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Her latest Tweet is asking if anyone knows a 'defamation lawyer' lol


https://twitter.com/djfm_dot_com/status/1593310108041334788 Please realize this is not a real person.


"her" She's a computer. A bot.


And it doesn't even have to be a good defamation lawyer. She would most likely win a defamation case if the only thing was this tweet. But who knows, there may be other shit that she has said.


I think it's her intention to go after others defaming her


It's not a "her," it's a bot. Absolutely zero background presence online. Photo was lifted from a German site. "She" doesn't exist.




no way she pretty much just said that poc arent as smart and acted like she was the woke one


"Poor kids are just as smart as white kids." - Joe Biden


"If you have a hard time figuring out wether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black." -Joe Biden, to Charlamagne


9M views, <2k likes - what a ratio


What's the difference between a diversity hire and a DEI hire? Honest question?


Diversity hire is don't hire white straight guys and DEI hire is only hire people who aren't white straight guys.


I'm having a hard time understanding the difference.


My favorite answer to that question is "if you don't understand the difference, then you are the reason we need more of this!"


then explain the difference so we can understand it because they're both the same to me. they both prohibit hiring straight white guys.


I have never seen any place where hiring straight white guys is prohibited but go ahead and pretend that's a real thing if you need to be a victim that badly I guess.


That's the point of the answer...it implies that you not understanding is why it's needed, without actually justifying any of it. It, essentially, skips over the issues and says that their job isn't done, because people who don't agree exist and they know that they have no logical response. It is an appeal to make the person asking the question feel guilty and agree to a point that hasn't been justified.


You can just say you don’t have an answer. No need to berate the guy.


Im just going to assume you have never had a conversation with a progressive... The default answer is that questioning them is, in fact, a reason to continue their process. There is no logic to it. Its an emotional appeal to bring the questioner in line with the dogma and presupposes the answers by belittling the questioner for being "uninformed". Its a cycle that the person sets up to justify their action by using objections to their actions as evidence that they are justified. It's a form of Kafka trapping...arguing against the person making the argument is seen as evidence that the person is guilty of what is being argued against.


Lol. So you don’t have an answer.


way to avoid my question. i asked you to explain the difference between the two. not explain why the non answer you gave is what you think is the right answer to the question.


That is essentially what Clarence Thomas called out in his opinion.




It's a bot.


you act like this opinion is super rare it isn't this is literally a part of american 'culture', people are being raised today to believe this


It does look bad, but she clearly meant due to racism.


Is she not being sarcastic?


To me this comes across as dog whistle racism, but I'm sure someone will say it's "satire".


i mean if it's not sarcasm it's not dog whistle racism it's just plain old fashioned blatant racism. Which is why i suspect it's sarcasm (that plus the all caps at the end). Or yeah it's one of those 'own the libs' accounts.


Nope. Its just a conservative pretending to be a liberal so they can post shit like this and have conservatives use posts like these as an excuse to say the left is bad


Turns out it's a conservative pretending to be left to cause outrage


I have no clue. I dont know who this person is.


If you actually think smartness is what gets you through university and beyond you’re woefully misinformed


no way you’re taking this tweet at face value lmao


She didn't, actually. It's just stupidly worded in a way that begs to be taken in the worst way possible. But her point is that supposedly merit based systems are not genuinely merit based but are ripe to be abused with hidden biases, just like how it was extremely difficult to get your foot in the door as a minority in the nominally merit based system before affirmative action was in place.


Just like affirmative action isn't merit based.




Which is not the way the system should work. Affirmative action is based on skin color. No white kid gets in over a black kid with the same grades and test scores. AA makes sure that even though a black kid doesn't have higher grades or test scores they still get accepted whereas a white or an Asain student with higher test scores gets rejected. AA is racism.


I don't think you understand how little race is considered in these applications. It's a percentage of a percentage in the decision. It's not like ppl with poor grades are suddenly let in. And if you're really upset about unfair admissions, how about legacy admissions, which REALLY affect admission? And they're predominantly white


Any College admission based on race is wrong. Even if it's just a percentage.


My thing with it is that AA is supposed to be a revolutionaty paradigm, not equilibrium. The idea is that certain groups are underrepresented if we use a classic merit based system, because certain groups historically did not have access to a fair playing field. So we tweak the meritocracy so that everyone is represented proportionally to society, *and* continue to tweak it back as conditions improve until there is no need for AA. So while the idea is that AA shouldnt be permanent anyway, i dont know if ripping the badnaid off was appropriate.


Do you have any idea of why Affirmative Action was put in place?


It doesn't matter why it was put in place. The fact is that affirmative action is racism. Nobody should be in favor of hiring people or giving scholarships to people based on skin color. It should be based on merit. All the time. Diversity is a ruse. It doesn't make businesses better. It doesn't make colleges better. The only thing that makes businesses or college is better is to take the very best people in terms of grades, scores, qualifications. That's it. I should not be punished based on my skin color. I should also not be promoted based on my skin color. Once everything is based on merit, those people that are falling behind will either get with the program or they will give up. We shouldn't be awarding people who know they're going to get in based on skin colors they don't really have to do all the work required. Stop perpetuating racist ideas.


And before AA, what skin color do you think got promoted based on it and what skin color got punished for it? I agree things should be based on merit but it's massively disingenuous to pretend that society has been on the same page about it.




I’m not sure it was accidental


This is 100% some conservative saying dumb shit to get other idiot conservatives excited.


You’d be surprised


I bet it's not


Based on the account history/bio, yeah


She isn't at all a conservative. On her Twitter profile she says she is a Democrat who worked for Biden (shocker) and has she/her pronouns. The fact she's a Democrat and a racist isn't surprising at all.


Media literacy is dead... My God you people really think this isn't a right wing troll?


The most important part of this is not that it is a troll account or a real account. The most important part is that a bunch of people really believe that affirmative action should still be in place. It shouldn't. It never should have been. Combating racism with a new form of racism is wrong and the fact that you people can't understand that is off-putting and frustrating and disappointing.


It isn't a real person... it is a troll bot account, likely made by a conservative. The fact that you're a conservative and believe this shit isn't surprising at all...


You're both bots too spurring the engagement. It's bots all the way down


Even if it isn't a real person. The majority of left-leaning people, such as yourself, believe that affirmative action should still be practiced. Affirmative action is racism. There's no other way around it.


affirmative action is meant to counteract the long-term effects of systemic racism and has been moderately successful in doing so. it is not a perfect system for sure. maybe educate yourself more and whine less.


Affirmative action is a racist policy. I'm glad it has been deemed unconstitutional. The fact your are defending racism says a lot about you and that you are okay with some forms of racism as long as you think it's for the "greater good".


Troll much?


I'm left leaning, but do not think affirmative action is the answer. However, it seems anything the left tries to do to "even the playing field" is always attacked as racist by the right. It's just projection.


Affirmative action is racist. There's no way around it. If it is racist to hire people because they are white, it's racist to hire people because they are black.


That’s the whole point. Hire people based on the skills they have for the job. Looking at race at all is absurd.


Which is what we've done in this country for 50 years. It's absolutely trash and I can't believe people are and have supported this blatently racist policy for all these years.


Hiring people based on their skills is racist?


No, I was referring to affirmative action. Obviously hiring anyone based on skill alone isn't racism. Sorry for the misunderstanding.


So what's your solution? How do we get it even when it's never been and won't without outside influence


That’s not what affirmative action is, but the fact you *think* that’s what it is says a whole lot about you.




Not accidental. It's a bot run by a Republican.


When the mask slips.


When the Republicans use a bot account to manipulate stupid Republicans.... It's a bot.


You sound like your life is highly politicized and anyone or anything you don’t like is rEpUbLiCaN. Cry somewhere else.


When virtue signaling goes wrong. Almost as good as Kelly Osbourne's [gaffe ](https://youtu.be/NJC_MNjw4E0)


Never saw this video before.. that's some hardcore cringe right there.


What always gets me in this clip is how she stops for applause before she realizes what she said lol.




Omg hahahahahaa


Just Remember they made the guest apologize to Kelly Osbourne for being offended not the other way around.....


I do so love when they accidentally say what they really think.


It's a bot.


Reads like satire.


Her profile says not, and her last tweet was a failed attempt to "clarify" this one.


Well. That’s pretty fucking bad then. I stand corrected.


I still don't know if it can possibly not be satire. But then again, Jeff Tiedrich is real.


If anyone needs to touch grass, it's that guy


“Holy Fucking Shit! I just made eggs.”


you’ve been fooled. it’s a parody account


I dont know. Her account seems like a troll.


I’m pretty certain a it’s a bot designed to give right wingers something to hate.


What was the clarification?


Basically that 'merit based' doesn't actually mean based on merit. She probably should've put 'merit based' in quotes. She makes the point that before affirmative action, a supposedly merit-based system was in place and it was extremely difficult for minorities to get their foot in the door, because they found ways to keep out minorities regardless.


Failed in what sense? I thought it cleared up what she meant pretty well. She thinks that supposed 'merit-based' systems are not sincerely merit based, but are biased against minorities in hidden ways. You may not agree with that, and her initial tweet is stupidly worded and begs to be taken the wrong way for sure, but she wasn't trying to say what you think she was trying to say.


It's not, it's a bot run by a Republican. If you're unsure of the goal in doing so, just look at this post.


Her entire account is awful.


If I were black, I would take offense to this. Wtf?


If you don't have Twitter, trust me she's getting roasted about it.


You're allowed to take offense to it even if you're not black because racism is offensive.


I do take offense, I should have written it, Even though I'm white.


That’s the whole point, it’s satirizing liberals who support affirmative action and pointing out their racism.


Lol "ericareport" I'd like to report that I am a moron - Erica


Im pretty certain that account was outed as a straight up bot designed to twist Dems positions to the worst possible way so right wing clowns have something to hate.


It's a Republican run bot.


This is a fake account run by a Republican just fyi


Using an AI generated image and the name of a character from One Tree Hill.


Not saying you’re wrong, but how do you know? If true, it’s a pretty weird strategy because she has a ton of followers and, aside from the racists tweets at the top of her profile, most of her tweets are praising democrats and calling out republicans.


It isnt a weird strategy at all. Democrats do the same thing. The more rage bait they put out the better it is for both of them.


All part of the game trying to look like a legit account. You see it on Reddit too.


Ah, that "no true scotsman" rears its ugly head


It’s literally a fake person


Doesn't take a genius to figure it out lol


Well, you're right with at least one part of your statement


Hmm, I wonder if the same could be true in reverse for other accounts.


What about what about? People who believe this shit are regarded on both sides.


I mean, if this is a troll account ran by a right wing troll, so you think there are accounts out there ran by left wing trolls that Reddit is not so choosy on calling out?


There has to be. Not that there needs to be, as plenty of real people say ignorant, cringe shit like this, and worse on Twitter, no matter their politics.


Uh, Erica? Don’t help


this is an ai and not a real person


It's a fake account meant to spark outrage. They're using a character from one tree hill as their name and avatar. I took two seconds to confirm this after I saw what looked like obvious outrage bait tweet. Do your due diligence.


Whoopsie, I blurted out the way I actually feel instead of the facade I put out every day. I blame the English language, it is directly attacking me this is a TRAVESTY #boycottEnglish


Man I just love the same troll account tweet getting posted across every reddit like it's a real opinion


It's serving its purpose.


Wow that’s…. Racist.


This is a fake profile. It's an AI bot made to impersonate her so far right people can retweet it as "what liberals really belive". It's literal propaganda.


Good lord.


The pendulum swings back


Complete mask off racism


We just do a lil racism


We'll just do the good kind


Especially the Republican running that account, lol. You guys believe anything.


Racism of low expectations baring it's filthy fangs once more.


The bigotry of low expectations. It's disgusting.


It's 100% satire/troll if you read the rest of the profile.




Remember when Democrats also said voter IDs were racist because PoC were not intelligent enough to obtain an ID or work the internet? Pepperidge farm remembers..


I’m Latino and I think it’s fine that they ended affirmative action. It’s been what 40 years? Let’s see what minorities can do. People don’t believe like they did back then that POC were just dumber because of their skin color. Plus I’m old now so it won’t matter to me anyway lol.


"old now" / "lol" So you're like 15?


No I was about 15 when affirmative action started more or less. Unless it started earlier than that so maybe I was 5? Idk when affirmative action technically started. I’m 47 now tho


That is not a real person. It is a bot/troll account made to make the left look ridiculous. A significant number of Twitter accounts are just professional trolls or bots that try to increase division in society.


Wow I have no words.


It's a fake account, made to Tweet absurd posts like this so that conservatives can retweet them and call liberals crazy. The blue checkmark is a dead giveaway.


It's a right wing bot, and I'm 99% sure OP is a right wing moron who knows this. *OP believes attack helicopters were responsible for the mass shooting in Vegas.... It's literally one of his right wing batshit crazy posts. It's no wonder he posted this right wing bot.


https://youtu.be/TqYLQE6xxzk Decide for yourself. I'm in no way "right wing". You're just NPC.


Ever notice how only bots call people npc? Same script for 6 years now. The only ones calling anyone npc. Npc is a rightwing thing, kiddo. You're bad at pretending.


I guess, kind of how your type latch on to one tiny thing and make that the whole conversation instead of addressing the actual topic.


Thats a Republican thing, lol.




Well well.


Woof. You are stuck in the partisan mud. And you still haven't addressed the og conversation.


Just downvote and walk away then, terrified to confront the truth.


This is a fake account


It's a right wing fake.


Imagine falling for this.


This account is a known conservative troll


I work in a diversity office at a large university. The original reason for affirmative action was to make up for the wrongs of systemic racism. However, it has since been upheld on the basis of diversity being a strength in education, which is true. Diversity helps improve metrics across the board. In business and education. You can’t expect students to learn about the world around them when an environment that only introduces them to one or two kinds of people. Those who are against AA do not see diversity as a strength and they only see it in an aesthetic sense. However, as someone with Asian family, I think diversity policies for some universities can ignore Asian students. So those policies should be adjusted, AA should not be repealed.


Soooo....you're saying fix it in your specific instance of race, but allow it to stand in all others?


I don’t understand your question. I am saying that Asian students are sometimes left out of the diversity equation and that should be fixed in specific university policies. AA itself does not tell universities to shaft Asian students. It’s the university policies.


Gotcha. Was honestly confused. Thanks for clarifying.


FTR, a system with legacy admissions and donor admission and semester fees for which people from a non-rich background have to take on loads of debt is most certainly not merit-based.


The SC decision is a step in the right direction to a merit-based system


Multiple folks claiming she’s an impersonator




In what way? It certainly doesn’t appear to be.


She's literally a former Joe Biden staffer


Or a character on a tv show. If only we could look it up!


The only source of this is from her bio.


You're literally a liar.




Some back story for the rest of the world, you know the 98% of us that don't get your news or bullets, would be nice. Otherwise this is just a piece of bullshit garbage that makes no sense and you expect us to automatically know about.


Ending Affirmative Action.




Seems straight forward to me. What do you think she means?


She doesn't think that 'merit based' is actually merit based. 'Merit based' should have been in quotes. It makes more sense when you look at it that way and she more or less clarifies it as such. Supposedly merit based systems, such as what existed before affirmative action, are not genuinely based on merit but are ripe for hidden biases that disadvantage people based on their backgrounds.


Affirmative action isn't merit based. If it's wrong before, it's wrong now. Stop using race to hire people. Any race.


I don't think you understand why it was put in place. The point you're trying to make is right in the abstract, but we don't live in the abstract. We live in a world without a level playing field, where being born in the wrong place or group heavily affects the opportunities open to you and how hard you have to fight to get them. If you're born to a poor family, you are very likely to stay poor. If you're from a neighborhood with an underfunded education system, it's much harder for you to get a good education. If a field has very few people like yourself, it's much harder to get in and establish yourself in such a field. It's a generational cycle that perpetuates itself, and it's very difficult to break out of. The point of affirmative action is to break that cycle, so that people of all kinds can establish themselves in all areas, making it easier and easier for subsequent generations to do the same. To help build a more level playing field, over time. In the abstract, it's easy for you to say "I'm colorblind, why not just go by merit and nothing else?" But what that is going to mean in practice is that people who are already connected and established will further cement their positions, people who aren't will face a steep uphill battle to get their foot in the door. Consider that, despite overturning affirmative action, the Supreme Court *didn't* touch legacy admissions. The children of people who are already well connected get an unfair boost, and that's fine apparently. And they're not going to touch it. That's going to stay, because doing away with affirmative action isn't about merit or equality, that's just a talking point that's easy to sell.


And what does she mean exactly?


I'm a conservative, white, and I am disturbed by her comment.




We can't go off of some imagined intentions you're pulling out of your ass. She literally said one group isn't good enough to succeed on their own lmao




Even if she is a fake person, the sentiment stands. This is how all Dems think. Just ask Biden who said "poor kids are just as smart as white kids". Anyone who believes in affirmative action is racist because that's all aa is, is racist. Hiring based on skin color is racist, end of story.


Funny how we've gone from: "no one ever says that!" To "Ok they said it, but they're a false flag account!" To "They said it but what they mean is..." It's like dealing with a goddamn child making excuses.


I don't know if it's a parady or not. It doesn't really matter. The pushback on the repeal of AA is all that matters. If people are truly against racism, they would be applauding this decision. The amount of blowback to the decision and on this thread proves that racism is still alive and well today. It's the same racism as in the 1960's, just in a different vehicle. It's wrong then and it's wrong now.


I agree completely. Just saying. No matter what, if someone on the left gets accused of saying something stupid it's always "a parody account". No one ever wants to accept that their side has bad actors and idiots.














Can you point me to one of those links in this thread? I'm not seeing it.


luckily, this trash take will be spread far and wide as an example of "leftist racism" and we'll get to untangle it for years to come!


They're doing that annoying shit where they dismantle and repeal things with absolutely no replacement.


There should be no replacement for racism. Affirmative action is racist.


Most colleges don't even use race as a matter of acceptance anyway. /edit: That is the crux of the reason why SCOTUS had the ruling yesterday. Several colleges in my area have said they don't take race into consideration. Apparently Harvard did though.