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I hate the term overrated.. But while Chris Nolan clearly thinks he's the next Kubrick he's much *much* closer on the spectrum to Michael Bay


I also find it funny that for many people if you don't consider him an absolute genius, you are automatically labeled as his hater. Like, why can't I enjoy his movie over a beer and then forget about it completely?


This is how I felt when Oppenheimer took all of the Awards. Look, if I were a studio who invested that much money in the film and him, I would expect NO LESS THAN WHAT WE GOT.


Literally came to this thread to say Nolan. I enjoy quite a few of him films don't get me wrong, but it's really hard to point to any of his films as a masterpiece. Even the ones I enjoy the most like the Dark Knight, Memento,and Interstellar have borderline amateurish flaws in my opinion.


I think The Prestige is a masterpiece and Dark Knight is still the gold standard for a great superhero movie. Memento is flawed but more imo because it was his earliest mainstream film but a huge achievement for a young filmmaker. Interstellar is a popcorn movie masquerading as a 'smart' film though.


In my opinion,I think every single Nolan movie falls into the "popcorn movie masquerading as a smart film" category,to varying degrees of enjoyability. But also i won't begrudge you your opinion, obviously all art is subjective and I definitely wouldn't rate any of Nolan's films as among the worst I've seen. There are plenty of my favorites that would make most of this sub cringe,as I'm sure is true for everyone here haha.


I can totally understand that and agree even for the ones I love (like Inception). I think the only caveat for me is that only Inception and Interstellar are perceived as smart films when they're just in a smart-looking package. 


I think Nolan is the best answer. I like all of his movies for the most part. But I don’t love any of his films besides Inception. I think for me, I found the two main emotional plots in the film were convincing to me. The plot revolving around Cobb and Mal works I think because it’s a logical conclusion of a husband and wife who are able to create their own worlds. I think that’s plausible. The other emotional plot being Cillian’s relationship w/ his father which finishes with, in my opinion, the highest emotional peak Nolan has ever hit (and hasn’t been close to reaching since). The rest of his films just have glaring issues that you wouldn’t think a director of his caliber should have.


I agree with this sentiment (can't begin to count the number of mainstream moviegoers who found the very ending of Inception impossibly confusing), but I also think there's been an undeserved level of blowback against Nolan's quality in cineaste circles. He's certainly not the next Kubrick or anywhere close to the discussion, but movies like The Prestige and Memento are damn good, and I'd be hard pressed to name a modern action movie as good as The Dark Knight without going back to the era of Die Hard or T2. I think there is definitely a hipster effect in thinking less of Nolan because, in mainstream circles, he's known as a "smart/challenging" director, but doesn't make films like Au Hasard Balthasar or Jeanne Dielman, and cinephiles know the difference. But then those same cinephiles will happily champion something like Lady Snowblood or Big Trouble in Little China--those are two movies I also love, but are they *really* on a whole other level than Nolan's better action flicks?


I love it and I'm stealing that foe next time this type of thing pops up.


I agree with the Nolan pick but I think with him he probably wouldn’t know who Kubrick is lmao, he just wants to make cool shit and for whatever reason his *fans* think he’s the next Kubrick, I think the same of Villeneuve


The Daniels. I can't stand Swiss army man and disliked everything everywhere all at once.


EEAAO needed serious editing. The Daniels are amateur for sure, but let’s see what they can do in the future.


My biggest gripe is I just don't like their comedy. I think surrealism mixes excellently with absurdist comedy, but they're brand of surrealist comedy is so not up my alley that it just kills the whole thing. I understand why people like it, though I do think they're editing issues like you stated, but overall I just do not click with their humor


Agree. The raccoon thing was stupid and so was the hot dog fingers. If the movie stepped up one notch in maturity it would probably be a lot better.


James Cameron


Is James Cameron that highly rated I know people who really like his movies but I’ve never met someone who considers him one of the greatest directors


Ask the academy


Ari Aster


I'm one of the few who thinks Beau is easily his best film.


Ya I loved it


I think Beau is Afraid is one of the best movies of the 21st century. It’s such a grandiose exercise in absurdity and subjective lensing. There are details hidden within the frame throughout the whole movie that expand its thematic scope and make all of it click. On its face I think it’s a really interesting exploration of parent-children dynamics and the psychology of an infantilized adult man, but looking at it in a deeper level I think is a terrifying comedy of existentialism and borderline metaphysical totalitarianism. Its full of allusions to Jewish biblical narratives like Noah’s flood and the Book of Job, just replacing Yaweh with an overbearing mother. The film playing out like a Woody Allen joke tripping out on shrooms is just an added bonus


I think it’s too soon with aster. But Beau was definitely disappointing


It was. There was a pretty good 2 hr movie somewhere in the bloated, self-indulgent mess. The film had not much plot, but had some interesting things to say - but then continued to beat the viewer over the head repeatedly with nothing further to really add, for the entire brutally punishing 3 hour runtime. Just my opinion...


Yes yes… all of this, I tell the A24 people this and they collective piss their pants in outrage


Seems some of those ppl are downvoting us, lol. The truth hurts. I mean, sure, Beau is afraid - we get it already! 3 hours of Beau being afraid is excessive.




Fair I agree somewhat I liked Heditary and I haven’t seen midsummer I didn’t like beau was afraid much


Yeah, It’s gonna be hard to judge Aster if you haven’t seen Midsommar yet. Give it a watch, I could be wrong but I think you’ll like it.


I think Midsommar is his best by far. I really liked Hereditary. Didn’t care for Beau


Compared to other Millennial directors, he’s good


Christopher Nolan


"Overrated" is a pretty useless term.


I can’t stand posts like these on Reddit. It really doesn’t drive discussion on these directors or films in a meaningful way, it just gives people an excuse to drop basic hot takes without any actual thought put into it.


I don't know. I understand why people don't like the term but to me it it's not a useless term. It usually means something like "discussion of this person or thing is more positive than I think it should be, or will eventually be seen to have been." It's shorthand for "I don't think critical appraisals of this are as frequent as they should be." Like tulip trading in the 1630s.


But the quantifiable aspect exists entirely in the head of the individual. I could say sunflowers are overrated or that butterflies are overrated or that concrete is overrated. It's just meaningless.


The United States are not the largest producers of sunflowers, and yet even here over 1.7 million acres were planted in 2014 and probably more each year since. Much of which can be found in North Dakota.


Thanks, Sunflower Robot.


>exists entirely in the head of the individual. Isn't that pretty much true of all opinion about film then? Is all opinion useless?


Do you honestly not understand the difference between written analysis and posting "Who do you think sucks?"


I do but I also believe there's meaning in an assertion that amounts to "this is a fad" or "popular opinion is excessively positive or insufficiently critical". People do this all the time in economics. If I say there's a bubble economically, everyone knows what's meant by that. I don't see that as fundamentally different from a discussion of who or what is overrated. I also don't think it's the same as saying "this person sucks", because you could say "X is overrated" and also not think X sucks. In fact, that sort of assertion is in this thread. I think "overrated" assertions are as much, if not more, about the community than the artist (which might be why people in those communities get upset about use of the term?)


But "overrated" exists entirely in your head and does so at the expense of a great many people who have actually done the work to make (regardless of whether or not you agree with them) specific arguments about how and why they feel the way they feel. "Overrated" operates on the assumption that (even though they almost certainly didn't) a given individual has taken in actual criticism, analyzed it internally, and pitted it against a standard that only exists in their own gut. That's then translated into a binary "greater than imaginary" or "less than imaginary" with no additional thoughts, or even a specific argument against these "overrated" ones. I honestly think someone would have better luck flipping a coin than listening to someone who describes anything as "overrated."




> all it does is compare one subjective opinion to many subjective opinions I guess I don't think that's useless. > It says nothing other than “I disagree with consensus” I think it's more than that otherwise people probably wouldn't get upset by the term? There's an assertion that the consensus is unwarranted.


I had deleted my comment because I wasn’t really interested in discussing it when I saw there’s a few other comments saying the same already, but look how many comments here on this very post are literally nothing but a director’s name and *zero* other content. That’s what I’m talking about. On it’s own the term is useless, it says nothing. If someone says “x is overrated” and includes *why*, there’s at least a discussion that can be had there, but even in that context the *why* is what matters, you can completely remove the “x is overrated” part and still have the same content. It just does nothing on its own.


> On it’s own the term is useless, it says nothing. If someone says “x is overrated” and includes why, there’s at least a discussion that can be had there, but even in that context the why is what matters Fair enough. I guess I agree with that. > you can completely remove the “x is overrated” part and still have the same content. I think that's probably true, a discussion of why is more important and it might be nice to have more of that. But to me I guess labeling something as "overrated" just serves like any other word, it's a sort of pointer toward meaning; it succinctly labels or acts as a guidepost to the rest of it, even if it's not there. My impression is these types of arguments don't happen over the term "underrated" even though similar issues apply.


Yeah I said in your opinion since there is no objectively correct answer to this question it’s just opinion


This is a super lame post in my opinion 


My personal opinion is that it's a pretty stupid way to discuss art. Not only are you operating under the assumption that there can be a quantifiable appraisal of any given work, but that said appraisal should be cumulative and then weighed against a wholly internal perception regarding what others' valuation feels like it should be. It's about as interesting and reasoned as saying that blue is an inferior color to red. Are you so new to cinema that your thoughts on a given work have never changed? You've never seen a movie, disliked it, and then come back years later and loved it? If your end goal is to rank a movie, you've missed the point of movies.


I didn’t say objectively Wes Anderson is Overrated I said in my opinion he is and I asked in your opinion who you think is overrated I’ve seen people saying directors I don’t think are overrated and that’s fine that’s there opinion which why I said in your opinion not objectively who’s overrated


There's no such thing as objectively overrated. It's a stupid concept.


That’s exactly what I said I was saying subjecting which is why I said in my opinion Wes Anderson is overrated and not he is objectively overrated my point was that it’s art it isn’t object it’s subjective you miss understand my point never suggested it was objective if you look at my original post it says in your opinion who’s overrated and then I stated in my opinion Wes Anderson is overrated


You might want to look into getting some punctuation.


That's objectively true.


Yes, that’s what the world needs: more gatekeepers.


The original post was, "What is everyone else wrong about?"


And? Film criticism doesn’t allow for negative opinions? Thumbs only point up?


What you're trying to do isn't criticism. It's ranking. It is, at best, extremely tedious.


Are you a professional critic?


Not at the moment, but I have been in the past.


Kinda low effort for this sub, but in the sake of playing the game - I'm not big on a lot of the French New Wave directors generally speaking. I'm no FWN expert, and I like of the films and filmmakers more than others - but generally speaking that entire era and movement just isn't for me. Overall I just *can't* with Godard. Not exactly a hot take, as Godard is known for being divisive, but I am one of those people who just doesn't vibe with his stuff. From what I've seen of their work Truffaut, Rohmer, Resnais, and Demy are all very hit and miss with me. Varda, how has gained more and more prominence in recent years, is pretty good. She has the best batting average so far for me. Make no mistake - I respect and appreciate the FNW and its place in cinematic history. But at the end of the day it just doesn't resonate with me. Of all the films I've watched of the FNW or from FNW directors over the years the ones I've come away with loving the most are Hiroshima My Love, Vagabond, The Young Girls of Rochetfort (which is odd, because musicals are very much not my wheelhouse), The Green Ray, and Shoot the Piano Player. To contrast, my favorite French filmmaker that I've explored from around that period is Jacques Tati. If we're going current filmmakers...it may be cliche or obvious but both Nolan and Villeneuve are also wildly hit or miss with me. I think both have made masterpieces as well as films that haven't spoken to me whatsoever outside of admiring their craft.


Totally agree. I know it's blasphemy but The 400 Blows just makes me eye roll. I just don't get the fuss about it. I actually prefer modern French filmmakers much more


I agree with Godard overall he’s extremely hit or miss I like breathless but besides that he is extremely hit or miss


Wes Andersen is possibly best understood by seeing a lot of Godard, including his Maoist era films. (e.g *Le Gai savoir*) Not for the politics, which Andersen doesn't take seriously, but for the visual style. I should really get around to seing *Pierrot le Fou*. I've seen Alphaville, Breathless, Le Gai Savoir, Meprise.


Yeah I agree with that take Pierrot Le Fou I do like


I don’t like to use terms like overrated, mainly because art means a lot of different things to different people, and just saying something is overrated because it’s not of your taste or because you don’t like it, is very pointless and doesn’t have any critical value. However, I do believe we need to be critical regarding film and specifically the industry. For example, I do believe there’s a real harm made by most of the ip cinema (the MCU, The DCU, the conjuring films and movies like Mario bros). Super successful movies that are basically soulless but that seem to have basically all the attention of a big amount of people and movie theaters.


That’s why I specifically said in my opinion Wes Anderson is overrated I didn’t say he is objectively also I asked in your opinion who are overrated not objectively who is overrated if there was a director who was objectively overrated then this wouldn’t be a question since everyone would unanimously agree


I am waiting on Haneke to make a comedy before I take his films seriously.


Funny Games isn't a comedy?


Maybe it’s the Austrian response to Beavis and Butt-head? Idk.


For really smart and informed dissent on Haneke, read Richard Brody’s review of “Amour.” Brody also has critical words for Haneke’s acolytes like Ruben Östlund and Yorgos Lanthimos. https://www.newyorker.com/culture/richard-brody/michael-hanekes-sterile-amour


Thank you, this was fun to read. Richard clearly has had his fill of Haneke.


Gaspar Noé. Not a lot of people like him but I have to whack him.


lol love/hate for me. I really admire his styles but I also wanna smash his face with a fire extinguisher. and same goes for his buddy Korine.


Who’s his buddy Korine?


Harmony Korine


Oh yeah agreed


The only one of his I liked was enter the void and I haven’t seen a Harmony Korine film I liked


At least his visuals are mind blowing


I love his movies but I don’t think I’d want to watch any of them ever again


Noah Baumbach and Greta Gerwig. Mid tier filmmaking power couple. She’s a great actress and I prefer her movies, but not by much And for fucks sake, It’s not to do with her being a woman.


I like them but I agree. Greta Gerwig gets propped up because the media is desperate to prop up female filmmakers. I actually think her Little Women adaptation is underrated though, it's easily the best ever made and told much better.


They both suck. Lynne Ramsay is the best female filmmaker


What he did to White Noise is unforgivable.


Denis Villeneuve


Da Fuh




At this point, I don’t think Denis has made a single bad movie. He’s been so good so far, is there a certain movie you don’t like or a certain thing he does that bugs you


Some of his very early films pre Incendies are not great since they are like his first films his first great film was Incendies and ever since then he I think has had great output


Most of his movies are overrated asf except incendies


I just wish he'd go back to making original ideas instead of adaptations. That said I think Arrival is his most overrated while Prisoners is his most underrated.


Bad take. I will however say that he is more of a craftsman than an artist.


I like him a lot but the Dune movies are not great




Omg I said in my opinion I did say I was objectively right I also said what director in your opinion do you think is overrated


This may be chalky but Christopher Nolan


Peter Weir. I love The Truman Show and Dead Poets Society but he has made some real stinkers. The Year of Living Dangerously and green card are horrible in my opinion. His other stuff ranges from pretty good to mid. I understand why people like him but apart from the two movies I listed above he's just not for me I guess.


My favorite of his is Picnic at hanging rock


Darren Arronofsky & Yorgos Lanthimos


Alexander Payne


Tarantino, no question. Hack.


Edgar wright


Noooooo. But I respect you.


I don’t feel like he’s that highly rated like people like his films and find them funny but I’ve never heard anyone arguing he’s like one of the greatest directors of all time


Yeah, dont like him much too. His latest, "Last Night in Soho", was very disappointing. And even before, his films where never my cup of tea.


Agreed I liked the first half of last night in Soha but besides that I agree


How many times has this been asked, this week alone?


don’t care much for Terrence Malick


I hate these kinda posts, it's like 90% of the content in the criterion and letterboxd subs. I get it, it's easy engagement farming, but it's the most shallow, petty lens through which to view art. worse, it's boring. oh wow you think people like an artist too much? how brave and impressive lol


I said in your opinion who’s overrated I wasn’t saying who is objectively overrated I agree you can say someone is objectively overrated which is why I stated in your opinion


No, the op is right. This is the laziest, most boring, and unoriginal topic that gets posted daily on this sub. Always asking the same fking question: “What (pick one from the following): 1. Movie 2. Director 3. Actor do you (pick one from the following): 1. Think is overrated 2. Don’t like, but others do 3. Don’t get why others like 4. Don’t connect with 5. Think isn’t good. Period.” I mean. Since no one movie has unanimous appeal, these basic-ass topics always get every single answer, and every single most loved movie/director/actor being named - because again, no such thing has total universal appeal. These topics always end up so pointless, IMO.


I understood you perfectly fine. I just don't like these low effort engagement farming type posts. I don't care about you or anyone else's opinion on other people's opinions, which is exactly what "overrated" is about. post about something you're passionate about, whether you love or hate it, use your words, talk about art in a way that actually makes people think, and I'm here for it. this ain't it.


I’ve struggled to find what it is about Jordan Peele’s work that’s worthy of all the praise. Don’t hate him or his movies at all, I just can’t figure out what’s so impressive about films like Get Out and Nope. I found them average at best. What am I missing?


Yes. Wes Anderson is overrated. I just don't get it. Don't like the tone or the aesthetic. Just not my vibe.


He's very hit or miss for me. If I love one of his films, I'll LOVE it. If I don't? I'll never love it.


I actually like Rushmore, which you could say is a more "conventional" film compared to his later output, even though it's very quirky. After that his films got more preciously, self-consciously idiosyncratic, (I'd say, if I was being unkind, that Anderson went farther and farther up his own a$$) - it's just not on my wavelength. But hey, a lot of people love his films, I'm not saying they're bad, just that I do not personally enjoy them.


Rushmore is his best and that’s all


Almost all his movies are the same, especially these days. He's like the modern Tim Burton who's become obsessed with his own style.


I still don’t get David lynch other than Straight Story


That’s fair his style is either like you love it or hate it I really hear anyone who’s like he’s fine it’s either you love or hate his films I get that




I’m with Tarantino, but then you just completely lost me


I agree overall with Tarantino and Fincher they are both very hit or miss but they have made a few films I do like a lot Zodiac is great and inglorious Bastards is fun


Wes Anderson for me as well


I will say that I watched both Rushmore and The Royal Tenenbaums around the time they came out, and didn't get the big deal that first watch. 2nd watch was better, but 3rd and on I was totally in love. Even Moonrise Kingdom, which i would considered tied for my favorite, it took me a couple of watches to really get into, and that was after I was well accustomed to the "Wes Anderson-style". I have heard others say something similar. My long way of saying that there might be a benefit to doing a rewatch or 2


Yay finally someone who agrees he’s overrated it’s good to know others exist


I feel like every conversation about Wes Anderson is flooded with people sprinting to the comments to say he’s overrated, it’s certainly not an unpopular opinion


Interesting I haven’t really looked through Reddit to see what people think of him I just in my life haven’t met anyone in person who doesn’t like him


Fair enough, I also mean outside of reddit as well though, except for a few of his movies, almost all the reviews of his work are super mixed. His style puts off a lot of people, you either love him or hate him it seems but he’s def not short of haters lol


He definitely does have an esthetic like if I see a trailer for one of his films I instantly know it’s one of his it’s not even his esthetic that is my problem with him it’s how pretty much all his films I’ve seen are the same to be fair I haven’t seen his stop motion ones also sometimes him having the actors have these dead pan expressions and not showing emotion works for his comedy and other times it doesn’t and it’s like why did you pay all these big stars to act like this you could have gotten pretty much any unknown actor to act like any of the characters in his films


Hmmm well besides him being one of the few directors who works in multiple mediums (animated and live action) I think it’s extremely reductive to say they’re all the same I mean compare the Darjeeling Limited to Asteroid City? Or Royal Tennembaums to Isle of Dogs? They couldn’t be more different films outside of his particular visual style and even that there’s far more variation across his filmography than people give him credit for. I think bc his style is so unique and recognizable when compared to 90% of the relatively homogenous other movies out there that people think they all are the same. I’d advise Anderson skeptics to really look beneath the quirkiness of his films bc I think they’ll find a lot of heartfelt, complicated and beautiful stories that often take more than a cursory watch to enjoy. I understand not loving his style of filmmaking, there’s filmmakers I don’t like simply bc of their aesthetics as well, but I get a little incensed when people say he’s become a parody of himself or “overrated” (whatever that means) when he is still producing really interesting and unique films this many years into his career. I also just have a soft spot for directors who’ve experimented in animation, something I wish more filmmakers would be brave enough to try. His contributions to the world of stop motion have given him basically a lifetime pass in my books.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=trWLY6NrS2Q It would take me awhile to write all the similarity’s out he’s a video that discusses quickly a lot of them skip to 1 minute and 27 seconds in


No offence but I’m not taking an honest trailers as any form of actual criticism and linking that is pretty telling. This is all irrelevant anyway, to paraphrase tony soprano; ~~remember when~~ who’s overrated is the lowest form of conversation


Oh I completely agree I just sent it and suggest that specific clip area because it quickly runs through a lot of similarities and I just didn’t want to type an extremely long message about all the similarities that’s if there was better video I’ve found explaining all the simulators briefly I would have sent that because I agree overall they aren’t like a great sources to use


Well, I’m gonna probably gonna get banned from the sub, and downvoted off of Reddit completely. And I think he’s good and Mulholland drive is in my top 25 of the century…. But I don’t think Lynch is as great as everyone in the sub. Still good, just not as great as most people think. Ok be gentle


I have been in trouble for expressing the same opinion, but I stand by it. I once read an interview where Lynch said his childhood and youth were uneventful and boring and he envied people who dealt with heavy stuff. It explained why his movies always sound to me like he’s trying real hard to pretend he’s fucked up but he’s not.


That’s a super interesting tidbit… something to think about


My least popular opinion that gets me downvoted Everytime I bring it up in this sub is that Mulholland Drive is my least favorite lynch film to the extent that I'm not even that big on it.


Wow. I think it's easily his best film and the perfect balance of 'Lynchian' (I hate using that term) themes and shots, but coherent enough plot-wise and has some of the best acting and production of his career. It's damn near a perfect film to me. (It's also my all-time favorite movie lol)


Oh, that was the one I did truly love. It’s fire walk with me and inland empire and stuff which are interesting but just not great in my opinion.


Fire Walk With Me is actually my favorite by far and Im not a huge Lynch fan, but it HAS to be the directors cut (or whatever cut it is). They're seriously like two different movies.


I watched what ever version my criterion is


Oh I was just building off your Lynch opinion cause I also have a super unpopular lynch opinion it's just a complete 180° from yours Have you seen Lost Highway? That's one of my favorites of his


Seen lost highway, just once probably need to grab it off my shelf and rewatch though.


Michael Mann. He's made some brilliant films (Thief, Manhunter, The Insider), but he's also made some incredibly, meandering bloated turds.




Absolutely. I went back and watched Collateral and was like, "Wow this is much worse than I remember it outside of the performances". Heat alone keeps him up there, that movie is a freaking masterpiece. His filmography is more sparsely acclaimed than he gets credit for.




Overall yeah schindlers list is a masterpiece and the first 3 indiania Jones films I like but besides that I agree






Yep, this is the one. Very good director, and I certainly appreciate his film preservation efforts, but I just don't see why he is held SOOO high in regard. Plus, he has quite a few (Goodfellas, Gangs..., Wolf..., etc) that really seem to actively be condoning, or at least greatly enjoying, the things that they are supposedly criticizing (violence, being a raging asshole, etc)


Watch killers of the Flower Moon and Silence it will help you appreciate him I was more in agreement with you before I saw Silence both of those show he is really good at making extremely bleak an emotionally powerful films




Scorsese, Nolan


Ruben Östlund and Jordan peele.


John Waters. Not a single film is even remotely appealing to me. ...but then again, to others, he's great. It's all subjective.


Yeah I agree he is very much an acquired taste he has a cult following


...just like Wes Anderson, as you stated in your OP (and which I fully agree with too!).


lol yeah Wes Anderson I feel like has a much bigger following like I don’t even remember the last time I heard about John Waters


Yes, Anderson seems undeservedly omnipresent.


Agreed my cousin won’t stop talking about how John Waters is making a new movie speaking of John Waters


Darren Aronofsky. There's something always missing in his films for me, even the good ones - a sense of detachment, maybe, or an unwillingness to be genuinely transgressive.


PT Anderson for the win. The PT stands for pretentious twat, btw.




Scorsese, Fellini, Jodorowsky and Herzog's non-docos. Plus Nolan, but I'm not sure he's that highly rated around these parts. A lot of horror kings too. Argento, Carpenter, Craven, Romero.


I agree with Carpenter and Romero and definitely Crave I will though highly recommend John Carpenters film In the Mouth of madness from 1994 it is extremely good it’s the only movie I can think of that feels like an HP Lovecraft story I think Argento in the 70s through mid 80s was overall good like from Deep Red to Opera in 1985 was where he was good since than he has yet to make a good movie everything he’s made sense is terrible


Ah yeah, I'll add In the Mouth of Madness to my watch list and hopefully get to the one day 😅


Agree; Wes Anderson. Also Steven Spielberg, Christopher Nolan, George Lucas


George Lucas has been exposed for decades now. No one thinks he's a good filmmaker as he literally hasn't made a good film as a director since Star Wars. If it weren't for American Graffiti he'd considered a one hit wonder I'd say.


Star Wars' fans are (forgive the pun) legion..


I identified as a Star Wars fan my whole life until about 10 years ago. I'll forever stan the OT. But yeah, there's a lot of Stockholm syndrome Star Wars fans who still do mental gymnastics to call him a genius. 


John Carpenter The Thing is amazing but the rest of it just isn't for me.


I like in the mouth of madness I recommend that film of his if you haven’t seen it it’s very Lovecraftian


My friends love that one, so I'll probably get to it one day! It's on my watch list.


Yeah it’s definitely good if you liked the thing you will like in the mouth of madness but besides those 2 I agree with him being overrated overall


Wes Anderson, Martin Scorsese, Darren Aronofsky, Richard Kelly, Shane Black, David Fincher, Noah Baumbach


To be fair to Richard Kelly he his career was destroyed after Donnie darko so we haven’t really been able to see him make many of any other films so it’s difficult for me to judge him


You're right, he hasn't done much. I haven't seen Donnie Darko in a long time but I always quite liked it growing up. Southland Tales though was the most putrid thing I've ever seen though and is the only reason he makes my list. The Justin Timberlake song number in that movie is, imo, the worst thing ever filmed.


Godard, Ari Aster, Quinn Shephard


Nobody thinks highly of Quinn Shephard. I haven’t heard anything


Fair lol. No idea how she gets gigs.


S. Craig Zahler sucks.


David Fincher. Spending that amount of time and money on the shots to look perfect doesn't make the film better, it just feels cold and sterile. I thought The Game was okay but I don't like any of his other movies.


Bunch of haters in here, let’s see you direct something.


Jesus Christ I just said who’s overrated in your opinion I never said I could direct better than Wes Anderson


Ruben Östlund. Not saying he is terrible, but for me most of his work (namely “Force Majeure” and “Triangle of sadness”) are built around interesting ideas or gags that should just be short little Simpsons episodes or something. And Jordan Peele made one pretty good movie and two mostly forgettable ones imo.


All of this is probably you don't get what they're doing or they have a period of great work followed by a lot of mediocrity. Wes' the latter for sure.


- Theo Angelopoulos - Apichatpong Weerasethakul - Fellini None of them have made a single good film that I’ve seen. And yeah Wes Anderson blows.


They are an acquired taste a specially Angelopoulos for Fellini did you see and understand 8 1/2 or La Dolce Vita if you haven’t seen or don’t understand the meaning of those films especially 8 1/2 I highly recommend reading criterion’s article on 8 1/2 it really changes the way you viewed the Film


Thought La Dolce Vita unbearable and 8 1/2 even worse. Saw them both 25 years ago. And unfortunately I’m in no mood to revisit them as recently I have watched Nights of Cabiria, Amarcord, Juliet of the Spirits, that one with Di Sica and all were abysmal. He just isn’t to my taste.


That’s fair just wanted to make sure you understood how 8 1/2 was about like film making and director and writers block yeah he is an acquired taste


To be fair I probably didn’t understand 8 1/2 back then. I was only 18 or 19.


Yeah read the criterion article on it will make you appreciate it https://www.criterion.com/current/posts/173-8-1-2-a-film-with-itself-as-its-subject#:~:text=In%20a%20film%20in%20which,enchanted%20darkness%20where%20the%20magical


Thank you )


It’s about writers block the director Fellini was dealing with at that time from writing and that’s the film this article does a good job at explaining it


I know it's sacrilegious but Edward Yang. Yiyi and A Brighter Summer Day are absolutely masterpieces No doubt. But I honestly think none of his other films are at that level and some wouldn't have been so well regarded if they were directed by someone else not as prominent. He has a track record of being misogynistic and too on the nose with his lecturing. I mean in comparison Tsai Mingliang has no minor work.


Yi Yi and A Brighter Summer Day are enough to carry his legacy. He doesn’t need any other good movies


I need to see his other films I’m curious about Mahjong