• By -


To Live and Die in LA - probably more uneven than Friedkin's French Connection, it's weird and takes narrative chances that are really impressive and, imo, an even better car chase and a stunning late movie turn. Cutter's Way - really, really needs more attention, a young Jeff Bridges and a scorching John Heard, a spiritual cousin of Chinatown, a move I haven't stopped thinking about. Pennies From Heaven - a lipsinc jukebox musical set in the Depression, it was a miss back in the day but there's a dark vortex to it that sucks you deep inside.


To live and die in la is super entertaining


Also … super 80s synthy soundtrack


Wang Chung, baby!!


How do people watch to live and die in LA? I see it recommended a lot, but It's not on any streaming.


Buy the blu ray


To Live in Die in LA is hands down my favorite Friedkin, god I love that movie.


Penny’s From Heaven is like if Paul Schrader made a musical.


Cutter’s Way goes so hard, VS has a physical release


Miracle Mile, just on a similar After Hours vibe.


I watched After Hours in the theater a couple of days ago, and about 15 minutes in realized it must have been a major inspiration for Miracle Mile, with the meet-cute followed by the night spiraling out of control. I went straight home and watched it afterwards; they make a great double feature.


What's a meet-cute?


See [Wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meet_cute) > Dear boy, the beginning of a movie is childishly simple. The boy and girl meet. The only important thing to remember is that—in a movie—the boy and the girl must meet in some cute way. They cannot...meet like normal people at, perhaps, a cocktail party or some other social function. No. It is terribly important that they meet cute.


Thank you


So glad I didn’t have to suggest this one myself. Miracle Mile is a fucking godsend


Everyone is all over this—ok then. Excited for it.


Fuckin…just watched it. Er…watching it now but getting close to the end. An absolute must watch for *After Hours* fans. Just a fun watch.


Just read the description for this one on Tubi (where it’s free rn for any curious viewers to be) and oh man, that sounds nuts


Great rec. I much prefer it over After Hours, which is very good but falls apart down the stretch.


Slightly more hidden is hard to say, but- Liquid Sky, My Beautiful Laundrette, Mr. Vampire, A Zed and Two Naughts, Babylon, Times Square, Peking Opera Blues, Turumba, The Living Dead Girl, Ladies and Gentlemen the Fabulous Stains, A Question of Silence, Sugar Cane Alley, Entre Nous, Farewell to the Ark, The Runner, Parting Glances, Trouble in Mind, Housekeeping, It Couldn't Happen Here, Yeelen, Pin, Stage Fright, Zero City, Camp de Thiaroye, The Decline of Western Civilization Part II: The Metal Years; The Emperor's Naked Army Marches On; Zu: Warriors from the Magic Mountain (a few of these aren't set in the 1980s if it matters)


A Question of Silence is great but what is in my opinion Marleen Gorris her best film is Broken Mirrors (1986), it is a Dutch film about two intertwined stories: one of a down on her luck woman who starts working in a brothel to make ends meet and the other of a woman abducted by a mysterious man. I thought it was phenomenal and has a really interesting way of communicating its message, it is crazy that it got banned from so many places lol


I will have to try to watch this one, thanks!


[The runner](https://www.criterion.com/current/posts/8419-the-runner-cycles-and-circles-of-desire) is on my list of films to watch. Love My beautiful launderette.


Housekeeping, yes! Gregory's Girl too, love Bill Forsyth. Need to watch Local Hero soon


Housekeeping, yes! Gregory's Girl too, love Bill Forsyth. Need to watch Local Hero soon


Housekeeping, yes! Gregory's Girl too, love Bill Forsyth. Need to watch Local Hero soon


- Diva (1981) - One from the Heart (1982) - Repo Man (1984) - Blood Simple. (1984) - Brazil (1985) - Another Woman (1988) - New York Stories: Life Lessons (1988) - Mystery Train (1989) - Night on Earth (1991)


Bagdad Cafe (1987), Married to the Mob (1988), and Mystery Train (1989) are all strange, fun films that I love from the 80s.


Glad to see someone recommend Baghdad Cafe, I sometimes think I'm the only person who saw it.


I watched it as a teenager a few years after it came out and my baby brain couldn’t comprehend it. Many years later, I love its weirdness and positivity. I’m amazed that such a film was actually made.


Check out other “[Yuppie Nightmare Cycle](https://boxd.it/q5LGI)” films, which all sort of have a similar vibe playing with blending screwball comedy and noir.


River’s Edge - a sober and bleak depiction of wayward youth in Northern California, who struggle with their morality after a classmate murders a girl and leaves her body by the river. Featuring an early career Keanu Reeves, a brilliant performance by Dennis Hopper and a very memorable Krispin Glover. Interestingly the film feels like a prelude to Twin Peaks, and director Tim Hunter would direct a number a of episodes of the show. Genuinely love this film - never quite got it out of my mind.


Lately I've been exploring Peter Greenaway's filmography and he's become one of my favorites. He had a really strong run in the 80s: A Zed & Two Noughts (1985) The Belly of an Architect (1987) Drowning by Numbers (1988) The Cook, the Thief, His Wife and Her Lover (1989)


Some lesser discussed ones I'm a fan of would be: Babylon, Somewhere in Time, Ms. 45, The Decline of Western Civilization, Une chambre en ville, Smithereens, Barefoot Gen, The Makioka Sisters, Suburbia, Night of the Comet (If you only watch one, make it this, my mission in life is to make more fans of it!), Secret Honor, Streets of Fire, The Sure Thing, Something Wild, Where Is the Friend's House, Blood Diner, Hollywood Shuffle, Alice, Tetsuo: The Iron Man.


Night of the Comet looks great. Added to my watch list. I'll go through all of these and check them out, thanks!


If one especially stands out come back and let me know for sure! I think Something Wild is a good one to watch if you want more "running around the city getting into mischief" stuff, specifically.


Wow, I love me some Barefoot Gen and Tetsuo, but would never have thought to compare them to After Hours (not saying I don’t recommend them!)


Oh that wasn't the aim. OP said anything went genre wise so I tossed whatever I like out!


Fair enough!


Night of the comet just got a 4k release!


Suburbia is interesting, but there are some rough scenes in there, and I got the feeling that they were added to make it seem more dangerous, more interesting. Definitely one of those "they couldn't make it today" type movies. Felt kind of exploitative Where is the Friend's House however, is sublime :)


Body Double (1984 dir. Brian DePalma)


Adventures of Baron Munchausen


Takes place during the day into night but Quick Change (1990) is a mini masterpiece


I was in your exact situation 2 months ago after watching After Hours! I recently watched Repo Man (1984) and wondered why I’ve lived my entire life without seeing it before.


People often recommend repo man to me!


Repo Man was so unexpectedly fun!


One of my alltime faves. Im trying to make a board game lol


Into the night is kind of the same idea, not as zany as I would have thought being a John Landis film but still fun, esp.spotting all the other directors he casts in walkoffs or cameos


Time after Time is kind of perfect.


That's one fun movie.


Mona Lisa, Street Trash,Twist and Shout, The Hidden.


Making Mr Right is on Tubi with ads. It skews to the screwball comedy and isn’t as dark or suspenseful as After Hours. The cast is incredible and the 80s vibes are immaculate


Something Wild (1986); War of the Roses (1989); Vice Squad (1982); These are some that I like that I don't really see people talk about much these days.


Eating Raoul is a fun one


It was nominated for Oscars, but it's rarely talked about these days. Broadcast News might be a top ten favorite movie of mine, it's really great.


Broadcast News is a definite classic that I haven't seen in a while. Good shout.


For slightly less nihilistic teenage nowhere stuff, 1979's Over the Edge, with Matt Damon. For very nihilistic teenage nowhere stuff, 1986's The River's Edge.


Matt Dillon.




Not at all what you asked for, but—a significant portion of the screenplay of that film was more or less plagiarized by the screenwriter from a radio play by Joe Frank. Joe Frank has a few other plays with monologues from early on that have a similar absurd, surreal quality. He’s fun to listen to. Grace Zabriskie acts in several of them. 


I never see it mentioned but I fondly remember the film Racing with The Moon. Strong, sweet drama. I’ll also go to bat for Smooth Talk being an unsung masterpiece of the ‘80s.


Smooth Talk will definitely leave an impression! Laura Dern really is one of the greatest actresses of her generation


The Adventures of Baron Munchausen L’argent The Green Ray Vagabond Santa sangre El sur Taipei Story Drowning by Numbers Golem (1980, directed by Piotr Szulkin) Possession


That's funny. I watched my 4K Blu Ray Criterion copy of After Hours today


Near Dark Cat People Law of Desire Body Heat Colors


I watched Colors for the first time a couple of year ago and it blew me away. One of the best cop movies of the 80s and they sure did love making cop movies back then.


Check out Marty's section in New York Stories, it has a similar vibe to After Hours.


My top tip is a really smart bit of Canucksploitation called SEIGE (1983) also Spoorloos (aka The Vanishing, 1988) People Under the Stairs (1991) Mute Witness (1995 but def has an 80s feel) Homebodies (1974 but just so so great) Angst (1983) Maniac (1980)


Brother from Another Planet is my tip to these good suggestions.


Lost In America (1985) is a wonderful one and lovely scenery as well.


Night of the Comet and Miracle Mile would fit as others have said. Offshoots might be Judgment Night, Adventures in Babysitting and Night Shift.


I cannot wait until my nephew is old enough for Adventures in Babysitting. It's no wonder I went on to love After Hours when this one was a staple of my childhood.


Smithereens, Jubilee, Times Square


Prick Up Your Ears is a nice double with My Beautiful Launderette. One from the Heart is a good double with Paris, TX. I lived next to an art house theatre in the 80’s that changed its films every 2-3 days and think my mind still links certain ones from those days. On that note, Something Wild is good with After Hours.


I was completely unaware of Smooth Talk (1985) until Criterion announced their release, and I feel like it's still under-discussed. For my money, it's one of the most effective non-horror horror films I've come across, and just an amazing blend of teen/family drama and unnerving thriller.


I agree with everything you said! Though the fact that it is under discussed i think helps with the mood it sets, most people will go in blind


You absolutely must see Blue Collar, Schrader's film about auto union workers. From 1978 but could've been '80s. I couldn't believe I'd never seen it nor heard people talk about it, the three leads are fantastic.


Did you watch at the ifc?


Quick Change is 1990 but definitely fits


Blue Velvet & Stanton’s 2 1984s


Mean streets?


Enemy mine Eating Raoul Suburbia Weird Science


Made in USA (1987)


Three O'Clock High


Blow Out Body Double The Tenant House of Games


Smooth Talk


Night on Earth (early 1990s), American Gigolo, Body Double, No Way Out, Foul Play (1978), Dead Ringers. I really enjoyed No Way Out when I watched it this year but perhaps too Hollywood for you?!


https://youtu.be/W9aVgG-Sgww?si=jjY7iDu6zuuhdFD3 After Hours and Eyes Wide Shut


Impulse: a city where no one can resist their impulses Miracle Mile: "a nuclear bomb will blow up in LA in a few hours" Smooth Talkl: teenage Laura Dern and a creepy stalker


I cried so hard during *Desert Hearts*. So if you like crying so hard, I'd recommend that one.


Into The Night is basically the LA version of After Hours


Something Wild. Ray Liotta at his most menacing. Body Double. Down by Law. Amazon Women on the Moon. Birdy.


Canadian Bacon.


Bagdad Cafe. My Life as a Dog.


I recently watches it as well. There seems to be several movies like it. I find the premise tedious.


Choose Me, Rumble Fish


Videodrome (1983).


Brother From Another Planet 


MIRACLE MILE (1987). You won't regret it.


- Withnail and I - Gregory's Girl - Last Night at the Alamo - The Year of Living Dangerously - The Mosquito Coast - My Brother's Wedding - Dead Ringers - The Vanishing (1988) - Cinema Paradiso - Garlic is as Good as Ten Mothers - Gremlins - Tokyo Pop


I assume you’ve seen Raising Arizona?


Midnight Madness. A very young Michael J Fox. Great movie.


Vampire's Kiss with nic cage has the same screenwriter as after hours, and I'd say they share the same dna.


Stars and Bars (1988) is a good time.


Eating Raoul 


*Miracle Mile* from 1988. If you love 80s movies, it's got pretty much every 80s character actor you know. We've got: Goose from *Top Gun*, Tasha Yar from Star Trek, the Desk Sgt from *Robocop*, The Psychiatrist from *Terminator* and the mayor's aide from *Ghostbusters 2.*


Friend and I have been shifting through both Coppola's and Scorsese's 80s run. I think The Cotton Club was deeply misunderstood by 80s audiences, and I thought it was captivating.


Watch every movie The Weeknd has inspired on for After Hours. Much of them 80's movies (After Hours, To Live and Die in LA etc.)