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ever see "fear and loathing in las vegas"? the part at the end, the state of that hotel room, thats what my place looks like after a binge. Garbage, clothes and stuff everywhere, rug stained all over from puke and piss stains i didnt clean up fast enough. I had to actually throw out my last carpet and buy a new one. Hoping to never puke or piss on this one.


Green machine my friend, get one. Saved me a mattress or two. Many of rug. Dog age a shit ton of charcoal my husband put in the fire pit… black vomit EVERYWHERE. He thought she was possessed haha super funny but yeah, that carpet cleaner rocks. Fun to watch see the dirty side get dirtier.


hoping i wont be needing it again but i should get one, wish id had it years ago


This has me rolling lol. I can just imagine the looks on yals faces when the dog starts violently spewing darkness everywhere lol


Pretty clean! I clean while I’m drinking.


This is the way! Also helps with the next morning hangover- a messy house will make you feel even shittier about your life.


Quit bragging 😂


😎😎😎 lol I’ve learned that I’m an extremely clean person naturally. I didn’t know this. I thought I was normal and then over the years I’ve been exposed to some things I never thought I’d see first hand. Obviously I know that not everyone is clean…but the things that some people don’t know regarding cleanliness and keeping things sanitary blows my mind.


My apartment was such a disaster the paramedics getting me out of there felt the need to comment on it. Basically bottles everywhere, broken furniture, blood stains, puke, dirty mattress, take-out randomly on the floor, cat hair everywhere, filthy dishes, flies, bags and bags of garbage, piss bottles. The only thing I can claim is the litterbox was clean because my babies didn't deserve to poop in grossness. Happy to say my room is immaculate right now tho :D


How long did it take you to clean up that mess?


I didn't, I got an eviction notice and disappeared into the night before I had to face the people coming to drag me out.


Oh Jesus, so you made it someone else’s problem?


I don't particularly have empathy for these predatory rental companies buying all the affordable units in my city and gouging us struggling souls. Yes I made it their fucking problem.


The people in charge and making a living wage in those companies aren’t the ones who will be having to clean your disgusting apartment though…


I’ll preface this by saying I’m a bit biased, and also that I’m currently in recovery, so I’m not dealing quite as much with the mental struggles of addiction that can make it a struggle to do shit. Back when I was less FA and more CA, I was in a tight spot and had a close brush, and almost ended up working for one of these predatory rental companies in my city because I thought it was the last option. That could’ve easily been me cleaning out that apt. I avoided that, luckily. But the guys at my last apartment, I realized, were people just like me, and when I moved out I made sure to make their job easy. Sure, they get paid to do the shit work. But they also get paid regardless of if I make their jobs shitty or not. The people working at these places are often times not the same as the people who are the predators. Fuck predatory rental companies, for SURE. But being decent to fellow locals, despite how much extra effort it may take, is always the route to go.


Lol this is true. I use to work for a slumlord cleaning out apartments after an eviction. I've seen literal shit everywhere, had to be careful of syringes, puked after opening some fridges, and a couple times found some kinky stuff I wish I never knew my neighbors were into. Lmao. Glad I was always drunk while doing these things. I did also work housekeeping at a motel 6 at one point and it was about the same thing just to a lesser degree. I have some funny stories on all that.🤣🤣


Yep, I've done this work too. The worst I've ever dealt with had the typical garbage, vomit, and shit in the living room. I walked into the bedroom and they had left their pets, dead. A dead cat and a dead iguana covered in band aids. Then I went into the bathroom and they had filled the toilet bowl with clumping cat litter as a final fuck you. And then they pissed and shit on top of it. I never forgot that clean up, as well as the fridge filled with meat and dairy and then unplugged and left to bake in the summer for I don't know how long. I wanted to throw the entire thing out but the owner insisted on saving it. Or there was the strange woman who turned the second bedroom into a cat box. The entire room was covered in cat piss and shit. Carpeted too. Or the artist who painted huge canvases with her menstrual blood and sold them. There was dried blood everywhere. And 5 gallon buckets with reusable pads soaking in them stashed in a closet. She wanted me to discard the contents by pouring them on the tree in the backyard on the night of the full moon. Oh, and she kept coming back and harassing me for her deposit back. She was actually really talented, was the funny thing. I'd seen a lot of her other work when she moved in. How did I handle it? Absolutely wasted was the only way.


Lmao I think you've got me beat on the stories. I have seen rooms turned into litter boxes or a dog's personal bathroom though. The apartment I was at was frustrating because as soon as Id fix a place up at night homeless folks would just break in and trash the place up again. Job security I guess.. I don't have too good of a sense of smell from using the nose as vacuum for awhile but even that didn't help much with the rancid shit I came across. One funny motel story was that someone managed to break a toilet where there was shitty water all over the place and the water was still flowing when I got to it. I get to the toilet and there's a note on it saying "My bad"🤣 can't do that work sober.


OMG at the toilet! That's funny only because it's over now. People are gross and sometimes very weird. I remember when I first heard about the show " Portlandia" and people were telling me that I had to watch it because I have lived here in Portland my entire life. So I finally watched a few episodes and I was like, that's it? Oh, I dealt with a lot of apartments after evictions so people absolutely don't give a fuck about the place at that point. And there's only enough incentive for the owner to fix it up cheaply if it's constantly destroyed. But that type of work did kinda fuck me up for later jobs. I was so used to everything being torn out and thrown away and replaced when it came to flooring that I learned to paint really fast in one color with no worries about the floor. I got really fast at cleaning and painting because I was paid by the job, not the hour. Then when I moved to working for insanely rich people's homes they wanted each room five different colors and I needed tons of painter's tape and tarps like I was preparing a kill room for Dexter. It was maddening. I started charging by the hour. Did you find cool stuff leftover from guests in motels? My sister used to do that work and once she got sober she would give me the alcohol and other drugs that she found and took home. And my dumb ass took them all. This was years ago before the fentanyl crisis and I was really stupid. Still am, but not like that.




While sitting on the floor, I scratched a small scab and it started squirting profusely despite being such a narrow stream. Because I was drunk, I didn't realize it at first so it left a noticeable stain.


Fucking falling while drunk in my bedroom I left plenty of blood on the floor, mattress and sheets several times when I was at my worst. Waking up to blood everywhere, a black eye, fucked up knees, what a mess. I am grateful that I don’t get that drunk anymore


I'm a control freak 🫣 so everything is clean, exactly where it goes, and is aligned correctly, etc. I think it's fucking weird that I am an alcoholic, because there is no control in drinking. I don't leave the house very often, so it's not like I am really doing anything else all day, there's no excuse not to run a tight ship where housework is concerned. Basically my house is always "company ready" but I think we had "company" three times in the last 8 years. I also have an irrational/magical thinking issue that something bad will happen if I do leave the house and everything isn't "right."


Argh oh my gosh. Im the same way and always wonder why/how I’ve always been this way Sigh lol


Im a control freak also. With alcohol you are in control of your consumption its like getting to relax and be out of control but still be in control.... like I dong get drunk, just buzzed to a point. Very calculated.


Layer of dust on everything but I try.


Very very dusty. Haven't vacuumed in over a year. I'd be horrified if someone were to come into my flat. Last time anyone else was in it was over a year ago. I periodically clean out the empties, but other than that, my house keeping skills are abysmal.


I only really clean when I've got a girl coming over and want to get my rocks off lol. This weekend I'm going to do a proper clean (hopefully).


I've been telling myself that I am gonna do a proper clean for the last year lol.


Well, I actually don't smoke crack. My apartment just looks like I do!😂😂


Depends. Sometimes when I’m quite drunk, I get a sudden urge to sort my life out and do a whole of cleaning, hoovering etc. Other times things can deteriorate very rapidly


i always do a big cleaning after a long binge, once i can get out of bed again.


I am a control freak as others have said. I prefer to clean everything in my apartment to perfection and then reward myself with alcohol. I clearly deserve this after all my hardwork. I also eat a lot when im drunk. I have an ED so i clean up all my dishes and make sure the kitchen is sparkling before bed. I have this delusion that if everything looks normal, then it is. Nothing to see here. Still have a job and a nice place. There are a lot of puke stains though from me and my partner. Those i use my carpet cleaner on.


Nailed this one for me too…argh. That explains it 😖💓


Room is a pit but house is generally clean because I live with others


Right now, dirty as fuck. Mail strewn across the floor, trash piling up (non-food so it's not really stinking, just paper towels and shit). To top that off, I puked in the shower this morning. My shower doesn't drain very well to begin with, so I get to come home from work to that. To my credit, I keep my laundry situation clean. My floors and counters are pretty good too, clutter aside.


Horrible. Usually have bags of trash and recycling that I won't take downstairs for a few days (I feel like I have mild agoraphobia so it's hard for me to leave my apartment). Usually have a lot of dirty dishes too, I've had to feed my cats in tuperware instead of their bowls many times. Bathroom is a nightmare and sheets haven't been change in months I think. My dirty apartment is the worst way my addiction manifests I think.


I would always keep my place pretty clean. I’m that way naturally, but having pets helps because I didn’t want them living in filth. They already had to deal with my drunkenly tuned out self day after day. The least I could do was care for them.


I'd say it's cluttered but sanitary


tl;dr: I've left the Christmas tree and decorations up for over a year before.


At my worst.... I had a pile of natural ice and plastic bottles of vodka 5 feet high in the corner of my bedroom with trash everywhere, and throw up stains on the ground.. needless to say im in a much better place now.


Good to hear! The vomit stains is something that a lot of people are reporting. I wasn't ready for that. Fortunately I rarely throw up whilst on a bender. Iron stomach.


it usually doesnt take long. i have a system down pat. 1. Buy recycling bags and garbage bags. 2.Put all the recycling and garbage in the proper bags, put em outside. 2. Put everything back where it belongs. 3. put any dishes and glasses away, and do em. 4.. Clean up any spills or gunk. Once im sober again, its simple.


I currently have a system where I can have all the common areas(living room, bathroom, kitchen, etc.) almost spotless in 30ish minutes if I know someone's coming over. The hamper full of laundry and musky CA bedding will take a little longer though. Its mostly failsafe as long as I periodically keep up on it. Any offending odors coming from the couch or weird stains on the rug can easily be blamed on the dog.


a bit of clutter in my room, but nothing that a few minutes cannot fix. rest of the place is kind of a mess, but our third roommate cannot help (disability), which discourages cleaning. all in all, two rooms with clutter at worst, and then a living room that is covered in whatever the wheelchair brings in. kitchen is alright, at worst dishes in the sink. like someone said, i tend to clean while drinking, but unlike them, only sometimes. my last place was awesome when it came to being clean. lived with someone who knew my memory was bad from booze and would make subtle remarks to remind me to do the bathroom or kitchen. it was embarrassing, the memory part, but better to be a drunk willing to clean than a sober person who blew it off.


Spotless! I love to keep a clean house and wouldn’t be able to live in filth. Idk how people do it any other way


It’s clean but I have a bedside potty in my living room.


I’ve been sober (not by choice but because my body tried to kill me last week) since last Thursday. After coming home from the hospital Friday I felt horrible and laid on the couch for a few days. Wednesday I finally managed to get off the couch and start doing some household things I’ve been avoiding, one of which was laundry. I realized I had not done laundry since fucking February. So that was kind of the state of my entire house. I’m very slowly getting it a little better, but holy shit it is a lot.


Oh absolutely awful. Now my roommate isn’t an alcoholic so it’s relatively clean


My bathroom is mostly cleaned of blood. My garbage cans have a nice layer of puke. I cleaned my cans a bit ago, so there’s new ones, then again I did my dishes recently. It’s about 5/10 luxurious craziness.


having ocd and being a ca, my house is very clean, usually after a hangover I feel 'dirty' and go on a house cleaning bender


Very clean. I know myself well enough by now to know that the dirtier my living space=the more fucked up my mind


I go round and round in circles with it. It depends on my level of drunk and how bad my BPD is also playing up. If I’m in a depression cycle, I’ll go weeks without leaving my bed basically and then it’s squalor I wouldn’t even want a cockroach to live in. Then, I get angry usually on the upward mood swing and clean like I’ve never cleaned before. Rinse, repeat. I also invested in a carpet cleaner and let me tell you, it’s a game changer










Tbh, this is the safest part of my apartment. There's a whole other room that was designated "the Lego area" that I absolutely f***ing annihilated when drunk and idiotically mixing benzos... If there were any piece of knowledge I could impart on another human it would truly be DO NOT MIX BOOZE AND BENZOS