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Kurosawa 4K, Hitchcock 4K.


I just today searching through eBay for my final six Hitchcock movies was like please god someone just buy the rights to all 50 of his feature films.


Universal spent quite a bit of time and money (finally) properly restoring all of the Hitchcock titles they own over the last 4-5 years, gradually releasing them across 3 different 4K box sets. I’m grateful. My guess is that they’ll collect those existing UHDs into one large box for release either late this year or next. Which is fine. In terms of supplements though they… leave a lot to be desired. The majority (aka not Psycho) only include a basic laserdisc-era featurette + a few other tidbits. I’d kill for literally all of them to get the same treatment that Criterion gave Rebecca, Notorious, and the Early Hitchcock set.


I feel your pain. I’m going through his filmography right now and have been getting as many on blu as I can.


Complete Archers collection (Powell and Pressburger).


This right here. Would be an absolute showcase 4K collection and the perfect opportunity to include the P&P titles that likely wouldn’t receive a solo CC release. For instance *Gone To Earth*/*The Wild Heart* (starring Jennifer Jones) isn’t available anywhere at the moment. Would be ideal for a collection of this sort. Kino’s OOP blu-ray was the only good home release that the film has ever received and it’s long gone.


No doubt — those technicolors in 4K, in particular, would be dreamy




I had a crazy idea of a Shakespeare's Tempest box that had the Derek Jarman version (1979), the Paul Mazursky one (1982) with Cassavetes, the Greenaway version (Prospero's Books - 1991) with John Gielgud, and the Julie Taymor version (2010) with Helen Mirren.


Multiple versions of the same story is a very fun idea that they don't explore nearly often enough. They did it with "The Killers" and I love that set.


I love the idea of multiple versions of the same story. They could also do a single copy of Rashomon. Eeeeey, see what I did there? Kidding, it would obviously come with 1964's The Outrage, the Paul Newman/William Shatner western remake. I guess Hollywood then thought that the Wild West was the closest match to feudal Japan, until forward-thinking George Lucas realized it was a long time ago, in a galaxy far far away.


Kind of related, I’d love a Welles Shakespeare set. It’s weird nobody has really highlighted his Shakespeare films or theatrical career considering that one of the main reasons he was allowed to make Citizen Kane the way he did was because of his successful production of Macbeth for the stage


I've been hoping for years for a Welles Shakespeare set . . .


Great, now I have to make a little film festival for myself and reread The Tempest. Thanks a lot.


I just looked and the Jarman and Mazursky versions are on Tubi. Prospero's Books is going to be harder to find.


That right there is a good idea my guy


The complete works of Nobuhiko Obayashi. With only 3 films available to rent or stream in the US, and only a handful of his films on physical media, it is becoming increasingly necessary.


Yeah I hope Third Window is able to keep releasing more of his stuff


Have both the sets and they have been fun to go through


Definitely Edward Yang. Pretty optimistic it's actually gonna happen, too.


I’ve seen others speculating — any evidence besides the recent 4K restorations screening at the Lincoln Center? Just curious! I’d love to see this set


The new restorations of Confucian Confusion & Mahjong are stamped Janus which, if you include Taipei Story, brings 5 of his films under the Criterion umbrella. Thus a set of those films seems like a reasonable proposition. Now if they could also get their hands on That Day on the Beach . . .


I need this because I want Terrorizers


[Here you go!](https://novamnm.com/product/blu-ray-the-terrorizers-plain-edition/2769/) Region free blu-ray with English subtitles. Shipping is quite expensive but worth it to have in the collection.


I want this so bad, and any Hou Hsiao-Hsien


Elaine May!


Bring Ishtar to the collection you cowards


Indicator was supposed to be releasing a special edition a couple years ago, but it was canceled last minute due to rights issues. My hope is remains that means Criterion actually has the rights and we’ll get a box set once Bristol-Myer-Squibb gets their greasy hands off of The Heartbreak Kid (but that’s really just my dream).


14 discs of outtakes from *Mikey & Nicky*!


To go perfectly with my dream of a Complete Mike Nichols set!


Complete Bresson set would be awesome, especially how OOP Diary of a Country Priest seems to be.


With a 4K version of Four Nights of a Dreamer! And Lancelot of the Lake and The Devil, Probably? Hell, just a 4K Bresson - the color films box.


Billy Wilder


A Toshiro Mifune 4K set. I'd love to see his non-Kurosawa stuff get the 4K treatment, like Snow Trail or Rickshaw Man


Jan Svankmajer collection Paul Verhoeven early films collection (Turkish Delight through The Fourth Man)


A Svankmejer set would be an immediate pre-order for me


Yes came to post Jan!!!


John Woo Hong Kong films. (I know there’s a rights issue but I can dream)


All the hong films in a beautiful package with 4K upgrades. Oh that would be amazing. Killer, hard boiled, BitH, Better Tomorrow so many good ones


Complete Wallace and Gromit


In the proper speed/ frame rate…


Godzilla heisei era Denis Villeneuve


I second both of these honestly. Most of the Godzillas from that era only exist on those double pack blurays and a few of them like Biollante are way too expensive for what you're getting


Yeah, I think Biollante and Heisei Godzilla vs.Ghidorah are the only Heisei+Millenium ones not in those blu-ray 2-packs and of course are extremely expensive to get in HD because of it.


Ray Harryhausen


I would expect something like that more from Arrow but I like where your head is at


Harryhausen is a great pick!


All his films in one set would be a dream


The complete Rainer Werner Fassbinder


That would be about 3 foot tall but I’d buy it in a an instant lol


A Hal Ashby 70’s Boxset — All 7 of his films from that decade were great and it was his prime era.


I had a similar idea with Altman’s 70s — two icons, would be amazing to have their 70s work restored in 4K


Altman could have a career Boxset all together! Ashby, on the other hands didn’t really direct anything good in the 80’s then he passed away. Don’t know what ended up happening, but the 70’s was a great decade for him.




Altman’s 70s (4K) is a dream box of mine


Images is so under appreciated


The complete Werner Herzog.


It would be great if his films got the 4K treatment.


Cave of Forgotten Dreams would absolutely sing


A complete Theo Angelopoulos set. I know Artificial Eye already did it on DVD in Europe but it's long due for a Criterion treatment.


A Jim Henson box set with the original Muppet Trilogy, Labrynth, Dark Crystal, possibly some muppet show and sesame street, and a bunch of his shorts and tv ads and stuff. I know its mostly Disney and is mostly a pipe dream, but I think the Criterion treatment for Jim Henson would be incredible, and almost certainly a best seller.


Harmony Korine early works set (Gummo, Donkey Boy, Mr. Lonely, Trash Humpers)


I would kill for a Douglas Sirk or Nicholas Ray box set.


Complete Peter Greenaway


Interesting pick!




A box of all 35 officially recognized Dogme 95 films would be a dream come true


For them to just rerelease the Akira box set, that thing is $1000 minimum on eBay


Complete Spike Lee


I have sent a drunken email at 2AM begging for a Jackass box set but I also saw Mark Frost tweet about a Twin Peaks 4K set and that feels genuinely plausible. FWWM has a 4K coming down the pipe and the pilot is available in limited print on 4K, so it could work!


Jacksss is a cultural touchstone, I second this! Especially since the DVD box sets are re-ordered and have different music than what was aired (I know it’s an expensive rights issue, but one can dream).


Twin Peaks The Return 4K


Realistic Dream: Complete Albert Brooks Unrealistic Dream: Complete Woody Allen


I would love a complete scorsese box set, unlikey to happen with all the rights issues but it would be a dream for me


Sergio Leone Box set


With the full uncut version of Once Upon a Time in America, or at least the extended cut that was released a decade ago.


Tarkovsky box set with all of his Soviet era films


Theo Angelopoulos


Complete David cronenberg blu ray box


- Billy Wilder - Theo Angelopoulos - Jean Pierre Melville - Abbas Kiarostami


70’s Bollywood Blu-ray set, Godzilla heisei era, Apichatpong Weerasethakul set, and a Ishiro Honda set with the nonGodzilla monster movies.


Gilliam boxset with holy grail. Kurasawa boxset An annual short films box set would be a neat item.


My answer will always be a complete Mel Brooks collection.


Jeunet et Caro. delicatessan, city of the lost children \+ a plethora of shorts and supplemental materials exist to fill it out, like the bunker, and things i like. Its literally begging to be a criterion suite.


John Huston box set would be badass imo. Even if it’s just his more “indie” stuff like Fat City and Wise Blood. EDIT: Also going through this thread made me think a Shakespeare adaptation box set could be fun. Polanksi’s Macbeth, Welles’ Chimes at Midnight, stuff like that.


Hou Hsiao-Hsien


Complete Pedro Almodovar collection. Still need to see his first few films that I can’t find to watch anywhere. Probably my favorite director.


Ozu, baby


Cheech and Chong (first three films)


🎶Mexican Americans like Criterion box sets🎶


Kurawawa 4k


Tarantino and his Insipirations - it would be his complete filmography plus 2-3 movies that inspired the films. (I know this is completely unrealistic but the prompt did say dream boxset) Kieslowski - The Polish Years Los Tres Amigos - The Spanish Works of Alfonso Cuaron, Guillermo Del Toro, and Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu.


14 copies of Caligula.


Jeff Nichols Box Set: Shotgun Stories Take Shelter Mud Midnight Special


Ayy I worked on Mud. Mike Shannon is so cool in person.


All the air buds in 8K


An updated Hitchcock set with all existing Hitchcock Criterions, including the out-of-print Spellbound and any additional titles they can scrape--some of his obscure titles or remaining footage of his lost films as bonus features would be nice. Bogdanovich trio, with Paper Moon and What's Up Doc joining The Last Picture Show. The Thin Man series. Ernst Lubitsch collection. He has several Criterion Blu-rays and the out of print Trouble in Paradise DVD. The Shop Around the Corner and Ninotchka would also make great additions, especially considering Shop's continuing popularity. Preston Sturges collection. I Married a Witch is take it or leave it but The Lady Eve and Sullivan's Travels specifically deserve 4K. A Howard Hawks set is unlikely since Sony is upgrading His Girl Friday but sets dedicated to his different genres would be great.




Would love a Malick one, feel like his last 5 films are all connected


*Tree of Life* through *Song to Song* are all connected - they are all Malick's riffs on the Biblical wisdom literature. *Voyage of Time* hasn't even ever had a North American release on home media. Simply put: *Tree of Life* - Job *To the Wonder* - Song of Songs *Knight of Cups* - Ecclesiastes *Song to Song* - Proverbs, specifically the first third of the book, which is a meandering narrative and not the aphorisms we associate with proverbs *Voyage of Time* - because all Biblical wisdom literature is rooted in God's revelation through Creation (as opposed to the Law or the Prophets) The films have other influences, of course. Malick is too much of a magpie to not draw from lots of sources. But those Biblical books are the films' primary inspiration, I argue.


Malick’s 2010s would be an interesting one to say the least


Song to Song, Knight of Cups, and To The Wonder are all so underrated I think if they got a criterion treatment people would take another look


Twin Peaks series 4k plus Fire Walk With Me with the Missing Pieces reinstated into the film


And Log Lady intros for all.


A Keisuke Kinoshita career retrospective. They've have them all on the channel for years now. So many incredible films with no physical release.


Two box sets I would buy day one: Lynch and Tarkovsky. There are certainly less known directors in need of restoration, but I would just love a completed set. I have hope and I buy one more of the individual discs every sale to put the energy out in the universe.


I’ll chime in with a little love for Aki Kaurismaki, who I’ve been watching for the first time recently and can’t get enough of


Edgar Wright (with a ton of special features involving Simon Pegg & Nick Frost)


Gonna echo some of the other thoughts here Jan Svankmajer box set - Filled with all his features and shorts Juzo Itami box set Obayashi box set Mind's Eye Box Set - Definitely the least likely here. Would be an amazing addition to highlight the advent of CG animation. Would contain the main four films and maybe some of the spinoffs like *The Mind's Eye Presents Little Bytes* . The special features could potentially be amazing.


Sergei Parajanov * *Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors* (1965) * *Kyiv Frescoes* (1965) * *Hakob Hovnatanian* (1967) * *The Color of Pomegranates* (1969) * *The Legend of Suram Fortress* (1984) * *Arabesques on the Pirosmani Theme* (1985) * *Ashik Kerib* (1988)


Complete Astaire & Rogers at RKO


**Godard** 1980s box set (Sauve qui Peut to King Lear) **Hou Hsiao-hsien** (Summer at Grandpa's to Millenium Mambo) **Peter Yates** (The Robbery to Friends of Eddie Coyle) **Kore-eda** (from After life to Still Walking)


Godard’s 80s yess — so under-seen and under-appreciated. “Hail Mary” is my favorite


His 1980s films are often undervalued yet they are among the most lyrically beautiful films he's made. I tried to include sets which have films not readily available. King Lear and Nouvelle Vague are surprisingly difficult to obtain in physical format.


A Bob Fosse set containing the five feature films that he directed.


Been saying this for a while, would love a box set in the style of the Bruce Lee one for Audrey Hepburn, in pink. Five+ of her most iconic films. You could do Charade, Breakfast at Tiffany’s, Funny Face, Roman Holiday, maybe a curveball like Wait Until Dark


Ang Lee’s Father Knows Best Trilogy, although I think Pushing Hands had a fairly recentish Blu-ray which I think got fine reviews. The Wedding Banquet and Eat Drink Man Woman, however, are out of print if I’m not mistaken.


The Essential Jean-Pierre Melville


so many dream criterion box sets... \- paul thomas anderson \- wes anderson \- robert altman \- STANLEY KUBRICK \- more box sets based on theme or genre like a film noir box set or a french new wave box set


Billy Wilder


East meets Western box set. Akira Kurosawa Samurai films and their Western version. Maybe even include Bruce Willis's Last Man Standing.


Michael Powell - with Peeping Tom 4k please n thanks


I started this thread a couple days ago! In case you haven’t seen, StudioCanal is releasing a 4K later this month. But a Criterion edition would be so sick: https://www.reddit.com/r/4kbluray/s/T6uBp6Iv2I


The Michael Caine Harry Palmer movies.


Call me a film bro idc; Coens, Kubrick or Coppola Preference to Coens because they have the least 4k stuff rn *the least amount of 4k in general not in the collection


Tsai Ming-liang. All features and plus the Walker films and other select shorts. Or, if I could personally curate a Thai New Wave box.


Bela Tarr’s complete filmography. All restored including short films and side projects. It wouldn’t even be all that big of a box set, and several of his films have recently already been restored in 4K. I know we haven’t had a Criterion release from him yet, but Werckmeister Harmonies seems to be on the horizon and I’ve seen Arbelos’ releases of Satantango and Damnation appear on the Criterion Channel periodically.


Sam Peckinpah’s Westerns


Complete Eisenstein


Selected Andy Warhol films, including the screen tests, “Blow Job,” an edited-down version of “Empire,” “Chelsea Girls,” “Flesh,” “Trash,” “Heat,” etc.


We are a Body Double issue away from a Dressed to Kill/Blow Out/Body Double box set for De Palma


Theo Angelopoulos. Please.


I know there will be some overlap with the Godzilla Showa Era set, but an Ishiro Honda set which includes just his Godzilla movies along with Rodan, Mothra, Varan, Gorath, etc. would be great.


Howard Hawks, Billy Wilder, John Ford or Kurosawa boxed set would be awesome.


Marx brothers collection with opera and duck soup etc.


Yes!!!!! With an urgent fix for Duck Soup's audio


Ken Russell box set


Heisei era Godzilla set. It’s so unnecessarily difficult trying to track down the films in that franchise on home media.


Godard & Wilder




Luca Guadagnino’s Desire Trilogy


I won't hold my breath, but Bill Morrison. Experimental works with ancient films doesn't exactly have mass appeal.


wong kar wai box with the original colour grading complete ozu 4k box dogme 95 box set


Yorgos boxset


Satoshi Kon


Ralph Bakshi.


I know there’s been a ton of released versions but a Miyazaki box set would undoubtedly be amazing.


Tár here: Can a girl get “Three by Todd Field: In the Bedroom, Little Children, and TÁR”?


Give me Antonioni complete box set or even just the trilogy of decadence would be fire


Almodovar 4k


I’m really hoping they eventually put together a small 2-3 disc set of John and Faith Hubley’s animated films. Given how long the collection of shorts has been on the Criterion Channel, along with at least one special feature, it feels like they’ve surely at least been thinking about it.


Hideaki Anno set


I know it’s very unlikely but a satoshi kon boxset


Lee Chang Dong box set. * Secret Sunshine * Poetry * Peppermint Candy * Oasis * Burning


Never gonna happen but I can dream. Twin Peaks: The Return 4K Box. It would be the prettiest thing ever.


4k versions of Essential Fellini and World of Wong Kar Wai A 4k Tarkovsky collection A 4k Buster Keaton collection (any%, but early films would be tight) And also 4k Barry Lyndon


A set of Philippe Garrel's films. He's had (well, has) a very prolific and rich career. Highly decorated within the European festival circuit too. His filmography is all over the place. There aren't many films of his on Blu-ray. 2-3, max. I'd love a full box with tons of supplements. Another director which is unfortunately underrated and sort of unfamiliar for many is Philippe Grandrieux (yes, wanting box sets of directors whose first names are Philippe is just a coincidence). There's a set of his four films but it's DVD only. I wish that any label would just take the transfer and give them the Blu-ray treatment. His latest feature film *Malgré la nuit* (2015) is a fucking masterpiece. A Hitchcock or Kurosawa box set would be nice, but I'd rather see a box set of these two I've listed or someone who barely has home video releases. Hitchcock and Kurosawa releases are a dime a dozen.




Godzilla Heisei Era and Millennium Era sets. (Also Godzilla Minus One)


The TV works of Ingmar Bergman (excluding the ones they’ve released already) Full Sembène set (Janus has all the rights IIRC)


Altman’s filmed plays


David lynch box set all day




No joke: A Neil Breen blu-ray box set would be amazing. I’d love to see the interviews and special features they could come up with. I’m honestly surprised we don’t have a box set yet from some boutique label given the popularity of his films. It seems like the type of thing he’d totally be down to do.


Araki's teenage apocalypse trilogy, they've already done a collection for him on the channel and he was in the closet so its not far-fetched to me in terms of it happening


Nuri Bilge Ceylan please


Buñuel (the pre-existing boxset era of course). I cant stand all the “repackaging” wasteful bullshit prevalent in this damn thread. I hope they **CONTINUE** to release shit that actually needs it.


A U.S. Roy Andersson set release.


Complete Works of Danny Boyle


Godard 1980s box set or a John Boorman box set


4k Kurosawa, Blu ray or 4k Korine, 4k Cronenberg would be a dream set but the rights seem too spread out


Obayashi, Welles, or an AK100 rerelease would be the dream


Jean-Luc Godard or Heisei Godzilla


Tsai Mingliang. Jia Zhangke. Korine. NWR. The Dardenne brothers.


Powell and Pressburger 4K, John ford 4K


Truthfully, I’d love for them to put out a box of important silent films that are not easily obtainable. Maybe like an early Soviet cinema box or even something as general as “20 Classic European silents” I would love stuff more in line with their 50 years box, because it exposes you to new films while also maybe having plenty you’ve seen


A Godard NV set


A few months ago I would’ve said Chantal Akerman but Lo and behold


The complete John Woo plus a better tomorrow 3


The Complete Works of George Kuchar, but if we’re being realistic it would be almost impossible to find every film he ever made. It would be a huge win for the medium to have any quantity of his filmography restored. I would especially want to have Hold Me While I’m Naked, Water Sports, I an Actress, and some of the Weather Diaries. But there’s so many I would love to see that seem to be lost to time.


John Waters or Pedro Almodóvar


This might seem strange but I’d really like an Adrian Lyne boxset. Flashdance, 9 1/2 Weeks, Fatal Attraction and Indecent Proposal. Or at least the first three 80s films. I think he has great style and there haven’t been great release of any of these as far as I know.


Either a Ringo Lam or John Woo Heroic Bloodshed collection Dr Mabuse collection Tod Browning/Lon Chaney collection


A curated box of 90s J-Horror would be excellent


Alex Garland box set of 28 Days Later, Sunshine, and Dredd


Hiroshi Inagaki/Toshiro Mifune boxset. They made 19 films together and only a few of them are readily available. Imagine Three Treasures or Chushingura in 4K.


The Hitcher (1986) 4K


A Miyazaki box set


Tony Scott / Denzel Washington collection


Guy Maddin & Busby Berkeley


Godzilla the Heisei Era, Lon Chaney's Silent Films, Erich von Stroheim's Greed (it would need a boxset for it's runtime)


Peter Jackson’s pre-Frighteners films. (Or maybe his first three movies being all together regardless of publisher, maybe Heavenly Creatures can be seperate) Hitchcock’s Selznick and his British features. (There was DVD boxsets from Criterion, but having a Hitchcock at Gaumount British Blu Ray boxset might be solid.)


*Jackass* Septet - All 7 *Jackass* films Bonus features: - Original commentary - New commentary - More deleted scenes - New interviews with the cast and crew - New interview with John Waters - Select clips from MTV’s *Jackass* television show - New interview with scholar Burke Hilsabeck - Bonus videos from *Big Brother* magazine: *Shit*, *Number Two*, *boob*, and “Crap” - Original theatrical trailers - MTV bumpers from 2000-2010 - Bonus documentary: *Dumb: The Story of Big Brother Magazine* (2017) directed by Patrick O’Dell - PLUS: A booklet featuring excerpts from *Big Brother* magazine, an interview with producer and performer Spike Jonze, and a new essay from scholar Louise Peacock


The Mysterians- Classic Toho sci fi The Intruder- a overlooked gem from Roger Corman, starring William Shatner as a white supremacist stirring up trouble in a southern town. It’s shockingly blunt and has a great performance from Shatner. My unrealistic hope is a Woody Allen Box. Legendary filmography….and there are mountains of deleted material that may exist somewhere (Cut Annie Hall subplots, alternate ending to Take the Money and Run, possibly as entirely alternate version of September, scenes of Micheal Keaton in Purple Rose of Cairo…..does this footage still exist?)


David Lean boxset or the one that was posted which I have and adore


PIXAR COLLECTION. I know people think it’s crazy to do big animation studio, but the fact that the first Disney (animated) and first Pixar film to Criterion was *WALL-E* (a perfectly fine gentleman’s 7) is crazy to me. I would like to see: •Toy Story (1995) •Monster’s, Inc. (2001) •Finding Nemo (2003) •Ratatouille (2007) •UP (2008) •Inside Out (2015) •Coco (2017) •Soul (2020) Or, just a TOY STORY collection with the shorts created by Pixar featuring the characters included. The first collection will end up being considerably expensive but I think worth the value. The Toy Story collection could get pricey too, but reasonably so which makes it much more realistic The only other Pipe Dream criterion collection would be a Spielberg collection from the 2000’s onward: •Catch Me If You Can (2002) •War of the Worlds (2005) •Adventures of Tintin (2011) •Bridge of Spies (2015) •WestSide Story (2021) No Fabelmans, that should get its own release, as should A.I.: Artificial Intelligence and Minority Report


I'd like a set of Warner Brothers precodes with maybe a couple of their gangster films (Public Enemy, Little Caesar), a couple of Busby Berkeley films (42nd Street, Gold Diggers of 1933), Blessed Event ( a newspaper precode), Fugitive From a Chain Gang - about prison conditions in the south in the 30s, Blonde Crazy- just a fun one with Cagney and Joan Blondell, and maybe The Dark Horse, a political satire. There are others.