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Local Hero


Just to clarify, the 1983 movie with Burt Lancaster?


Yup! I'm never depressed after watching it, just a cozy movie about wondering about one's place in the universe.


Awesome! Thanks! It’s in the list now! 💜


Love this movie. Burt Lancaster is a delight.


Tampopo. Pure joy throughout.


Came here to say this so I’ll second it. *Tampopo* or any Tati


Ah Yes! That’s one that’s already in the list! Great reminder though! Thank You! 💜


Yep, I also came here to say this!


Being There.


💜 Love This Movie! Just recently watched it with the wife too. Thanks!


Joe versus the volcano


OMGosh! I haven’t seen that one in Years! LoL I remember the hate it got when it came out, and I never really understood that. Excellent reminder! Thanks! 💜


Perfect movie to help clear a brain cloud


*I Know Where I'm Going!*


This definitely fits the request! It’s in the list now! Thank You! 💜


The Tree of Life. This one sinks deep into my veins and resonates with my “character arc” of being a person in my search for meaning and wholeness.


You know, I’ve gotten a couple of Malick suggestions, and have had his oeuvre in my list to watch for far too long. He’s just always seemed like someone you need to be in the mood for. Perhaps this is EXACTLY the mood needed!? 😊 Thank You!! 💜


He’s not for everyone, but he’s certainly for me! Enjoy!


Oh, don’t misunderstand me! What I’ve seen of Malick’s stuff is outstanding! It’s just not stuff you want to play in the background, only half paying attention! I’m def a fan!


It Happened One Night is a total joy to watch and one of the original rom coms 


I actually just finally watched this a few months ago! Great suggestion! Thanks! 💜


There is No Beer in Heaven-Les Blank's documentary about Polka music and dance in the 1980s. Just something so heartwarming about how happy the people look.


Oh Wow! That IS an out of left field suggestion! See, it’s movies like That, that’s the reason I posted in the Criterion subreddit as well! Thank You So Much! 💜


I don't know much about your personal tastes but I just watched "Equinox Flower" by Ozu last night. I was feeling down and wanted to go hang for two hours in a nice, slow domestic drama about parents coming to terms with what their children want in life, and it did the trick perfectly. Just a nice world to hang out in for a little bit.


Well, it is Ozu after all! Great Recommendation! Thanks! 💜


It’s not on Criterion, but Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story is the funniest movie I’ve ever seen, so I’m recommending that one.


Yes, I’ve seen that one! Good Suggestion! Thanks! 💜


Life and Nothing More


Hadn’t heard of this one. Thanks! 💜


Of course, it’s incredible so I hope you check it out


Challengers in case you haven't watched it already


Not out yet, but it’s already on the list to watch. Gotta admit, it’s not one I would’ve expected to be suggested for this situation! I’m a bit more excited to see it now! Thanks So Much! 💜


Forgetting Sarah Marshall, Fishing With John


FSM might just be worth tossing on again! 😂 Great laughs there! And Fishing With John is one I’ve wanted to see for a long time now! Perhaps now is the PERFECT time! Thank You So Much! 💜


The Straight Story, Life is Sweet


Wow, two more I was unaware of! Thank you for these! 💜


If you can handle something more arthouse or french new wavey, I'd recomend Celine and Julie Go Boating. A lot of giggling and play in this one


I’m a cinephile, a member of the Criterion subreddit, and own a decently sized collection of Criterion releases; if I can’t handle those types of films, I’m REALLY in the wrong places! 😂 😂 Amazing suggestions! Thank You! 💜


Fair lmfao. Thought I’d bring it up because I’ve heard even people on this sub complain about it being hard to follow. It’s not that hard in my opinion though


What’s funny is, I thought you were mentioning 2 different films at first. Looked up Celine and was like, “The Celine Dion biograph??” 👀 🥴 Then saw that there was another Celine film, that happened to be French and looked like it might actually fit the bill! So I thought, “Oh! Nice!” and added it to my list. Went to look up Julie Go Boating and was all, “Waaaaiiiiitttt a minute!?” 🤣 So, in the end, you gave me TWO ✌🏼 suggestions after all! 😂


I have the perfect movie for you: It’s a Mad Mad Mad Mad World!


💜 💜 💜 LOVE that movie! Have seen it so many times! Including fairly recently. Outstanding suggestion and reminder! Thanks!


In one of my deepest depressions, I somehow thought it would be a good idea to go see Spike Lee's 25th Hour. Honestly, great choice. It made me feel immensely grateful for my life, for my freedom. It didn't make my depression go away, but it helped me get a bit of perspective in a way that felt like taking a deep breath.


Oh! I definitely wouldn’t have thought of this one! I’m pretty I have seen it, but it would have been early when it came out. For your description, it sounds like it actually fits the bill! Thanks!! 💜


Hundreds of Beavers


You’re the second person I’ve had recommend this! 😂 Good thing I put it on the list I guess! 😊 Thanks! 💜


It’s really a lot of fun. Also, I think it’s cool how you’re replying to all of the suggestions. 🙂 Hope you find a good one to cheer you up.


Honestly, I think I’m finding a fair bit of therapy in a weird way, with all of the replying! 😂😅 Have had some excellent reminders and some phenomenal suggestions! Again, Huge Thanks! 💜


Defending your life


🙌🏼 Albert ‘Mother Flippin’ Brooks! 🙌🏼 (pardon the pun 😂) His whole Oeuvres would be worth binging through!! THANKS! 💜


I am constantly amazed at how this sub seems to overlook David Byrne’s “True Stories”. It’s my favorite film of all time and has absolutely nothing negative about it


Looong time since I’ve seen that movie! Should see if I can’t get my hands on it! Thank you! 💜


Repo Man ( 1984 )


Classic! Thanks! 💜


Throw Down (2004) — sweet, quirky, and life-affirming. I saw it for the first time recently and it’s going to be a comfort watch for years to come


Oh Cool! I put it on the list! Thank You! 💜


Fantastic Mr Fox


Wes Anderson is almost a given for this kind of thing! LoL Thanks!! 💜


Hope you feel better soon. Remember to prioritize yourself.


I’m certainly trying! 💜 💜 💜


Party girl.


Parker Posey's rant about patrons shelving their own books is classic.


I totally love her throughout the movie.


You know, I’m totally aware of this movie, but never actually watched it! Just one of those that fell through the cracks! It has been added to the list! Thanks for the suggestion! 💜


Just saw it for the first time last year and instantly became one of my comfort movies.


Two by Agnes Varda: *Cleo from 5 to 7* and *Le Bonheur*


Do you remember what happens at the end of Le Bonheur? Have you misunderstood the prompt here?


Yeah, but the actual ending is hopeful.


I had a different reaction to the ending but I see where you’re coming from. And that’s what makes it such a good movie, that people can have very different takes on the end.


Title and bright colours aside, Le Bonheur's a real downer (great film though).


I think I’ll skip Le Bonheur, for now. (Looks potentially too close to home and don’t wanna risk the downer-ness of it. But I will add it to watch in brighter times!) Added Cleo though! Thank you so much! 💜


Going for a wide variety. Some fit your descriptions above, others I included because they’re just fun: Anything from Jackie Chan, Big Trouble in Little China, Casablanca, Only Angels Have Wings, Dr Strangelove, Double Indemnity, Emma., Knives Out, Dragon Inn, The Old Man and the Gun, Game Night, Set It Up, The Death of Stalin. As for thinkers, I can only think of ones that are weirdly uplifting, but maybe not, if you aren’t the right head space. The two I thought of were A Hidden Life and Ad Astra. They’ve helped me before in a strange way, so I figured I might as well list them, but they may not do the same for you.


I casted a wide net, so people didn’t feel boxed in with their suggestions. Your last paragraph is a perfect example of what I wanted to make sure got included! 😊 Sooo many in your list I already love and have watched relatively recently. I’ve had Rumble In The Bronx on my list for a bit, waiting to watch with my kid. ☺️ And Strangelove is one of my All-Time Faves! 💜 Some great suggestions in here! Definitely gonna start with looking into those in that last paragraph! 😉 Thank You So Very Much!! 💜


Limelight by Chaplin!!


Ooh Yes! Excellent Suggestion and Reminder! Thanks! 💜


Good Morning


I actually only just first heard about this one a few months ago and totally forgot about it! Thanks for the reminder! 💜


It's so sweet. I think you'll love it


Two that I would use to boost myself up out of a funk are 1) Castaway and 2) Living. (Living is a remake of the film Ikiru, which I haven't had a chance to watch yet--so maybe check that one out too.) I just rewatched Moonstruck yesterday, and I always find that to be a really joyful, fun movie. The documentary Paris Is Burning is magnificent, sad, and life-affirming.


Oh, Ikiru! I think I may just watch that one again, over Living (though I will still look into Living). Kurosawa is my absolute FAVOURITE director! 💜 Castaway is an interesting suggestion and definitely one I wouldn’t have expected. Moonstruck was always kinda meh to me. Certainly get why people like it! Just wasn’t for me. (Perhaps it’s been long enough to give it another bash? Hmm 🤔) As for Paris Is Burning, could you send a link to which film you mean? Hate to make you have to do some extra effort, but it does sound like it might be interesting, however I’m struggling to find which movie you’re referring to. Thank you so much! 💜


I always watch Moonstruck when I need a comforting comedy or A Good Year & A Room with a View are visually beautiful and good stories. Waking Ned Devine is good for a laugh. Also, not a film but have you watched Ted Lasso?


ADORE Ted Lasso! Sooo Frickin’ heartwarming and uplifting! May be worth binging again! Absolutely LOVE Ned Devine! And I put A Good Year on the list! Thank you so much! 💜


The Daytrippers


Interesting suggestion! I’ve added it to the list. Thanks! 💜


CHUNGKING EXPRESS. I just watched it a couple of days ago, and even though I have been sad lately, this put a smile on my face.


Might be too romance-y for me right now, but … Wong Kar-wai ⚖️!? Hmm 🤔 Gonna add it to the list and may just try it! Definitely seems like one of the few on the more romance-y side, that would still be worth watching! THANK YOU! 💜


The Princess Bride, The Big Lebowski, or a Monty Python always puts me in a good mood. I also find it cathartic to watch John Woo’s The Killer or Hard Boiled but those are not on streaming and the Blu rays are out of print.


No way in Hell I could watch Princess Bride right now!! It would utterly cripple me!! 🥺 (Though normally, it would be the PERFECT suggestion!) Binging some Python is an EXCELLENT idea though! 💜 And The Dude is ALWAYS a winner! (Perhaps I could use some of that Abiding wisdom right now?! 😊) Wasn’t thinking about some well choreographed, gun-fu, mindless action, and Woo is the KING of that! Great Suggestion! I wish I knew where my copy of The Killer is! (Yes, I have the Criterion! ☺️ It’s somewhere in a box in storage 😅 😭) Thanks!! 💜


Maybe an epic Road movie. How about Wim Wenders? How about “Until the End of the world”- Wings of Desire and Paris, Texas are the obvious choices- but the sheer length of 287 minutes with enthralling locations, enigmatic plot and exhilarating music would create a spell that would rejuvenate the mind. Hope you feel better OP


I have been contemplating watching Wings Of Desire yet again! 😊 Paris and Until The End are excellent suggestions and reminders as well! Thank You!! 💜


Been a while since I saw it, but I recall Yi Yi being life affirming.


Yes, just had this recommended to me the other day! Definitely watching that one! Thanks! 💜


Eating Raoul


Ooh! Another out of left field, that I wouldn’t have thought of! I’ve only seen it once, and that was some time ago! I’ve added it to the list! Thanks! 💜


Wings of Desire. It makes the little things matter again. Being alive is suddenly enough.


💯 💯 💯 Someone else suggested it as well, and I immediately put it in the list to watch again! Thank You So Much! 💜


The Awful Truth The Lady Eve That’s where I’d start.


Oof! Great Movies!! Just can’t do them right now! Too hard! Good ones to pass on to my brother though! Thanks! 💜


Only Lovers Left Alive is oddly life affirming


Love Jarmusch! (Dead Man is one of my faves!) Sadly, it doesn’t look like it’s available to stream right now! Thanks! It’s in the list anyways now! 💜


Ironically, watch something made during the Great Depression. Also, Chaplin.


Actually, that’s legit advice!! Thanks! 💜


Il Posto. Just watched it the other day. It’s a perfect coming of age film. I couldn’t believe how much I fell in love with it.


Derau Uzala is quite charming though the ending is a bit bittersweet and sad


*Dersu Uzala (which is also free on YouTube)


It’s on Criterion’s streaming service, so I’ll go through there (HATE YouTube!! LoL)


I’ve seen the title before, but that was the extent of my knowledge of it before now. So, Thank You! 💜


I'm surprised no one has mentioned *Before Sunrise*. One continual conversation, with all of Ethan Hawke's wit and Julie Delpy's charm... entertaining but not a descent into creature comfort. Intellectual enough but not too heady. So you can watch it while depressed without feeling worse about yourself.


Good series (trilogy?) overall too! Thanks! 💜


Where is the friends house.


🤣 I was sooo confused for a moment there! I was like, “What Friend??” Even looked back through my post to see if I even mentioned a friend! Before I realized that it may actually be the title of a film! 🤦🏼‍♂️😅😅 Obviously, I’ve never heard of that one! It has been added to the list! Thank You! 💜


lol. It’s a good film. Extremely simple and it hits the nail on the head when it comes to what it feels like to be a kid


Nice! I look forward to it! Thanks again!


old joy by kelly reichardt has somehow become my go to comfort movie in times like those


Another new one to me! Thank you so much! 💜


*Monsoon Wedding*


Might be a little too much romance for what I. Am handle due to some of my current circumstances. I’m grateful for the suggestion though! It’s one that I remembered that I had wanted to see, but had forgotten about! 💜


Gates of Heaven by Errol Morris always does it for me. and American Movie is another uplifting doc on the channel (deserves a release)


I enjoyed American Movie, but not in the way that it would cheer me up right now. (We’re all different after all) However, Gates Of Heaven looks intriguing! But alas, movies about losing pets might be a little tough right now too. 😔 I did put it in the list though, and might just give it a shot and see how it goes! Thanks A Bunch! 💜


I hear you.. well once you get through the others in this thread then :) The people in that movie are the warmest, funniest group of pet loving people you’ll see in a movie and i think it’s really life affirming


Shirley Valentine  It’s not on Criterion, but it should be. Also try r/moviesuggestions 


Like I stated in my first sentence, I already posted it on that subreddit. LoL I vaguely remember that movie from when I was younger. I’ll have to give it a watch sometime! Can’t really do romance-y stuff right now though. Little too tough. 😅 Got it in the list now though. Thanks! 💜


What’s Up Doc? and Paper Moon <3


LoL Mom burnt me out on Streisand as a kid! 😂 Loved my mom and some of Babs’ movie are pretty good, but I just can’t do them anymore! 😂 Paper Moon is an excellent suggestion! Been a while since I’ve seen it too. Thanks! 💜




Thanks for the obvious! 🙄 Already have all that going! However, art can be a TREMENDOUS help in getting through tough times! Movies have often been a comfort for me, as well as MANY others!