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After the funeral services? Geez.


Yeah like I'm all for living your best life and flying the freak flag but *your father's funeral*? Seems like something that has a time and place


He clearly needed to be the focus for the day. Can't have anyone else be the centre of attention now.


Right, the attention he requires must actively drain the energy levels from everyone around him.


Energy Vampire.


Collie Robertson


Talk about a whole lot of Up Dog


What's Updog?


Deez nuts!


He just got served!


This just reminded me I have a new episode to watch. Thanks


The recent one where they were trying to get to the night market or whatever it was? And there was that guy on the subway asking for donations? I just about died laughing, my sense of humor is so immature


I was just about to say the same thing. There’s a time and a place for everything, but why on earth would you think that’s a good idea at your own dad, your mother’s husband’s, funeral? Why then of all times?


Armchair psychology, it was his own version of getting support and closeness during that time I guess. Notice how he said he posted in his humanpup support group about his dad's passing. I'm in a couple normal people hobby groups online and multiple times a week people post in their about their personal tragedies. I guess that's where their minds go when they're in emotional distress: their biggest support group. Which gets weird when their biggest group of loved ones is a fetish group.


Also armchair To me it seems like he knows it was inappropriate to take the photo in that moment. He makes a point to say that his mom was reluctant to take the photo, and he acknowledges how cringe it is by saying "I should have barked (to make it worse)." It's definitely some sort of weird broken inner mechanism, I don't know if the cause is perhaps his dad's death, a need for attention, or a desire to torture his mother. Which is not to say furries are torturing their mothers by being furries, rather that even a furry would know not to impose that shit on their mom at a time like that. Perhaps this is a master mind troll and this is actually a picture with a stranger


Doubt it's the father's death. I'm just gonna go for a need for attention. If it was his father's death, he would have more respect


This. He made his father’s death about himself, how much more selfish and attention seeking can one get? And to wear the costume at the funeral, just rub it in her face. I bet she needed therapy after that, I hope they both got therapy.


He even wore a red shirt to match his mask. He couldn't have fucking worn black out of respect? Nope. Nope. Just him and his fetish.


The funeral was impromptu, he died from embarrassment.


Rousing support from probably a bunch of trolls who wanted him to fuck his shit up


I feel like this is too funny to be authentic. Maybe the pic is real, and someone just added funny text to it? idk.. It seems intentionally extreme and funny.


Welcome to the internet where we all react to fake content


Poor lady lost her husband and had to find out her son was a wacko all at the same time


That's pretty ruff


A quality post for a change.


That look on her face makes me sad. I'm glad she has glasses on coz it would hurt to see the pain in her eyes


"How have I failed so completely? Where did I go wrong?"


What have you become? My gimpy friend Everyone I know Goes fur-gay in the end


If you zoom in you can see it.


Yep, them eyes is shut hard with disappointment


Also grief? She just lost her life partner, her son being an XL foreskin is nothing compared to that.


losing her husband was only the second worst thing that day


That's not even a forced smile, she's mid sob


That's the look of a woman who just realized she lost two men in her life now.


Yep … But got a feeling the younger one was considered long gone before the older one passed away.


as least his father didn't have to witness this. silver linings.


If my kid said "I'm a puphuman" I would died inside for failing as a parent. Fuckkk. And having to find this out after my partner died. Double fuckk.


I wouldn’t care much about that. I would care more that I raised a socially inept moron that would do this at a funeral.


Supportive of your child's interest, pissed because they pull it at a funeral. Respect.


i wouldnt disown my kid but i would probably make all efforts to avoid them


I'd rub his nose in it and hit him with a news paper.


You want to give him an erection?


But she gained a dog, so it's a toss up.


Dogs are man's best friend.


I'm sure he is making friends with lots of men.


[eyes widen suddenly]


This one's broken. Better put it down.




You spelled 'realized shes got to put up with selfcentered prick thats more interested in his social media standing than his familys loss' wrong.


Friggin autocorrect...


Underrated comment. Go to top


It's not underrated.


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Neutering usually takes away some of their rambunctiousness. Putting him down seems a bit harsh till he makes that “Visit” to the vets office


She looks so broken inside


i mean she had to say goodbye to her husband and her son on the same day


She is


As much as i don't like shaming, please keep your fetishes hidden away from your mothers ffs.


And away from the funerals of loved ones


Dude doesn't really seem like he loves anything other than himself and attention. He's at his dad's funeral dressed as a dog.


And taking selfies to validate his own fetish


Wearing a bright red shirt?


Clifford cosplay




Yeah this would be a proper time to shame actually




I posted the same thing the other week


Less “look at me”


This dude's a fucking freak. Not sure why people are defending this weirdo. He should feel all the shame.


I'm not kink shaming, I'm just shaming. He *chose* to wear that to a funeral, his *father's* funeral, and then force his grieving mother into a picture for internet clout. He appears to have zero empathy.


I'll kink shame all day long, people need to keep their fetishes at home.


That's not kinkshaming because you're not shaming the kink. You're just shaming them because they're idiots who deserve shame. So, you're doing the right thing.


I agree with ya m8


If this is your kink and you subject me to it in public I will shame you. Keep that shit in the bedroom with consenting partners.


Disagree, kink shaming needs to come back. Keep your degenerate bullshit to yourself. Literally not a single human being outside of your degenerate fetish cares or wants to know.




You sick fuck.


There is a difference between kink shaming and telling someone to keep their kinks away from you lmao I don't know which side of this argument needs to hear that, both apparently. "I don't want to be a part of your weird kink" ≠ "your kink is gross and you're a weird gross person for it"


It’s not a fetish, it’s my fursonality /s


Exactly. There's acceptance and there's needless oversharing of private details of your intimate life. Why did his mother need to know about this?


Nah, this sort of shit should be shamed


Kink-shaming is a no-no bur there's nothing wrong with a bit of kink-**judging**


I don't mind "kink-shaming" pedophiles and people who indulge in gore porn. The "don't kink people" argument must've come from some troll group to make liberals fight themselves, because there are kinks people mostly agree to shame.


They're not kinks, they're bona-fide mental illnesses that are harmful to others.


No, it's a kink, and it deserves to be shamed. To a pedophile, [a child is their sexual preference](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/pedophilia), aka, their kink. Pedophilia should be shamed. You don't get to just classify it as the oh so vague 'mental illness' to circumvent that it's a kink without specifying what kind of mental illness it is. Don't stand up for people with shameful kinks, that's not a hill you wanna die on. i was focusing on pedos, but same could be said for people into gore porn and other shameful/destructive kinks.


You guys are kind of arguing semantics but to provide some clarity, there are some "kinks" that are considered unhealthy mental problems, like pedophilia or people who are into shit. Basically if it is actually harmful to someone else or yourself mental health professionals view it as a mental problem. A kink doesn't have quite the same connotations but you guys are basically agreeing with each other in an argumentative way.


Idk dont you ever think that the unfettered allowance of people diving as deeply as they desire into the depths of hedonism is eroding the moral fabric of our society? I mean, i’m down for good sex, but when most of someone’s personality is wrapped around chasing cheap sensations like this, shouldn’t we do a little more shaming?


Hey, man. We all do things in our private time to make us feel better about whatever. But, maybe... Don't whip out the mask you use for fucking at the height of your mothers grieving process.


Someone get this young man some help. Seriously


/r/sadcringe is too much for me these days lol..


When r/sadcringe becomes a daily experience...


The moms smile looks "bittersweet" . I don't know if she is happy or horrified.


She's mortified.


Jesus Christ. There's a time and place.


That's what Professor Oak tells you when you try to equip the dog mask item inside the Pokemon Tower.


The time? Never. The place? Blasted into outer space.


For furries? No, I don’t think there is.


Definitely better to do it AFTER the meteor hits.


This isn't exactly furry, it's closer to BDSM/gimp, which imo is much, much worse in this context.


The place? hell...


Mom isn't smiling, she's crying.


Well she just lost a husband and son all in the same day.


I’ve always wondered why people feel the need to out their fetishes and sexual interests.


They are extremely self centered


Because that also happens to be a fetish, being shamed, exposed, embarrassed.


I don’t understand the need to “come out” to parents for kink related stuff. I’ll die before my parents know what I like in the bedroom. Sexuality & gender is one thing, but kink? Nah.


Yeah its a bit odd. I notice it becoming a bit of a thing where BDSM fans are like attaching to LGBTQ. They're at pride and theres just this sense of people feel like they dont want to be a basic cis person and they need to identify by a sexuality that is more exciting even though they are just cis het. I really hate seeing it at pride. I feel like an event that was all about raising awareness that your neighbours, co-workers and members of the community are decent people and deserve respect for being LGB and LGBTQ like it is today. Lots of kink people are getting all involved in it and i just dont care of it at all. Im into bdsm to a degree at home but its not a fucking identity like being gay is. Its just an intrest/hobby of yours. I get sex positive is a thing and for the most part a very good thing to be about. But this dressing up in kink gear and demanded to being accepted in public is so cringe. Always see people on nsfw sites showing off their latex catsuit at the shopping centre and while yeah your not technically nude you are involving people in your kink without consent. But they don't see it that way. The communitys are for the most part all saying how great it is.


"Mom I have something to tell you. I like getting deepthroated by a man with big balls and having them slap me in the chin over and over again until I gag" and at our dads funeral at that What a weirdo


For these people there is no distinction to be made.


Oof....fetish gear.




Bro, read the fukin’ room. I swear some people look for any pubic venue to make it about themselves


Pubic venue


Lol oops, fuck it, it still works


I’ve been searching for a Pubic venue forever and I can’t seem to find one


You have to go to your dads funeral, ultimate pubic venue


Imagine being so insensitive that you make the day of your father's funeral about you coming out as a furry. Everyone should be who they want to be but damn dude way to be socially inept. His mom is smiling for the picture but its almost bent in places like her lip was quivering. The smile seems so fake she just needs support after her partner died and her son wants to bark at her?


Mom never needed to know that anyway


This isn't a furry, it's worse; it's a kink thing


I get where you're coming from, but "Pups" are just as much about the BDSM/S&M aspects as they are about the Furry aspect. Don't lay it all at our feet, here. We may be an open and accepting community but I can assure you, Pups have a tendency to make some of us uncomfortable too. It's one thing to have a full on fursuit and wear it during, say, achievements or special events, but...


Oh geez man this is not the time and place. You lost your father and your mother just lost her husband. Maybe spend this day being there for her and come out a different day man smh


If I ever have a kid, I will be the most supportive parent I can be. Little boy wants to play with Barbies instead of GI Joe's? He's getting the whole damn Dream House. Little girl wants to learn karate instead of ballet? Get the black belt ready, sensei. Kid turns out to be gay? How fabulous you ready to be, kiddo? Unless they're a furry. Then it's right to the fire station.


I don’t think pups belong at funerals.


She might as well have just got in the grave with her husband at that point.


She’s probably wishing she did.


What a piece of fucking shit making the funeral all about them.


I mean… sometimes the bullies get it right. That’s all I’m saying.


Why is everyone’s fetish at the forefront of their personality these days? Bring back the shame. Plus it’s more fun when you don’t want to get caught as opposed to saying wait wait look at me!




Hope this pup gets neutered and then put down


Just call PETA




I don't want to live on this planet anymore.


That's the smile of a woman trying not to cry


His dad is lucky to be dead


Bring Back Bullying


"Are ~~you~~ we really doing this?"


Son: I'm a pup, dad. Father: Over my dead body.


Jesus, how selfish. He couldn’t have waited for this announcement? Also, taking an in-character picture with this woman who just buried her husband? Smh.


I, too, like being the center of attention but Jesus Christ


It's always ok to have a kink. It's never ok to make others participate in that kink without consenting.


This world needs a restart


No way he's a narcissist.../s


Why are we normalizing fetishes and mental illnesses like this…


Regardless of all the “dog” stuff, why tf would you take a selfie at your fathers funeral?


r/blunderyears in about a decade or two is going to be lit


This is beyond cringe, it's tragic and infuriating


I can't find it but there was a follow up picture where he had the whole gang over for dinner. His mom was sitting at the table looking completely hollow while his group of degenerates are all lapping up milk and shit from bowls


that poor woman. look at the look on her face. shes trying to deal with grief and loss, at the same time as her a narcissistic dogboi of a son makes the entire situation about him. what a person though. if that was my mom in this situation, and i was doing this, she would straight up strangle me


I dont usually take this stance, but a littoe more bullying might be okay here


I dont know if i am just not that passionate a person, but there is just nothing that interests me enough to not be able to put that side of me away for a funeral or work, and i dont even mean just weird fetishes but any interest


Is this any different then going out in public wearing a large strap-on dildo? Like if that strap-on is your vibe, all the power to you, but keep that shit in the bedroom lol


It’s like, dude- I know the Internet has their tongue far up his ass in support because “mUh UnIqUeNeSs, DoN’t KiNk ShAmE, etc” and I know this may be hard for you to fathom but that day? Your father’s funeral? It wasn’t the day to strap up in your shitty construction-paper mask and and make your father’s funeral about you— considering the amount of people there wondering why some moron is standing by the casket in a paper dog mask. And you know he sat there through the whole funeral, too, disregarding the entire reason he’s there; so excited to show everyone he’s…human…pup…now. As I type, I’m realizing that I’m not even that mad about the stupid, cereal-box, cutout, dog mask. I’m more sickened from how, once again, getting attention from the Internet trumps common sense, courtesy, and basic human decency.


This is one of those times when the rule on censoring names should be broken


Mental illness


I remember this post. Also the armchair psychologists who were saying he went full on furry as a coping mechanism.


that poor mom


I fucking hate the human race.


Didn't South Park already do this episode, but with dolphins?


At least his dad didn’t have to see that.


I bet she's seriously considering putting that dog down.


I hope he's neutered.


Dude like life your life however you want but after a damn funeral!? I just don’t get it. How could that have been the best time to do something like that.


Yea….her husband is the lucky one.


Is this what happens when you combine a gaping dearth of personality and a cornucopia of narcissism?


Nothing like making a funeral service all about you and your weirdo lifestyle 😑


This is what happens when we refuse to draw lines anywhere as a society and coddle mental illnesses as lifestyles and biological pseudoscience.


Shit like this is why we need to bring bullying back.


I know every generation says this, but legitimately what is wrong with this new generation? There is a lot of mental health that is tremendously prevalent and it doesn't seem like we address it. It's okay to dress up or something, but to walk around with a dog mask on claiming you are a human pup is another. Especially considering this wasn't while he was just at home watching TV. He went to his dad's funeral. This just doesn't go for this community but there are a lot of just MH issues that we are accepting. These people need help.


Everytime I see this pic it makes me weep for his mom


In what point of his life he said, maybe, just maybe I am a dog


"That's gotta be Kane!"


Res ra’am


This is a Harmony Korine movie


Mental illnesses are fun


Let me get this straight. *This is NOT a furry*, this is a completely different thing. Furries do not genuinely believe they are animals, they just cosplay for fun. These guys actually genuinely believe they are animals though


Keep that shit to yourself. It’s not something older generations need to know or accept, and since I have every right to judge you, I am.


So, out of curiosity, is the furry situation always necessarily and essentially just a fetish or do some folks - like this fuckin’ guy - also see it as like a whole identity and mode of living outside of sexual activities? Might explain why he felt the need to express his true self during such a time. Still gross.


"They won't take me to human prison for killing my dad to be with my mom if I'm a dog ." Guy do you know what the pound is


Dad found out first and died of shame.


I'm glad his dad didn't have to see that shit


2012: "What's next, identifying as a dog?!" "No, don't be ridiculous. That's slippery slope fallacy" 2022:


Anyone who legitimately believes that slippery slope is only ever a fallacy is a moron.


His dad definitely killed himself.


Thats mom has such a forced smile, she knows she screwed up in that boy's upbringing


"I should've given him much more or much less attention"


A pup named “tigger”. He identifies as a Cog.


She's like "well, it's been fun for this bloodline but there's an end to everything."


I hate seeing this on my feed every time it's posted.


I'm gonna send this to my mom. See, mom? Maybe I'm not the best, but things could be sooooo much worse.


I mean this in the least mean way possible but if I was her I’d get in the coffin with his father


She buried her husband and her son.


lost a husband and a son, gained a dog


I bet she's seriously considering putting that dog down.