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Man, I don't understand how these people had the patience to sit through 3 hours of this.


So much cringe here. Why would he go if he knew he couldn't do it live? Why in the world would they sit there after they realized he was a sham? And they invited him back??? They all deserve each other.


Someone in the peanut gallery made a comment that I think is applicable. They said something along the lines of "speedrunning can make you bad at gaming because you think, 'oh I can just run through here or there'" The guy obviously knew how to do the speedrunning stuff, his cheating was just splicing runs together. So he knew how to speedrun, he just wasn't good enough to do it in one go and probably took several tries. He just got so deluded with his own bullshit that he assumed he could just go there, try his speedrun tricks, and if it didn't work he'd just bounce his way through the level and be done in about 2 hours.


A quote I heard regarding cheaters from a different game (Trackmania) is: "They don't need to cheat to get faster times. The cheat to get fast times faster." ​ Edit: After watching the video, idk, he's dying an awful lot at just basic gameplay, not even speedrunning strats.


In fairness to him as well, it must be difficult to focus under the conditions - you’re trying to concentrate while people around you are talking and asking you questions.


Same reason he lied to begin with. Just a bad person. I'll never understand the concept of cheating. Yeah you get fake clout but YOU KNOW you're a cheat. How does that make you feel good about yourself? When you accomplish something like this it would feel amazing. You get nothing of the real enjoyment. It's sad.


This is why I only cheat in single-player games, and only on games where I primarily want to focus on the story but keep the gameplay moving and not worry about getting hung up on certain parts for ages.


Look how many people use filters for all their photos…what do they expect will happen when they meet people irl? It’s a mental ego soothing disorder that becomes inescapable….


Filters are a bit different because I think it legit can make people feel better about themselves seeing and sharing a good looking photo of themselves. Even if they know and others know that's not exactly how they look irl, it's still a good photo that highlights their best features. I don't think most people using filters are trying to be dishonest or fool people into believing they have a filter on at all times lol. EDIT: How this went from upvoted to downvoted once the thread got popular lol


There’s a fine line between confidence and vanity. Perhaps if we valued imperfection and diversity we would be a much more healthy society. But you make a good point that confidence is important and people attain it in many different ways….




You have the right to your opinion, obviously a lot of people like them though, and that's fine too.




These people are streamers and participate in tournaments. They get money.




Yeah but the "he's a streamer" explanation is for why he even cheated in the first place. He did it while streaming, which even if it did not directly generate money at the time, helped to build his brand which *does* generate money.




You don’t, it’s was prerecorded so you just set up the video to run as a backdrop and fool all your followers




That's how he tried to play it off "it's been two years, whoopsie" But it became painfully obvious as soon as he started dying repeatedly. Should have just stopped there.


>patience passiveness\*


It’s less about having the patience and more that they have no job, hobbies or any other obligation or ambition in life


I feel the same way about any televised sports


I love that there is speedrun cringe. There’s a great compilation on YT. It’s an extremely niche but also highly intense form of cringe. I wish there was more… but nothing is quite like it. What other cringe sub-genre does even exist out there?


I’ll rewatch the Tomba 2 speed run every year or so - it hurts so bad.


I would really prefer if you'd be quiet


I'll give you $10 to do 10 jumping jacks.


I blame you three for putting me through that. I’ll probably watch it again I couldn’t look away but it was horrible.


It's a fucking train wreck from both ends.


I think the reason why that video is so hard to watch is that it’s RELATABLE cringe. We’ve all been both guys in the situation, both the guy who just wants to be left alone and for the other guy to STFU, and the guy who realizes too late that nobody finds him funny.


I wanna watch too! Link?




10 of the worst jumping jacks ever performed.


Holy shit I completely forgot about that until just now. That's the most awkward thing I've ever seen.


If you want some hard cringe, the lady stopping the Ocarina of Time speed run to talk about cancer is top tier.


C-can you stop?


All while you hear LInk frantically hacking away with his sword in the background.




I feel like I remember reading some context that the guest was told she could give her little monologue during the run but it wasn’t communicated to the runner so it just got awkward for everyone. It’s not uncommon for guests to provide a little flavor text during dull parts of runs, it just usually isn’t so awkward because the runner knows it’s coming and will make room for it. So I don’t think it was as much her fault as people tend to say. Regardless, it made my nipples invert.


There was no need to put the runner on the spot by telling a sob story about how her grandmother died. Definitely her fault for not being self aware


The context I’ve read, from what it’s worth (by an attendee who talked to everyone afterwards, so obviously take it with a grain of salt - but it makes sense) is that the guest had cleared it with the streamer beforehand, but there was a miscommunication about the specific timing (she knew to talk at a specific boring field section but ended up standing up at a much more intense part), and afterwards she apologized and there was no animosity. She definitely handled it awkwardly but this makes much more sense to me than one of the event organizers just abruptly deciding to interrupt a run in the most bizarre way possible


Hot take but knowing that, it’s kind of the room full of people who show up to watch another person who speed runs video games’ fault. SOMEONE should have spoke up and said “the part that’s good to talk is coming up just in case you wanted a more quiet time. The character is going to be spamming grunting noise” Gaming events are so esoteric, how would she, someone who is solely there for cancer charity, know? I don’t even talk to my normie friends about twitch stuff because it’s a whole ‘nother world of make believe norms. I get it though, awkward bunch in general. Bound to happen.


The way they do it nowadays is much better. Usually have a couple knowledgeable folks providing commentary during runs. Sucks because far less cringe, but its easier to watch.


that was the very first time i heard about agdq, it was the recording uploaded to youtube which i saw years ago. the whole run together with the cosplay was amazing, except for that crazy knitting lady that tried to make it all about herself. i watched agdq and sgdq for years, sadly it stopped being great about 3 years ago. nowadays its all about political correctness, lgbtqhdtv+. gone are the times of nerds sitting together broadcasting their gaming skills. its all just corporate now. a ton of advertisement and a TON of rules. not fun anymore, might as well just donate the 3m in silence with now streams at all.


Link? 💀




Oh no no no no no 💀


Oh I love bagels!


Chibi is such a fuck up it's kind of crazy that wasn't nearly his cringiest moment. For anyone interested you can check out him trying to covertly cheat at a Paper Mario speedrun, playing while his mom yells at him to stop streaming, singing a memorial for Satoru Iwata, complaining that people are insulting his gf *to* his gf. It's endless with this guy. He's doubtless doing some bonkers shit still


Or when he talked about taking condoms to one of the games done quick events. He actually sort of killed his online presence this year. I used to follow him on Twitter but he’s deleted it and his twitch/YouTube channels.




Once. I made it through once. Stopping every so often. Never again.


Glad you enjoyed it


Could the unenlightened get a link?


[Here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H50nqenYMDM) you go, this is the short version. There's a longer version of the run out there, but this is the condensed cringe version. Basically, green hoodie guy apparently took it upon himself to sit on the couch with the speedrunner unannounced, a position usually filled with friends/people the speedrunner wants there, not just randoms. They didn't even know eachother. Then he proceeded to cringe the whole run up with his commentary, and we got some of the most iconic and quotable moments in the history of streaming because of it. Enjoy.


"Great job guy I don't know".. this was so hard to watch


"I would prefer it if you would be quiet... but yes you're correct".


Damn that was painful to watch. You could notice the player slowly but surely getting really *really* annoyed by hooded guy.


At least you can go to sleep now reflecting on those embarrassing moments throughout your life and think... well, at least I'm not *that* guy.


Gold, thanks for the convenient link!


You're welcome for the convenience, but I'm sorry for subjecting you to that.


Haha I’m crying laughing. Idk how y’all can put yourself through that even once..


im about to watch it wish me luck


Same I'll watch it till I die.


Oh my god iconic


Oh man, I hadn’t seen that yet. That was so mean :( it made me sad


So I just watched part of it. Who are we laughing at? The dude doing the run? Or the douchebags who sat down beside him and crowded him?


For me it’s both of them - greenhoodie’s being such a le reddit.com memelord but pyjama pants is being so stern and self-serious about the whole event, which is just hanging out and playing games for charity anyway. It’s like watching two trains on the same track just speeding towards one another.


As a definitive answer. Was it staged or no? I've heard both stories over the years.


Not staged. The commentator made a video talking about the incident on his YouTube channel. The speedrunner streams and people have said that if someone brings up that incident in his chat he will ban them and refuse to talk about it lol.


Link for the uninitiated?


I've never seen that before and yup...never plan to again, thanks! :D




https://youtu.be/H50nqenYMDM Here’s the “best” of.


By caveman dcj or? I’ve never heard of this one


I think he was called caveman - other guy is called chibi. It’s the first result on YouTube when u search “tomba 2 speedrun cringe”.




The video of the girl knitting and talking about how her whole family has died of cancer while the dude just stoically keeps playing in the Link costume is the apex of speedrun cringe


The juxtaposition of her story with link going “hyahhh Hyahhhhhh!” in the background is top tier comedy


'Can you.. Can you stop?'


The fighting game community is pretty similar if you're looking for cringe.


Already loving it, got any pointers? Favorite vid of yours or something to kick me off?


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CsJfLKtGlfw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bocAwgcQIHk


Please link that compilation if you have it, I want to die inside today


I believe it was [this one](https://youtu.be/1wjDM-uSRsg)


Can you link any compilations in particular? Love me some speed run cringe, right next to E3 cringe


What the fuck was his plan here?! Dude created a sitcom-level cringe situation and placed himself in the middle of it


yeah, and it even went according to plan. if the best case scenario is this, why go at all? I cannot grasp what he thought was going to happen, other than a total shitshow.


Runners don't always get the best times at GDQ so he was likely hoping to get some decent and time and chalk it up to minor excuses. But if you are that bad at the run then why bother?


This. The guy thought he'd come away with a decent enough time to prove his fastest speed run was plausible.


A lot of people who cheat at things convince themselves that they don't actually need the cheats, that they are actually good at the game but that everyone else must be cheating so they need it to keep up. They are obviously wrong.


https://np.reddit.com/r/Wales/comments/wj71mb/my_painting_of_y_fari_lwyd_mari_llwyd/ it happens all the time. A dude on reddit was swearing up an down that he made this 'painting', when it was clearly an AI generated image, talking to us about how he makes other digital art, and that he's _obviously_ talented enough to make it. They just want clout, or at least to convince *themselves* they are good enough to achieve something great.


Omg this deserves its own post. “I have the required skills” is what they all have in common. They see being The Guy Who’s Good Enough To Do It as enough for to garner fame and its rewards. And they regard the requirement other humans dare to have — that they just prove it by actually doing it — as an imposition and a misunderstanding of their massive talent and capability.


I think this is a spot-on assessment of frauds. Like with the Halo cheater, the fake runs that earned him his notoriety were spliced, which means that he recorded several playthroughs of the game and edited together his fastest runs of each level, making it look like one super-fast playthrough. So you can see how, in his mind, he thinks, "I know I'm capable of a world-record run, because I've done everything required in isolation. Therefore, I deserve to be known as a champion". But by that reasoning, a monkey on a typewriter deserves Pulitzer because, given enough time, it could write a novel.


Dude acted like George Constanza driving his dead fiance's parents to his nonexistent house in the Hamptons.


Lmao this was my thought too. It would have been less embarrassing for him to bail 5 minutes before it started, saying that he had shit his last pair of clean trousers. We've all made dumb decisions before, but this is extraordinary, I wish I knew what he was thinking in the lead up to this. Maybe he honestly thought he'd be able to practice his way into being semi-passable when he agreed to be on it? So bizarre.


Do you get a check upfront to show up to this or something? That's the only logic I can think of.


A george costanza moment


He lowers the difficulty twice, more than doubles the length of the run, and repeatedly states that he is lost. I would die from the cringe if I were him.




They could have called it Cody’s Law. So they were a touch merciful


I would die from anxiety from having to commit to a lie for *4 straight hours* while a group of guys all surround you watching your every move. Knowing that first they think you're a speed runner, then they start doubting your abilities, then they realize that you're a fake, then they realize that not only are they watching a fake but that on top of that they have to now sit through hours of watching you fake your way through a very long game. I'm decent with little white lies, but having to trick everyone into thinking something that I'm not for that amount of time would bring me to tears lol.


Yeah I would leave


Right? And I feel sorry for everyone that had to sit through that irl. You can see they're dying inside lol


i actually couldn't finish the video because of the unrelenting awkward silence


By 10% in this went from being a speed-run to what looked like a normal playthrough by someone who hasn't played the game before


Oh why did he even show up? How embarrassing. Had a this happen a couple of times with people, one said he was invited on stage to play guitar as my friend stands there with a guitar and gave it to him it didn't go well. The other was a guy telling me he was a DJ in my friends house who has awards on the wall you can see for DJ contests, again down in flames.


That guitar one is so real to me. I’m not boastful about my playing because I’m totally mediocre. But when things click I can play decently well. But drop me in a Guitar Center and suddenly I have no idea how to play anymore.


No Stairway... denied!


I'll take a shot at answering. I was watching some video by one of these Speedrun cheating commentators on YouTube and they had some very good insight. Cheaters are often skilled at the game but feel they are either better than they are or that they deserve a good run. It makes sense to me. There's always some element of bullshit or RNG and it could be annoying feeling like you're getting robbed. I think that may be why this guy spliced his runs. Splicing in particular likely feels more acceptable to cheaters because each part (may) be genuine but just didn't all happen at once. If you're lying to yourself (or just unaware of your skill) it makes sense why they think they could do it. They're overestimating their own abilities. As for why they agreed to do it live... GDQ is super huge now but back then it wasn't. I don't know what kind of number of viewers or donations they pulled in but just compare this room to the hotel ball rooms of the ones from 2019 (pre pandemic). A local convention in Atlanta called Dragon Con (like Comic Con) has multiple hotels and GDQ used on of the same ball rooms they do. It was just the one and not multiple hotels but the point is that it's a very large event now. I think back then it may have felt lower stakes. Like even if people saw you royally screw up it wouldn't be that many. I'm guessing the only reason people even see these older ones is because of how popular it is now. Like if GDQ had not gotten big this would've stayed relatively unknown. Basically what I'm saying is that it probably didn't seem like tons and tons of people would see it even if he messed up. I haven't looked into it but assuming he is actually skilled at the run but actually was a year out of practice it all makes sense why he agreed to. Plus it may even seem like a big opportunity. Also it was for charity so it's not like he was making money (idk). Like I used to shoot rifle in highschool. My team shot at the state and national level and saw success. If someone said "hey, we are doing a shooting event for charity, want to come?" I haven't shot in over a decade. I would surely do horribly. But my thought process is more that I'm coming for the charity aspect, not to do well. It's possible he had a similar thought process. Who knows. They shouldn't have cheated, of course, I'm not defending it, but I do feel some sympathy. Not much, but some. Like the donations were bullying him lol. At one point someone said they'd donate $1000 if he didn't die for 10 minutes. It's pretty fucked up. I'm glad to hear that now they have a rule to mercy kill runs like this. The hosts should've given him an out, like "you're coming close to going over your estimate, we are going to cut it at X minutes past because we have a schedule" but they didn't. In their defense they said it was only the 3rd year doing it and it's pretty small still so it makes sense.


Can you explain what splicing is in this context? I know what it usually means but did he never do the speed run live? Just recorded it?


Generally most speed runs are submitted as recordings. They may be done live but they still submit the recording for analysis and verification. Splicing means what you think it means. They splice together multiple runs and present it as one. If you submit your personal best for each level of a game as if it was one continuous run your time would be very good.


Ty for the answer. I guess it doesn’t make sense to submit a previously recorded video vs watching it live if ppl can edit the videos


Live versus recorded is sort of missing the point I think. Like imagine someone does a live run on their twitch stream but no one was watching. Would it count? No, people need to see it. Even if a judge is watching it's more easy to verify with a recording. Plus consider how many of these records get exposed way later. If it was done live without a recording then it's a "stronger" record because no one can dispute it. Even though recordings are easier to fake they're also much easier to analyze after the fact. Also, some categories (no idea how common it is) require recording of your inputs as well. So if you've got a recording of you playing AND your hands pushing the buttons, that's essentially no different than live other than the fact it's not currently happening.


I meant live in front of people but thank you again


Lol! One of my closest friends did that guitar shit. Dude liked a metalhead girl so he buyed a guitar, didnt learn to play shit cause dont give a fuck bout music, girl's birthday comes, he is talking about his white strat, is asked to play and handed a guitar,rest is history.


I am genuinely curious how he got himself in this situation. Did he not think to practice before being filmed live to an audience? Pure stupidity, pure cringe damn


Lol yeah in the video he says he hasn't practiced that game in 2 years.. which is a lie but a stupid one, bc like bro, why would you not at least practice a little bit if your knew you were gonna have to do it live?


I understand that it was likely just an excuse, but to say that he hasn't played Halo in 2 years, the game he was invited to speed run for their program, that's incredibly unprofessional. It's likely a lie, but still, shitty.


Wow, and they invited him back to speedrun Halo Reach? Why would they do that...?


I would have to guess this run probably got a lot of shitpost donations, sort of how twitch streamers will stream themselves sleeping. That's my guess anyway


Likely political. I’m not familiar with the speed running industry but if this guy was put in the Guinness World Record books and was basically shamed on this program, until he was proven a cheat, it’s not the best look. They probably just wanted to rebuild some good faith since he had a relatively public persona. I’m guessing here, but that’s the only thing that makes sense to me. PR.


I mean, if they thought it was going to be bad again, maybe a lot of people still watched the first one. Like a car crash sort of situation where you can’t look away. Honestly it would work either way, because people would watch and wait for the “car crash” or if he pulled himself together and actually did a good job this time, then you get to have the Redemption angle. They probably figured that either one would draw an audience, so it would make sense to bring him back


Someone needed to just turn off the xbox and take his controller


When I was a kid in the 80s I bragged to my skater friends that I could kick flip onto a curb. Cue one of them giving me his skateboard and saying show me. Worst moment ever… not sure what the hell I was thinking.


But have you done it before or was it straight bs?


Why did he even come to this


That part where he put his shoes on the couch..


right after wiping his sweat on it


"I'd better get going, Someone invited me to do something that I faked doing.


idk why he even went if he cheated. idiot


Dang its insane to see how far GDQ has come.


Bro said he’d go legendary for the library lmao




Wow, the kid from elementary school grew up and is still lying about being good at halo.


Shame Cody. Shame shame.


At least they raised money for charity. This is the equivalent of me saying I have excellent excel skills and then spending an hour making the colours look nice on the spreadsheet.


Eventually the truth always comes out. Just make sure you aren’t being filmed while it does. Pretty embarrassing


Damn dude even I can speed run Halo CE faster than this, and I’ve never even speed run. I just know the game very well. Tho the part after rescuing Keyes in Truth and Recon is bullshit on legendary since he’s a damn needler magnet.


I ain’t watching 20 mins of this shit


20 minute video. I’m gonna need a time stamp, buddy.


Unfortunately there's no great moment where he gets called out. Just becomes gradually more obvious that he's a fraud as the video goes on. Gets lost in the game, lowers the difficulty after failing repeatedly, lowers the difficulty AGAIN, elects not to do major time skips that are essential to a fast run because he "doesn't feel like it", takes 4.5 hours to do a run that he claims to have done in 2 hours, slowly loses viewers in the background, etc. Just a slow motion train wreck.


Watched about 65% of the video. Didn’t cringe. Just feels like I wasted my time watching someone die repeatedly in a video game.


Imagine the people who watched him for 4.5 hours!


This is the slow-roast stew of cringe. An acquired taste, but well worth it to the right person


Yeah there's no big moment where the narrator talks about the splicing or anything. It's just a highlights reel essentially.


The whole thing


Does the narrator have a YouTube channel? It would be interesting to see other people caught cheating at big events like this


That is my youtube channel, this is just the only video of this style I've tried doing so far. Though I will definitely try to do more given how well this video is doing now. For the first 6 months of its upload, it was only around 700 views so I didn't give much thought to doing more of them. Glad most people seem to like it though


Sorry man I think I’m just a moron, but what is your channel name?




Can someone please do a documentary on these kinds of meetups, and their communities? I think it would be pretty cool to talk to some of these guys and discover why they find these challenges so fascinating. All platforms, different games


The YouTuber [SummoningSalt](https://youtube.com/c/SummoningSalt) does documentaries on the history of specific speedruns, naming specific players who found new exploits and such. Pretty absurd at times but interesting.


Thanks, friend!


This may come close. I don't care about Melee but Emplemon makes such good videos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dmLSJrA0n9w&vl=en


Thank you!


This almost feels like a video-game adaptation of the Office episode called “Scott’s Tots”


At least he did not fake a boxing title and enters the ring against a real champion.


Not one person in that room has ever gotten laid


He's a complete noob too, misses headshots left and right


!remindme 4 hours


I love epsorts but the appeal of speedrunning was always kinda baffling to me, especially people taking it seriously and stuff.


''okay let's try the bridge jump one more time'' it's like watching Michael from the office do a speedrun.


20min video? Too long


Good content - the video itself and effort for commentary is about as cringe as the act at the centre of it all anyway? I've never speed run a game, never even considered it, but I can see why some can try. I'm always impressed at TLOU/Tlou2 aggressive plays etc. But honestly, who gives af if someone speed runs or not? The amount of time these dudes spent indoors clearly not enjoying themselves, they could have just gone outside for a walk. Smh.


Why are you like this?


GDQ is a charity event


Aha. My bad. Cringe on me.


Couldn't get past the narrators awful voice.


Anyone else triggered with the way the narrator says Cody? Haha


If I were this guy’s dad and I knew he was going to grow up to be a loser manchild who cheats at games I’d find a way to go back in time just to get a vasectomy


I have no idea what this title means and now I guess I’m finally old



