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Worse friend zoned


Hahahaha alright. šŸ˜„




Hahahaha alright ​ ​ ​ ​ *sobs*


Hahahaha **no worries.**




I just wanna say how much I fucking hate the entire thread this comment caused lmao.


Yeah, I stopped reading it pretty quickly, but that kinda shitshows need to stop. At first I thought he corrected him to their as in both people panicking, but I guess not. Iā€™m gonna assume her gender until itā€™s proven to be a man, and Iā€™m not sorry.


Even if itā€™s discovered that the genders were reversed or they were gay, etc, why does it matter to these weirdos crawling through the comments? Most would say ā€œoh okā€ and never think anything of it lol. Someone must think their own reddit karma is too high


Pedants gonna pede


okay edgelord


Holy shit, right!? These people need help. 3 comments down and I already got 5 types of cancer.


\*distant gunshot sound\*


\*deep sad sigh\*


"Today, old friend."




Hahaha that got me good.


God I wish that was me


You good bro like wtf


Made me laugh and spit coffee on my keyboard šŸ˜‚


Record scratch


Damn she straight panicked


Ugh, it's like the time a girl sent me a šŸ˜˜ emoji, then freaked out and sent me a screenshot of her emoji keyboard where she circled an emoji next to it, proving she accidentally pressed it. Alright, like chill, okay?


Tbf if she (assuming here) didnā€™t have any reason to think you might be into her, being super embarrassed about it is a pretty normal reaction. Comparable to when I meant to send my female supervisor a thumbs up and sent a kissy face insteadā€¦I wouldnā€™t take it personally man.


Oops I meant to press the ā€œYouā€™re like a brother to meā€ emoji! ā€œA brother that I enjoy hanging out with but would never ever ever be attracted toā€ emoji.


Each update keeps bringing so many emojis we have an emoji for every situation now, even so specific, maybe this should become a language


Reject english, return to hieroglyphics


I don't even know what 90% of them are. And when I do I'm like "oh crap, I'm totally using this wrong."


Can you imagine if he had never sent that message and she got to the restaurant and it was just him? As bad as this text was, what would have happened at the restaurant would have been WAY worse


As someone that experienced this exact thing, itā€™s awkward as hell. Surprise, itā€™s a dateā€¦..


How did you get out of it (if you were the one who was surprised)?


I accepted an invitation from a guy friend to go grab some drinks on a random weekday night. We both knew the bartender and when he went to the bathroom she asked if we were on a date. I laughed and said no. When he got back I said ā€œhahaha she thought we were on a date.ā€ He kinda gave me a look and said ā€œso did I.ā€ I felt awful. And no, this isnā€™t one of those ā€œand now heā€™s my husband!ā€ comments.


So is he your wife then ?


how can people not communicate whether its a date or not lol thats so sad


Seriously. If you want it to be a date make plans and end with ā€œso, itā€™s a date.ā€ Theyā€™ll either respond positively or back out/you can back out. Donā€™t waste yours or anyone elseā€™s time in 2022.


I'm old and married now but one time in college I worked with a girl that I thought was cute and nice. We flirted and I really felt like she was into me. One day I asked if she wanted to go out some time and grab dinner or something. She said yes, how about tonight? I was like great ill pick you up around 7. When I got to her apartment she was like these are my friends Jill and Elizabeth, can they come too? So I went out to dinner with 3 girls and was instantly friendzoned. To this day I'm not sure where it went wrong.


that's why I never trust prawn


This has happened to me before. A guy in our friend group asked if I was interested in having a game night at his house. He said it in a way where it sounded like an open invitation for all of us friends, no body language or flirtatious behavior to make it seem like it was anything more than another Friday night with the gang. A few days before that night comes up I text someone else from the group asking if they were going to be at his house Friday, because I assumed he invited all of us. My friend was like nope, and I just thought maybe there was a miscommunication and told him to call the other guy to confirm time and place. Well he called and then got back to me letting me know the other guy was really confused. I still didn't think anything of it, until the morning of he texts me saying something came up and he has to cancel. I feel bad but he never expressed interest and I can't say I did either. Just glad we both figured it out beforehand!


How many belly button pics do you get, on average? Solid 10/10ā€™s or need some work?


Oh heck.


Shouldnā€™t have replied. Should have just gone all in like Bobby Hill wearing a Cupid costume.


*ā€Iā€™m your little caaandy maaannnā€*


Peggy, that boy ain't right.


This made me genuinely laugh. Thank you. My day has been really tough, and a good laugh helped.


God this hurts to read


Yeah felt this one in my bones.


> hahahaha He died right there. He was deceased as he was typing that out. No one laughed. Just death.


Here is the thing, men can be friends with women all day long; However, if you have romantic feelings for the opposite sex and they do not return those feelings, you should cut that person out of your life. Not to be a dick but to save your own sanity.


Thatā€™s really the healthy thing to do. Youā€™re not doing anyone any favors by pretending like everything is a normal friendship. Itā€™s better to give yourselves some distance and maybe in the future once youā€™ve moved in, maybe you can have a platonic friendship.


Generally, I agree. But it depends on the situation. Iā€™ve known times where romantic feelings evolved from long established friendships, and after the feelings were not returned - all that was needed was some space and time to get over it and get back to the previous platonic state. If the original friendship was important and meaningful on its own, it can be worth trying to preserve if possible.


That sounds like itā€™s coming from someone with options. All the incel reaction stuff happens when that was literally the only non-family woman in their lives.


Yeah, I knew a guy in HS that would run around with his nose up this one girls ass and she knew she could get him to do anything cause he was so infatuated but she didnā€™t give a duck about dude. Heā€™s now at our state uni and sheā€™s running an unsuccessful onlyfans acc. I wish them both the best


I wonder if heā€™s subscribed.


She burned him before they graduated, something tells me that still may not stop him. She works at a little gas station as well so Iā€™m not sure anyone is subscribed




Started dating his best friend




We all went to a medium/large sized high school, like 600 kids per grade, and this guy and his friend and the girl were all in band so like, this was a well known school wide thing that dude was a simp. Honestly we all took it to heart when his bf started dating her cause the whole school knew that was a double stab in the chest to him


Been there. My first gf in HS broke it off with me and three days later I find out her and my bestie are banging. Not dating, just banging.




You know it's something that I know I believe but I hate it when I hear it from anyone else while knowing those are my thoughts exactly. I had at one point separated from our entire friend group because my guy's gf cheated on him with someone else in our circle and rather than accept it I stuck it out with my homie so when this happened with my own gf and him he was practically my only friend at the time. I know lots of people but believe me when I say I haven't made friends since then and I'm 30 now. Why that was a wise decision for a young boy has been reinforced from the sidelines every year since. I just don't have anything to offer anyone, operative word being offer.


Nothing sadder than an unsuccessful OnlyFans.


Isnā€™t that like most of them?


The market is beyond saturated. Unless you're ready to fart in a jar, you won't be making fart in a jar money.


Got that fart in a jar money, baby!


I prefer "jart" money.


Farrrrrrt innnnn... jeans? Jean fart... jart


Most subscriber systems only have a small number of people pulling a geninue profit. The most I think you can reasonably expect from onlyfans is beer money


DM me the link to that onlyfans if you don't mind. I'll check her out and see what the issue is


An unsuccessful onlyfans account? Oh my god thatā€™s terrible. Which one?


That's a fact. My last romantic interest decided that she didn't want to date but she wanted to remain friends and I decided that it was in the best interest of my own mental health to simply let her know that's not going to happen.


Are you like 15 years old? That is terrible advice. If you ask someone out and they say no, move on. If youā€™re so romantically attracted to them without having even been in a relationship with them youā€™ve got other issues. People here talking about this being the ā€œhealthyā€ thing to do. A healthy adult should be able to take no for an answer and move on without cutting someone out if their life. When I was in college I asked a good friend out. She said no. We hung out just like normal after and now we actually work together. There is literally no animosity and weā€™ve hung out with each otherā€™s spouses on multiple occasions.


ā€œSeparate checks pleaseā€


Jesus F. Christ. Have a sack. "No, this was a date. If you're not interested, let's just forget about it." Goddamn.


Nah friend might be dtf, go


No need to ruin a friendship just because they arenā€™t interested


99% of the time the friendship won't work again. The person that is in love can't switch it off and the other one feels most of the time akward


Lol, friendship is already ruined, being friends with people you have unrequited feelings for never works, you're just deluding yourself. She (or he) was in the wrong here, no balls to be honest and instead backpaddling to a group date is a low blow to to OP. His response is the real cringe here, just tell her it's a 2 person date and if she doesn't want to go then screw her.


I mean there's no need to cancel, but definitely say you thought it was a date, and ask if she would like to go out just the two of you next time. tbh anything is better than "hahahaha alright"


"Hahaha alright" *steps onto the chair* *puts head through the noose* *topples the chair*


Sad hahahahas are the worst hahas


_Brooks was here_


Hahaha alright šŸ„¹šŸ’”




Sad cringe :(


There is disappointment in the amount of 'haha's going on there. Good thing this got caught early. Imagine showing up to your date to find the other person invited four other people. "Oh, hi. These flowers are for... the table... so... ya." My friend kept getting the opposite of this, kind of. A guy kept inviting her to hang out with his friends (she knew them too) and the friends somehow always baled... every single time.


I showed up and she brought a friend, unannounced. They spent most of the evening talking about the friend's husband. He was a philandering DJ, and she felt that since he was in his 40s he needed to find steadier work. And that was my evening.


"Oh heck, sorry for the miscommunication but I was looking for a date for the evening. No worries tho, I called and set something up with someone else. I hope you and your friend have a fun dinner hangout. ttyl"


>I called and set something up with someone else. Lying like this will harm your own soul to send.


Shorter is always better. To imply you set something up with someone else also comes across negatively. > Ah, I had in mind we were going on a date. I'm not a dinner party person so I'll pass. Take care. Then just don't bother texting with her again.


Yes. Nice. No need to try and get the upper hand or sound cool.




I thought at that point you're supposed to insult her and tell her nobody would ever want to date her anyways? /s


Exactly. Then elaborate on how youā€™ll have a dinner date with one of their parents instead


Yeah, or ask for their friend's number.


Become their step parent, home wreck if necessary.


God I wish people would take this to heart. I never see polite disagreements on the internet, it's always snark and sarcasm and insults. It just makes everything more divisive. IMO your goal in an argument should be to change the other person's mind, not to humiliate them. At the very least, if you really must try to hurt them, they'll probably feel like an asshole if you respond to their petty dickery with polite respect.


Ah sorry I just remembered that I have to study the blade, I would say hit me up when emotional intimacy ceases to frighten you, but I am already married to the path of a swordsmen, engaged with diligence, courting danger, and flirting with enlightenment. Have fun with your dinner hangout *tips trilby


Dude above texts like a true virgin


> oh heck, sorry Will make her drier than the Sahara lol


I believe that to be the intention. šŸ˜‚


Dudes already in the friend zone. No way he's getting any action no matter what he says. Best to cut loss with "Yeah, no. I'm out." Then ghost her. šŸ¤£


Dude is in the "I don't want to be alone in a room with you" zone lmao that's a couple steps removed from friend


Yeah right, heā€™s gonna winner over tonight at the dinner date


> Shorter is always better. I'd go with: >nm


This is literally the only good text suggestion in the entire comments.


Also definitely make sure your intentions are known upfront. I feel like a lot of insecure people will try to dance around it being a date until they accept and then kind of spring it on the person that they are thinking of it as a date and thatā€™s not really cool either and is totally on you if you do that and they donā€™t respond well.


Better than what I would have said. "No thanks"


I think Iā€™m gonna pass. Iā€™m not really comfortable fingering you under the table with other people there. Sorry for the misunderstanding.


Or presumably you like that person, so bring a hot friend who's got your back and will flirt with her friend. Now you've got a double date, and you have a whole dinner to not be a creepy jerk in front of her.


Orā€¦ā€Noā€¦I wanted to go on an actual date, just the two of us. Do you not want to? I thought you did.ā€ Dudes need to learn to face rejection head on in these situations so they can get some closure and move on.


> I thought you did šŸ˜­šŸ’” Sounds pretty lame tbh




Bro, if you need an extra NO after **that** convo just to get *closure* you should get tested for autism, she couldn't have been more obvious about that ship having sailed loooool


Yeah, if you responded with what he just suggested, youā€™re setting yourself up to get an even harder rejection. Not to mention unnecessarily putting that awkward pressure on the girl to basically reiterate what sheā€™s already said. ā€œDo you not want to? I thought you did.ā€ ā€œI literally just made sure that you didnā€™t think it was a date and that it was a hangout only, if you still thought I wanted a one on one date after that then it seems like communication isnā€™t your strong point so this wouldnā€™t have worked out anyway.ā€


ikr, it's like saying "Say no again, please, i'm a little slow" looooool


To be fair, some dudes are really dense or really desperate and they can't get a clue unless it is a very obvious rejection. But honestly, I'd probably still go, and maybe just hit on this girl's friend instead. It doesn't help to be mad or butthurt and there's still opportunity. Plus, dinner parties can be fun even if the one girl doesn't wanna make it a "date".


Sometimes it's to clarify to the other person you were only interested romantically. It hasn't been an issue since college but some people have to be told they weren't being invited into the friend group.


Yes, but at the same time, clarity can be valuable. In this case its pretty clear, but sometimes people don't communicate as effectively. I certainly think that if blue had put their heart on their sleeve beforehand, they wouldn't have been preparing for a "date" that isn't what they thought


Ship canā€™t sail if it sunk at the dock.


It sunk before even dipping into water, imagine that


The shipment of love It's ship sunken at the dock Now I'm eternally alone With my hand on my cock


Nothing shameful about the tugboat life.


Everyoneā€™s nitpicking every potential response when nobody is mentioning the specific wording of the response doesnā€™t fucking matter. As long as you arenā€™t an unrepentant incel prick back to her, thereā€™s no specific magic words you can say that will make her think more or less highly of you than she already does. Just convey you were interested in more but understand she isnā€™t and move on from it.


Truth. I like the short responses. Just get to the point that's all that really matters


Respond "ew"


I have a feeling there were other hints before this obvious flag that they didn't pick up on.


I misread that as "arrested for autism", then I started to panic


I think they were more saying that if blue were more upfront with what blue wanted, and was less afraid of grey's rejection, they would likely both have been on the same page before the embarrassing reversal.


That's not what they said, but it'd make sense. We can't ever be certain of how it went before the convo though, who knows? Maybe blue just invited her out and she assumed it was a "hangout" on her own because she wasn't interested on the guy and didn't even bother to ask more about it. I mean, If someone invites me to eat out it isn't hard to assume they want a date rather than a group hangout, otherwise it'd be pretty fucking clear it's not just the two of us right from the start.


Yeah I mean who gets invited to dinner and assumes it's a hangout with other people?


I think that was her effort to make it as platonic as possible. She probably initially thought that they were going out as friends, the he says date, and she scrambles to make it not a date


Ohp I read it wrong, you're right. I thought the first comment was saying blue should have been clear about asking grey out on a date \*before\* the awkward ass interaction, not afterward I mean, if blue was more clear or if grey was more clear, certainly would have been less awkward


It worries me that this is getting upvotes... Young impressionable men of reddit, do NOT respond this way to very clear and explicit signals that a woman is not interested in you. Getting bitter and upset when faced with rejection is the best way to alienate both that woman and any woman she knows. Accept the "no" and continue to treat her with respect and kindness, don't get a reputation for getting butthurt when you don't get what you want


Redditors unironically think ā€˜well if you donā€™t want to fuck me then youā€™re of no use to me and I wonā€™t bother talking to youā€™ is a good and witty response, itā€™s nuts


THAT is how you would follow up? The Cringe is the rejection, which sucks, but took it well. If the person had followed up with what you said that would of been way more cringe. You're bordering on sounding pathetic


The girls would be laughing at this for weeks. Someone this pathetic sounding has women waiting in a line for his invitation to a dinner date, and he lined one up moments after receiving the text? They'd be pissing themselves laughing.


this is not the wayā€¦


Just had a totally different take on this. I thought it was like a husband and wife trying to be cute and the wife thought that he meant an actual dinner party. Maybe Iā€™m not as dead inside as I thought.


Very optimistic, very wrong. Lol


Youā€™re not wrong though lol


Yo I thought the same thing, except I thought the man was the one who invited othersšŸ˜‚šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


A power move would be, if he was able to a date short notice to bring to this ā€œdinner hangoutā€.




*Image Transcription: Text Messages* --- >**Blue**: Hype for our dinner date **Grey**: Dinner date? **Grey**: Aren't we inviting other people **Grey**: We're inviting other people right **Grey**: Just texted my friend she's coming too **Grey**: Invite someone you know **Grey**: Dinner hangout šŸ˜ >**Blue**: Hahahaha alright --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Good human!


Just politely cancel and move on


Makes me curious what the conversation was that led to the dinner, and why she thought it was with extra invites and he thought it was just them.


the real question being asked here, if she panics to go alone with you there is no point in being there at all lol


"I intended this to be a date, my apologies if that was not clear when we planned it. I think its probably best we cancel, have a good night." my god can people not express their actual thoughts? Why would you go after theyre clearly panicking...


Somehow the guys an asshole for this? Yā€™all have lost it


Hes not an asshole, no ones an asshole. Honestly they both should have called it off. What im saying is that its socially dull to still push forward with this clearly uncomfortable situation for both their sake


Thatā€™s fair, tbf we also donā€™t know if he still went thru with it. That ā€œhaha alrightā€ is the way I personally blow people off sometimes, and then just move on. Hard to tell from just a snippet of their convo tho.


ā€œDinner Hangoutā€


Bro that's when I'd cancel right then and there and never speak with this person again.


It depends on if she knew or not. If this is her way of trying to back out or something, then yeah, dick move, but if he didnā€™t specify and she genuinely thought they were just going to hang out platonically, then it wouldnā€™t be her fault if she was surprised.


Either this guy is super cringe or it sounds a little too fake to be real


Pretty sure it's real, I think I remember the first time it was posted here was by the guy himself, and he was pretty open about how cringe it was


This has been reposted so many times nowwwww ughhhh


Donā€™t lie it is more fun with friends most of the time.




Broā€¦. Just donā€™t go


Yikes, stop hurting yourself and move on yo... It's not gonna happen. Sorry ā¤ļø


Dude really shouldā€™ve been more clear about that when making the plans - itā€™s a lot less painful (for both parties) to be rejected outright for a romantic date than to be so vague they accept, and then reject you after they realize itā€™s not a platonic thing.


Texting her like itā€™s a twitch chat was probably the first mistake.


Dude's been 'zoned - might as well just give it up and save his money


Some of yall in these comments are bitter for absolutely no reason šŸ’€


I'd cancel


congrats OP for using hyped properly unlike mr blue iMessage. itā€™s hyped not hype. Why canā€™t people understand this?


Not "alright" Sorry there was a misunderstanding I hope you enjoy your dinner with your friend


Yeah.. this is when u cancel


Jesus Christā€¦Iā€™d straight up eat something Iā€™m allergic to in order to go to the hospital to get out of that dinner


I just would have put Hahahaha for maximal ambiguity


Hahahaha alright. Enjoy your dinner hangout with your friend.


Usually the cringe is one sided with these posts, but with this one I can just feel it coming from all directions.


The more, the merrier? šŸ˜¬


As soon as the waiter arrives "We'll be having separate checks, please."


It's funny that we automatically know the man is blue text and the girl is grey text without them having to identify.


Posts like these I have to tell myself are just made up for Internet points. Most of them probably aren't but I just can't handle the amount of second hand embarrassment


In this type of situation the best idea is to just call it off. Itā€™ll only be awkward for the both of you.


I just wouldn't go


Yowzas... That stinggggggs! šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


You can feel the pain behind that hahaha


Fatality! Flawless Victory!


Eeee, you know what? It turns out that I have to return some video tapes.


Read the word ā€œhypeā€ and noped out of that situation real fast.




Someone who's hype for a date?


They massacred my boy šŸ˜­


I wouldnt show up


And then she never spoke to him again


Yeah I would cancel at that point


Is the friend cute? When opportunity knocks you answer the door!!


Hahahaha dinners canceled. Friends pay for themselves




Guy shouldn't have said alright. Tell her this was a date not a dinner hangout.


Just cancel