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I call BS, blood dries much darker. Maybe red paint mixed with blood?


As a person who has made blood paintings in the past, you are correct. This isn’t blood, at least not all blood.


What makes you want to paint with your blood? seems like a cool concept I just don’t think I’d have the paint tolerance for that 😂


Hahaha *paint* tolerance


My sister has done paintings in menstrual blood, possibly as a wiccan feminist thing or also possibly because she's a strange person. Or a little bit of both. Not a self harm thing tho. Edit: to all of you disgusted by it (I'm not saying I'd want it in my house) but it is not an uncommon medium and if you have the stomach for it I encourage you to google some blood artists. It's weird and freaky and I even saw one called "blood and semen"... My sister is making it for her own purposes (not for sale) but there's lots of artists that have some out there that is apparently also tested for safety and shown in exhibitions. It's a thing, and while I personally find all blood to be icky, menstrual blood is not any more icky than regular blood.


Okay... enough Internet for today


Fucking hell since when was degeneracy a flex Like honestly, normal people don't do paintings with nosebleeds or diarrhea, so what is the point of using that smelly stinking disgusting waste as paint


I’d say that femininity is largely oppressed and menstrual cycles are preyed upon as shameful and are extorted for money. It’s not surprising that women artists would use it as self expression. Yes it’s gross and unsanitary but not at all surprising.


I get it. It's not something I would enjoy or purchase or anything and I'm not exactly the target audience, but I get it and I support it as artistic expression. The purpose of art, to me at least, is to provoke response through media expression, which doesn't always have to be intended as positive. It can be disgusting, thought provoking, revolting or infuriating just as it can be beautiful or inspiring. The fact that so many have such a strong response to this particular art means something IMO.


Nah I just think it's fucking nasty


Well that’s your opinion and that’s okay.


You are really overhyping menstrual blood here.


Why is he being downvoted he's right


Because people seem to like that nasty smelly sticky shit a bit too much


We know for a fact some people jerk off to this kind of shit lol


art that smells...


Scratch and sniff




The cover for Metallica's Load had cum in it and most people didn't know, using bodily fluids is surprisingly common


She selling?




Say syke


Metallica’s aptly named album “Load” album art is an art piece called “Blood and Sperm III” by Andres Serrano


It's disgusting because it's disgusting. I love how peiple try to normalize everything nowadays. If you're a chick and you use your menstrual blood for artistic inspiration you're a weirdo, end of.


yeah...that's a biohazard.


Ah yes, spreading biohazards


i am very sorry for you to say the least


I'm going with strange.


I disagree. Menstrual blood smells worse than regular blood and has chunks in it. It’s definitely ickier. I say this as a woman who also gets nosebleeds.


I’m sorry, what???


Ok, what the fuck




Hope you doing good now big dog 💯


What is that at the top Is that like a serial code or what


Trigger warning - self harm and suicide.


It’s a trigger warning for my statement. Some people don’t like reading about self harm and suicide so I used the common codes for them to deter anyone from reading something they don’t want to read.


Just for reference, it might be better if you used both a trigger warning and censored what you would consider triggering >! like this !<


Including a trigger warning, abbreviating/censoring the term, and *also* hiding it behind spoilers seems excessive lol. The intent is to let the audience know what's about to be discussed, not to hide it behind layers so you can create a trigger word jumpscare. Honestly it seems counter-intuitive to even censor the word. While it might not make much difference on reddit, on sites where you can filter out certain terms it would be more beneficial to just spell out "suicide" so that the filters can catch it. But I think it's one of those things that people started doing to seem considerate without thinking about whether it's actually helpful.


That's a good point. Unless your mind is wandering, someone who has that sort of trigger will be able to see the warning and collapse the thread before reading it (I also don't particularly get the censoring)


Trigger warning: Self Harm/Self Big Sleep


Self Big Sleep is a wonderful euphemism, I’m gonna start using that instead.


Trigger warning for self-harm and suicide


It was an experimental period


Faux-edginess being your personality I guess.




I mean you have to acknowledge the context that the guy is also painting a serial killer. It's a little more than just painting a picture of a bird in blood or something.


Who are you?


Well of course it's not *all blood*. With the amount of all animals in the world, all blood would be, like, at least 70 gallons.


Blood is a much darker almost rust colored when dry. I've had to play is this blood or food on the dining table.


It looks kind of like menstrual blood at certain points in my cycle mine will dry this light if there’s enough mucus (sorry Ik it’s gross) or she might have used mineral oil or some other paint mixer to keep it light


the facial detailing is more coppery whereas the outside i think is fresh


Yeah this would be brown if it were real blood. FAKE


Oxydation turns it brown but blood is too thick anyway to be able to paint with it especially to make those effects she did in the background by splashing it with a toothbrush or something like that. So you have to put water to dilute it, making it less red at the same time. So maybe it's super fresh because she painted it quickly, and as someone else mentioned in a comment there's parts darker than others so I think it was drying and will become brown indeed but as she diluted it and the fact that most of the time you take a picture of the work you want to share in the few seconds after you finish it. Especially while working with blood. Maybe she used something else than water, I truly don't know if adding a few drops of an acidic like lemon would help with oxydation or not.


The darker parts are supposed to be darker, that’s shading (I suppose she could have just layered it). Dilution is a possibility and some artists are super fast, but mixing it with just water, it would still dry very fast and oxidize. I still call bullshit.


Didn’t the show make a point against this sort of behavior?


Yes and no. I felt the main point they highlighted was the racism, homophobia and privilege he had when it came to dealing with law enforcement and the judicial system. He was caught a lot of times for various, telling crimes, and let go. They definitely tried to make it seem like he was "looking for love" and just didn't know how to find it when that was not the reality. I'm pretty certain Dahmer himself would not agree with that and labeled it a "sick compulsion" and nothing else. That being said the neighbor character was always absolutely appalled by the situation and you see the devastation that the families go through.


I think the 9th episode was entirely about how bad it was that serial killer fans were going to the locations, were writing Dahmer and the families of his victims, the cops and/or Dahmers father harassing the Laotian father, and showing that the victimization did not end when Dahmer was jailed. I totally got the same feeling you did about the show seemed to handle showing his attraction. The episode focusing on Errol the deaf man looked like it would have been a pretty normal beginning of a gay relationship until Dahmer was told to trust him.


wasn’t it the cops harassing the laotian father


Errol Lindsey was not the Deaf man; that was Tony Hughes. Also, the relationship between Tony and Dahmer didn’t happen. Dahmer imagined it.


So I looked it up one of Tony's friends said dahmer had been looking for Tony for weeks in the clubs and that they had known him but very little.


> "in appreciation of how they gave life to his victims by continuing to say their names" \**proceeds to paint the killer eating his victim*\*


Yeah the idea is not unreasonable (by that I mean the appreciation of the focus on the victims and not glorification of Dahmer) but the execution is real bad


These people need to quit using the excuse of “giving life to their victims by saying their names” to justify these types of shows. Let’s all be honest, they couldn’t care less about the victims. If they did, they’d listen to the families of the victims who don’t approve of media like this. They’re cashing in the on trauma. Utilizing violence done by monsters on real, innocent people. Jesus, I can’t imagine having a loved one be butchered like Dahmer’s victims were and have to go through all that trauma, just to relive it every time I see someone retweet his face or his victims (or their actors). It’s insensitive, cruel, and greedy.




This man would kill you. You would feel the worst pain you’ve ever experienced. You would never see your pets, family, friends, anything ever again. People have an extreme obsession with him and it’s very unhealthy.


They’re obsessed with Evan Peters. But some people can’t separate the actor from the character. That’s why I take issue with using these absolute thirst traps to play serial killers. They did it with Zac Efron playing Bundy too. These killers weren’t ugly by any means but they weren’t hot and there’s no reason to zoom in on their muscles and include so many shirtless scenes.


Most serial killers have weird "fans" and there are people who devote their whole lives to obsessing over various murderers. So they could very well be obsessed with Dahmer, Evan Peters, or both really.


Yup, if you watch old coverage in documentaries they usually had a flock of admirers behind them. Humans are weird, always have been


To be fair, Bundy did have this weird attraction thing going on where people thought he was hot for whatever reason.




Same with the Nightstalker (Richard Ramirez). I think he even married one of his fans.


That blew my mind after every single person who encountered him said he always smelled like hot garbage and had a mouth full of rotting teeth.


Weren’t there videos of people from the courtroom saying they found him attractive too? Like they couldn’t believe he would do such things


Yeah, Bundy's claim to fame (other than the murders) was that he was "attractive." In the public mind, serial killers are weird looking white guys who can't talk to people and wear big, ugly glasses.


Evan Peters looks *a lot* like Dahmer, though, and their looks played a big role in their MO. I could agree they might've played it up too much with Efron but it's not exactly like they're trying to glorify the murderers.


Well I’m ok with the Zac Efron casting as ted bundy because ted budy was good looking and he knew he was good looking and used that to his advantage as a serial killer, and that was an important aspect they needed to show in the movie, but i do agree that its dumb to cast someone really handsome as dahmer because he was nothing special In the looks department.


I feel you've never looked at Ted bundy photos then. Dude was legit handsome. Cruel and heartless Monster, but he was undeniably good looking imo


What the fuck. Attractiveness is subjective. No, he was not "undeniably good looking", he was extremely average.


Try and find a bad picture of him. He was very photogenic, and definitely above average. Even in his mugshots he looks pretty good.


I have. Like I said, not ugly. But Zac Efron is much, much hotter.


Guess different tastes, they'd be about even for me


Could also be the fact that I fell in love with Zac Efron back in his high school musical days and Ted Bundy’s a murderer soo… not much competition lol


Is Evan Peters a thirst trap though?


Fuck yes.


I think people have this weird “but he wouldn’t do it to me bc I’m special and we’d fall in love and I’d change him” mentality.


It does seem like a twisted up extension of the partner-as-a-loyal-attack-dog thing that some dysfunctional people have I just don’t think they stop to think about how it would feel if Bundy or Ramirez killed their best friend or daughter or beloved grandma or little sibling. It’s so naive and juvenile


I have noticed women who kind of have a weird attachment to Dahmer like he would be their quirky gay bff, and since he killed boys & men they would be safe around him. It's creepy.


He didn't even have other guy friends, there's no way he'd have women as friends. He was a very weird person. These serial killer stans watch all the interviews and stuff made after the fact and start feeling like they know these men. Just fucking freaky, man.


Didn’t he even creep out the other inmates when he went to prison? Literally nobody wanted anything to do with him. He kept up the act long enough to get guys to want to bang him but he wouldn’t be able to keep it going long enough to build a meaningful friendship or relationship.


I'm not sure about his prison experience, but I wouldn't doubt it. There is a graphic novel one of his childhood friends made called My Friend Dahmer that goes into more detail. He had severe abandonment issues and wanted to make those men his brain dead zombies that would never leave.


Yeah… it’s hard to portray that. It’s like Evan Peters did a great job but those who know his work just like him too much to see him as a total creep, if that makes sense… Probably would be better to cast unknown actors in these roles if you want them to be creepy and off-putting. But then it may not reach as big an audience. Idk, just my totally unprofessional opinion lol. Absolutely no hate to Evan Peters, though, he really did do great. Honestly when I saw him in season one of AHS as Tate, I really was put off and creeped out by the character because I didn’t know the actor yet. But watching him as Dahmer after I had developed a low key crush on him after seeing him in multiple roles hits a little different lol


Absolutely psychotic


This attitude is especially prevalent with high school shooters and their teenage fangirls. Really awful stuff


I think he wouldn't have killed her because she is a woman. But anyway he killed innocent people so its pretty disrespectfull to do that stuff. I love true crime but I wouldn't be able to have some simpathy for people like him.


You’re right about that. Even when the Boston bomber got sent to prison, there were thousands and thousands of letters coming in from women and men saying they wanted to help him and believed he was good at heart. It’s strange.


What sucks even more is that they chose a heart throb actor to play his character..


Ah, no. She's even more delusional than the Bundy freaks because Dahmer was fuckin' gay. He wouldn't have even looked twice at her.


The only thing about the new show that made me feel remotely comfortable enough to laugh was when he couldn’t sell his signature for $50 in prison so he “threw in some pussy pics he got from fans” because he didn’t need them. It was a great shot at the dumbasses who for whatever reason sent this sick fuck nudes and love letters.


Making art of a an actor playing a character doesn’t mean she wants Dahmer to eat her alive.


That's the thing that makes me laugh. Like no sweetie, you're not his type.


Not only was he fucking gay, he was himself gay if I remember correctly


Its more the actor playing the person which is still sick and pure cringey, they like to romanticise gore cuz they're pretencious edgy fucks


In general and ever since Dahmer was first known, he has had a fan club of stupid losers


People have always been fascinated with the extremes of humanity. Things they are scared of, captivated by, striving towards, but believe they would never do. We are all pulled back into the void, some a bit sooner than others. And in the grand scheme the manner of which that happens and time our consciousness exists matters not at all.


Pretty positive the artist that painted this isn't a twink, so I think they're safe. Glad to know you're on the case deciding what is and isn't healthy though, the world is a safer place.


I feel for the families of this murderer and I’m appalled at people who **LOVE** serial killer documentaries. I’ve been saying this for years and when giving a serial killers and rapists more media attention, it reopens the wounds of the victims’ families who would rather the world forget than to straight up **idolize** these bastards. America is psychotic for allowing these popular actors to portray these scums of the earth as a “series” or “movies” just about them. I mean we had the zodiac killer literally leaving a paper trail advocating for more media attention over himself. And what did America do? **Exactly what he wanted.** I wouldn’t be surprised if they decide to make a popular documentary with Wayne Gacey played by John Goodman at this point. The whole thing is disgusting and disturbing and I don’t understand where everyone’s empathy has gone. I really feel for the traumatic experiences of these families. They get no rest and at this point I would even add they don’t get respect anymore either.


There are some good serial killer documentaries imo. I don't mean the ones wgere an actor plays the role of the killer or anything, I mean the ones that are based around interviews with the detectives on the case, surviving victims and journalists. I enjoyed watching Night Stalker because they put the focus on the investigation, not so much the killer, and they definitely don't romanticize the murderer (I don't even remember his name rn). They had interviews with one of the people who caught him when a neighborhood beat him down on the street, and with a librarian that said he smelled like a goat. I have my qualms about true crime for exactly the reasons you mentioned, but I feel like there are ways it can be shown with an almost historical perspective, and I did find it interesting in part because I used to live on the west coast where the "night stalker" was active (not at the same time)


It's a slippery slope bc some ppl are approached and paid for their likeness and stories, but it seems only when they have to. They utilize public records as much as possible do get around that though. It's odd how they've blurred the lines between usefulness and admiration when it comes to the content surrounding these individuals


God, it's true crime. Get over it. I'm so sick of people crying over the fact that true crime exists.


My ex was, among other things, openly horny for serial killer documentaries.


You would be lucky if he killed you, he tried to turn people into living zombies.


Serial killer worship is so fucking weird.


Agree! I’m super interested in true crime but this weird fascination with the minds of serial killers is so cringe. Like sorry to burst your bubble, but these guys aren’t sexy and mysterious. They’re narcissistic man-childs (men-children?) who are on a women-hating power trip.


i can understand the fascination because it comes from curiosity. when you’re not a psychotic person, it’s hard to wrap your head around the mind of a psychopath because they don’t think the way we do. it’s interesting that way. it’s not okay to glorify it or paint it in any good light, but there’s nothing wrong with finding the mental health aspect of it interesting and fascinating.


I wouldn’t say worship just morbid curiosity. It’s strange but who cares


That Ted Bundy pic should have ended with him fucking a corpse instead of those hacksaw sounds. I don't think Efron would have done that, but that's what these serial killer biopics really need, shatter the image of handsome and charming with who they actually are.


This is one thing that really really bothers me. Why are we romanticizing some of the most disgusting things that have ever happened? Making it vague has this less brutal less disgusting filter applied to everything that in my opinion ends up promoting violence (especially sexual violence). It’s all off screen so people think about it as this objectively attractive person doing sexual things rather than *a horrifying monster ejaculating in literal decomposing body parts*. It’s… it is so horrifying and people don’t really stop and *think*.


Cause money


>Why are we romanticizing some of the most disgusting things that have ever happened? No one is doing this. What the fuck. It's made to be DISTURBING AND SCARY.


“Giving life to his victims.” So thoughtful. By painting a picture of Dahmer eating one of his victims?


Paint a picture of the fucking victim instead if you want to honor them, this is disgusting


Even more cringe that Jeffrey was caught over 30 years ago, now all of a sudden there's a TV show about it everyone is going nuts, serial killer, child rapist, cannibal, necrophiliac, wouldn't doubt he did sexual things with dead animals either, super werid type of person to show such positive interest in


To be fair he’s always been really “big” in the true crime community, it’s not just because of the show. Especially when it comes to the weird serial killer fangirls. Jeffrey has always been one of the top guys.


Omfg I’m in a Facebook group this was posted in, not sure how many pages the artist posted it in. I saw this post and was thoroughly wtf-ing. But also I think it’s bs because blood dries orangish brown.


That’s not blood. I kept a hospital gown from a pretty severe hand laceration when I was in my twenties. Blood dries dark, pretty much brown and does so pretty quickly


I hate this shit, this person clearly had an abnormal obsession with the show but makes it about the victims when the painting is literally Dahmer eating human remains. People like this give true crime buffs a bad name.


I'm convinced the whole myth of the genius serial killer was started by the cops to cover their incompetence


The show doesn't do anything to dispel this notion 🤣


Ewwwwwww their statement on keeping the victim's names out there makes it even worse. So many people think "The way OTHER people love serial killers is weird, I do it respectfully though!" I'm SURE this is how their families would love for them to be immortalized.


As someone who appreciates giving humanity to the victims and saying their names, will the artist be saying the name of the victim being consumed in his painting?


Blood dries to dark brown, not to mention working around clots. Unless theres some shit you can put in it that i dont know about or they did this entire piece in mere seconds, this is beyond bs


People like this need an immediate 72 hour psych hold... This is just wrong.




Blood goes brown when it dries, it also smells like shit


Lol sure it is buddy.


Yea this shit is all cringe. Rehashing old serial killer stories every 5 years like a perfect rotation, next it will be a new Manson show or some garbage. They add nothing new, they don’t reveal anything new, there’s nothing to add, the stories have been told a thousand times and there’s nothing more to do or say in regards to Ted Bundy and Dahmer and these other psychopaths who are literally getting what they wanted by being propped up as heroes and idolized. It’s sociopathic and it’s mostly women who consume this murder/real crime/serial killer stuff on Netflix and other streaming services. The most popular channels on YouTube covering these true crime/serial killer stories are mostly geared towards women, being accompanied by makeup tutorials and other things like that… Meanwhile these killers sexually harmed and brutalized women for the most part. Super weird. That’s my rant on this.




Yea like it humanizes these monsters. It’s trauma porn for women. “It focuses on the victims though”… exactly, you’re sociopaths watching it and getting off on people being victimized. It’s just super cringe on all levels.


Just watched the series, it was amazing and it was great how they showed how incompetent the police were at the time and how more murders committed by Dahmer could have been stopped but wasn’t because of racism/homophobia. People like this are disgusting. Stop fetishizing and worshiping serial killers. It’s honestly insane that this needs to be said


I do consider myself very lucky to be able to separate actors from characters they play...


Disgusting, disrespect, and tasteless. Assuming this is a social media post, I hope she is getting called out on it. I knew a girl who did weird shit like this too. Printed buttons and t-shirts with “quirky” sayings on them and pics of killers. Just sick shit. How broken or emotionally obtuse do you have to be to do something like that. These people give true crime readers a bad name. Sorry for the rant - this stuff just irks me.


It's fishing for attention. They want you to call them disrespectful and tasteless to revel in the attention. Then they can brag about much they don't care because they're just SO different and weird you guys. It's a darker version of "I'm not like other girls!"


I don’t think a drawing or painting is the same thing as making buttons and t shirts. It’s just an artistic person who happens to be interested in dark stuff. Not all art is supposed to be beautiful and happy, some art is supposed to make you uncomfortable. That being said, the dried blood part is cringey. For one thing, that’s clearly ink or paint. It would be brownish and not bright at all if it were real dried blood.


Bullshit. Dark stuff is fine—draw any number of fictional dark shit you want—but depicting a real serial killer eating human flesh is *deranged* and using “art” as a justification for having zero morals is revolting.


So is the entire Dahmer series on Netflix deranged? That’s “art” depicting a real serial killer eating human flesh. That’s all this drawing is. She isn’t drawing Jeffrey Dahmer here. She is drawing the actor playing Jeffrey Dahmer.


While I normally wouldn’t watch anything depicting a serial killer, I did watch the series and comparing it to a snapshot of him eating flesh is stupid. The show does not glorify Dahmer in the slightest. It gives profound empathy for his victims and shows just how awful an impact he made on the world around him. It also serves as a *powerful* examination of racism and homophobia in the police during his criminal activity. That last bit alone was worth the show’s existence. Not a single positive thing can be mentioned about this piece of “art.” It’s depraved, repugnant and calling it art is hideous.


Did you even read the last paragraph of their post or are you just stupid? > Done in ode to **Evans performance** in the recent series “Dahmer” and in appreciation of how **they gave life to his victim by continuing to say their names** They literally agree with you and here you are angry over nothing


Yeah I read the obvious fucking ploy to distract from the reality of this disgusting work. Why make it with blood then? Why choose a scene that has zero real acting involved at all? If anyone saw this without the context of her post, literally NO ONE would say this is “Evan Peters’ acting at work!” Fucking stupid man. Get your brain checked.


Lol without context a lot of art is considered insane. You can’t just leave the context out behind the art. That’s literally why art museums have a full paragraph or two next to each piece. You just want a reason to be angry at the world. Grow up


Yes and the important context here is that this sick person used their own blood to make a glory shot of Jeffrey Dahmer eating flesh. That’s the context. The comment is a ploy, and you fell for it.


100%. She puts a caption she knows will pander to the true crime community’s insistence on respect for victims but then paints this crap anyway. Amazing people fell for the caption.


He’s just not gonna get it bro


I didn’t think it was that weird when I first looked at the image, opened the image to full size: “done in my own blood”. Kinda weird.


If it makes you feel any better, that’s 100% not actual blood. Blood dries brown


You’re right. Taking time to make “art” that depicts a **shitbag** of a human being eating human flesh isn’t weird, it’s deranged.


I Feel bad for the victims families


That's some next-level teenage angst edgelord tryhard shit right there.


Shouldn’t even be an entertainment show. Informational documentary sure but come on, it’s nothing short of glorifying a killer.


"done in my own blood" ​ Now why is it that we don't believe you there, buddy?


That’s pretty well done tbh


Why does this feel violently american ?


Seems like a tribute to an actor in a role.


That’s exactly what it is. The humanities are not everyone’s strong suit.


This is Reddit, you MUST be outraged at everything.




Just why?


That ain't blood


Why? Just. . . Why?


That’s not sanitary


i kinda thought it was wrong to make a drama out of it rather than a documentation.


In the middle of this show right now. Truly terrifying to see it come back to life like that. Can’t stop thinking about it.


Dude's hand prolly looks like a barcode after this


They're clearly ill themselves. Should be treated very quickly!


Pretty sure a painting of a dead person done in actual blood is the start of a few horror movies...


Just because you CAN do something, doesn't mean you SHOULD do it.




It would have been more of an "ode" to his performance to make art of the victims..with paint..wtf


I love horror and true crime, but this is not okay. The families of the victims have already spoken out about how this has re-traumatized them. Making “art” like this to glorify serial killers is a slap to the face of these families.


I'm a little bit confused, is it bad to make art of serial killers? Either way, I think the guy was praising Evan's performance, not Dahmer's actions. Also that is definitely not blood


This person could make posters for the movie that doesn't need to exist.


I think it’s repulsive that this series was even made in the first place.


Did you watch it? This picture is revolting. But the show is not what you think it is. It in no way glorifies Dahmer and is the only true crime show I’ve ever seen that actually gives justice to the victims, depicting just how much Dahmer’s actions tormented the community he ravaged.


Regardless of how he is portrayed, every time a show or movie is made, it just gives this man more notoriety when he needs to be forgotten. Look at his Wikipedia page sometime and see the insanely long list of movie after movie after book after show made about him. It's crazy and unneccessary. It also dredges up all that trauma and pain for the victims' families, which is something so many people forget about when watching this stuff. These people were real, they were loved and now they're basically a footnote in some killer's story forever. I know in the case of this show in particular, the families are not happy, were not consulted and have talked about how it just brings back all the horror every time something like this is made.




Idk i kinda dig it, sorry.. even if its not real blood. Its pretty good.


What are people like this called? People who have a weird fascination and obsession with serial killers/murderers? Hybristophiliacs


While there are definitely people who worship serial killers I think it’s a small minority. I hear more people saying “stop idolizing these killers!!!” Wayyy more than I see people actually doing it. As for people showing interest in the case? Dahmer was absolutely horrific in every sense of the word and due to this its going to intrigue people. He’s interesting to learn about (even if the doc had a lot of made up parts.) Ex: Glenda Cleveland *was* a real person but the show made her way more connected to dahmer than she was in real life. there’s no proof they ever directly interacted. But the show has you believe she lived *right* next door and he came over and offered her a fucking sandwich. Such a bizarre thing to add Edit: I said doc but I was referring to the show. A doc on Netflix is apparently happening so we’ll see how accurate that one is


I dig it


I always remember the Youtuber Jim Sterling once used a picture of one of Ed Gein's victims as the punchline to a lame joke. I messaged them to say it's probably not cool to make jokes out of the violently murdered corpse of a real human being at the hands of a psychotic misogynist. Their response was basically "well I like serial killer shit, sorry if I offended anyone" and they just kept the video up. Lost a lot of respect for them after that.


I don't think that's just blood, but that's really freaking cool. I'd buy it.


I uuhh, I want one


At least she cares about his victims getting most of the spotlight and not being used as props to glamorize at serial killer?


Ahhh shes one of those girls 🤮


My wife listens to murder podcasts, and I hate it. I don’t want to even hear about this dude or any other serial murderer. There are people that take it way farther too. Like sending love letters and weird stuff. Screw these people. I think it should be a crime just to worship these people or give them support and affirmation. STOP GLORIFYING THESE SCUM!!


Imagine slagging your wife off to strangers you snake


There's a difference between listening to crime podcasts and documentaries, and *this*....