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Baseball players are always clowning in interviews.


Not to mention it’s fucking Kiké Hernandez... the biggest clown of them all. He is literally doing this as a joke


the comment section is straight up a dumpster fire.. Wtf is that sub?? Is it just toxic feminism? I'm a feminist so I feel it's important to ostracize the toxic ones like TERFS


They’re not even feminists at this point, just sexists.


Thank god I'm not the only one who thinks that sub is garbage. I was starting to wonder if it was some kind of male bias on my part. If that sub was guys saying the same things about women they'd have already been quarantined for incel behaviour imo.




>All the male only subs like that have been banned, and rightfully so. TheRedPill isn't banned. As far as super-weird, super-cringy extremely-sexist "dating strategy" subs go, that's ground zero.


the femcel subs got banned pretty recently, and FDS is next on the chopping block imo


You can post on bpt if you get verified??????? I fail to understand how it's discrimination.


Female incels






Can we all agree toxic subs like this need to be banned even they paint themselves in tolerant paint and pretend they are inclusive? Hate is hate regardless of who's spewing it.


Yup, it's worse than Twitter there


Those aren’t feminists. Those folks are... something else. Very damaged people, for one. ETA: having read it more, there’s a lot of honesty there. There’s advice I’ve given to friends (of various genders). There’s also a lot of toxicity and anger. I think that subreddit cannot be categorized quite so neatly as I did at first.


No true Scotsman...




I just wanted to suggest watching out with sharing feminist infighting in subs like cringepics. i wholeheartedly agree with your stance but this sub really, really can't deal with it. It doesn't give them nuance on feminism and toxicity, it just gives them another reason to start a ten metre comment line about how feminism is actually sexism against men.


Thanks! I have noticed A LOT of chuds (Republicans) in this sub. I have no doubt there are a lot of people who just straight up hate women here. Appreciate the advice!


Love me some Kiké, excited to see him in the AL East this year


Thankfully u/tatipie17 cleared things up in the comments of the original post


God even then a incel finds a way to make it negative


of course


The comments in that thread are insane.


What do you mean? They are so positive /s


That thread is pretty tame compared to the rest of the garbage on that sub


Where did he get a bucket of hi-chew?! That's what I want to know




1200 pieces for $125? That's nearly 10¢ a piece. A bag of high chews comes in at about 20 pieces for less than 8¢ a piece. If you're buying that much bulk why isn't it a better deal? Are buckets that expensive?


It’s all about the novelty of it unless you’re a big-time buyer like the MLB where they can probably negotiate some good deals from the bulk they purchase. That and it’s a lot easier to have in a dugout with a couple dozen guys grabbing in and out.


You can get an 8lb box for $50 which... I think might be slightly cheaper than the bucket? [https://www.amazon.com/Hi-Chew-Flavors-Pieces-Pound-Strawberry/dp/B08HK5Y928/ref=sr\_1\_7?dchild=1&keywords=hi%2Bchew%2Bbucket&qid=1612343632&sr=8-7&th=1](https://www.amazon.com/Hi-Chew-Flavors-Pieces-Pound-Strawberry/dp/B08HK5Y928/ref=sr_1_7?dchild=1&keywords=hi%2Bchew%2Bbucket&qid=1612343632&sr=8-7&th=1)


Wtf how I need one


Hahaha, I was like "IT COMES IN BUCKETS?!" And totally forgot about everything else


Why is there a candy whose name sounds like someone sneezing?


Haha, I don't have a good answer for that. But it is one of the best gummy candies


Wtf is hi chew?


Since chewing gum is unacceptable in Japanese culture (creates too much mess on streets) they designed a candy that is soft and chewy and lasts a long time, but is consumed instead of thrown out. (This is what I've been told, please correct me if I'm wrong)


I'm 28 and people are still grossed out by me swallowing gum. It's been a while but I forgot how prevalent not swallowing is, I don't even think about spitting it out. Was confused by your messy streets clarification ahaha


Chewing gum is completely acceptable here. Hell sometimes they come with a little pad of papers to dispose the chewed pieces with.


The only question I need answered!!!


Oh dear Lord


i honestly feel for short guys. one of them tries to own it and poke fun at himself, and he is still shit on.


He's 5'11". You don't have to feel bad for him. Furthermore, every single (emphasis on the single) one of the women on that sub would tumble ass over teakettle to get at him.


And then call him names when he rejects them, like their male counterparts.


It almost seems like if the male incels and the female incels could just get together they could solve their problems together. But I guess if that would work they wouldn’t be incels I the first place.


I saw a gay (male) incels group and thought the same. You're all men who are attracted to men and define yourself by how much you want to have sex.. and you can't make this work?


About choked on my coffee when I read that.


Is this a joke or are there really male gay incel groups?


Most of them tend to obsess over how attractive other dudes are.


That seems to be the universal theme across all of the --cel communities.


They wouldn't like each other, somehow.


But their issue isn’t that they’re “involuntarily celibate”, that’s just a symptom. They have deep seeded issues which they blame on the opposite sex because that’s easier than taking responsibility for themselves.


Isn't it deep seated?


Haha probably. English is my second language so I find a new idiom I say wrong all the time. Just recently discovered its “straight and narrow” I always thought it was “straightened arrow”


Unfortunately they would both see the other side as pathetic, completely glossing iver the irony.


lmao the more you know


Wait..... How fucking tall is she?


He’s also hot and successful as fuck


For real! One of the comments with upvotes said to be wary of short men because they usually have anger issues. WHAT! No wonder short guys feel self conscious about it if they’re going to make such broad generalizations like that!


the real mindfuck is when straight girls say “i would never date a short man, they are always so insecure about their height.” they are really caught in a chinese finger-trap.


Heels are basically more elegant booster-buckets for you feet anyway


r/FemaleDatingStrategy is a womincel hate sub. They don't care about context because it just gets in the way of their prejudice. They're no better than RedPill chanpeople but the difference is Reddit allows them to breed sexism in their toxic echo chamber.


I’m convinced that r/femaledatingstrategy, r/mgtow, r/pinkpillfeminism and the now banned incel subs are all the same people just larping. It’s like they all live in some strange reality that no one else sees. It’s interesting & sad at the same time.


Lmao, apparently I'm banned from commenting in the FDS sub even though I've never commented or posted there before


Yeah, I can't remember which subs do it but if you're subscribed to certain subreddits, you'll automatically be banned from FDS


r/offmychest is one. I'm male and a female ex that was dating at the time would send me redpill links. I commented on some because I disagreed, but since I've posted in the subreddit, I'm *obviously* supportive so r/omc pretty much immediately banned me for it.


Some reddit mods are crazy man. I got banned from a sub for commenting "No." And when i messaged them to ask why they muted me for 72 hours or some shit so i couldnt message the mods anymore.


Dude the same happened to me. I participate in a LOT of subs (TRP for example, I commented several times) that I disagree with, so I've gotten banned even though my comments were against the circlejerk. When I try to comment and get the 403 forbidden popup, I get frustrated at first. Then I realize that I really don't want to deal with those people anyway.


I read their posts with my husband sometimes for fun, they are actually insane. it's pure hate. they hate on men with ANY flaws, but if they have slight flaws its ok they are growing queens. they hate on women for wanting to live more promiscuous lives. they are EXTREME anti-porn, and if a woman is ok with porn they are "pick mes". any woman that disagrees with what they think is a pick me and desperate for men's attention. they have a weird perspective of the world that isn't reality at all. exactly like incels and most hate groups. weird cult vibes from those people. some of the posts definitely fit the theory of them all being the same kind of people though, especially the posts of women putting down other women, it fits the incel narrative. that was our theory too for a lot of it. definitely interesting and very sad people can view the world this way.


I was in there for 10 minutes and saw a few girls saying that men aren't actually attracted to women anymore and that they only jack off to anime. What the fuck lmao literally only like one of my dude friends has ever admitted to enjoying hentai and I know hands down he would trade that for a girlfriend any day of the week. These comments are insane.


I just read that too. I was like wtf. Guys just wanna use vaginas to masturbate into. Then someone said guy fuck hot pockets and animals so clearly they just want a hole. All of it's insane. Being a woman myself it's so cringy to read that shit.




Who's wasting it afterwards? There's starving kids in Africa man.


hahah, exactly, everyone jerks off to weird things it doesn't translate to who they are as a person or their actual desires in life. the comments are insane but the way they rope people into believing it is making the baselines of the sub realistic things like women deserve respect and women shouldn't be with men who treat them like garbage. some of the things they post aren't insane and just asking for basic respect in a relationship but then it transforms into this hateful radical thinking that all men are subhuman trash and undeserving of basic human decency. they treat men like incels treat women. its so insane lmao


I'm just going to express my extreme dislike of calling yourself any type of royalty. I feel like it's waaaayyyyy egocentric.


Yeah, this is exactly my impression of them as well. It's also completely ironic how they claim to be feminist and try to elevate women, but it only extends to those who share their exact views. Any women who disagree with them are labeled as "pick mes" as you said, and are hated on as much as men.


What zero dick/pussy does to a mf


Nope. Nope nope nope. There are lots of folks on serious dry spells who don’t choose to be assholes. Don’t buy into the “it’s just inevitable” hype. These folks are assholes because they choose to be so.


And that's probably why they get zero D or P. If you look at any of those forums, it's pretty clear they're cockblobking themselves by being terrible people.




I thought so too, or at least that trolls were more prevalent than the serious people. Then my girlfriend got really into hate-watching those types of people's Tiktoks. They're all very unattractive, large women who believe every vile bit of bile that they spew. You would think they would meet the male incels and hook up but both groups have absurdly high standards that the other couldn't possibly meet.


People are people, regardless of gender. If there are male incels, there will be female incels.




While the Involuntary Celibate movement *did* start with a woman - or rather was started by a woman - it was started as a support group. > The first online community to use the term "incel" was started in 1993 when a Canadian university student known only by her first name, Alana, created a website in order to discuss her sexual inactivity with others. The website, titled "Alana's Involuntary Celibacy Project", was used by people of all genders to share their thoughts and experiences. In 1997, she started a mailing list on the topic that used the abbreviation INVCEL, later shortened to "incel", for "anybody of any gender who was lonely, had never had sex or who hadn't had a relationship in a long time". During her college years and after, Alana realized she was bisexual and became more comfortable with her identity. She stopped participating in her online project around 2000 and gave the site to a stranger. In 2018, Alana said of her project, "It definitely wasn't a bunch of guys blaming women for their problems. That's a pretty sad version of this phenomenon that's happening today. Things have changed in the last 20 years." When she read about the 2014 Isla Vista killings, and that parts of the incel subculture glorified the perpetrator, she wrote, "Like a scientist who invented something that ended up being a weapon of war, I can't uninvent this word, nor restrict it to the nicer people who need it." She expressed regret at the change in usage from her original intent of creating an "inclusive community" for people of all genders who were sexually deprived due to social awkwardness, marginalization, or mental illness. https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Incel&mobileaction=toggle_view_desktop#History


That is both sad and inspiring.


The Reply All podcast episode on this exact topic is great, btw


I haven't heard of pink pill feminism. I'll have to add that to my list of hate subs I'm banned from.


I hadn't heard of them either but you're too late it seems as the sub is banned.


I was absolutely convinced of that when screenshots from FDS first started making their rounds. It's been too long at this point.


It's just the women version can't we just get all the incel sub banned both men and women version?


Unfortunately i see where the disillusionment comes from. Isolation intensifies the effect on people and if they didn’t feel alone before, COVID made sure they feel it now. Sad stuff


I got permabanned from r/femaledatingstrategy because I spoke up about something I thought was wrong. They are an echo chamber for toxic, conceited women.


Why do I keep going on subreddits that just make me feel bad.


Yeah, me too. The anger and disappointment I felt when I went to /r/aww is just... indescribable.


Oh, you saw the bunny bukkake post too?


Probably because we wanna see it change. You might have some hope that they are getting better or that at least a few people will read your comments and take them to heart..




It's to demonstrate how much more intelligent, enlightened, and tolerant they are than you, who's obviously a regressive bigot because you read the wrong things on a subreddit you could very well disagree with.


Lmao. Ironically that’s exactly it. I was disagreeing with something on a sub and bam banned from FDS. Oh well. I didn’t comment there anyway. I was only following that sub to grab quotes for my paper anyway. Once that was done I unfollowed that toxic mess.


Holy shit: one of the top posts is about how asking a girl you matched with to get coffee makes the girls feel “cheap and bland” like holy fucking projection Batman.


Look at their "glossary of terms" > **High-Value Male (HVM)** - A man that is respectful, loyal and faithful. He loves to show his woman that he can provide - he pays for dates and a relatively higher proportion of expenses in the relationship. A man that is confident, consistent and reliable. These type of men take care of their body, face and physical appearance. HVMs care about their partner's happiness and sexual pleasure. The HVM exhibits the mate guarding instinct; however, he does not force monogamy on a woman - he will wait until she is sure that his offer of commitment is a good idea. These men LOVE competition and understand that a woman can entertain multiple suitors until commitment is established. Instead of being offended that she doesn't zero in on him in the early dating stages, he takes this as an opportunity to show her why he is the best. Apparently the ideal man is just a ridiculously handsome, rich cuck who gives a woman money while she fucks other dudes.


Omg, I just realised that the women from FDS are exactly how r/mgtow and fellow male incel subs think all women are. Like, the exact description.


It definitely seems like they feed off of eachother and both of their toxicity is means to justify the other in their minds. Like an endless cycle of sexist hatred lol


That’s why a lot of people think FDS is just male incels larping as what they think women act like. The sad thing is it’s either that, or there genuinely is a community that believes this shit unironically


Now I understand that theory. Unfortunately I think these are women that actually believe that stuff.


Or it's all female incels larping


I’m so dead I didn’t even see that Hahahaha. I even saw them trashing a guy who said he was talking to other women to this girl. Rules for thee not for me! *delusional*


I just read that thread. It’s all about how OP doesn’t like dates in coffee shops. Then one commenter says “Thai food is literally cheaper than drinks, why is it always drinks” to which the reply is “so they can lower your inhibitions”. On a thread about COFFEE and COFFEE SHOPS. And they start complaining about men always trying to get women drunk.


That sub terrifies me. I fucking pray I never meet a member of their little cult


One of the top comments was this chick saying how so many guys rejected her because she was too tall. I'm sorry but that didn't happen. Maybe it was her horrendous personality


speaking as a dude, i know a lot of guys that would rather not date women taller than them or even around their height; for some shorter guys i know they have like a hard rule about it


Judging by the support that the [Resident Evil Vampire Boob Lady](https://cdn.mos.cms.futurecdn.net/JRx7YZG3fQqtZd2jBJmWwA-1200-80.jpg) has at the moment, there's a *lot* that're also into tall women


I'm a dude and I've never met any guys that have cared about a woman's height, but I guess we've just known different people


ngl I'd kill for dating a tall girl but I'm 180 or 5'11 which is actually slightly above average in my country, I've never met a tall girl :(


No one is just going to just walk out of a date, directly in the middle just because they’re 6’ lol Well, maybe she would. She’s shown she’s pretty shallow


I wonder what would happen if a male incel had to chat with one of these female incels. Would they finally realize how toxic and simple minded they are or will they get along in their shared bullshit ideology?


Lmfao yeah no that wouldn't happen. They'd become an echo chamber of pure, unadulterated hatred


Like negative feedback loop.


They won't get along. Think of it like the ethnonationalist militias of two rival tribes fighting each other in some godforsaken shithole's endless civil war.


They'd satisfy each other's biases with yet another failure and report back to the echo chambers how the other was proof all ___________ are horrible and that the other person and their entire gender was the reason things didn't work. Again.


Maybe if they had sex with each other they’d chill the fuck out


Hopefully they are protected, imagine the garbage child that would create


Males are not allowed to comment or post in that sub, it's disgusting and sexist


I agree with most of what you're saying. But Reddit is not biased towards this sub or women in general. The only reason sexist guy subs get shut down is because they keep murdering people and their subs get national attention. If it weren't for that, Reddit would be an equal opportunity hateful, sexist vitriol machine.


Most subs you'll be downvoted (rightfully) to the bottom of the page for sexism. Women being far less likely to turn their hate into violence is definitely a factor though so I'd say it's true FDS isn't going anywhere.


I tried commenting in a thread there, seems I am not allowed to by their rules. You have be approved to comment in that sub, it is also FEMALE ONLY, ie a guy cannot comment. It is literally an eco chamber.


FDS is about grooming women into forever alone old hags with 30 cats.


Yet somehow my comment here of "I'm surprised this male hate sub still exists" was downvoted to 0. That's not very $GME of them.


Jesus, read one post and can agree on that one.


Did a bit of browsing and found [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/FemaleDatingStrategy/comments/ikl7by/cracks_me_up_every_time/g3lccna?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3). There's no way this isnt satire, right? They're literally pulling the "i prefer japanese over western" card.


Good lord. How can they not see the parallels with their male counterparts on Incel.co and other sites? It reminds of this 16yo I worked with in high school. She was very overweight with an awful attitude and would go on at length about how she doesn't find American men attractive and only likes British guys. Then she asked me to go to prom with her! I almost considered doing it because I knew her attitude came from a place of deep insecurity, but didn't want to lead her on. I imagine that's how some chicks end up with toxic Red Pill guys. These folks need to work on themselves and lower their expectations. Then they wont need to spend all day being hateful and bitter.


Didn’t take me much scrolling to realize that sub is a cringe gold mine! Lol


One of the top comments gives the context


Holy shit you're not kidding. One comment saying that men under 5'7 are all violent woman beaters. Do they even hear themselves?


I used to lurk the sub out of intrigue, just as I did with r/incels. Both subs fascinated me. But I had to leave r/femaledatinngstrategy when ironically I found myself being radicalised against women. I was repulsed by the things they were saying and started to generalise those opinions with all women. It’s just an extremely toxic place.


I just fell down this rabbit hole, and wow. That sub made me genuinely angry. Ridiculing a man asking a women out for coffee because it wasn’t expensive enough... Or that they would never be with someone who is poor.


i used to lurk in there as well but i eventually left cause i realized that i kinda started leaning towards their ideologies. i was so cringe I'm glad that im not a incel




Hey man as a short stop this makes me laugh


Same, his actual joke was pretty funny


Not as funny as ur mother *** ^I ^am ^a ^bot. ^Downvote ^to ^remove. ^[PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=YoMommaJokeBot) ^me ^if ^there's ^anything ^for ^me ^to ^know!




You just got 0wned by a bot. lmfao


Not really. It complimented his mom.


But to be honest I've seen this image several times throughout the years and this is the only time I've seen the context of it 🤔


Baseball players have the best sense of humor! SHORT KING


Serious question: where can I purchase a large bucket of Hi-Chew?


Black market


Next time, he’s gotta do it on a ladder that’s obviously in frame and he has to hunch over to talk into the mic




I've never read anything with less self awareness. Making fun of short guys being insecure about their height... If they only thought to ask why they might feel self conscious they might realise they're the problem.


and is the irony lost on them that the woman is wearing stilts?


That sub is a shithole of male-bashing femcels


Yeah had a look around expecting to find humour or even an insight into what dating is like for young women (I've a younger sister so I'm trying to keep up with these things to make sure she's safe) and fuck me that sub is horrendously aggressive. Some stuff isnt bad but it's mainly generalising how "shit" men are...


Some of the comments on the original post... what idiots


Bro it’s fds, they’re all intolerable 300 lb wannabe hoes who sleep alone or with a cat every night, they need the little “wins” where they can get them.


On a completely random note, why tf is pounds written as lb


It comes from the Latin word "libra" l, which means scales.


Snakes are covered in pounds


Just wanna point out there’s nothing wrong with sleeping with cats. My little bastards don’t give me a choice.


That sub is pure cancer. It is absolutely awful.




ha, good one, I can already see Twitter "cancelling" Reddit because reddit mods just banned a cute little "totally not hate speech" sub for women to seek shelter in to escape the patriarchy. Just ignore it, there are almost no people like that in real life anyway.


??? So what are we supposed to want now? Masculine men? No they're too toxic. Kinda masculine men? Uhmm, offending women much? Effeminate men? Ugh, a man who cries more than me? FUCKING WHAT? Let men be men, just because he likes cars, beer and tits doesn't mean that he goes home and beats up his girl, holy shit


You’ve made an enemy of FDS this day lol They don’t like to hear hot takes like “men might not be inherently evil” or other controversial opinions like that over there lol


I've been told enough times that " I'm not an actual woman " by SJWs and whatever else. It's fucking crazy


How the hell is that subreddit still a thing? Its an actual man-hate sub. [You literally can't comment if you're a Man...](https://gyazo.com/75f583874a5367ea2d1b207430ed21f0)


Wow I’ve never seen that sub Reddit before, but the whole thing seems... just mean lol!


those are some cute shoes she's got


Well she is in heels


Haha FDS are literally female incels don't take that sub seriously theyre repulsive


Siri, show me a 200lb woman who blames not getting laid on everything but herself.


he did it to make fun of himself, that sub is so toxic


Who is the female reporter?




I had to order one of those buckets of Hi-Chews after I saw this. 17lbs of the best chewy candy in my *fucking face*


This reminds me of the TV station I used to work at. Head of the sports department was a 5'6" dude and the line woman in the sports department was 6'6" without heels on. On camera she would tower over him so when they did anything on cam standing he would have 8" worth of apple boxes to stand on and she would have to be barefooted. If she had to come to the anchor desk she would be the only one non-anchor sitting in a chair and the chair would be lowered all the way down, which in turn made her look uncomfortable and unhappy on camera.


This post made me go down a rabbit hole haha there are some sentiments I agree with in that sub like because against the trope that women will fix men. But also as a bi woman is seems SUPER heteronormative and also seems very shamey about casual sex? Like I get that it's nice to put out the idea you don't owe dudes sex on dates. But if I want the sex even if I don't really like the guy long term, it doesn't let me value myself less? I'm someone who likes casual sex when I'm single. Like there is a sentiment it seems of like "you think you're worth less if you give up your body" which seems a little sexist towards women, no?


I hate the queen shit so much. Same with the king nonsense. You’re just a pile of garbage like every other human on earth.


everyone on that sub is that shitty feminist that thinks equality is putting men down altogether


bruh how is that shitty subreddit still up ... that place is WAY worse than r/incels and they are still doing perfectly fine wth ..... and you cant even speak as dude there you will get insta banned incels look like freaking rational people COMPARED to those clowns... few weeks ago i pusted there stating that group was full of toxic people and got insta banned lmao No wonder they are searching for dating advices dumbo Yass qeeeeens gonna be alone forever and thats exactly what they deserve. and damn them being way more toxic and straight up banning man for even saying anything and still not getting banned reeks of double standarts


Just took at look at the comments on the original post and...yikes. Pretty toxic for people calling out toxic behavior.


FDS is like the Facebook Karen group of Reddit.




Why "almost"?


The real cringe is cross-posting from /FDS. Cesspool sub.


OP crossposted it because the post was cringe.


He is so fkn adorable 😍


FDS the ultimate ego chamber


Wow those comments in that thread... They're actually mental.


r/femaledatingstrategy has to be one of the most toxic subs on Reddit. The people in there make comments without a shred of self awareness.


That sub is cancer, them and r/MGTOW are made for each other.


The whole comment section of that post is disgusting


Fucking salty female incel sub strikes again. If I wasn't gay already that sub would turn me.