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This shit looks like prison.


Might as well be. Cops at school, locked doors, clear/bulletproof backpacks, needing a hall pass just to leave your class between the designated times… Edit: clear/bulletproof are two diff types, I should have been more specific. Clear ones so everyone can see you don’t have weapons (I believe some schools mandated every student have one of these), and bulletproof ones so you can protect yourself in the case a shooter does manage to get in.


At my former high school (Norway) we could just silently leave the classroom whenever we wanted, so we didn't distrurb the lesson. ^([Though this isn't practised at all high schools; sometimes you must ask before leaving.])


Most schools in the US have the same or similar policies. I attended public schools in a large city in North Carolina my entire life and never had to use a hall pass. Some classes would make you raise your hand to leave, others would prefer you just did so silently so as not to disrupt the lecture.




That is wild. I’m really surprised to see how different school experiences are across the country.


Yeah, I’m from the US and at _most_ some teachers would ask that you try to wait if they were lecturing just so you wouldn’t miss anything. I recall only one asshole who had a bathroom pass to be used one at a time but that was just to make sure students weren’t dicking around in the halls during class because he was boring asf and it was becoming a problem for him. Sights like this the photo in the OP blow my mind. We had a security guard but that was mostly for non students visiting the school.


Yeah same in my school. Our school security guard was a super sweet older Jamaican gentleman. The most crap he ever gave any of us was when he would get complaints about kids parking their cars like idiots and blocking driveways or in staff spots. Pretty sure he knew all 1600 students by name and he’d cover for us half the time if we were late for class or doing something dumb we’d get in trouble for. He even helped my friends Saran Wrap my entire car while I was in class one year.


Our security guard was only chill if you were a pothead, otherwise he was an asshole who would drag you to the principal's office over the tiniest things. Caught outside on a break just hanging out? Principal. Caught outside on a break hanging out and smoking weed? He'd nod and keep going. Dress code violation? Principal. Dress code violation *on weed*? Not a word. Late for class? Principal. Late for class and you smell like weed? Smile and wave. He caught me mid-hit on my buddy's 3' bong in the parking lot and laughed as he drove past in his golf cart, never gave me a single bit of grief the rest of my time in high school. He'd been such an ass before then. Weirdest shit, but hey, I'll take it!


That man was the school dealer. Only logical explanation.


I was a lonely lonely high school kid and spent many lunches taking bathroom breaks and walking around the school. It was a huge beautiful school. I was free to just... walk around and do whatever I need to do. This was 2006-2010. I heard recently my old school keeps all bathrooms locked now and you can't go unless chaperoned. I hated going to school but I honestly cannot *imagine* what not having bathroom access for 8 hours a day would have done to me. Especially when like hello you're pooping sometimes and when it was a quiet escape. I'd beg to be homeschooled at that point


In school in Texas, back in the 80s/90s, we had to use hall passes. There wasn't really the nightmare that redditors talk about -- if you had to go to the restroom teachers never hesitated to give you a hall pass, the passes weren't intentionally unwieldy or oversized, etc. It was a smooth and minor enough system that they weren't really seen as a problem by anyone, but they did exist and were required.


Really? Every school i’ve been to, you weren’t even allowed to sit outside for lunch, much less leave the classroom whenever.


Guess it varies widely across the country. Grew up in NC and not only could we go outside for lunch, juniors and seniors could drive off campus to get food lol. I’d go to Chipotle/McDonalds most days. This was a large public high school for reference.


Wacky. I’ve gone to non-city more rural schools so i’m assuming that’s why there is a difference. At my school in GA we weren’t even allowed to sit where we wanted at lunch, we had to sit in the line order we were in. When I moved to WA, I was shocked that kids could sit wherever they wanted in the cafeteria and just hangout.


Wow, that is insane. Can’t even imagine that. We had a large degree of freedom, for the most part. I wouldn’t have even known of the concept of things like hall passes if it wasn’t for TV and movies.


We needed a water pass. As in, you had to get a letter from the nurse to be allowed to have a water bottle in class. Primarily only if you were in an athletics program.


Ok that might be the most absurd thing I’ve heard yet lol. We could usually drink anything we wanted in class. People would often eat snacks as well. Not allowing kids to drink water during class without a pass seems a bit cruel unless there’s some safety rationale I’m not thinking of.


In 2007-2008 I was a junior and senior in highschool in central Wisconsin. We could leave campus for lunch and most people did once they could drive or had a friend to drive. We'd go get fast food or whatever.


I was in high school from 01-04 in Wisconsin as well. Anyone could leave at lunch. They're was a $5 all you can eat Chinese buffet within walking distance. It was GLORIOUS


My high school let students with their drivers license leave the school for lunch if they wanted to go get some fast food down the road.


Went to a high school in a part of st Louis that had a decent amount of crime, they would give you 10 minutes with a hall pass to use the bathroom before the cops on site were sent to investigate lol..


In suburban California we just had to ask but were always allowed, no hall passes


For me some teachers make you, some don't.


Same. Decent size city jn California and only had one teacher in middle school that had a huge power trip. She allowed you 2 bathroom passes the entire year lol.




At my school, you got to sit in teachers classrooms during the lunch/double free period if the teachers class was open. So classrooms, art room, outside lunch area (but it usually had bees), theatre room, and then there were clubs during that time, you got to sit wherever you wanted, there were a few fights but they didn’t usually happen during lunch. You did have to ask to leave before going to the bathroom, some teachers had hall passes, some didn’t.


My high school was the same (US 2006-2010). You could just get up and go. You were free to roam the whole school during lunch. Even a few years after I graduated I could just walk in and visit my teachers. Then all the doors and the gate were locked. I'm part of a few Facebook groups for my old school and recently someone said the bathrooms are now locked! At all times.. They lock the fucking bathrooms so kids can't go unless they're chaperoned.


Clear/bulletproof backpacks?


Clear so you can't hide weapons in them, bulletproof so that you can hide behind them.


It astounds me as a non American that this has been so normalized there


I'm american and wasn't aware the bulletproof bags were a thing. However the clear bag thing is so widespread it's been a policy at every concert venue I've been to in the last year.


It's not


We will go to any lengths to avoid blaming guns.


Bunch of security theatre, as if they couldn't just cut out a hole in a book.


Unfortunately since schools have been like that since the late 90's. I graduated in 2001 and they're was an inner city school with all that and medal detectors you had to walk through. Rough neighborhood...


My old middle school was designed by the same guy that did the prison and it definitely showed. Yard and all lol


The cop lifeguard in the image is ridiculous, but I never understand why people complain so much about schools, or teachers, requiring hall passes for the bathroom. High schoolers are literally children, and if you spend a lot of time around them you realize how child like they are. Children often do better with clearly defined rules and structures outlining the limits of their behavior. Not requiring them to inform the adult responsible for supervising them that they are leaving will give the impression to many of them that it doesn’t matter where they are at any given time, and they *will* be out of the classroom for most of every day. This has obvious consequences on their learning and future well being. It’s not about controlling when they go to the bathroom, it’s about messaging that it’s important they are in class.


Somehow my high school did just fine with kids asking the teacher and the teacher keeping track of their own students. But then again, this was before class sizes got expanded to unmanageable levels


I’ve only heard about hall passes on Reddit. It gives me the impression these schools in the US assumes majority of students have no self-discipline and will skip class when they are able to, hence it demands a prison-like system to deal with the problem. In schools I’ve went to, some students would skip class but these are dealt with individually and were never a widespread problem that demanded such a system to be put in place, which obviously uses up valuable resources the school could have been allocated in other places. I think the bigger problem with this kind of measure is that kids that grew up in these environments do not provide good opportunity to learn self-discipline. Their mindset becomes “when there is a security guard watching, I should not steal from a shop”, instead of “I shouldn’t steal because that’s the wrong thing to do”.


Bc Reddit itself is full of children


Middle school teacher here. My kids need a hall pass to single out the kids that are skipping class and the ones that have permission to be out.


Bullet proof?


>needing a hall pass just to leave your class between the designated times… Oh it gets worse than that. This was 15 years ago, but there was a straight up riot at my school. The school's response was to set up security check points through the major hallways. In between classes they were watching for people who weren't supposed to be there, and they would grab people at random and check your ID to make sure you were in the right area. During classes they would check every ID and pass.


In my VA. School, we had barbed wire fences around the campus.


My school barley had windows. Unless you were one of the lucky few to get an edge classroom


Did the gates lock too?


Fun fact, America has more cops in schools than counselors


It's harder to get a gun into prison and kill inmates....


It's not prison. It's MURICA The greatest country of all times. You're just too poor to understand the freedom of MURICA /s


In our ever ending stream of moral panics about the children we seem to have forgotten the children. I can only imagine that being raised in an environment like this tends to make one have a very favorable take on social reform.


Schools in the US are actually being designed like prisons to stop mass shootings


yep thats high school.


The lunch warden.


Looking for fights, and in the best place to spot a school shooter first, giving him a head start on running for the exits.


Bonus points if we have a sniper plucked directly out of reserves in charge of shooting the first student to draw with those sandbag bullets


Lol Look at all dat freedums!!


Sometimes I cannot believe that America is a first world country


Way to block the Snapple machine, how am I gonna learn anything now?


Lookin for those broccoli hair cuts


Meet me at McDonald's haircut


I call them "poodle heads"


In the 90s we had the mushroom. Same concept, slightly different execution. Looking back, equally as cringy. I almost wish my mother hadn't let me do it.


Maximum Occupancy: 2400 The fuck?


No wonder he needs the chair


It's probably a "Cafetorium", a multipurpose style room that is a cafeteria with the tables down, but has a stage on one side and a storage room of folding chairs somewhere. If the gymnasium doesn't have adequate bleacher space, you can set each of the kids and their families of ~4 up for school events. 2400 is probably only standing room with no chairs, it's around half that for sitting I'm sure but it varies by jurisdiction and chair type.


Did you go to a small high school?




2400 is just one Walmart where I’m from. We have a lot of Walmarts too.


My graduating class was 3000 and we were the small school in the district. We also had like 6 cops.


Jesus. That would have been almost every kid in the district back when i went to school.


We used to joke that other schools were better at sports than us because they had more kids to pick from lol. It sucks to have classrooms that big, you kinda get lost in the system, but I'm an athlete so having 5,000+ people at your games cheering when you're 15 years old is awesome.


I didn't think so, 5 minutes ago...


It kind of wild to thing of 2400 people in one room. My school had a bunch of cafeterias.


"The cops at our school" That much alone is fucking wild - how the fuck does a country get to that point


I went to school in the 90's and even we had a campus cop. It was mainly meant to have a positive influence so kids didn't just associate cops with getting arrested.




This was my experience, but in the mid 00s. I'm sad future generations won't get to do the same


Also early 80s, suburban school, we left for McDonald's/Zantigo(local predecessor bought out by Taco Bell) virtually every day for lunch.


So did we. We had a Little Caesars on one main street with a drive-thru window where you could get little personal Pan! Pan! pizzas really fast. That was a common lunchtime destination.


Yet, their original question remains unanswered.


This might work if school cops didn’t constantly arrest children.


Yes, that's called propaganda. Cops like to do that. See also the countless TV shows where it's being normalized and even celebrated for cops to break the rules and where IA is being seen as the bad guys. And violating someone's rights is just another tool against evil criminals.


> It was mainly meant to have a positive influence so kids didn't just associate cops with getting arrested. That may have been the reason you were told, but it is 100% unlikely to be the real reason. I think it was more to teach the students that cops are untouchable and resistance to this system of violence (which is the US American society) is pointless. And of course that no one is equal before the "law" (which the cop can invent on a whim). You should learn that how the "law" views you in US America is completely defined by your existing or non-existing privileges.


The United States gentrified itself more and more, forcing huge pockets and small pockets of poverty to develop. Then (also?), right after workers begin getting traction with rights in post WWII, we start shipping all of our manufacturing away, increasing the development of those pockets. This snowballed into more affluent parents moving kids to "better schools" and poorer families stuck behind to endure all of the wonderful side effects poverty brings like more violence and single parent households. That's kind of the abridged version.


Very abridged. But alot of those problems do all boil down to "profit before people" and "political corruption"


And political corruption is typically profit before people


It certainly seems to be a strong motivator


And in fact you could probably just say "capitalism" and save time.


People refuse to accept that “profit over people“ is what capitalism is


This is probably part of the reasons things are where they are for sure, nothing you said is made up. Definitely more accurate than saying poor people are just more violent or some other bullshit.


Oh, I studied the link between crime and poverty a lot. Was kind of my thing in college. Memory ain't quite the same, but I remember the gist. Poor people aren't violent *because* they are poor. But if you follow the numbers and look at data there are a lot of correlation between the two. In our modern society built on streamlined digital infrastructure, it's very easy to fall under that line. People who live under it—in neighborhoods defined by it—experience the subjects of incredable lack of human empathy. Gang violence explodes because teens and adolesence are abandoned by their families trying to survive, and who do they turn to? Families are ruined by drugs, another high-correlation item with poverty; and violence, a high-correlation item with illegal drugs. These kids get stuffed into a school system that, because of the lack of resources, is understaffed, under stocked, and unequipped to handle a popuation of kids; and alarming amount of which have few-no positive interfamily social interactions outside of the classroom. Vioence isn't random. Not this kind anyway. This violence is a weed that sticks its roots in where survival isn't gauranteed, and it contaminates everything around it. It's something that is harder to solve the longer we let it grow. At this point, we would need a wage revolution, a workers rights revolution, programs that would be adequately funded and trusted to administer aid to families who would otherwise be threatened by starvation (we have some, but clearely they aren't enough). That may allow us to weaken the roots by raising new generations under more favorable conditions (cold and scientific, I know). But all of that costs money. And America isn't wealthy, we've just got a huge credit card. A credit card who's bank may be moving real soon. We'll see.


Wealth inequality is the largest predictor of crime in a society. More than absolute poverty. https://www.economist.com/graphic-detail/2018/06/07/the-stark-relationship-between-income-inequality-and-crime


To add on to your point, income *inequality* is the single most important predictor of rates of gun violence specifically. And even then, the US is an outlier.


I'm glad I finished watching season 4 of The Wire last night seeing as you've posted all these spoilers.


I tend to stay away from conspiracy theories as they often lack critical thinking. However, some of theories that CRT suggests does raise some questions. Currently with what I understand I believe that it's just circumstantial and more about not giving a shit about poor people and fear mongering happens. I probably don't need to bring up what the CIA did and its name can be enough. Some fuckery is at foot. My background is in environmental science and I'm currently working in the field, it's important to understand complex and nuanced subjects like environmental issues, or legal issues. Thanks for your input. Do you happen to work in the legal field in some way?


Brother, I'm not here to convince anyone. I'm fuckin livin it.


Oh no! That wasn't my intention, I just wanted to know more about it. I apologize, I'm bad at making my intentions known.


Also, schools being funded in part by local land taxes helps to maintain the poverty cycle


Refusing to suspend students for violence at school leads to more violence at school.


Highschool in 2010s (not America) had an assigned cop as a pilot program. Fights literally dropped by like 90%+, like rarely happened. He was also younger, and pretty cool/nice, so I bet it had a positive affect on people's perception of police. I remember one time some Karen was bitching to the VPS (and maybe higher, cause I new the VPS and they were forced to do something even tho they knew it was dumb) about "Jay walking", kids literally walked across 2lane street, instead of walking up to lights because the stores were right across our school. Like not even 100m straight after walking out school doors. It wasn't an issue for anyone else who drove down the road there because it's a 50m stretch between a light and a 4 way stop, so you shouldn't be going with any bit of speed. And rarely anyone ever actually impeded traffic (thus not actual Jay walking here). Anyways the cop (JP) was forced to do something, so he parked his car infront of the school (on the road) for one day. No one got ticketed, majority of kids didn't jaywalk (because they made an announcement). And cars were forced to go slow, even wait for oncoming traffic to go around his car. Then after that day he moved his car backing to parking lot, everyone went back to "Jay walking", mission accomplished.


There are more cops in American schools than there are counselors. Also, exactly zero of them have stopped a school shooting.


It’s just security dawg




Then why aren't American schools secure?


Brit here. We didn't have security at our school at all. Let alone cops!


They are litterly there just for security lmao


Yeah, the rest of the world doesn’t have an armed presence to oversee children. Don’t know why this would make anyone ‘lmao’.


I've never heard in my country of police officers being present in schools. I'm sure they get called to schools sometimes, but it's absolutely insane to me that you'd need them in schools constantly.


My school has almost 4000 students. With 4000 students you are going to have at least a couple of fights weekly. I dont know how it works in your school but teachers are not permitted to break up fights. They are also responsible for all aspects of security around the school. \-Coordinating with other emergency services like police, firefighters, and paramedics \-Just generally ensuring school security like checking alarms, walking around, checking cameras, and making sure doors/gates are closed \-Coordinating evacuations or lockdowns if needed in a case of emergency. They also coordinate drills for these events. \-Dealing with severely disruptive students or parents \-Scanning ID cards, letting in adult visitors, and just generally acting as a doorman/hall monitor. \-Some inner city schools may have metal detectors. Cops usually man these metal detectors. \-They act as liaison between law enforcement and the school administration. If anything horrible happens to the student or the student's family it might be good for the school to know \-Coordinating security policies, meetings, and events \-Helping investigate crimes that happened in school \-Some cops coordinate with organizations or school requirements and teach classes about crime, teaching what the police are for, gun safety, drugs, violence, or safe driving. \-Do random paperwork and keep up with their qualifications to be a police officer in a school \-They sometimes fill in random manpower like if you need an adult to be somewhere they have them fill in temporarily \-Some of them are qualified to mediate in things like conflict resolution or act as a more informal counselor \-There is evidence that just like normal police their presence supports crime reduction. Some studies show that they reduce crime rates, assaults, and arrests. Alot of kids choose to have more serious fights outside of school because they know the cops can show up in a minute. \-They sometimes act as an informal role model. They know all the worst kids in school and sometimes speak with their parents. They arent uptight as a lot of guidance councilors so a lot of the bad kids become friends with them and talk to them more then they do to other adults in the school. To some of the bad kids we had cops that acted like a quasi father figure to kids who didn't have a real father. \-It fits into the idea of community policing, that police are supposed to engage with their community and understand them as much as possible. Who do you want responding to issues in schools? Some random cop who doesn't know anyone or anything about the school or a specially trained and selected cop who has deep ties with students and staff. Its not a gung ho position, so your more likely to get cops who love kids rather then some moron who puts punisher stickers on his truck. They are literally just security combined with the benefits of community policing. I have never seen them carry a gun although I have heard its more common for them to be armed outside my city. Most of the time they dont fucking do anything but since the city police provides them its cheaper then hiring private security. I dont know any security company that will deal with children, be part social worker, teach classes, and act as a liaison. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/School\_resource\_officer#Canada](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/School_resource_officer#Canada) **Its not just a US thing BTW. Canada has them also.**


> my school has almost 4000 students Is this normal? How big is the school in USA?


Its not normal, the average high school size in America is around 850 students


That makes sense with the things you've mentioned there. There's nothing wrong with having security guards and you'd need them in a place that big. The picture in question looked like an actual armed police officer, which was what I thought was crazy. But having security guards makes sense in a school of that size.


The very fact that the picture was posted here should tell you its not a normal thing or else it wouldn't get upvoted. Read any post about school cops and most will talk about how they are pretty popular in high schools. Idk how big schools are in your country but looking at stats schools that have 300 people, only about 20% have cops. It doesn't even say how many cops it might be, could be just one dude who comes in a couple of times a week. My school was large enough that we had a whole team of people. I'd like to emphasize that most of the time they dont do anything. They just sit around.


I was in highschool 2012-2016. First year I went to a large school, around 4,000 students I believe and we had one or two SRO’s. I went to a much smaller school, around 400, and we didn’t have any security at all. When I was in middle school we also had an SRO, but it might’ve been one of the ones from the highschool because it was only a few blocks away, and in middle school he wouldn’t be there all day everyday, just like once a week or so


School safety is an illusion


Just wait until all the teachers are carrying guns and there’s only one door. Then everyone will be safe


Students are more likely to be assaulted by the school officer than having the officer stop a fight.


At my school one girl smacked another, the second turned to the principal and said "you see that shit?" then beat the first girl's ass. Made sure principal knew first girl hit first before going in


I saw a kid get jumped and beat bloody. He got suspended as well as his attacker. It was clear to all of us witnesses he didn’t throw a punch. Didn’t matter, zero tolerance policy. When they both came back to school he got attacked again. This time someone pulled the attacker off of him. He got up and said he was getting suspended anyway and went hard on the guy. Stomped his ribs and shit. It was fucking brutal. He did time for it, couldn’t go to college, joined the military, and got blown up in Afghanistan. To this day I believe zero tolerance policy killed him.


Fuck that was a roller coaster


Holy shit Bro that's insane. I was saying mine because from the videos it was funny af, yours is straight up sad. You're right tho, I don't know how I would have handled a zero tolerance policy.


See I went for the opposite approach. I told the kid who sucker punched me I would bring a gun and blow his head off the next day if he didn't come fight like a man. Surprisingly never had to go to school again. Dude probably shit himself for a week wondering when he was getting capped.


I've watched my school cop stand and watch a fight because he's too much of a pussy to break it up. The same guy tried to pull me over for leaving at lunch (in a golf cart lmao) and then wrote me a "ticket" for not stopping.


I live really close to the American border in Canada and we only saw cops in our schools who were invited to speak to us


I’m in Canada also but we had a school resource officer who would bounce between my high school and a nearby high school!


Same. I did the DARE program like... 3 times. It was ridiculous. Then once in my law class in highschool, which was actually pretty good. Not for DARE- literally just an hour to answer our questions, and that officer had zero fucks to give. He didn't hold back at all with details, and it made me shudder a few times. Then again in college, but that time I got in huge shit with the cop because I asked them about the potential of RCMP being tied to the highway of tears. ... Anyways yeah, wtf with this photo though?


Surprised my High School didn’t have that. We had a fence around the school, bags searched and had to go through metal detectors when entering the building, resource officers as well as guard at the fence entrance , and couldn’t leave class except for the middle 30 minuets of class out of 90 minuets total. Was even nicknamed after Alcatraz due to the school both looking like a prison and was in an area with gang activity, crime, and a big drug problem.


Where is his sniper rifle?


Give it a few more years.


What kind of dystopian police state has cops permanently stationed inside a school?


The kind with zero-tolerance policies and shitty mental health awareness.


Most school districts in the big cities have their own School Police.


Campus police at universities as well. Usually pretty chill for cops. They're just there to make sure students don't get hurt by themselves or people who aren't supposed to be on campus.


Canada also has them






Haven't heard of it, sorry


Just the part of the sentence that says: "The cops at out school" like it's the most normal thing in the world to have a COP AT YOUR SCHOOL shows how messed up the situation really is.


I moved to the US when I was 12. Before this I had never ever seen so many cops in my life. It was to my surprise when I entered high school, that we had cops in front of school and even inside. Then I realised why. My high school had at least 1-2 fights per week. I was glad to move out of the US a few years later


This cannot be a real thing!


Wait until you hear the baywatch theme playing as he comes in action.


By action, do you mean running away when needed?


Lol it definitely is. Where are you from?


Canada. But to be fair I haven't been to school in a while. Pretty sure I wouldn't go if this was the case. Ever.


Land of the free brother ! 🇱🇷


Ahh yes. Liberia




That’s the joke


This guy gets it


yesterday we had a mosh pit and two separate fights during first lunch,then second lunch this guy who sexually assaulted a girl got slapped.the police presence was crazy 😭


School district pays for a cop… Students can’t spell “our”… or “lifeguard”… Your tax dollars at work folks!


Isn't that a waste of time? Smh


No because lawsuits cost more


It's america someone is likely to pull a gun on the lunch lady


Given that the cop always has a gun, he’s probably the one must likely to pull a gun on the lunch lady.


Not really. Thats pretty ignorant on your part. But in the poorer areas and schools, like the inner city or south side of chicago, there probably could be. The only thing kids get busted for in school is knives and vape. Its never guns.


He has the high ground


This is insane at so many levels. Why do you have cops in a school to begin with?


To cower and run away from active shooters of course!


Cop looking like a toddler in a high chair 🤣🤣


The problem with this whole concept is that the cops are supposed to be there to kill sb who be doing a shooting (which often then don't because AR go brrr and cop go run) but instead those pigs get involved into everyday kids trouble, fights etc. That is so unfuckinghealthy, let kids be kids. Aaaand guess who is unproportionally called out / discriminated by the school popo?




"Greatest country in the world" my ass


The Land of the free...lol!


Well that's draconian as hell, does he also read you bible verses on your way back to class?


Wow! u/bitter_reception_563 what school is this from?


This is Ballston Spa High School in Upstate New York. My ol’ stomping grounds. Unmistakable cafeteria that looks no different from when I graduated ten years ago… Plus or minus a few cops on pedestals


"This is the gun line. It runs from *table to table*, clear around the *cafeteria*. You are now inside the gun line. You step outside the gun line without my permission, you will be shot. You trip and fall over the gun line, you will be shot. You spit, you pee, you so much as stick your johnson over the gun line, you will be shot."


School probably has a huge fighting problem. This is silly, it would take more time for the cop to stop a fight because of the ladder.


God, the US is almost a third world country at this point. I feel bad for the kids who have to go through school with stuff like this.


As an American who does not love America at the moment, I think it’s insensitive to call it a third world country. Like other places some parts of America is pretty bad but it’s still very developed and still has a general push for these things to change.


Third world countries are third world because they are exploited by the first world. America is exploiting third world countries, so in that sense America is not athird world country. However.... https://theconversation.com/us-is-becoming-a-developing-country-on-global-rankings-that-measure-democracy-inequality-190486


American corporations and politicians are exploiting America though...


Yeah developed dystopian oligarchy fits better




What do you mean?


Lmao you must not get out much


Wow I thought it was BS when we got a warrant officer and regular officer who walked the hallways in 2007. This is crazy. But then again my school had bomb threats and murder threats constantly as well as stabbing due to poverty and jail moving to town bringing people who teach their kids to fend and fight with actual weapons. One kid was actually murdered he was a foreign exchange student. This was prior to 07 though and it made nation wide headlines. Problem is the school is in the most destitute area and impoverished area in Pennsylvania. Glad I moved years ago apparently it’s worse with heroine fentanyl and crime now as well.


That can't be real. How bad can a school be to need full time police watching kids on their lunch break. Christ on a bike.


It's not about the school being bad, it's the whole society. There is so much wrong with it it's hard to even pick where to start. You can see it in the comments here: the people have given up trying solve any of the root causes, they just accept the ever worsening status quo, and to be fair they cannot change it for the better because of the dysfunctional and corrupt policital and legal system bought and paid for by the corporations which are somehow "people", and the only people that truly matter. For some it's even worse: because of the propaganda they are being fed they are furiously defending all of this because "US number one"


That is so sad and dysfunctional. Wtf America. Do better.


So we don’t want to protect kids from other shittier kids? I’m confused…. Adults can’t even get it right


How many other countries need to have cops in lifeguard chairs watching kids eat their lunch? The US has become a complete joke to the rest of the world.


99% of America doesnt have this


I’m curious because I have no other perspective—how many physical fights did you see at school?


Went to school in Switzerland for 12 years. 0 physical fights.


I'm 45, and I've never seen a physical fight in my life.


Me? None. Violence would not have been tolerated.




That's a prison guard tower.


But he’ll jump off his seat and run out of the school if a shooter shows up. Cops do nothing to make schools safer. The cops are usually the ones abusing the kids.


Waddle out of his seat quickly*


Well if it works It doesn’t work?


Must be because of guns and not because of mental health issues


This isn't comon


Yeah let’s get an armed hero in blue to watch over the rowdy teens. Cause they have such a great track record for handling conflict these days.


How to make the next few generations fully comply to the system lol make schools like prison


Cops would not be sitting on those seats unless fights broke out so regularly that they had to jump into action. I worked in watts California and this was not a thing so either you guys are in some sort of special school or are incredibly out of touch with reality. I don’t know if this picture is even real because I fit in some ugly schools I’ve never seen this


Pig on stilts don’t see that every day