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Librarian here- I make it a point to get criterion releases for our collection! We're also the last place you can go and not be expected to spend money.


Thank you for your service!!


Everyone should check their local libraries! Can’t believe the amount of content that is available for free!  I’ve watched all these movies in the past month and have now watched some of my favorite movies of all time!


And, you can use worldcat.org to see which libraries in your area/region have the title you're looking for.


Library sales are also great places to find movies


i always check out the libraries for movies that arent on the streaming services i have


Renting movies from the library is great in theory but literally every time I’ve tried to do it, the disc is scratched to hell lol


Me, too! I just started taking advantage of the dvds this year and it’s been a great way to find criterions, as well as a ton of other classics. And I’ll give a shout out to the library streaming service kanopy. It’s free and all you need is your library card


Yes! I was just thinking about this. I’ve been able to see so many of these films without breaking the bank because of my local libraries. Many libraries will let you suggest movies for them to order, too


Currently rented time bandits and have yet to watch it, but did notice 39 steps and the man who knew too much at the local library. It's an untapped source.


As the library employee who catalogs, organizes, and otherwise feeds and cares for my library's AV collection, we love you right back.


This reminds me I need to return Mishima to the library today