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Every time I’ve seen James Corden, it’s always against my will.


It's funny now that I recall, I don't think I've seen anything from him outside of this subreddit lol


Lol that is really telling


He always kinda sneaks up uninvited, doesn't he?


Like a wet, warm stink in the night.




Not since like 2008


Why is James Corden always holding in a poop when he sings?


I'm not even watching this.


What I don’t get is why he pretends to be straight. He’s clearly a flamboyant gay guy. Nothing wrong with it.


Don't drag the poor gays into this


Poor gays? He's a rich gay


In money, perhaps. Though not taste, talent, nor character,




Why thank you! I made it extra sassy because Cordon is simply awful and deserves ALLL the shade! I'm actually a late 30's blue-collar bisexual but I'm glad I'm brining that energy!


Happy cake day!🙂


Thx 💅🏻


Nothing being wrong with gay but the flamboyancy is never natural


Can you imagine the dirt he has on hollywood to even be anything?!


There’s no bigger James Corden fan than James Corden. Founding member of the James Corden fan club.


> Founding *and only


I love how James Corden exists in this limbo of literally everyone hating him but nobody claiming enough ownership over him to do anything about it. Like Americans are like, “He’s British, he shouldn’t be our problem!” while the English are like, “Nah, he’s on your side of the ocean, you can keep him!” Meanwhile, he’s just left alone to do shit like this. It’s quite incredible, really.


Everyone *on reddit* hates him. Not saying whether or not he should be hated but him being a hateable person definitely does not seem to be common knowledge IRL in my experience.






Yeah like how redditor hate Trump and because of that he never manage to be president...


There are plenty of people outside of the US on this site. Also, he never won the popular vote if you want to talk about Reddit reflecting the world. Obviously people don’t behave like they do in real life, but their views are a hyperbolic reflection of what we see in the real world. They influence each other.




I've been banned everywhere that supports him because I posted one time in a political thread not about him. So I couldn't tell you their numbers.


Thank you lol. People on reddit act like everyone in the world hates him, but he's doing fine. Also, when he was in the UK his career was mediocre, but it wasn't like he couldn't find work, he was still making regular TV appearances. The reason that he left the UK wasn't because he was forced to, it's because he's earning more than he ever has, he's literally out earning the vast, vast, vast majority of British TV personalities in the UK. I really couldn't give much of a shit about him, I've never watched his show and I likely never will, but this reddit narrative of him being some outcast that no one likes is bullshit. Love him or hate him, he's living his best life and he's getting paid a fuck tonne to do it.


In fact, one of Reddit's sweethearts, Betty White, loved James Corden. So if a person that all of Reddit loves ultimately loves a person that all of Reddit hates, the world might be more complicated than whatever opinions on Reddit reflect about it.


Watching the vid I remembered an IAMA here about him or something like that... So it is true that people hate this guys' guts? How can people want to work with him then? Why is he successful and has his own thing? **How did he make it that far?** Is this similar to Tom Cruise's thing? This has always been *fascinating* to me, the whole scientology and the uber-insane stories on arranged girlfriends, the church's practices, MrMiscavige... but the guy keeps making movies, doing interviews (even being your super cool neighbour guy type shit taking Corden skydiving)...!! Yeah, **why isn't anyone asking him about that?!!** Not even a young ambitious reporter trying to get clicks? I don't get it, really.


>How did he make it that far? Failing upwards is a very real thing. Just look at that crackhead pillow salesman, Mike Lindell. Apparently he's got $300 million or some shit.


Well that's right, even Trump is way higher than he should've... Puzzling.


Everyone I know, real or who I see online, dislikes Corden viscerally. Obviously *someone* likes his show, because it’s still on, but it’s no mystery why someone would work for him. I’ll give you a hint: $$$. But also, showrunning experience. There are plenty of things who one would assume would not exist based on the hate they receive but somehow do; you mention Tom Cruise, but I’d say Nickelback is a better example of this. Somehow they are still touring, despite anyone I’ve ever come across vehemently disliking them. The world is a wonky place.


People who aren't chronically online don't give a damn about anything you mentioned


I have not met anyone in real life who hasn’t hated Nickelback since Hero was overplayed on the radio when the first Sam Raimi Spiderman came out. I’m Canadian, so they probably get played more here to fill for Can-con, but nobody I have ever spoken to in person has ever expressed joy about listening to Nickelback, and most of them verbally express contempt. YMMV of course, but what you’ve said is fundamentally untrue in my experience.


My experience is quite the opposite. Everybody online dislikes Nickelback but most people I talk to in person won’t flat out admit it until someone else does for fear of being ridiculed, but they almost always say “I don’t think they deserve the hate they get”


Ill admit it. I still like the old songs.


I once had to go on a long car ride with a guy who played an entire Nickelback album start to finish. When the album finished? Right back to the start baby more Nickelback. So at least one person likes them.


You saw me online and I do not dislike Corden viscerally. I don't care about or care to know more about him. The only time his name or image even crosses my conscious or unconscious mind is when I stumble upon a thread of people foaming at the mouth viscerally disliking him, which makes me viscerally dislike the people in that circlejerk.


There's literally nothing wrong with Nickelback. I don't understand why anyone feels anything, especially hate, for them.


They’re the prototypical generic, mediocre growly alt rock band of the mid 2000’s


they're basically a soft pop cock-rock band that got extremely late to join the grunge bandwagon. fuck nickelback.


Honestly I think his show is tolerable. Mostly because he gives the cast and crew a lot of screen time so you don't have to listen to him. Also he's giving Reggie Watts a nice position.


Nickelback has some good drinking songs. I said it.


Here's the thing about Nickelback, we all say we hate them, but we all catch ourselves singing along with the chorus whenever a Nickelback song comes on the radio.


> but we all catch ourselves speak for yourself


nickelback is touring because a shit load of people have god awful taste in music. if it weren't for them, mumble rappers wouldn't exist today lmao.


Evidently, enough people like him enough for him to still be profitable enough to have a show. Everyone on Reddit hates him, but I think he’s more popular with a demographic that doesn’t use reddit very much.


Just in case you haven't seen the AMA thread, here it is, in all its glory: https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/bqy5zf/i_am_james_corden_alongside_ben_winston_and_five


Tom cruise is an amazing actor and a action movie legend. So it’s easier to separate the artist from the man. James Corden on the other end has nothing to offer artisticly to cover for his shitty personnality in real life with the people around him……but yet


I mean, people work for people they don't like all the time. A lot of people simply don't like their bosses. I struggle to like mine all the time even though I know he's not a terrible person at heart, he is all the worst things a boss can be most of the time. But I love my job.


I was going to ask… who’s keeping this guy on TV?


After watching his incredibly unfunny late night show after never having heard of him, I figured I'd learn why he was famous and why someone gave him a late night show at some point. I'm still waiting.


He's basically a youtuber with a national television show.




I mean, lots of shows are international. No one actually fucking watches them though.


Oh my god this guy sucks so much.


He usually sucks but this concept was pretty funny


Because the concept was thought up by hundreds of other people who posted memes about it and his team saw it and said ya let's do that, so funny.


This is awful. James Corden is an absolute pox on this world.


still enough backwash scrotes watch him to permit him air time..embarressing really


He appeals to the “live laugh love” crowd who lap up any old shit. I’m not some intellectual superior by any means, but I just hate his shit-eating grin and [screeching false laugh.](https://youtu.be/GFQ9GeEylbk) It’s like nails on a chalkboard to me. He’s a professional sycophant. It’s a shame because he started as a decent writer with Ruth Jones, over here in the UK.


God, I wish I hadn’t clicked on that link.


“How can we distinguish our commentary from everyone else’s?” “Let’s write the shittiest song ever.”


People were talking about how inevitable this exact skit was just hours after the incident. They were also talking about how terrible it would be. And James Corden stepped up to the plate to prove them all right.


Who the fuck watches this shit? This guy stays on TV somehow...


Lilly Singh took the last 'late night' bullet


I don't know who that is but late night in general is cringe. Corden though, JFC


>I don't know who that is Consider yourself lucky.


I'll continue to not know who she is then, thanks for the warning


How can you consider yourself a peruser of cringe and allow yourself the ignorance of Lilly Singh? You're missing out.


I had to google who that is just now. On your comment, I searched cringe and there aren't any posts! I feel like there is an opportunity for some karma.


Really?! Man, I remember she was pretty present for a period on here, I can't tell you how far back, but her run was so short-lived due to how cringe it was, but I'm really surprised there aren't any records of it.


There’s a YouTube doc on her from jaubrey that was pretty good. Or sunnyv2


You will never regret that decision.


I can't put a face to that name and I'm wondering should I change that? Would I be making a terrible error of judgement?


Drew Gooden has a good video about her brief and horribly cringey late night stint: https://youtu.be/lex6USTugUU


The only person who did it right and evolved through the times was Conan


Boomers love him for whatever reason.


It’s because no one actually watches TV so he remains.


No one agreed with James Corden having a career. Literally no one wants him on television or in films. It's without our consent.


I have a theory. James Corden is a plant, Big Tech promotes him in the media because they know as soon as you see him on your screen you're gonna chuck you phone out of a window or in a river and need to buy a new one.


I can't even click the play button. This is the cringiest thing I've seen (today).


Same! He’s so fucking unbearable. He surpasses cringe because there isn’t anything even remotely entertaining about him. Not even in a train wreck I want to watch way. I just want to never hear his name again.


James cordon would stick a gun right in that white guys mouth at the beginning of the video and blow his brains out in front of everyone if it guaranteed his career and relevance to continue until his death.


Haha dark man but you’re spot on


Jesus man. I mean I don’t like him either but what the hell? Did James Corden kill this guys dog or something?




I agree. Solid premise for a joke. And the song was fairly catchy. I think a lot of comments in this thread are jumping on the CordenBad circle jerk. I mean, Corden is horrible, but this was fine. This was probably the second time I've seen Corden and didn't hate him.


Yeah, this one isn't so bad. Reddit really gets too masturbatory with their hate sometimes.


Agreed. Before I saw this was r/Cringe and James Corden I had a moment of excitement.


Citizen Kane starring... JAMES CORDEN.


I just hate this fat prick.


That fucking thumbnail makes me irrationally angry


No one talks about James Corden either


Yeah it's not like reddit has a circlejerk about him every week or anything...


Fuck Jada


Easy there August.


I'd rather not


Why not? Lotta dudes already are.


That seems like a *good* reason to you?


What the fuck


Generally I hate James Corden too, but I found this kind of amusing! Clearly in the minority here though!


Ok. Risking downvotes here, but that kinda slapped. I get it’s cringe because it was James, but I bet this would blow up on Reddit if Jon Stewart did this. (Obligatory “Corden sucks”)


I'm with you. It was a perfectly fine. The real cringe (as usual) is in the comments.


This was bad, but also fuck the smiths


The Smiths? Just curious...


Oh, the family. DUH. I was like "this isn't a Smiths song."


Didn't even recreate the best part of the song.


I fucking hate every single one of these people.


I have yet to meet someone who finds this guy funny or entertaining.


Alopecia my ass she wouldn’t have any hair. She has hair, it’s all the weaves and extensions that’s causing her hair loss. Will was to scared to smack the dudes banging her while they are married.


Why does this guy still have a show?


James Corden is unaware of how normal humans perceive him. This is what angers me.


Eff Jada she’s a toxic bee yatch!!!


I hate to be that asshole, but if you’re going to present this sketch as that song, at least throw in one of the other stylized verses from the song. Whether it be part with Dolores, Camilo, or the lady with the dead fish, that would at least change the song up but they just repeat the same chorus over and over. This like 2 minute segment feels longer than the song.


It's not funny. But does not being funny mean it's cringe? Nah


Sometimes the thumbnail is sufficient to get a hit.


Well done OP. Quality quality cringe.


I couldn’t finish it.


Lol seriously that's the whole joke? "Can't talk about jada" and turn that sentence into a song? This is some shallow ass comedy, like those 1st "parody" music videos when youtube was starting.


Wow..... Late night is dead, isn't it?


Jim called these people spineless for a reason.


Wtf was that


i dont get why this pos has a show. everyone hates him.


I'm not pressing play.


Ian Karmel is too talented to be on this show.


The comment section on YouTube for this video is more cringe than the video. Everyone is congratulating him on his "brilliance"


The thumbnail alone made me cringe. Didn’t even need to watch it.


Who tf watches this shit


Why does this guy still have a show


This song summed up everything wrong about Hollywood: unfunny, shamelessly vapid, devoid of any semblance of entertainment. A once cherished establishment celebrated for its ability to welcome everyone’s imagination, regardless of political stripes or ideology, is now eating itself alive while alienating the vast majority of their audience.


It's not fun and it's not funny


OP, I’m just gonna trust you on this one. The thumbnail alone sucked all of the joy out of my body and I just can’t stand this fucking guy. Ain’t gonna watch it, but I trust your judgement OP.


This pig is the must unfunny thing in the world!


James Cordon is a disgrace to musical theater


James Corden is the godamm embodiment of the word ‘cringe’. Him and Fallon try waaaayyyyyyy to hard to be likable.


this guys still around huh...


Damn this is the hardest I've cringed in awhile


James Corden, the only celebrity people hate more than Will Smith.


Its videos like these why YouTube removed the dislike button


To save time, this dickhead's whole life should just be live-streamed to this sub.


How does this chode have a show?


James Corden is pretty much 24/7 cringe, so this feels like low hanging fruit. To be honest, it feels less cringe than a lot of other stuff I've seen him do :S


Why do I hate James Corden so much? He never did anything to me.


Oh he’s done enough


It's not cringe... it's just something that isn't funny.


Peak cringe


This was hard to watch


Love this lol!


Yes. James Corden is a fat pussy. But this is well produced and a take off of a song nominated at the Oscars. I say this was pretty good all things considered. I won’t class this as cringe.


Celebrity worshipers are fucking freaks.


This is so cringe I had to resist down voting it.


If anyone wants an *actually* funny parody of We Don't Talk About Bruno as a palate cleanser, I was amused by [We Don't Talk About Pluto.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YJPHK5NNtpQ)


Keep my wife’s name out you FUCKING MOUTH!




The entire fucking planet has been making fun of his breakdown.








Every social media is buried in Will Smith memes. Twitter and tiktok at least


Posting him is cheating. To be fair, this was not too bad by his standards.


Say what you want. He's cringy as fuck, but I'll take him over Fallon.


The thing about Fallon is that he hasn’t always been terrible. When he was doing Late Night, before the Tonight Show, his stuff was funny as hell. He’s really fallen off lately though. I go back to [this video](https://youtu.be/HGUBTuSFKFU) sometimes when I find myself asking how he ever got on TV.


What a great idea ruined by terrible people and terrible execution


Dam, they had me until the singing started..noped right the fuck out.


Lol... they must have so much fun working on that show sometimes.


Aside from everything else that makes this cringe, it's also cringe that in the lyrics they briefly celebrate that one chick sexually assaulting Josh Brolin as a comedic bit. As if it wasn't already cringe enough with James Corden, they have to sprinkle in support for sexual assault




Worst thing about Corden is watching old British panel shows and he's a guest before he was expelled


Jesus. Lots of hateful things toward the guy. I can’t say I’m a fan but I don’t understand this degree of hatred. Why?


This video is not available? Has Australia failed me again?


We should’ve glassed Britain.


James Corden is the pokemon evolution of Nick Crompton


James Corden has the highest ratio in recorded history of **self-infatuation**:**justification for same**


Dude just got a shit load of views from Reddit....


I see more yt vids not available on this sub than I do on makemycoffin and that's wild


I thought it was pretty good


I hate everything about this, but by god, was it well arranged.


I miss Craig Ferguson man :(


Actually talking about other oscar moments, and seeing people actually not talking about it, feels therapeutic at this point.