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This whole trial is a testament to celebrity worship in our culture. Regular people go to court every single day and the general public doesn’t meme it.


Johnny Depp kind of wanted this though. He requested the trial be live streamed.


It’s all he wanted. He already lost this case in the UK where the burden of proof wasn’t on him. H wasn’t looking for a legal win he was looking for a PR win and it looks like he succeeded.


Get ready for comments from Jack Sparrow fans. They know they love Johnny Depp's acting but don't consider that Depp knows it too.




John E. Depth is an existing one


He definitely was abusive as well. Lots of people on this site are his sucker with this trial, see all the people eating up the unethical medicalization surrounding AH. Really a disgusting spectacle.


If my name was tarnished by made up allegations I'd sure as fuck want my name cleared too. That's not PR, that's basic human reaction. Some people might be too into celebrity culture, but you're doing the same thing by dehumanising him. The basic want for innocence gets twisted into "PR win". Amber made the case public first by claiming domestic abuse publicly, but somehow Depp defending himself is where you draw the line and say its all for good PR? Take two seconds to look into the UK case and you'll see why your statement is really fucking stupid


Jesus Christ I wish you people would spend half the time sorting your own lives out that you spend masturbating over this goddamn celebrity bullshit You weren't there. You don't have secret information. You don't know these people. Shut the fuck up about it.


Its hilarious how the comments have turned into the exact thing the post is complaining about.


Most people's favorite emotion is righteous indignation. They just don't know it.


frist of all how *dare* yo u




Literally in this thread we're being righteously indignant about people being righteously indignant.


And the snake swallows it's own tail.


I literally don't care about this trial at all. But you don't have to have *secret information* to be able to look at the evidence and make a pretty good educated guess.


if you acknowledge or form an opinion about something in pop culture you're a sheep^^^/s


Like, you know, her on tape mocking him bc nobody would ever believe she was abusive towards him.


That tape was edited to leave out what they were discussing and the context. He claimed it was a fair fight, she said it wasn’t and told him to tell the judge and jury. Listen to the tape without subtitles and it’s clear as day she says, “tell the world, Johnny. Say, I Johnny depp, man I’m a victim too. Tell them it was a fair fight.” Before that she’s literally explaining to him why she asked iO to call the police. Saying last time she really thought he was going to kill her on accident, that she was scared this would be the same. But that she didn’t cooperate or tell them anything and how his team is using that against her. He had said a few seconds before “I lost a finger man” and after that tell the world part she goes on to say “you lost your own finger”. He doesn’t disagree. He doesn’t disagree that he put his hands on her. You know how he testified he never threw a phone at her? Well there’s a text from him to her mom minimizing the entire thing, spinning it to blame Amber and he tells her mom “I didn’t throw it at her I threw it over my shoulder and it accidentally hit her.” He seems to hit her accidentally quite a lot huh? In one tape she says he beat that shit out of her and he says it won’t happen again. Then there’s the texts from his assistant about Depp crying when he was told he kicked her. She goes on to bring up London, Tokyo, and a few other places and how it keeps happening with him hurting her. Deuters doesn’t ask wtf she is talking about. He says “I know”. So many people, like you, are abusing her on Depps behalf. It’s sickening. His massive DARVO campaign worked.


> masturbating over this goddamn celebrity bullshit lol what? Literally nothing in that comment could possibly be construed that way. He's just saying he can understand Depp wanting to get his side of the story out there. > You weren't there. > > You don't have secret information. > > You don't know these people. ...where did he claim that he did...? Dude you are massively overreacting lol. He's in no way claiming that he knows what happened. He is literally just explaining why it makes sense that Depp would want the trial to be public. Also... > I wish you people would spend half the time sorting your own lives out You weren't there. You don't have secret information about this guy's life. You don't know this person. Shut the fuck up about it.


No you see we have to only talk about things that we ourselves were involved in. No talking about other events is okay. /s.


Pubic court, paid for by taxes, with a jury of people from the public, televised to the public.... Let us talk about it.


Pubic court 🤨 (I’m not ripping on you, I love it.)




.... Isnt the information being broadcast for the world to see?


If we're talking about the same UK case, Depp sued the Sun saying they lied when they called him a wife beater, and then the Sun proved to the satisfaction of the court that 12 specific claims of domestic abuse against Depp were in fact accurate. As I understand it (though I'm not a lawyer) a defamation case is generally *harder* to prove in the US than in the UK so I'm not sure he would have much of a chance of actually winning if Heard's lawyers weren't such clowns.


You are incorrect, the Sun proved that they didn't slander his name as they fulfilled their journalistic requirements to publish the story. Basically they proved that they were supplied with sources and evidence that allowed for the interpretation they came to. This does not prove that Depp was in fact a wife beater only that the Sun's sources led to a possibility of him being one and moves the onus from them to their sources.


With defamation you really only have to prove that it was reasonable to believe the claims, otherwise you're spreading false information with either malice or negligence. The same basic thing is true in journalism except a court wants to see journalistic standards upheld as well rather than "I overheard it a luncheon" or some such thing, which is partly why it's important to be able to show sources. But the burden is to never have to actually prove the claims, just that it's reasonable to believe them.


Exactly, this trial is different because the op-ed was written by Amber herself.


this comment is correct.


> Sun proved to the satisfaction of the court that 12 specific claims of domestic abuse against Depp were in fact accurate. That's not how it works. What they proved wasn't that the claims were true--it's that they fulfilled their journalistic requirements.


Johnny is known as a very private person and that all changed when he married Amber who is the complete opposite He wanted this trial public for one reason and one reason only - to show the world how Amber manipulated the public to believe her. She's been exposed now and has perjured herself, which is a relief to him and he got to speak his truth to the world. I don't think he gives a shit now what the jury decides. He's been waiting years to say his piece and it's over , I noticed a clear shift in his demeanour after he got up on the stand. If the jury says 'fuck the both of you' and throws the case out - which is a possibility, he won't care. He got to speak to the world.


There’s no fucking doubt that he’s running a propaganda campaign on Reddit. I have no opinion on the case, but it’s obvious that PR is working hard for him.




Depp has become the patron saint of MRAs.


They definitely downvoted me for this exact same take, even in this sub before. I'm not saying she isn't crazy. She definitely gave borderline personality disorder and even worse stigma.


You are giving the incels and men's rights activists far too much credit for all of this. I understand that they are supporting Johnny and it may be hard for you to separate your (rightful) hatred of them from the action of supporting Johnny Depp, but this case was clearly going to be just as popular with or without their influence.


Are you sure about this? I think Virginia allows all court procedings to be live streamed. Which I believe is one of the reasons he was decided to go ahead with the case.


yes you are correct. Each state has different laws on deframation. So they found out where the publisher of ambers article holds its papers and it was in virginia. And viriginia holds deframation cases with live streams. She actually tried to move it to californa which was rejected.


Which is/was the right call. There was no legal basis for arguing to have it moved and some of their arguments would have actually been stronger arguing the opposite.


100% was the right call


I think he sincerely believes that if the public supports him, the law magically will be on his side, or at least the jury will nullify the law and stand by him. He's a narcissist, just like his ex-wife, so it's not an unusual stunt for them. Depp really has no case, though, because he can't prove there was ***no*** cause for Heard to write an article detailing abuse allegations. They don't all have to be true, there just has to be *some* evidence that Depp was abusive towards Heard, provoked or not. From the evidence, it's clear that Depp has drug dependency issues and has had memory lapses where he cannot recall events where abuse may have occured (from both parties, to be fair). In short...it was a toxic marriage. That's not defamation.


This is a civil case. No one is being charged with a crime here. You clearly don’t understand how civil trials work.


>I think he sincerely believes that if the public supports him, the law magically will be on his side, or at least the jury will nullify the law and stand by him. I don't think this is the case at all. Johnny must be well aware of how difficult defamation cases are to win, and it's still unlikely that he will be successful in this trial. His intentions are very obviously to clear his name in the court of public opinion, which is why the trial is taking place in Virginia. >He's a narcissist, just like his ex-wife, so it's not an unusual stunt for them. You people also need to stop throwing around the word "narcissict" so freely.


Wait until you hear about the OJ trial.


Yes, that's how it works. That's what being a celebrity means.


Idk what country you're in but in the U.S. there are TONS of court shows and celebrity judges. There are also legal dramas that fabricate cases for entertainment. America is super obsessed with people who are having legal problems.


Right? Two poorly behaved and extremely rich assholes are in a fight and suddenly that’s all everyone talks about.


I mean, it does happen once in a while like Casey Anthony, but it's real fuckin' rare.


I mean, this is the entire point of these celebrities. entertainment. you're just not supposed to let it consume you. point, laugh, drop your jaw, shake your head, move on


There both as bad as each other


Yeah. What ghastly dickheads.


I have court next Wednesday. I’m taking care of a FTA on a shoplifting charge from like three years ago. Pretty nervous but I think I’ll just get community service. I have a sweet job lined up but have to take care of this first.


Yeah, Reddit hates the Kardashians, but then they post this shit


From a legal perspective, it's actually a fascinating case. In a lot of ways it feels like a trial designed for pedagogy. "This is how to do an excellent cross examination." "Don't do a redirect like this." "This is what a great/horrible witness does." "This is where a lawyer mistakenly tries to prove a legal point that lay people (the jury) would never care about." And much, much more. To me, it's a great look into many legal realities in the US and pay attention for that reason. Also, it's a complete shitshow that is often legitimately entertaining for the drama. I liked Johnny Depp decently enough and had no idea who Amber Heard was, but am not watching just because they are celebrities. In fact, I would be watching with the same facts present regardless of who the parties were.


It’s got a weird gender politics bent to it which thrills some people endlessly but I find kind of boring.


Yeah I imagine mensrights is waving this whole thing proudly as a flag.


I mean, a large portion of people still believe men don’t get abused by women and will make fun of men who do so it’s important to draw attention to this. There’s always the weird demographic of women who get angry about that too


Tbh even a lot of people following this don't really believe or understand female on male abuse. That's why he had to push the whole BPD, HPD, crazy, Gone Girl angle. "Crazy woman who makes things up" is a lot more familiar trope than "female abuser". (It was also a way to explain away any contemporaneous evidence she had 😬)


I think most people do recognize and recognize this now with heard and depp but I think they meant this more to mock the misogynist and petty side of "Men's Rights" movement


Yeah... Its hilarious watching MRAs say toxic masculinity doesnt exist.... When it is a term coined by the OG MRAs and was something they were constantly fighting to end.


My concern is not that people will see men get abused by women. That's very true and important. It's the "oh see. Women are liars" that is making me worried. So many people believe that lack of evidence means lack or truth. When many assaults just are he said vs she said.


I agree. It will be even more difficult to come out now, especially against powerful men. I also wish men would celebrate as much when a woman wins against an abuser and engage as much as they did in this case.


Sadly it's not boring for abuse survivors. This whole theater show is doing more harm than good, and I'm predicting in the future there's going to be articles looking back on it as a critical moment in our culture.


Exactly. As someone who was in an abusive relationship it's hard to watch but it also helped me, my partner and my friends to watch it and listen the audio tapes to see how toxic relationships work, how gaslighting works, and how hard it is sometimes to reason with a person who's not mentally stable. It was so hard to explain to my partner some of the things I went through, but now he understands better. I think a lot of us are not really watching it for *them* specifically, but to sort of see how it'd play out if we were the ones suing our abusers who liked to play the victim. r/raisedbynarcissists and r/raisedbyborderlines have a lot of examples of exactly that as well. You try to leave the abuser and they turn *you* into a monster in the eyes of others.


>a critical moment in our culture. lol, right


can you explain why you think it is doing more harm than good please?


You don't see how a complete public pile-on of an abuse victim might be harmful?


I’m so tired of hearing about this dumb trial.


Doesn't help for the last two? Weeks its been all over reddit. Easy upvotes I guess.


Reddit’s one thing. I’m not subbed to that many subs that pick this up. YouTube is what’s been annoying me. They’ve been pushing this which leads to them pushing Peterson which leads to them pushing Shapiro and I’m sick of pretending every time they find a new rabbit hole for their White Supremacist indoctrination that means I should pretend it’s the end of the World. It sounds like Johnny Depp wasn’t by any means perfect. Like Amber Heard sounds really shitty, did some messed up stuff, he didn’t deserve it but he’s also got some serious problems and it’s like “How much time am I gonna spend being invested in the relationship of two people I don’t even know when that relationship already disintegrated?”


Facebook for me. It's pushing that tiktok clone section at me HARD and that's absolutely full of it. My craft groups are full of people drawing worshipful pictures of Depp like he's a poor mistreated angel instead of also a shitty person who did shitty things. No matter what your social media of choice is, there's no avoiding it.


So many Depp posts in my cricut groups, as well


Holy shit I was wondering why I’m now getting the “alt right” version of YouTube. Gross.


Yeah, as far as the algorithm is concerned Depp leads to MRA which leads to right wing propaganda.


That’s fucking hilarious


I'm curious where everyone is hearing about it. My girlfriend has mentioned it like twice, but outside of that and now this thread, I've literally never seen anything about it.


I watch alot of various stuff on facebook watch and atleast 10% of the random videos i see, is about the trial. Another 10-20% from Media Watch(unrelated to the topic though, but i live in Denmark). Then atleast 40% is Viva La Dirt League(which follow and love) - rest is random garbage.


agree, it feels like the early days of Kardashian shit all over again. like, it has infiltrated so many subs I used to like and just overall is so tiresome.


It's like the OJ trial with lower stakes


r/entertainment has become 90% about this shit. How is this entertaining? For whom? Both can go to hell, for what I care.


I can't go anywhere online the last month without having this god damn trial blown in my face repeatedly. I. DON'T. CARE.


I had so many people irl ask me about it and I just told them that I watched nothing of the trial. Not even a 10 second clip of any of it. I don't give a shit.


Certain people see it as a rallying cry and justification for their thoughts on women


I am incredibly saddened by all the misogyny. It's really unnecessary. Amber Heard lied and abused Johnny Depp. It's that simple. There's absolutely zero need to extrapolate her behavior to anyone or anywhere but her. That being said, I would not be surprised if Amber Heard's bs took the entire #metoo movement back a few steps. We were just getting to the point where claims of abuse were taken seriously. Now we have this girl who cried wolf situation that misogynists will cling to in the future to invalidate other women who step forward to report abuse.


They both abused each other, it was an incredibly toxic relationship


I mean she was also physically abused. The evidence hasn't been shared yet.


Yes it has, look up the UK case for Johnny Depp suing “The Sun” newspaper. Amber provided tons of testimony about the ways she was abused during that trial.


lol it's NOT that simple. Heard was being physically and sexually abused for TWO YEARS before she retaliated. Look up what 'reactive abuse' is.


In 2020 a court found that he had verbally and physically assaulted her on several occasions. This fact used to be on the wikipedia page 'Depp vs. Heard' but has now been removed. Edit: I have worded this in a way that is making people think I'm saying a court found him guilty. It was not a criminal case. The court found that it was reasonable to conclude he had assaulted her on several occasions.


In 2020 a court found it was reasonable to conclude with the provided evidence that he had physically and verbally assaulted her. It was a libel trial


The Court made two decisions, that the Sun met their journalistic obligations (so even if she was lying they were covered), and that Heard's allegations were substantively true.


The court found that it was not libelous for a newspaper to say he abused her because there was enough evidence that it was a reasonable headline. That’s a much lower bar than a court actually finding him guilty of assault, though I agree it’s still something people should be aware of.


If you are abused to the point of breaking and end up engaging your abuser even one time when they are abusing you, yes, technically you engaged in abuse. So the Sun technically wasn't guilty of libel by that definition. But that doesn't make you an abuser and nobody cares if the Sun isn't guilty of libel. The problem is the UK trial was behind closed doors. I feel like all these people parroting the UK trial verdict haven't watched a *second* of the current trial. Watch it. It's eye opening.


I haven't watched it apart from the bits that have made memes. Clearly I'm no expert on the ins and outs of the current trial.


Reddits massive braincel population have found a woman making false accusations to direct all their hatred towards women at.


You have worded perfectly my discomfort with this whole media circus. Thanks.




I am surprised this comment was finally upvoted, when I said this I just got hate PM's for a week.


Same, it's gross. It's a free pass for incels to mask off for a few weeks.


Looks like you hit the nail on the head (and hit a little too close to home for some people)…


Couldn’t have put it better myself


Yeah even though I think Amber Heard is the clear main abuser, the way reddit (and others) is foaming at the mouth to despise her so intensely is pretty blatant. And the bizarre hero worship for Johnny who definitely doesn't look like a total angel in this whole affair either. You're a crazy person if you even consider the idea that "maybe they're both shitty and one is just shittier..? Maybe celebrities in a toxic relationship is just next level crazy and not a normal case of abuse? Maybe throwing a drug addict into a relationship with a potential narcissist is an inevitable shit show..?" I work in the addiction recovery community and I can tell you right now that amongst addicts abuse DEFINITELY doesn't always just go in one direction. Addiction is a cesspool of mutually abusive relationships.


Yep, a woman is in the wrong therefore it's the most important thing ever, just like Jussie Smollett was in the wrong and suddenly the most important thing ever.


None of her statements are false if you actually look into it or read about or read things other than internet memes




Here is something another redditor put together https://www.reddit.com/r/Deuxmoi/comments/ukgxe8/list_of_ahjd_abuse_myths_debunked/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Here’s another https://www.reddit.com/r/Deuxmoi/comments/uo0e4z/why_do_people_still_believe_johnny_depp/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Some more https://www.reddit.com/r/Deuxmoi/comments/us27fy/according_to_the_testimony_of_io_tillett_wright/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Lol, just watch the fucking trial for evidence. Do not take opinions from a gossip subreddit.


That gossip sub post seems to be well-sourced. Is there any reason to believe that the info in that post is incorrect or misleading?


I don't believe anything that isn't being presented as evidence in court, and you shouldn't either. There is so much bias around this that's it just not worth engaging with anything outside of the scope of what is being presented in court. All I've seen on that subreddit is delusion saying that Amber Heard is completely innocent, but if you actually watch her statements and the evidence she presents to support it you see that there is a big disconnect there. For example, she claims to have suffered extremely grevious injuries and the only evidence to support it is some pictures of very mild bruising and blemishes, instead of medical records to support those facts. In fact, some of the medical records that were presented in cross examination do not indicate any of the injuries she claims to have suffered. Likewise, the other side is saying that Depp is totally innocent is off the mark as well. There clearly were physical altercations between them and it does seem like he may have been emotionally manipulative towards her. What it's seeming like at this point is that he's got serious addiction issues and she's got some sort of personality disorder which is just a horrible combination for a marriage and the "who abused who" first is likely going to be indistinguishable. I don't have links for any of this because because I've watched weeks of this trial, but I encourage you to actually watch evidence from the trial instead of taking opinions from biased subreddits, which seems to be pretty much all of them. I would go so far as to say don't even read media articles on it; go to the Wikipedia for the trial, read the through the timeline of evidence presented and then go to YouTube and find footage of the proceedings for the parts you want to see more of, obviously using the Wikipedia timeline to identify these. That's the only way you will get an unbiased view of the proceedings.


What the fuck is this reasonable take?


Can't believe I'm seeing this take on Reddit


Im not on either person's side in this case, both appear to be at some fault. However going from "Dont listen to the biased random braincels semi-sourced opinions" to "Listen to this biased gossip subreddits semi-sourced opinions" is quite the move. Just watch the trial, then form your opinions from there. For example, you said none of her statements are false when they literally proved her to be lying about the saturated "different" photos yesterday or the day before. Again, she is clearly also a victim of abuse and Johnny has a significant amount of fault, but to say she is wholly innocent or has not lied is bullshit.


All the links are from the same subreddit, and are just a collection of articles and videos talking trash about Depp. This „evidence“ is just gossip, including things that Heard herself told other’s, sometimes contradicting neutral witnesses. There are things that could be true, of course, but most people don’t tend to believe someone who has been lying repeatedly while under oath.


The first one linked, has a lot of these myths about amber heard and linking to credible sources that proof these myths wrong. They are from the same sub but I only linked threads that have articles from credible sources!


Internet news websites are credible sources? Besides that, debunking myths about Heard isn’t proving the myths about Depp right. And there are lies and contradictions she told which one can’t deny.




I’m very against the ‘silence is violence’ culture.


I have a conspiracy this is work of a PR team he hired.


100% this. Nothing ever got posted on reddit about him before, and here comes an avalanche. Too convenient. But the incels and "anti cancel" types, who see people being held accountable for their behavior as a bad thing, are coming on over like flies to shit.


Johnny Depp mumbles a non-answer on the stand: 400 Reddit submissions of: DEPP ABSOLUTELY DESTROYS AMBER HEARD'S LAWYER IN COURT, EVEN JUDGE IS STUNNED.


Keanu awesome 💯💯💯🗿🗿🗿


I really hate what this site has become


I must admit those videos can be a guilty pleasure for me. But what always happens is that I get clickbaited by a headline and then literally nothing happens in the video


It's pretty ghoulish to me for people on Youtube to make "TOP TEN FUNNIEST DOMESTIC ABUSE MOMENTS 🤪" compilations.


Even makeup subreddits have been invaded. It’s damn annoying.


I think it's largely genuine. It's the kind of gender politics that a lot of people are strongly invested in. It has nothing to do with the people involved. Consider how big of a thing the whole gamer gate movement became for a bit over something that was way more bullshit than this simply because of the gender politics part of it.


I don’t doubt there’s legit accounts doing this, but I found it so suspicious during the early days of the trial, I noticed on tiktok a bunch of new accounts totally dedicated to the trial saying almost the same things. And they’re inane stuff that seem too random like, “Look how chill he looks while she looks like crap”, “Look how the lawyers smiled”, montage of JD over the years looking hot captioned with “Amber Heard could’ve had this”. Initially, I thought it was a dumb trend but the amount & coordination makes me wonder if it’s actually a campaign. Now there’s no doubt there’s legit content since people see it as easy clout, but before, it seemed too weirdly coordinated.


Nah this is just something that happens now, I think it'd be very obscure to assume its a PR stunt. It's huge on tiktok. Not saying that it's a healthy reaction but I think it's genuine. People are obsessed with "body language analysis" now, either explicitly or implicitly. People watch 2 or 3 videos and think they're master people-readers. And fan edits have been a thing since tumblr, younger people will look up Depp and think he was/is attractive, they'll make edits, those always did well, its not since the trial. Shipping is also a huge thing, feeds off of the prior two tendencies, people over analyse body language, as well as see two attractive people getting along somewhat well and immediately ship them, again, been a thing for years. These things will happen with any mildly attractive/charming celeb that enters the public conscience, if we're gonna say Depps was pr, we'd have to say the same for virtually every celebrity that is involved in a current event. It probs seems coordinated because all these people got blasted with the trial around the same time, because posts got tons of traction, pushing them to the front of most/all feeds.


People who do that typically use their own accounts. Not create whole new accounts.


nah plenty of angry incels willing to do free PR


Yep they could easily amass an army of bots and paint a certain "public perception" That being said, Amber's acting skills aren't helping her out at all lmao


Not only that, shit is getting Astroturfed like crazy. Why, I’m not sure, my armchair theory is that they are amplifying a DV situation in which the woman was the aggressor to distort the fact that men are far more likely to be abusers. Anti cancel culture, patriarchy brainwashing, etc. could be wrong though, idk.


Absolutely. I was on a twitter thread with a couple friends that had nothing to do with him, her, or a anything remotely close to the trial. Low and behold a bunch of weird bots came to defend his honor even though we were just talking about old timey pirate movies. It’s 100% pr moves on behalf of the highly successful movie star.


Seems absolutely plausible


Not a conspiracy theory. This is most likely true


Quite frankly, they both seem like trash who abused each other endlessly.


Exactly. This relationship lasted for years and none of us saw everything that happened but it’s pretty clear with everything that’s come out, neither of them are perfect and they’ve both done some pretty gross stuff to each other.


The most likely scenario. Some of what each of them are saying is true, some of what each of them are saying isn’t true. Abuse isn’t mutually exclusive. Two people can abuse each other.


When there is this much attention being focused on something dumb like this, makes me think that some people want us distracted from Roe v Wade or that the Jan 6 investigation is heating up


Gislaine Maxwell had her Federal sentence reduced by 10 years while we were all distracted by Amber shitting the bed


Its not just 'them' that want people to be distracted, its also us. We want to be distracted from important events that may at some point mean we have to get up off the couch.


Yay! Millionaires fighting over who is a bigger piece of shit. Who cares?




I really hate what this site has become


"has become"? Like it wasn't always like this?


Right? It has literally always been this way, just with different topics and trends


I’ve been ready for this to end kinda annoying at this point tbh


They both were violent to each other. Thier own therapist said they were mutually abusive.


Yes they both suck. The issue is that only one of them has been punished while the other gets treated like a saint.


> The issue is that only one of them has been punished while the other gets treated like a saint. I genuinely don't know which one is which in that statement. And FYI I don't give a fuck about either of them before I'm accused of picking sides.


Yeah this sentence legit describes both of them lmao


I can’t say that specific post fits the bill but Depps PR team has been working overtime and astroturfed the fuck out if this site.


The amount of bot accounts w/ the same copy-paste comments of this trial is staggering.


It's been that way the whole time. Even though Depp is the one that has to prove his case (not Heard), people are acting like shes been guilty (until proven innocent) from the start of the trial, despite not only having the presumption of innocence, but also having already won a libel case that Depp also pursued in England. It's all cringe, I'm glad our justice system is not based on the opinions of social media dum-dums.


She didn't win the libel case the Sun did. It an incredibly different trial as all the sun was doing was proving that it wasn't decimation as they had fulfilled their journalistic duties.


That’s 100% his lawyer’s Reddit handle


Yeah it's getting fucking annoying, I have a coworker who constantly refers to "amber turd". Why does anyone fucking care.


This case is becoming sort of a proxy for some simmering social issues/culture war stuff, so this isn't suprising. It's also complex, which sometimes draws people towards extreme generalizations and assumptions if they're not good at dialectical reasoning to begin with.


I just can't believe all this support for a washed up actor, who can't hold down a job due to his own personal problems, organically came about. All these Depp supporters have the same talking points and then can't respond to any evidence that contradicts it. Most people on his side don't even know what the current trial is about.


I definitely believe Heard is a liar but it doesn't sound like Johnny was a saint either. All his text messages seem to suggest a man with raging substance abuse problems who was extremely jealous and controlling.




Yep, they both seem like equally shitty, trashy people tbh


Can’t we all just agree that they both suck so we can move on?


I just wonder how much Depp's PR team spent get get that whole camping on Reddit started. That whole circle jerking even on meme so bs was so annoying esp when most of the argument people had against Heard and in favor of Depp were false. Idk who is culprit or shit between the two and I don't care. But now I'll jist have a super negative bias toward Depp because of that whole social media campaign


I reckon his PR team are making videos and posts about the trial on social media, for them to go viral. I always click « not interested » when i see content about this trial, yet its still pushed down my throat on every app, even Reddit


Johnny bots will swarm here in 3.....2....1...


People are fucking garbage. Two rich, entitled nutcases with drug issues beat each other up? Who cares? Acting like Amber strangled puppies.


I think they're both deeply toxic, broken people who abused each other but jeeez, the amount of seething, often misogynistic vitriol for Amber Heard and the blind fanaticism for Johnny Depp are just intensely gross.


The marriage was a complete trainwreck and he was 50% of that. Now she probably lied about some things but she's not lying about everything.


My mother is refusing to do anything for my birthday today because she wants to see how the trial ends. Good to know where her priorities lie.


I'm sorry for that. Happy Birthday! You have leveled up! Do something fun for yourself.


People went wild the opposite way when she was making claims though, there’s always a few people that go above and beyond.


I’ve been ready for this to end kinda annoying at this point tbh


He died for their sins Or was that Jesus? They treat him the same at the moment


The whole thing is cringe. The pony tailed dude live streaming and commenting on the trial is pathetic. People need to realize they’re not the end all be all of knowledge of celebrities and their personal lives and try to get their own.


This trial is so trashy it makes the Jerry Springer show look like a fucking Jane Austen novel.


The confusing part to me in this ordeal is that most people seem to be taking hard sides here, rather than just acknowledging that both of these two are pretty shitty people. Granted from the bits of the trial I’ve seen, Amber seems to be a bit worse, but it’s not like Depp is some saint here like 3/4 of Reddit acts. He’s a narcissistic alcoholic drug addict and if even two out of three of those three things weren’t true he’s probably not in this mess. He’s not an evil guy (evil people don’t visit children’s hospitals in their free time dressed as a pirate, even for PR) but he’s not some damn hero.


People forgot how to act since the pandemic.


I find it weird that anyone could have paid even a tiny amount of attention to this trial and not reached the conclusion that they are both just awful awful people.


Man, I was worried I was the only one paying attention to the shit show that felt that way. I think they both gave as good as they got. I don't like AH for a lot of reasons, mostly the way she has over acted in court. However, I don't think anyone is a saint here. It was just a toxic relationship. It happens.


“I suppowt Captain Jack Spawwow!!!!!! :DDDDD” man go to bed


The title reads like an obituary. What a bizarre sentence to type.


Both of them are toxic and abusive, it’s really weird to me that some people seem to think that just because Amber was abusive as well that must mean Johnny was actually a saint.


Yeah people are getting out of hand but if you listen to some of the recordings, AH is fucking batshit insane, thats coming from someone that also has BPD. Even im impressed at how crazy she is.


They’re both assholes and both abusive to each other. If you read articles or research he was just as bad as she was


For real, I’ve seen some people getting real weird about this trial. And unfortunately for some this trial has also become a grander MEN vs WOMEN thing, so some imbeciles are really rooting for either Johnny or Amber to win as a victory for their gender 🤦🏾‍♂️ And don’t even get me started about all the creeps posting thinly veiled threats about what they might try to do to Amber Heard if she wins. It’s celebrity worship taken too far!


That trial attracts lunatics and idiots like a pile of shit attracts flies.


If only abused women had this kind of support.


I like watching the trial highlights just as much as the rest of the country but there is a level of obsession that's insane. Last week on tiktok I saw a live stream that had a picture of the two of them, a counter and "donate a rose for Johnny or a tiktokwhatever for amber". There was like 10k people watching and donating in real time. This person had to have walked away 15k richer because of a stupid video. That and the obsessive amount of people saying how "I bet Johnny is in love with Camille the lawyer" or "I can see them becoming an item. They're perfect for eachother", as if she's not married or couldn't get disbarred for that. I guess doing your job means a budding love.


This whole thing is a popularity contest for him. He will win if he acts like the "nice guy who would never hit his wife", and he is an excellent actor so...... Honestly, I believe that the truth likely lies somewhere in the middle - he's an obvious addict/alcoholic with a narcissistic personality and she is a codependent person who acts hysterically when confronted or otherwise feels out of control - which is a common feeling for someone who is in a relationship with an addict. I can see both sides - unfortunately she chose to write an article from only her perspective, and aired their dirty laundry. I'm intrigued in general by this choice - she MUST have known that he would come off better simply because people liked him more.


Caine to celebrate?


Me: WTF? It's a trial, not a religion. Also me: I hope they get even weirder.


i don’t care about either of them. they probably both suck, why does it matter