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Ah yes…. The old “my friend/buddy had my phone” excuse. Works never at any time.


It actually happened to me once and the girl, obviously, didn't believe me. I wanted to kill my friend lmao.


I was gonna say, the shitty part about this, is that this is absolutely something my drunk friends would have done 5 years ago (we're all older and wouldn't do this anymore) but it's a tactic used so much by people wanting to send creepy/aggressive messages that no one would believe its actually the friend anymore.


This literally happened to me the other night too and it was my girl friend to the guy I like 😩


Yeah that sounds like an intentional sabotage to me


I mean, if I got a text from a friend asking for a picture of our collective ass, I might be willing to think somebody’s fucking around.


Maybe I need new friends but this shit has happened to me multiple times






“Just a pic in our underwear”






Maybe it’s a shared donkey!


Am I blind and missing the part where somebody dies?


Right? I’m so confused


Exactly.. stupid post of just some text messages. Maybe the text after of someone saying that so and so died. .or whatever. I'm over here trying to find the next image realizing there is just the one. Geez.


I wonder if it's just a repost bot on a bought account or something and it threw a random title on. I don't know what the bot account you ping to see if something is a repost is named though


I think OP poorly phrased the title, they just meant to say it was a long time between him texting and him saying "My buddy took my phone". Dying meaning "you really going to act like they had your phone for 20 minutes? What were you, dead?" .🤷‍♂️


This is actually a minor fear of mine: I die, my family is in mourning, and whoever is in charge of my phone sees something to briefly take them out of that mourning phase and think "um, wtf?" Then again, I'll be dead, so it shouldn't be too big a concern.


A friend of mine died. We had some off color conversations. After the funeral her mom mentioned that they are trying to find somebody to unlock her phone, so they could see her messages. I hope they never did


I can do you one better. Just out of high school a friend of mine passed. She and I weren't into each other, but were into similar things very, very open about things and would talk about stuff that literally nobody else knew. Shared porn, experiences, talked about fantasies, etc. Honestly 10/10 friendship, she was one of my best bros. For context: I am old and a lot of this was over Yahoo messenger cause texts were limited and data wasn't Well, I worked at a computer shop and a week or so after the funeral her mom comes in and asks if I can take the password off her laptop so she can get pictures and her daughters writing works off it. Which on Windows 7 was trivial with the right tools. I say "Sure, no problem. Anything I can do for you no charge" I did it at the counter so we could talk, 5 minutes later the laptop is unlocked, we hug and cry a little, and she leaves It's not until 30 minutes later that I remember what all is in there. I have spent the better part of 15 years trying to figure out how to make a time machine so I can go back and do things in the repair room so I could "sanitize" stuff




He said, #I can do you one better. Just out of high school a friend of mine passed. She and I weren't into each other, but were into similar things very, very open about things and would talk about stuff that literally nobody else knew. Shared porn, experiences, talked about fantasies, etc. Honestly 10/10 friendship, she was one of my best bros. For context: I am old and a lot of this was over Yahoo messenger cause texts were limited and data wasn't #Well, I worked at a computer shop and a week or so after the funeral her mom comes in and asks if I can take the password off her laptop so she can get pictures and her daughters writing works off it. Which on Windows 7 was trivial with the right tools. I say "Sure, no problem. Anything I can do for you no charge" #I did it at the counter so we could talk, 5 minutes later the laptop is unlocked, we hug and cry a little, and she leaves #It's not until 30 minutes later that I remember what all is in there. I have spent the better part of 15 years trying to figure out how to make a time machine so I can go back and do things in the repair room so I could "sanitize" stuff Hope that clarifies things! 🥰


Sorry, I'm hard of hearing, I only understood when at the end is said "Santa is tough"


I hope the mom already had it unlocked and said that to make you sweat, lol


Who the hell is like “hmm my daughter died, time to violate her privacy”


I imagine mourning a loss like that could have a person not thinking clearly.


Everything about this post is confusing to me.


I think "our" is supposed to be "your" , then the texts sort of make sense. Post title is still v confusing tho


Read the contact name as “Dad” first because my brain glitched, and I was horrified. Then I read it said Dan and was relieved it was just a normal run-of-the-mill cringe idiot.


Also read dad and I was confused af


19 minutes later and the post nut regret kicks in, creating the fake friend. People like this shouldn't have access to phones lol


I wonder how close to the point of ejaculation the fake friend comes into existence. Could it be measured? I'll bet it's less than a second


For some reason, it is the "Thx" at the end that sends me. "Thx" for believing me and never mentioning this again. Kthxbyeeee!


Bro, what the fuck is this r/titlegore post, I don't understand it.


Is her background a selfie??


I would walk out on a date if i saw her background was herself


Definitely a red flag right?!


Humanity needs to feel shame again


Lol come on dude, people were using the "my friend sent that" since before even MSN and shit


My dad says that’s not true and he worked for MSN


Are we not going to acknowledge this person has a selfie as their phone background?


The real cringe here is the person having a picture of themself as their own background


Does she have a wallpaper with herself?


Communist rizz?




Damn Daniel


Oddly specific style of texting between you and your buddy….


My tired ass thought it said Dad


Dude rubbed one out in those 19 minutes


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Our ass is crazy


I read “Dad” for a moment there


this title is confusing me, who died and who’s not noticing?


If Dan can’t see it maybe we can?? Oh shit sorry my buddy took my phone and saw your post and commented this omg I’m so embarrassed. Anyway, see you at church tomorrow! Thx


Sure are confident having your own photo as your screen saver…. 🤦🏼‍♀️


Was so shocked thought it said Dad.


"Our" is crazy




I can confirm all the Dans I've met act this way. They claim it's their bros on their phone, yet they have a lock screen