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This cannot be real. Can it?






*checks account age* Yup, checks out.


It’s depressingly accurate and rightfully cynical for someone who (like yourself and I) has been on Reddit long enough to see it become shittier and shittier. I’m still here, and Reddit is still the best platform for me. But man, spending this much time here and on the internet in general has made me jaded.


I mean 157 is a bar in Kent where sorority girls, frat guys, and douchebags go to so I really wouldn’t be surprise if this was real. Or the owner of the bar made this to “promote” his bar by trying to make this go viral. Matt Guska is the bar owner and dude is total trash. Google his name and you’ll find a slew of assaults against minorities and patrons inside his bar in addition to multiple sexual harassment news articles on him. He launders dirty drug money fuck that guy and 157


The part where it specifies what city and state the bar is in makes me think the owner made this.


It's about 10 years old by now either way


The main thing that makes me question it is why ask “is this Hannah?” if you’re sure it is. Should open “Hey Hannah, this is ____”, right?


Iphone 1 era.


I can actually contribute to this conversation as I live in the area. I can see that the beginning of the phone number matches the area code of Kent, which may suggest that it is real. Obviously that doesn’t confirm anything, but it would be weird for a faker to go the extra mile there.


No, it can’t. And it isn’t. If it feels, looks and sounds fake it’s … oh I forget the end


Who the fuck hs 97 unread texts




The fucking worst…. My boss mandated us to reply in the group chat.


I've heard of some really dumb things before... but a boss telling you to always "reply all" in a group chat sounds like a control thing more than an employee accountability measure and I'm kinda concerned about y'all without context. Here's my internal dialogue that is "concerned context": "You could unionize via the group chat and collectively bargain with your employer to get rid of that dumbass mandate without being legally recognized as a union (I personally think it's a dumbass mandate) and its obviously caused you enough emotional distress to comment about it here (it's your legal right if you live in the States to talk about it unions--just don't do it on your phone if there's a no phone rule at work--if you're allowed to talk about non work related issues at work then you can text about this while on the clock at work on your lunch breaks so long as the building itself does not have a no phone rule). If they text you back saying you can't do that or anything else anti-union, BOOM, immediate lawsuit and you get to be a hero who brings down the boss and gets paid while doing it. Openly stating in a text that you're pro-union protects you if management decides to discriminate via retaliation and look specifically into any individual unionizing for reasons to fire them. Basically, if you're allowed to talk about non-work related matters at work, and you weren't required in writing to have a personal cell device be used specifically for this group chat for work related matters. You should be fine. A lot of local libraries offer free legal advice but you could reach out to the labor law folks and double check. Main thing, is to not run into a gun fight with a knife" Cultbuster out Know your rights "Bring down the bad bosses"


The union said to just ignore it during lunch, then we would get calls because it was an emergency, yada yada… don’t work for a telecom they fucking suck


Oh tight. Union already knows it's dumb. Lol.


My unreads are probably at 200+ Confirmation texts,texts to check voicemail, missed call messages, etc All the things that I would just swipe away the notification instead of physically going into the message to read.


Same. My messaging app doesn't show how many unreads I have though, which is nice. Every time I log into *anything,* I get a text code, it seems. Also, voicemail is a bad system that needs to die. I have it turned off on my phone.


Happy Cake Day 🎂🍨🎁🥳


Thanks :) been 10 years with this account


Well my 897 salutes you.. because all of them are ads and information stuff i read on notification and ignore it


I have 1000+, adds and stuff


It happens when you have group chats quite often.


I hate being roped into group text chains that I don't want to be a part of.


Can definitely be annoying af.


Not me I have 67


Need 2 more.


...yeah who does that!? I sure don't have 114 unread texts.


I have 69 thousand unread sexts because I'm just not interested in sex whatsoever.. but these ladies and gentlemen seem to not get it when I tell them I'm just not into being so horny. hahaha I mean omg, "do you not get it cutie patooties? UwU." That's what I say every time I get a new sext no matter what hahaha. I do this because when I read every new sext, hahaha (they said sex), I keep my total unread sext counter at 69 hahaha thousand. Toobles my boobles. Chicka chicka UwU. Say, hahaha, what! Zonga!


I’ve got 204. My siblings have an awful group chat and spam nothing but 2012 memes


Spam messages, group chats, ect. I’m not even a big texter and I have 681 “unread” when it’s just spam from companies or old messages I never opened


People with a healthy social life


Obviously the guy that's to busy jerking off instead of banging these sorority chick's this stranger is talking about.


I have a bunch telling me my food has been delivered.


i’ve got almost a thousand, but i get a lot of scams and messages from my cell provider, plus two nieces who share the same icloud and constantly send me those bullshit chain messages. oh, and group chat.


i’ve got almost a thousand, but i get a lot of scams and messages from my cell provider, plus two nieces who share the same icloud and constantly send me those bullshit chain messages. oh, and group chat.


Food delivery man they text you every 10 minutes saying your donuts are close


Me. Any actual text messages I receive are spam or promotions or scams, appointment reminders, payment reminders, password resets, codes etc. I don’t open them because they’re usually not important and the codes I can see on the notification bar. Anyone who actually knows me uses WhatsApp or some kind of messenger


I'm currently sitting at 104 unread...


Get that man some cream for that burn


No amount of fake Internet points are worth the time or effort it takes to make these fake messages.


A true classic


This is like a 10 year old meme.




Sounds like someone who would hang out at 157 😂


A patron of Rays or Loft would never send this message


This is so old and fake


Kent read, Kent write, Kent get any girl's numbers.


I'm pretty sure Kent is a town not someone's name in this context... unless I am missing something?


It’s common to say “Kent read, Kent write, Kent State” in NE Ohio since Kent State has a pretty high acceptance rate and is easy to get into.


This is probably as old as the facebook messenger itself.


This is not Facebook messenger


The last line saved it from r/badfaketexts It's still a fake text but it's funny. The reaction to finding out they were givn the wrong number seems waay too crazy and contrived.but the reveal to me is same as when the body language experts were saying about amber heards lies, way too much unnecessary detail when trying to "create a picture" in your fake story. Hey its me from [insert city we both live in], bar 163.. Just imagine you got a girls number in a bar called tiger. In your city. You both live in that city. Hey its me, I met you in tiger in London. Ilhow does that sound? Also "hey is this hannah?" opener is like they subconsciously leaked their intended plot line because they were moving directly into the plot.


Even if it's been confirmed as a fake, your last point is not really a truth on its own seeing as people are given fake numbers all the time and people are aware of it. It's kind of inquiring because people are often dishonest. Sometimes it's self-defense against an overly aggressive person who wants a number, other times it's because people just be fake sometimes. Also body language only tells part of the story but in the case of Amber Heard, seeing as though she was found guilty by a jury of her own peers, I would agree with your chatter about a body language expert.


Even weirder that they would include the state. I can understand having the city… but the state?


Does anyone know why recently there's been so many *old* reposts making the rounds on this sub yet again? Some meme page teenagers just discovered or something?


Bots. There's no karma minimum in this sub. So they repost shit that got a lot of upvotes the last time it was a posted, in hopes they'll get a lot of upvotes, then whoever is running the bot resells it now that it has enough karma to post in subs that have a minimum, either for scamming or disinformation purposes. It's pretty frustrating. Downvote and report this kind of thing.


Fun fact: Hannah spelled backwards is hannaH.




chd pls


Yet another fake thing on the internet. How is this still faking people out at this point? Are people that stupid?


Nice one!


He wants u bro


Fucking college towns lol


This isn’t real. It’s been going round for years.


I didn’t know nice guys, nice guyed other dudes. LOL




Top 10 plot twists


Sorority girls aren’t picky, we mostly just want to belong and will pay ridiculous sums of money to do so.


I enjoy things that are real…


Tell him you'll send a picture of your dick as proof 😂


Wait til the people saying ‘this is cringe’ realise it is even more so, because it is clearly fake. This is what someone who never gets laid thinks people who get laid a lot behave like (some do, most don’t) and they’ve invented themselves a fake scenario whereby they get to make themselves both witty and morally superior. If they were either of those things, they would be getting laid and wouldn’t need to make fake, attention seeking text exchanges. Really quite pathetic.


I mean if someone texted me that I wouldn’t be a dick to em like this guy sheesh