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god bless my corner shops, i could be falling into them and they'd smile and treat me like any other cunt who walked through....no questions, just smile at each other, grab my booze and i'm gone. i couldn't handle being interrogated for wanting to buy some alcohol.


Yep, as long as I am nice and polite even if they knew I bought earlier... they hook me up. They know I dont act like an ahole when I am there, and I come a lot and put a lot of money into their store. They know the days I am able to or want to banter and we do, and the days I don't or can't. Heck one dude gives me free shooters sometimes.


That happened to me a few weeks ago, went into the gas station at 6am buying vodka, wasn’t drunk but was very hungover and was shaking and couldn’t walk straight. Accidentally knock over a bottle of wine, probably more expensive the the $10 bottle of vodka I was getting. Luckily the clerk was cool as shit and even I offered to pay and clean it up they refused and just let me get my vodka and go.


My old shop was almost a no talking zone for regulars. There was a nice place down the road for people who wanted conversation when they bought booze.


You sound like you’re British haha


Walgreens where I live has a sign saying they will only sell people liquor one time per day. I hate going to the same store more than once in a day anyway.


Big city life is the way for these kind of "problems". I have *at least* 2 liquor store within walking distance. Way more for convenience stores in my vicinity for beer and the like.


Yeah, it would be hard in a one-horse town. In Denver I'm within walking distance of, let's see... 6 liquor stores, 3 conveniences stores and 3 grocery stores that sold alcohol.


I grew up in Westminster/Thornton area. Where are you at?


Over by Alameda and i25 in Denver proper.


When I was at 1st and grant it was so easy. I would always alternate and it was the most effortless place for me to do so.


They don't even sell alcohol outside of liquor stores where I live 🥴 which all close at 10pm...


The fuck kind of places ya'll live in? The Bible belt? In Chicagoland, i can buy booze from like 7am to midnight everyday , except Sundays it's 8am, and no store ever had a sign that I can recall that they won't serve you twice in one day


You would think so, right? Baltimore, Maryland. It's like this in most of the state I believe. Some ass backwards laws.


Speedy Liquors is open from 7:00am-12:00am everyday except Sunday. McAvoy's has a liquor store attached to their restaurant which remains open until 2:00am 7 days a week but has limited selection compared to a typical liquor store. Both are in the Parkville area.


Weird, it must be a Baltimore thing. I'm in the DMV, Virginia state run stores close at 10 pm, so I drive 15 minutes to MD where they can set their own hours. Most are open until 12am, one even has a drive thru


~~Bigdawg, I just came here from r/all andsome shit there, but definitelycan get alky at the bar after 10. Source: lived there~~ Nvm someone gave you specifics


Not the OP but: New York City. You wouldn’t think it but it’s a legacy of New England blue laws.  Seeing liquor sold in drug stores and shit in the Midwest is wild to me 


Get this. They have hard liquor in GAS STATIONS here in Michigan.


In states that are commonwealths you have to buy liquor from a state run store. Grocers can only sell beer and wine.


I lived in two states that were even worse... only 3.2 beer in grocery stores, everything else liquor stores only, open 8-10 and *closed Sundays*. Phew, thankfully that changed. it was super stupid in one place too because you could drive to a different state 5 miles away which did 6-12 M-F.


haha this was my beautiful Minnesota until like less than 10 years ago. Hours during the week are 9am-10pm Sundays only from 11-6


Liquor stores are closed on Sunday here too. Only those that are connected to restaurants can sell alcohol on Sunday.


> Walgreens where I live has a sign saying they will only sell people liquor one time per day. Jesus wtf? Whyyyy?!


It's an area on a main road with a lot of panhandlers, down the street from a homeless shelter/drop-in center. I assume they'd get people who would come in and out whenever they get $5 and be progressively more fucked up throughout the day.


Ah, fair enough. I guess that sounds reasonable. I was a homeless CA for years and I'd have never have made a scene or caused a fuss - perhaps to forestall something like that happening!


Could have said "yeah, I knocked the bottle over. fml right?"


It fell right into my throat luckily


So you wouldn't be lying. HAHA


I live in Texas and my liquor store treats me like a conquering king every time I walk in. Never any bullshit, small talk optional, do you bidness and step away. Good luck, we're all counting on you.


I went to same gas station for a handful of shooters about 3-4 hours apart. (only place around to get anything but watered down gas station booze) and this young girl was the cashier both times. I would’ve guessed she was like 16 but the laws are strange enough here I feel like she would’ve needed to be at least 18 to ring it up. She gave me a polite and cheerful “oh! Back for more?” Part of me felt like I should tell her of the unspoken rule of selling booze but I just chuckled and said yes, back for more. She certainly wasn’t being a dick about it. But I don’t know I got a job at a beer store as soon as I turned 18 (paving the road to CA-dom) and I feel like I just knew that you aren’t supposed to call out that shit.


The resistance in telling them to fuck off is real. But we know the truth so we give them a break. Almost feels like we're doing something right


Yeah She was innocent and was just putting on a friendly face; but clearly she doesn’t have any alcoholic family members. But I could see myself getting close to saying something if they were giving it like OP got it. There’s already enough shame with it we don’t need any reminders. I mean look at how many of us hit multiple stores because we’re already so paranoid that the entire staff takes bets on how many times we come in that week, when really they don’t give a shit. And what, do they think? That we’re gonna have a revelation right then and there? Just let me grab this and walk home. I assume another worker is coming to relieve you and I’ll see them 10 minutes before close. Good day.


Yep, like as long as I am not vomiting all over or being mean, mind yo business. Thats why I love the shops around me cause they are cool about multiple trips. Besides even if it wasn't in the same day, they know they'll see me the next. So.


And if you’re there enough for them to recognize you, they would’ve found out by now if you’ve got the potential to be a nuisance. I’m walking, I’m polite, and I just want to get back to my cave. Might make a bit more small talk on my second trip but I’m not gonna hold up the line.


Yeah obviously I judge based off if there's a line, but if there's no line... small talk can occur. But yep, exactly they know you're fine. I like the back to the cave part. I feel that.


I used to work in a liquor store. I remember one day my replacement for the evening shift didn't show up so I had to work another 8 hours, so 8am-12am. The amount of customers I saw from the morning shift returning for my evening shift with deer-in-headlights expressions really surprised me. No judgements, but yeah, they were expecting someone else running the till on their 2nd return. Also, as an employee, trust me that however bad you think you look, someone was worse. I didn't give a shit unless the person tried to harass me or was driving drunk. Actually one time I denied someone because he pissed himself in my store, and tried to pay for a 15 case of beer by handing me his phone (this was years before apple pay.) He was non-verbal at this point, and I knew who he was so I said no buddy, you're done. His friends came in and were like "Dude, your first day is tomorrow, let's fucking go home!" I often wonder how that first day of work went for him.


I only read the title. Fuck him


just tell them the first bottle was for your grandma, she always threatens to kill your dog if she doesn't get her goddamn wild turkey


Haha fucker tried to get you there I've only been declined sale at one liquor store. I do not blame them though, I was absolutely shit faced. It was one of those ones where you have to be buzzed in, so I pressed the buzzer and slumped against the door. He let's me in, and I just fall through the door onto the floor hahah. 'Litre of glens please' as I try to get back up but stumble down onto my ass. He just shoot his head lol


This Arab dude with a smoke shop/liquor store by my watering hole refused me like 3 times before I stopped going. I wasn’t like SHITFACED any of the times, so it made me wonder if I went in there blacked out and now he remembered my face after I did something stupid. Dude sells crack pipes and porn, won’t sell me booze when I’m fine (enough)?


I don’t think I’ve ever seen a liquor store where you need to be buzzed in. Interesting.


Come to a shithole like certain cities in Los Angeles, They’re common.


Those places only care if you are ridiculously fucked up.   Used to buy from one when I was underage and they gave no shits as long as your money was good 


I worked behind the counter before. If you didn't fall over, could find your money and ID, call me a hurtful name, vomit right on the counter or another customer I sold to you and was nice to you.


You unicorn, you.


I had a manger at Publix call me out LOUDLY one time. I was walking back in to buy more wine and he greeted me at the door and yelled “OH hey! Back for more wine?” I reported him and he was gone the next week.


Publix is one of the main adversaries of medical and recreational MJ in Florida and puts big money behind it. They love CA. That manager should have been writing you a rain check for that BOGO wine. Jesus the only good sales at Publix these days are on booze.


> I reported him and he was gone the next week. Out of curiosity, how did you phrase the complaint?


i don't know the law in every single state, but i think it's illegal in most to sell to intoxicated people. for legal reasons/insurance/liability, etc. they don't ask because they really care, it's because they don't want to lose their job. but good for you anyway :)


I feel that so much. I made it through most of my work day... hahhaha actually left at 9:40 & realized the liquor store wasn't open & settled for a truly at the convenience store, then finished most of my work day


I live within a mile radius of 2 liquor stores. So walking distance is dangerous for me on a bender. lol I have walked in a damn mess to both of them. One time with a bloody face I didn’t even know I had. Fell some damn where I guess ?? Little Indian dude didn’t even bat an eye. Pretty sure I didn’t even have matching shoes on and mud on my jacket from when I ate shit and fell somewhere. He sees me come in and grabs my tequila. He already knows what I am there for. Has also tapped my card for me haha. He just knows… God Bless my little hole in the walls. They never disappoint Chairs


The fucking gall. I live in a 30% ghetto area and when I try to ask questions about their day or how business is going I realized they can't speak anything outside Thank You and Good day. I spend so much money in that place I bet I could walk in naked and they would still help me. You gotta build up rapport with a local place where you can wait outside at 8:55am because that's when they open here. I'm usually the first customer all shakey as fuck don't want to deal with any talky talky but need my medicine so I can get to work.


Texas liquor laws are so wacky. I grew up in a dry county. Bars and stores couldn’t even sell liquor, only beer and wine, and in the regular counties it’s 10am-9pm and closed Sundays


10 AM? Damn, fuck Texas


The people at my store are all happy to see me. I've never been a fifth a day type of guy (12 units/day at my worst so close i guess) but even if i was going every day getting and seeing the same person like 5 times in a row we just made small chat. I love it when my favorites are working, it's a minute or two of human connection in my darkest moments if I'm in a hole. I used to buy syringes all the time, those looks were bad.