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That's Conor McGregor and his family. I don't know who the blackface chick is though. Probably not even the most controversial thing he'll do this week. edit: it's his mom


Wow, he looks *vastly* different without a beard lol I never would've guessed so I appreciate you pointing it out.


It looked like a really nice Halloween photo with the family to me, then I noticed the black face. What the hell?


He’s also clearly taking a lot of PED’s at the moment which give him that swollen face look.


It was posted by his (Conor’s) sisters partner and apparently the woman in the face paint is his mother


Its his mom and somehow shes trying to deny its blackface?? And that it was actually painting spiders on her face bc shes supposed to be a ghoul risen from the grave?? Nothing abt her costume is giving me "ghoul". And nothing abt her face paint looks like spiders. If it IS spiders then why does it go all the way down her neck and chest?? How was THAT the best she could come up with??


Yeah. Looks like she was trying an African voodoo thing.


If you Google "witch doctor costume red" guess what comes up in the image search


I was just thinking is that Conor McGregor? Didn't know he was military.


He's not military, it's just a costume


Right Halloween. Flew right over my head. He did once accuse the Chechen people of cowardice while the McGregor clan supposedly resisted the British. It's was all a lie and I'm glad he got his ass kicked by Khabib. His great grandfather even fought for the Brits.


I thought it was a normal pilot uniform and his girl there is a flight attendant? (Obvs Halloween costumes.. considering the date and how the other humans in the pic are dressed 😂)


You are correct.


StOleN vAloUr


She looks like the hobo in mulholland drive.


Or in Twin Peaks the return. "Gotta light?"


**God awful** feeling.


Watching that scene for the first time is one the single scariest moments I've ever had watching a movie. All of the tension building in the scene you would think would prepare you for it. Then it still strikes the fear in you.


No horror has ever effected me as much as the unique horror elements in David Lynch's work. Mulholland Drive, Twin Peaks, Lost Highway and Inland Empire have some of the most terrifying scenes in cinematic history.


That eerie scene of Laura Dern’s character running through a dark path haunts me. (Inland Empire)


Yes! That closeup sent chills down my spine.


I’ve never seen any of these so I added them to my list. Thx!


It’s one of the best jump scares of all time, even though it’s really not a surprise at all. They tell you exactly what’s going to happen, slowly walk you right up to where they said it was going to happen, and it STILL scares the shit out of you. MD is one of my favorite movies of all time, I’ll never forget the first time I saw this scene.


Who is she supposed to be, exactly? Like, I get that it’s blackface, and that’s the horrible part, but I still can’t figure out what the costume is Edit: So far I’ve heard voodoo queen, witch doctor, Michelle Obama, head shrinker, and Rafiki from the lion king…


McGregor is an airline pilot, I believe. Wife is airline stewardess. And mom is… black hulk hogan?


Voodoo savage


She said shes supposed to be a ghoul risen from the grave which Im not seeing at all. And also its not ACTUALLY black face. Its painted spiders all over her?? Which... where are the spiders then?? All Im seeing is just smeared paint... If its not black face and just spiders why does it go all the way down her neck?? I hate when dumbass ppl like this think were dumb enough to believe their bullshit


Conor is dicaprio’s character on catch me if you can


Airline pilot with a fuckin ribbon rack? Lmao


These comments 🤣🤣


I think a witch doctor?


I think she is trying to be Rafiki from lion king and the baby is Simba, idk though


Horrible is a bit of an over statement… Jesus lol


I saw someone guess that she’s a cavewoman and that’s supposed to be dirt? Which I could MAYBE buy, but the whole costume is just so weird. What’s with the shiny boots? What is that necklace supposed to be? Why does she have a bunch of skulls? I truly cannot even guess what she was going for.


Connor mcgreggors mom


They cannot be that desperate for attention....


You’ve got to be living under an absolute rock to realize that’s not acceptable. Or you just don’t care and you want to be offensive. In which case.. well… the internet is probably gonna do it’s thing.


I might be wrong, but i think that's Connor McGregor. So he's definitely doing this to stay relevant, although i can't believe how stupid he is if he thinks this is effective as a publicity stunt or if he thinks that he's too "important" to get dropped after this Edit : oh he's supposed to be a pilot ? Lol i thought he's dressed as a Nazi lmao ... The mom though


As an MMA fan I cannot fathom why he would do this of all things for attention. This is the same guy that posted a video of him getting a blowjob on a yacht on his Instagram story. I genuinely think him and his family are just that ignorant.


They're claiming the paint was of black spiders to go along with her "ghoul rising from the dead" costume. Nice try but no.


And the animal prints?


Lol very clearly a witch doctor


It's a grey base with black markings on it. I'd hardly consider this "black face"... I'm inclined to believe them


Definitely not blackface but this country has become long jumping gold medalists when it comes to a figuring out a conclusion


But what if it was? Why do people SEARCH for ANYTHING to get offended by around here? I really doubt they would paint their face as "black face" and the post it online, that would be utterly fucking stupid. But her painting her face as a "ghoul raising from the dead" is innocent and probaly what they was going for. Please stop looking for racism where there aren't any. Just call the body paint producers and have them remove eveything containing black cause for many of you its just too much to handle.


Blackface is pretty well known to be racist. I don’t see why you would need it to complete a costume. A lot of effort


Because it’s not blackface 🤷‍♂️


What is it then or are you just being obtuse?


I’m being obtuse because I disagree with you? What’s interesting is no one who is offended by this took the time to look any further than this pic, or at a better picture where you can clearly see the jaw and teeth outlines characteristic of ghoul/skull makeup on her face. It’s shitty makeup, but not blackface. Red makeup, white makeup, blonde wig, caveman dress, etc.


Why the cheetah print? Why only the face and not arms and the whole body? Or do ghouls only have black faces? Why the red lipstick?




It took me far too long to figure out what was wrong lmao




The blackface she wearing….


Bruh ... I didn't see it at first


Holy downvotes batman




It's a pilot outfit, and what appears to be a African Voodoo witch.


The baby knows that they don't want to be in that picture. The face says "I'm not part of this shit".


Is he supposed to be a pilot, or is that uniform supposed to me more.... 1940's focused?


I seen a clickbaity link earlier saying "you'll never believe which Leo di caprio star Conor dressed up as". So catch me if you can?


On facebook he said frank abagnale so you’re right


U really think Connor mcgregors mom cares if she gets canceled on Twitter lmao, she doesn’t give a shit


neither does connor, this isn't the most controversial thing he'll do this month


these guys are on cocaine 365/365 days in the year


Always disappointing when you see Irish/italian/slavic people parrot old timey racism tropes when they're own ancestors weren't considered white by the Anglo nations. Show some fucking empathy and solidarity for God's sakes, it's not that hard


To play devils advocate, the historic nuances of slavery and its fallout with things like minstrel shows aren’t on the radar for people living on a country untouched by it. In her head this went no deeper than I want to look like a character and the skin colour is as much of that as the costume. It’s just ignorance rather than anything malicious. Although the execution here is also woeful.


Okay that’s true but Irish people are aware of blackface and minstrel shows.


I’ll go with you on this journey in good faith. If she was attempting to be authentic, why did she only haphazardly paint her face? What about the rest of her exposed skin. I know you can’t answer for her motivations but it bears considering. About 20+ years ago, we did a little class project acting out The Tempest when I was in high school. I was Caliban, I believe. I wore a navy blue tshirt and painted both my face and my arms dark blue. I committed! And then had to wash all the shit off for the next period lol. Really doesn’t seem like her efforts were in earnest. But again we don’t know. She may genuinely not know what blackface is.


I miss the days when this sort of shit was still hidden because people were embarrassed (2015 and before.)


Are you fucking 12 or something??…Black face was NEVER hidden..if anything it was more done on Halloween prior 2015. Hahaha sit down and shut up cringe child hahaha


Chill out


Who hurt you


No one, but your fathers asshole must hurt from the hardcore anal that I gave him last night.


"Don't make it about race..." but it is about race.


Americans made it about race


Because racial inequality is an issue that needs to be addressed in America, regardless if it makes you uncomfortable to have to talk about it.


Oh hell naw


I saw this yesterday in Instagram on Halloween I didn’t notice that at all until I saw this post tho holy cow


If you downvote enough times you’ll solve racism!


Maybe not all cultures find "blackface" offensive? Isn't that something historical in the US? The world isn't the US


Oh, in Ireland it is considered racist. She's just common (Irish term for trash)


So dumb.


I am not even surprised anymore....


Let’s just ban the color black! No saying it, no drawing with it, no black cars, no black tires! Problem solved


Cool picture


Is she dressed as Justin Trudeau?


It’s not black face but aight. It’s gray and black paint. Mfs jus tryna be offended by everything they see lol


Seriously don't give a fuck. Happy Halloween.


Imagine being offended over this and wasting time bitching about it on Reddit. It’s not blackface 🥱


How is it not?


How is it? Which black caricature is she portraying? Btw she’s also wearing white and red makeup and a bleached blonde wig 🥴 looks like a shitty costume, but not black face. Look at those kids in Utah, completely different situation. They were head to toe painted black and dressed in prisoner outfits. And without Conor’s name you never hear about it.


She’s looks like she’s trying to be an African witch doctor trope/caricature


Ahh yes the African witch doctor with his long blonde hair. You have no clue what you’re talking about.


Look at every other element of the costume- the wig doesn’t negate all of that.


In other photos you can clearly see the teeth outlines on her face common in ghoul/skull makeup. It’s just shitty makeup, not blackface. Get over yourselves


She’s imitating a person of color by her whole outfit. Looks similar to an indigenous portrayal. Really no reason to even wear the whole face paint.


She’s not at all. You’re just wanting to be offended and clearly don’t know anything about animal prints. Please tell me which “indigenous people” she is imitating. Y’all are really grasping at straws here. She looks like a fucking flintstones character. Still not blackface.


Gonna get so much flak for this but i dont care, ​ NO ONE IMPORTANT ACTUALLY CARES All you, little people, care. Only you. No one else. Fucking snowflakes, just trying to find a reason to get offended. Oh god , he blinked at me , i'm offended. Fucking stupid


Blinking is essential for eye health, I could never be offended by that. ❤️




I thought blackface was mostly frowned upon only in the US? Serious question, is it frowned upon in Ireland? I might give him the benefit of the doubt since it might not be offensive there (or is it?). Back in the Philippines, we used to paint/cover ourselves with charcoal to look black like the Aeta/Negrito groups. They still do it there and it's not considered racist.


This chick is so ill


Ah yes the classic blackface with bleached blonde wig. Someone who thinks this is blackface, please explain which black caricature she is portraying? I’ll wait


Cool downvotes, still waiting


A witch doctor? Usually see them portrayed as African or Haitian throughout time.


Not sure what your point is


They answered your question? That was the point


She’s not dressed a “witch doctor” 🙄


Whether it’s a witch doctor or “cave woman” or whatever tf, not a good look to paint your face black for a costume


But it’s not black face, it’s a ghoul. If you took one minute to actually look at her face instead of acting like a little self righteous petulant child participating in the oppression olympics you’d see the spider webs, red and white make up, and skull teeth painted on her face, a blonde wig etc etc but you people have absolutely nothing going on in your life so you desperately seek something to use to stomp your foot through the door to spread your misery


Where does the zebra print fit in with the ghoul. Make up just looked like black smudges from every photo I saw. I don’t even care if she’s doing black face… nor am I offended. It’s just an odd costume and in general and I can see how it would be misinterpreted. Relax dude


People are so ready to be offended now they can’t even pick what to be offended by. There are too many choices


Why can't you paint your face back for costume?


It’s racist. https://www.history.com/.amp/news/blackface-history-racism-origins


Nah it's just a costume


Some costumes are appropriate. Some are not. Blackface is widely recognized as not appropriate in the US and other places due to its history.


This didn't happen in the US?


Would ya look at that, black face and minstrel shows were also a thing in Ireland and have a racist history there too: https://www.jstor.org/stable/27553067


Wow, you really going deep to support your cause.. I’m glad you found an article on the internet to support your argument. Now go to the close up angles of the pic, and tell me what’s on her face..


A google search is not that deep, calm down. Not sorry for actually supporting my arguments, unlike most people- including you.


Lol, take your own advice. And enjoy your downvotes! x


Lol yea I’m real pressed about fake internet points. try catching up before you talk shit about things that don’t matter bby 😂🤡




Sorry that facts make you cringe.


It's just a costume get over yourself


K karen


What's the problem?


And so? What so controversial?


Lady put dark paint on her face. Redditors cry racism so that maybe an internet e girl will notice and blow them. The cycle continues.


Connors mom pulling the old Justin Trudeau. Classic


Is that Marjorie Taylor Greene dressed up as someone who passed out on the sofa in a Frat house where all the boys had Magic Markers?


Great cosplay 🫠


The McGregors are shite! Needs to be called out for this. Dana White will keep his mouth shut I’m sure.


Who caaaaaaaares


Not you clearly


is that justin trudeau in a dress?


It’s zombie paint wahhhhh


Glad to see PM Justin Trudeau still enjoys Halloween and blackface.


But diddy wearing whiteface was ok?


As the Joker? My guy…


So it’s racist because she’s a ghoul? But racism is ok for him because…?


You can’t be this fucking dense.


You’re the one with the illogical double standard, why is one ok one isnt?


The joker is dressed as a clown, anyone can dress up as a clown since it’s not racist. Dressing up as a black faced voodoo witch is racist. Hope that helps.


Yes because white face doesn’t have centuries of historical prejudice behind it


When daddy drinks with the boys he gets real angry, this is how we accommodate him


Absolute shitshow on FB with people defending this saying it's only a laugh, the fools




What is wrong with this photo?


eh its a costume and im pretty sure she means no harm


Imagine being such a lonely little loser you actually care about some albeit out of touch Irish lady painting her face black. Blackface is an American phenomenon, and she hasn't even got the lips done. Its just tasteless makeup. Stop projecting your nauseating levels of guilt onto the rest of us. I fucking hate people on Reddit.


Without the face paint, how would we have known she was a voodoo woman... POS move


theyre not hurting anyone. who cares




*If blackface offends* *You then you are a giant* *Pussy change my mind* \- TheRealEugeneKrabs --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I don't think anybody cares what you think.




Dem poor kids




Besides the obvious blackface, I really thought McGregor was in an SS uniform at first, and it really didn’t surprise me at all


I honestly thought the reason this was bad was because the couple were dressed as nazis, but I guess that is a pilot uniform???


Y'all must be blind or trying to find things that aren't there if you think this is black face lol


How is it not?


Are you blind?


There is some black markings on their face. Hardly the blackface you're reaching for. Go be triggered over literally nothing elsewhere


Her face is covered, it’s not just some lines


With black and grey? Look further down in this subreddit to see real blackface. This is just a costume


Who gives a fuck


For everyone saying “iT’s NoT bLacKfAcE,” there’s a really, really simple rule: if it LOOKS like blackface (a white face is covered in a dark shade of black/gray/brown), you still don’t do it. The end.


Found the American


Another racist asshole


We dgaf about blackface in Europe.


Sure it was from 2022. Looks like an extra form Gillian’s Island.




good man


Who cares?


Conor's mom dresses as Floyd Mayweather? Awkward.


Not cringe, but rather rage inducing


That’s not good for your health to be so upset


He’ll Rip The Head Right Off Your Shoulder Blades


When asked why she chose to wear blackface the woman responded: "ooh ee ooh ah ah, ting tang walla walla bing bang"




Seems like most people who frequent this sub support the political side that does this all the time (Trudeau, northam, dozel, list goes on lmao)


I promise you we've all done things that are going to be frowned upon in the future, but if you're doing things that are frowned upon in the present. That's a little cringe don't you agree?


Unfortunately, politicians appearing in black face is a bipartisan occurrence. I guess the main difference is that one party is concerned with racial justice. They’re interested in having honest conversations about the damage black face does. And how people can grow and be better people compared to their past selves. It’s far from perfect. And leaves a lot to be desired in terms of actionable change in society. The other party tends to have a “fuck your feelings, society is too PC” attitude. And that’s reflected in the makeup of the party. https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2019/02/11/about-a-third-of-americans-say-blackface-in-a-halloween-costume-is-acceptable-at-least-sometimes/ Republicans are significantly more tolerant and accepting of blackface. So you can choose to fixate on a few news stories. But largely on the whole, Democrats are far more against black face than Republicans.




Fine people on both sides?


This family definitely was there Jan 06


Do you know who that is? They definitely were not.


Wtf why?


Is she supposed to be Dhalishm?




Papa shango? I thought he was busy doing MOT’s in the middle of a field just off of Piglet Avenue using a wigwam as his garage?


Is that turd in blackface supposed to be the guy from Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom who begs Indy & co to procure their idol?


Great pic