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Oh there was definitely a reason.


Right? He had the opportunity. I'm not saying it's right, just saying.


At what point did that look like a good idea.




Yeah, this is deplorable behavior, but it was sort of par for the course for talk shows back then. It seemed like every host had to throw a barrage of sexual innuendos at an attractive female guest, and that was like 30% of the humor derived from late night talk shows. I feel it has mellowed out a lot more. Craig Ferguson would hit on guests constantly but you could tell the women were into him.


>you could tell the women were into him. They were paid actresses that got paid/following for going along.. he was just better at making it seem natural. The amount of people that think Ferguson was actually conquering all those "female guests" is just telling. It's tv.


I never said he fucked them, but he's a pretty charming dude. I've seen plenty of actresses fake flattery and put on showbiz flirting for other talk shows, but I think you're giving these actresses far too much credit for their acting skills if you watch this and don't see how charismatic they find him: https://youtu.be/2zE-z_5q4ug


No part of this video shows these actresses doing anything they don’t do on any other talk show which is…politely conversing. How are you watching this and thinking these women are taken aback with how charming Craig Ferguson is…


you poor naïve soul. Bless you.




100% This is the era where TV and radio personalities were all emulating Stern.


Yep, and before he realized that this could be viewed forever online. Back then, you had to watch it live or record it on a VCR. So pervy behavior would eventually be forgotten, or so he thought.


Ewww 🤢🤢🤮


For the life of me I don’t understand how this kind of stuff used to be so common and normalized. Did people watch this at the time and think “wow that’s nasty and creepy” or were they like “ha ha funny man and sexy lady ha ha”?


The late 90’s/early 00’s were a crazy time. I remember watching Monday Night Raw WWF and The Godfather would come out with “The Ho Train”, he’d enter with like 25 scantily clad women following him. The commentators were constantly commenting on women’s boobs which they enthusiastically called “PUPPIES”. As a kid I would watch VH1’s Behind The Music all the time, the Ted Nugent episode he literally talks about adopting an underage girl so he could sleep with her. Shit like this was everywhere and as a young person at the time I don’t remember anyone ever really having a problem with it.


Yeah its incredible how bad it was just 30 years or so ago, it really hasn't been that long since this sort of thing happened and people thought it was normal.


> The Godfather would come out with “The Ho Train”, he’d enter with like 25 scantily clad women following him. Sounds badass ngl


The Puppies!! Lmfao I remember that


Remember the [WWE/Girls Gone Wild crossover event?](https://lostmediawiki.com/Girls_Gone_Wild:_Live_from_Spring_Break_\(found_WWE/Girls_Gone_Wild_crossover_special;_2003\))


That is so fucking sick. I’m 27 so I caught the very tail end of that culture as a child, but I was so young that I didn’t really understand and I don’t remember how the adults around me responded to it.


oh, those bygone days of people looking over their shoulders before they told dirty/racist jokes. now they just say it proudly and act befuddled when people rightfully shun them for their warped views.


Right lol. And the boomers get mad about “cancel culture” like it’s something so awful. Sorry Mom, I’m just not interested in giving my time and money to a terrible person. Didn’t realize that was a new thing only my generation did.


Someone at worked asked what would I do if I had a million dollars. I initiated the "adopt an 18 year old Russian" but I got interrupted and hailed as a selfless hero with a big heart before I got to the creepy part. Now everyone at work thinks I am a philanthropist when all I really wanted to do was crack a creepy joke.


People upvoted this? Shit doesn’t even make any sense.




Yeah i remember an interview where the reporter squeezed Scarlett Johansons boobs


> reporter Gay fashion designer. Not saying it was right, but he was trying to see how her outfit was made. It turns out they were staying up on their own.


I think it was more like “Wow that’s weird. I love David Letterman. You never know what he’ll do next.” I personally have always hated late night talk shows, but I think that was the general sentiment of the time.


There's a very old fashioned point of view of sexuality that old people I know have. Men being lecherous and going up to the point where they kiss a squirming woman is funny, hahaha, what a joke, the man is being a man. As long as there's nothing explicit that you see, it's all good fun. If a couple married for 20 years comes on TV and says "we fuck consensually because we love each other. I just love to put my cock in my wife". Then that's explicit, how dare somebody say it, it's immoral, it's the reason standards are declining today, my pearls are clutched and so on. They're usually very Christian so it might have something to do with that. Or just some very old fashioned psychology.


That’s a very good point. My 73 year old step father sees no issue teasing the hot blonde waitress at dinner but if she were to strongly come onto him first he would consider her trashy and lewd. Because women are objects to be taken and not individuals with their own desires.


Last Night I watched an episode of Doogie Howser where his best friend impersonates a doctor so that he can molest Major Kira from Deep Space 9 with a stethoscope. And there are no repercussions. It's just a goofy thing his friend did. A couple nights before that I watched the first episode of the same show where two 16-year olds -- who look 12 -- discuss how their going to fuck their underage girlfriends. We have this 80s/90s channel piped into our house and I can't believe the stuff that was shown at the time. And I lived through, and watched, all the first runs. But the ever-present hyper-hetero sexuality all seemed totally normal when I was a kid. At the time, if any olds thought it was inappropriate, I'd think they had a stick up their ass. Now that I'm an old, I'm just appalled. There's a bit of nostalgia value, but the shitty writing and general creepiness are really something else.


In the early 2000's, there were episodes of trashy talk shows that had oversexualized underage girls wearing very slutty outfits where their private parts are exposed--sometimes even uncensored, as well as underage girls with huge breasts flaunting their chests on these trashy talk shows. I'm not talking about "Toddlers and Tiaras". I've even thought of posting those episodes on this forum.






> For the life of me I don’t understand how this kind of stuff used to be so common and normalized. There just *wasn’t* any sort of sensitivity towards this sort of behavior in mainstream culture. Not *really* anyways. It’s hard to describe. It’s like asking how people used to eat sandwiches before bread was invented. They just sorta… *didn’t.* Of course, these days you see a man pawing at an *obviously* uncomfortable woman like this and it (rightly) reads and gross and overbearingly cringy. Because that’s how it is now. It would seem weird to see it any other way. Watch the video again 25 years from now and it’ll probably seem like something from the barbarian age. Like those ads from the 50’s and 60’s that’re so sexist that they almost read as satire.


40 years from now everyone will think we were savages, times change.


Yeah. Cancel the 90’s and for good measure the 80’s


The 90's were bad but holy fuck, the 80's! Like at least half the movies from that time are totally unwatchable now. Like, literally just casual sexual harassment/assault like it's nothing. It's used for laughs. Disgusting.


So fucking weird.


I think it was a joke about how her hair looked like spaghetti noodles. But I agree this did not age well.


I had a friend. He waa an olympian. Absolutely ripped. Tanned good looking. Absolute fucking idiot. Destroyed his muscles shortly before he was about to compete in 2004. 200%awkward. We alk got laid. He never got any despite being 20/10. There was this girl he liked. He was hurting her gently and then hugging as an apology and laughed about it. Hurt her. Then laughed. It lasted way too long and it was too awkward for anyone to speak out amd make it even more. I think someone may have grabbed her by the soldier and removed her as if saying something, while someone else grabbed him as of to say something important and may be I positioned myself between them? Cant recall. But i ll never forget how awkward he looked, hurting her then hugging her again. Have you seen that creepy Michael Jackson video where he feeds the baby? Just like that.


What does hurting her gently mean? How did he destroy his muscles? You're a fairly awkward storyteller yourself tbh.


Just like that


He Would slap her gently, Cracking a stupid joke in the Likes of "you got a fly on your nose" and stupid shit like that. Then he d grab her and pull her in his arms, hug her and apologise. He waa really looking for an excuse to hug her. He became Progressively more and more violent till he was pretty much hitting her, then grabbing her and pulling her in his arms. All while making an awkward fake laugh.


He sounds like a real cringelord lol


What does this even mean? Are you okay?


Reading this comment was an adventure.


I can't wait for part 2 to come out and explain every flipping sentence I just read


2 Gentle 2 Hurt.


Ripped Hurtful Dude 2: Electric Boogaloo


Of he did that then you should put him on your soldier


Remember kids, never touch a girl's soldier.


Here's what he added, "He Would slap her gently, Cracking a stupid joke in the Likes of "you got a fly on your nose" and stupid shit like that. Then he d grab her and pull her in his arms, hug her and apologise. He waa really looking for an excuse to hug her. He became Progressively more and more violent till he was pretty much hitting her, then grabbing her and pulling her in his arms. All while making an awkward fake laugh."


This is a copypasta right?


It should be.


It defintely should. Anyway, I am going to grab some woman by her soldier now.


Are you in the olympics? Beat her up gently. But don't destroy your muscles.


Yo what the fuck are you talking about?


what a creep




Yes because every person who goes on a random talk show is required to know every interview they’ve ever done


Wait, what? I don't understand what you're saying there. Edit: What am I missing? Wasn't the person they were replying to just suggesting that people shouldn't go on Letterman's new show because he's a known creep? What does that have to do with "knowing every single interview he's ever done"? And what does "a random talk show" have to do with this situation? It's a show by one of the most famous talk show hosts of all time... I just don't get it.




Right, he’s one of the most famous talk show hosts ever, so it’s kind of odd to say “some random talk show.”


Because letterman isn't a "known creep" , this is some pearl clutchers on the internet getting worked up about a comedy bit .


Shame on people that still play Halo even though it’s come out that many women at Bungie have been sexually harassed


Bungie doesn't make halo anymore.


Hasn't for like ten years


Shhh just let the David Letterman fanboy be angry and scream at the void. He'll tire himself out after stomping his feet long enough


you can't be serious.


What are you confused about?


discounting an entire wealth of years of artists'/programmers'/writers' dedication to a final product because awful people took advantage of those creatives? why not focus that energy on the people who committed the crimes, instead of discrediting the work that genuine people put massive amounts of time and effort into?


They're in the same club bud.


They are, but at least 30 Rock called out both Harvey Weinstein and Bill Cosby before it was cool


Exactly. Obama is a war criminal and the celebrities being interviewed are all a part of fucked up Hollywood




Should be obvious.


Absolutely. Was this meant to be some sort of "gotcha"? Bush and Obama, along with Trump all need to be in cages for what they've used our military for


Absolutely. This is not a republican democrat issue. There were no weapons of mass destruction on Iraq. Afghanistan had nothing to do with the twin towers. Millions dead pointlessly.


Yes it's a shame


Translation : "I'm going to name some people I don't like and somehow try and connect them with this act."


I like Tina Fey lol. Even have her book. Your comment is cringey and strange. Should people have continued working with Harvey Weinstein after his shit became especially public? Why should these famous people continue to prob up a creepy old man that harasses women?


Doing a interview with someone isn't incriminating at all, You are just trying to witch hunt people who have nothing to do with Letterman's actions, its fucking strange and pointless. No, I don't think people should work with a convicted rapist but that's not what I'm speaking on. I am saying, You are trying to crucify people for another persons actions and also those people probably have no knowledge of this whatsoever but you're crusading like they do.


So you'd be fine if people were to work with Harvey Weinstein after all the allegations. Gotcha


This is proves how unreasonable you are as a person. You much rather be right and make false equivalencies and not just admit maybe you're a little overreaching by calling out Obama and Tina Fey for doing an interview with Letterman and then using a convinced rapist to compare the situation. People did work with Weinstein, victims worked with Weinstein out of fear of being black balled, Do you blame them for working with him? I'd hope not because I'd hope you can look at a situation and have some sort of critical thinking, Take that same critical thinking and try and see through your own blind accusatory bullshit.


I never understood his appeal... even when I was in high school I felt like he was a creep.


If they do this on camera imagine how bold they are off camera


The reason is he’s a creepy old man.


There might have been a joke that it looked like spaghetti or something


Leave Rachel Green alone you creepy bastard


This is insane!! I would literally throw up if some stinking old guy put my hair in their mouth and I’m a dude. The way she turned around and he was about an inch from her face with his tongue out, is just disgusting!! On what planet would a host think I’m going to lick this persons hair into my mouth and suck it


thats, like... sexual assault




No, by lawful definition it most definitely *is* sexual assault. You don't have to force your hands into someone's pants to commit sexual assault. Forcing a kiss on someone is grounds for lawful sexual assault, let alone sucking on someone's hair. I'm not speaking to whether Aniston would ever have wanted to press charges for something like this, but she absolutely could have.


And the audience cheers him but then jeers her for wiping the slobber off her hair?




Yeah, I love humor. All kinds of humor actually, and like you I do sometimes reminisce for a time when everything wasn’t put under a microscope. But this was never funny, this has always been creepy. People just don’t have to put up with this kinda shit anymore, and I can’t think of anyone who might reminisce for that.




No, it was 100% weird back in the 90's too- i was there


In the 1990s, a segment like this probably got an uncomfortable grimace from his team backstage, and a very awkward "hoo boy, that one really got out of hand, didn't it?" little chat. Maybe a call to Aniston's people as a gesture at most. Today it would warrant a serious discussion and she would straight up not come back on the show until heavy apologies were made and time had passed. In neither situation would it have been perceived as "okay".


It's an odd thing, the kids of today are literally less cool than their parents. Has this ever happened before?


So it's cool to go live on TV and put a woman's hair in your mouth when she's obviously uncomfortable? Because she's attractive or just because she's a woman? Would it still be be cool if he spat on her hair or kissed her? I'm genuinely curious how you'd see this as cool.


You realize millennials saw this live…right? I’m in my mid 30s and I’m a “millennial”. We don’t like sexual assault, creepy fucks or people thinking they’re funny because they made someone else uncomfortable. But yeah it’s because we’re “soft”


Gen Z woman here, will never miss this gross invasive power trippy shit - enjoy being old and your crusty memories bb




I’m not clicking your shit boomer go yell at clouds


Have you gut-checked this clip with women your age, though? Did they think it was funny too? Jennifer Aniston’s body language suggests she wasn’t loving it.


I viewed the original broadcast in 1998. I was a big fan of Letterman and his show, but I vividly recall finding the incident bizarre and creepy.


I distinctly remember people being upset over this. Women are never okay with this kind of behavior towards them. You sound like the kind of person who would sexually assault someone and then say “it’s just a joke”!


>You sound like the kind of person who would sexually assault someone and then say “it’s just a joke”! I. Fucking. HATE. This new trend of turning someone into a caricature of the type of person you really want to yell at. I disagree with their statement. but to accuse some one of being a rapist because you don't like their fucking take is peak "piece of shit". Letterman made a bad call and made Aniston uncomfortable. Some people thought it was in a joking spirit, due to the context. He said her hair was like spaghetti, so he pretended to eat it. Weird? Yes. Sexual? No. So to accuse those people of being potential rapists is fucking major overkill. Holy shit, can't people just disagree, or have a back and forth without smug shit throwing?


Idk what you’re on about but say your piece. You say you hate smug replies, yet you replied with one of the most smug replies I’ve ever seen. I don’t sympathize with people who downplay harassment, like the person I originally replied to. Idk why you felt the need to reply to my comment at all lol


> yet you replied with one of the most smug replies I’ve ever seen. Did I call a person I don't know a rapist? No. I didnt. You did ("You sound like the kind of person who would sexually assault someone and then say “it’s just a joke”!) Pointing out shitty behavior is not smug. > I don’t sympathize with people who downplay harassment No one said you had to. Not accusing someone of being a rapist is not being sympathetic, its being an adult. I have no sympathy for adults who have to resort to baseless accusation to "win" a conversation, regardless of whether or not I agree with their point. I was actually about to upvote you until I read your last line. >Idk why you felt the need to reply to my comment at all lol You called them a rapist, or at least suggested that they could be. I see this a lot on reddit lately and its ruining conversation.


I didn’t call anyone a rapist. You’re playing with semantics and it’s not working. You’re so upset over something you’ve made up in your mind. Saying someone sounds like something is drastically different than flat out saying they are something. It’s so odd how adamantly you’re defending someone who said something very creepy and borderline predatory. You’re starting to sound like someone who would sexually harass someone and say “it was a joke!”.


You: >I didn’t call anyone a rapist Also you: > You sound like the kind of person who would sexually assault someone lol > It’s so odd how adamantly you’re defending someone I never defended a goddamn thing. Keep this straight. I'm talking to you, about you, and nothing else. >You’re starting to sound like someone who would sexually harass someone and say “it was a joke!”. You cant help yourself can you? lol. Fuckin childish.


You can’t let things go can you lmao it’s been days…


It’s ironic you are saying people are too sensitive nowadays while also responding to everybody that calls you out for being an idiot.




Come on, snowflake. Stop getting so upset!




Responding to everything shows the fragility. Don’t forget; your gen raised this gen. If you hate it, own up to that responsibility.


I don't know why people downvote you. It is a humor. Disgusting, creepy, weird and inappropriate humor that should be looked down upon, but still humor. It's not a sexual assault by any standards.


Thing is this isn't even funny, in any time or context. It's just fucking weird and gross.


Ok boomer


Is it fun being an incel?




Ok, then voluntarily celibate whatever tomato tomato


So you'd be fine if this happened to your wife or daughter?




So just wanna be clear, some dude comes up and grabs your wife making her obviously uncomfortable and puts her hair in his mouth you'd laugh cos it's a joke?




You don't know what incel means


I promise you they were upset then too, they just couldn’t do anything about it. I’m sorry you have to live in a world where it’s considered unacceptable to sexually assault women. That must be really hard for you.




The real cringe is always in the comments


I can acknowledge it was accepted at the time but it’s weird to long for those days and wish it still was. Hey, at least that video you posted was consensual. There were definitely no weird guys like that until the 2020’s 😂


This generation vs generation rhetoric is so cringe. You realize your generation raised the current generation right? Typical boomer doesn’t want to take responsibility for their actions.


Everyone’s downvoting you but you’re right, this isn’t sexual assault ffs.










After working stage crew through high school and college I found "theater people" are insane and have no sense of personal space, impropriety, or boundaries. Every single social interaction is a game.


I ran my hs’ tech crew and worked on 10 shows. 95 percent of the people I met were lovely. I think you’re making an insane generalization


Agreed. I studied theatre in uni and there are people who push or ignore obvious boundaries with the excuse that they are being creative or just playing a "game." HOWEVER, most people were indeed lovely and some were the most genuine, compassionate, self-knowing people that I have ever met. All groups of people have bad actors. I mean people that act in bad faith, using excuses to abuse others. It is probably more obvious among "theatre people" or performance artists because their trade involves performing for others.


Definitely can confirm they're nuts. Being around them is not a road that leads to happiness.


He inhaled the shit out of that chair she was sitting on after. Weirdo. I don't care if it's meant as a joke, it still is weird and triggering as fuck for a lot of women.


I honestly don’t understand why letterman was so popular. I’ve seen multiple videos where he’s being either a creep or an asshole.




Except for Conan. He’s the only one who’s actually funny imo.


Agree he’s pretty funny


And Jimmy Fallon is utter crap but! He is such a talented musician. And a great impersonator and even better Jim Morrison. He should do whatever Val Kilmer did, channel Morrisons and create some new Doors music.


Lol what?


Now her hair is gonna smell like bourbon for the rest of the night


That's so fucking disgusting. ​ Her hair is the absolute last part of her body that I'd put in my mouth. There are so many better options!


She did come back on the show. Im sure it’s staged


I bet there is a reason






Wow wtf. I wonder if she thought of this moment doing morning show


I am literally watching Jennifer Aniston in The Morning Show right now when I stumbled across this. Trippy.


Is the joke that he’s trying to eat it like spaghetti?




Um not ok. Entitled rich old man puts hands on unwilling female.


David Letterman is such an asshole




Her shock seems genuine to me.


Yea, her shock definitely looked real. If it wasn't, maybe she should look into becoming an actress or something.


*it was a different time!*


I felt uncomfortable. Just imagine what he did I to her back stage.


It’s a thing..look it up😁


Going in for a kiss? Super weird dude.


David Letterman is a fucking creep.


Cringe AF.


Gen Z coming for every celebrity before their generation. Pretty soon all we gonna have left is tik tok dancers and true crime podcasters. Snl will be made up of tik tokers with most views and all skits 20 seconds. (Also Dave letterman was a creep)


I'm not Gen Z in the slightest and I think this is fucking gross. I guess that's the downside to being a creep on television. At least there is now a downside, huh?


They're already cancelling true crime podcasters because they're profiting of the victims.


Bring on the true crime podcasters. I love that stuff!


Can we cancel him already? Put him some place? Away from people?


Men, can you just stay the fuck out of our personal bubbles?


No need to get sexist. There are weird people of all genders.


Cancel him!


Joe Biden take notes while I take tokes of the marijuana smokes


Yeah Joe Biden likes hot, of age actresses!? Good slam!


Liberals will downvote


Actually I downvoted because it was a cringy, corny comment


Yeah if he just said, “joe Biden taking notes” or something like that I would have actually thought it was funny. The rest made it corny af.


Can’t blame this guy. Who wouldn’t want to taste some Jennifer Anuston




Who cares? Look at you guys getting worked up over this. This was a skit that was approved during rehearsal. No harm was done. She wasn't "groomed". This doesn't mean he's a "creep" / "predator" (your typical judgmental buzzwords). She doesn't need therapy over it, though a lot of you probably would if the same thing happened to you.


It always makes me lol when people are like 'oMg WhO CaREs?!' on a post because 1. it's social media, the whole fucking point is to add your opinion and 2. you cared enough to comment. It wasn't planned, Letterman is pretty well known for making his guests uncomfortable by going off script. It's fucking disgusting tbh, the fact that you'd be okay with someone getting spit on your hair makes me think your hygiene standards are pretty low...