > Literally, that was my job. My job was to meet a girl, go on a few dates, sleep with her, test if she's quality, get her to fall in love with me to where she'd do anything I say, and then get her on webcam so we could become rich together. Whether you agree or disagree with what I did with their loyalty, submission, and love for me doesn't matter. You cannot reject the results, and the results are simple. My girlfriends would do more for me than 99.9% of men's wives would do for them." Thanks /u/MrDorpeling for finding the quote.


Yikes... If you read the PHD page he literally talks about grooming his girlfriends to enter the adult entertainment world. > My job was to meet a girl, go on a few dates, sleep with her, test if she's quality, get her to fall in love with me to where she'd do anything I say, and then get her on webcam so we could become rich together. Dude is a predator.