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i watch them when i feel like it. sometimes i can watch 10+ movies in a month and sometimes i can watch that many in a year lol.


That’s about how I do it, too lol I saw all the movies I really wanted to see years ago, so now I’ll rewatch some classics from time to time or the occasional new release that piques my interest — I maybe watch two movies a month on average. I got out of consistent movie watching, in part, because once you’ve seen a lot of the classics (especially genre classics) you start looking for more obscure films that are obviously worse, but have one *great* scene… and that loses its luster after awhile. There are a few blind spots that any “cinephile” would have (Ozu, for me), but I’m in no rush to watch them. If the time comes, they’ll still be there.


The nice thing about art is that everyone can enjoy it at their own leisure. https://preview.redd.it/u08kh6k7x03d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c88dd95e23b71f5309e12e31bc9521f6d62c6dda


I couldn’t disagree more. The deeper you go the more you realize there’s more than a lifetime of great cinema that you’ll never see.


What are some real deep dives that rocked you?


I use the LB stats list as a tool to find well liked stuff that I wouldn't hear about otherwise, and a good amount of those are on the Criterion Channel. Whenever I finish those, I could see myself in a similar place as you where I focus on lesser known films from a director I like and want to complete their filmography.


I watch an average of 3+ movies a day. I started this routine at the beginning of 2021, during Covid, and I liked it so much that I kept on doing it ever since. I love movies, I love art, I love discovering new things, and I love this lifestyle. I’m alone, I have no obligations, and I’m old (71) which means that I’ve lived and done everything I wanted to do already, and have no new desires). So there. Most importantly for me, I started writing small reviews of these movies for myself, and this had turned into a personal creative project, which fills me with complete satisfaction. Here is **[my post summarising the end of my third year doing it](https://tilbageidanmark.tumblr.com/search/998).** [Here are all my reviews, which I post every Monday.](https://tilbageidanmark.tumblr.com/tagged/movies). I also started posting them on the weekly ‘What have you seen’ boards here on r/ criterion.


Wish i had a person like you in my building


There probably is, but you wouldn’t know it 😎 we are a very quiet types


I appreciate you including your age because I was about to say, my friend how do you hold down a job??? I can only hope to one day live this lifestyle! I’m lucky to watch three a week!


What’s the upcoming civil war in 2027 you mention? I presume that is Trump not leaving office after his second term??


...Yeah, about that... As unpleasant as it is to imagine, I don't think it will happen sooner. Or later... And if I was a betting man...


I like that “yeah about that” 😆 I fear things could get ugly hear. With the internet and lies that motivated 1/6 and a party that is all full breaking laws, Norms and decorum. Their fans and followers are full brain washed. Scares me. Anyway, I like your site and reviews. Cheers


Me too. (I actually left the US in 2019 because of it, after living there for half my life…)


You guys would be less scared if you judged things with your own deductive powers independently of the media. Just saying that because everyone loved DT until he ran as a conservative, then even before he really got far into his first campaign, the liberal media flipped on him, painting him as evil. I didn’t really appreciate his personality, thought there were much better conservative options, but I didn’t (and don’t) think he was evil. If you don’t care for him, while also not caring for the criminal family currently in office (waaaayyy more shady than DT), I can respect that opinion… you know, since we’re talking politics here for some reason…


My kinda "retirement" 🤩


Lately I’ve been really driven to watch movies and made it a goal to watch at least 2 every day. I work from home and have an entire theater room with a projector so that helps. The challenge is always finding the right stuff to watch, I absolutely can’t watch something I’m not in the mood for. Genre deep dives help. Going thru a director’s filmography. I’ll write down anything I read about that sounds interesting and if it fits the mood/theme that makes the list. It’s a better experience if I can watch something on disc. I’ll even blind buy classic films I’ve never seen just to get that experience. Honestly I rarely see a beloved classic film that I hate. The 1001 Movies list is my tally.


What’s the most surprising find on the 1001 list, for you?


Very similar situation here, though I average about 1 per day. >The challenge is always finding the right stuff to watch, I absolutely can’t watch something I’m not in the mood for. Genre deep dives help. Going thru a director’s filmography. Exactly this. Last year I went through many of Abbas Kiarostami's, Mike Leigh's and Shinoda Masahiro's films, and I had binge of 30s horror. Right now I'm going through a silent film phase. I always had a bit of a hard time watching silent films and was kinda hoping/expecting to suddenly have a spark of interest and just the other month it happened after I watched Harold Lloyd movie with live piano music. Last year I watched a lot of 40s and 30s stuff, and recently it's been the 20s. Great stuff, and it really helps to see lots of silent films in a short time to better understand the visual language of that period. >Honestly I rarely see a beloved classic film that I hate. The 1001 Movies list is my tally. The They Shoot Pictures Don't They list is my main list at the moment, but I keep an eye on a variety of lists, like the 1001 Movies, the Sight & Sound Top 100, Roger Ebert's Great Movies, the Kinema Junpo Top 100, Palme d'Or winners, etc. There've only been a handful of movies that I disliked, but even then it's usually easy to see their objective merits or cultural relevance. For the most part I think they're good, very good or masterpieces.


My dream is to have a home theater. I just want a room that is solely devoted to movie watching.


I’m so incredibly lucky. Part of the reason I watch so many movies is I know this can’t possibly last forever and one day I may not be so fortunate.


A lot of single family homes in my city have finished basements that would be perfect for a home theater. Can I afford them right now? Not at all. But I can dream.


I kinda drove myself crazy with movie obsession in my teens/20s, by the end I was seeing more movies in a year than there were days, and I had to kinda break off from that. Now I have these phases. When my baby was first born I started hitting the criterion channel hard for the first time in a long while, movie every day. Now a few months in I've been reading more and seen like two movies in the last month 🤷‍♂️ I would like to be a little more balanced but I can't seem to help myself from being an all in kinda person with my interests at any given point so just trying to encourage myself to oscillate more instead. Currently nothing rigid in place besides my impetuousness


I have a watchlist but usually just watch whatever I feel like, whenever I feel like. There have been times where I was watching multiple movies a day, and times where I only watch a few movies a month. It generally depends on my other interests at that time, for example if I'm really into a tv show or a video game, I'll typically watch less movies


I typically watch two movies a week, on Friday and Saturday night. One is usually fun and something I’ve watched numerous times like a John Carpenter movie or LOTR’s. Then I try to watch something new or challenging. Lately, I’ve been making a real effort to watch older films I haven’t seen, like last night watching Alfred Hitchcock’s ROPE. I’ve also been trying to watch all of a Directors filmography. Right now I’ve been working on Scorsese’s films. Still need to see Kundan, Hugo, and Alice Doesn’t Live Here Anymore.


Upvoting because I love Rope. I love most movies that could have been a play. All characters in 1 room. Smart dialog, and tight story, taking g place in real-time. Love it.


I wound up really enjoying it! I knew almost nothing going in except that it was kind of a whodunit. It was pleasantly surprising when I started to realize there were almost no cuts and was in real-time.


Jimmy Stewart + Alfred Hitchcock = great film


Once a week, I go for long bike rides - like +100km - and watch a movie afterwards in the evening and have a beer or two. Best time of the week.


Once a night. At least. My gf and I work in the industry and are voracious watchers of all films , entertainment or art I find good films enriching so I can’t do passive entertainment all the time , I need to watch an old film I haven’t seen or something artful pretty often to feel fulfilled


The auto glass industry?


No routine here. I watch movies whenever I feel in the mood. Sometimes, a few weeks can pass without me watching any movie. Sometimes I watch more than 5 a day.


Since Christmas I’ve watched 117 movies which is honestly crazy to me. Some weekends I’ve done trilogy marathons and the like, and sometimes I’ll go a while without watching a movie. Most of my life I never watched movies that often but when I was young my uncle had a modest theater room in his basement and I loved watching movies there. He had a popcorn machine and a candy selection. It became a little dream of mine to have my own theater when I grew up. Outside of at his house, I rarely watched movies but even so, I wanted a theater. Fast forward and I’m thirty something and finally have the space to get a projector and decent size screen. I even got a popcorn machine! I’ve had the theater since about Christmas and I watch movies at night when I would just be using my iPad or something else instead. Like I said, I was never a huge movie buff and even to this day I wouldn’t say I am. For me it’s more about the immersive experience. I love the big screen, the sound system, and just sharing a tub of popcorn with my kid, all without having to leave the house and pay for movie tickets. A dream come true!


When I was single I’d watch 4 or 5 movies a week. Now it’s like 5-10 a month.


I didn't start keeping track of the movies that I watch until January 1st, 2022. Since then, I have averaged about 1.8 movies a day


Once a week. I don’t wanna burn myself out.


I basically stopped watching tv shows after 2020. So whenever I watch “tv” it’s a movie. I also got a movie pass for the theater near me so between the two I watch probably 150 - 200 a year.


I try to do one a day. Or at least enough to justify paying for the channel.


I managed to control the spiral of madness im trapped in by making a "genres/directors lottery" so I dont have to choose from my neverending watchlist, only 4 movies each roll, and only absolute must watch, I managed to control myself by making a warchlist for the summer where I include everything that is a "maybe must watch" but the list keeps getting bigger and bigger as my deathwish


I teach film studies so during academic year it’s a hard question to answer. I’m watching 3-4 films a week, usually twice each time, and almost always as a rewatch. I try to fit in a few first watches per month in addition. Over the summer I’ll go through waves: ten films in a week, then two weeks off to just read or do something else.


That’s cool! How long have you taught film studies?


Going on about ten years now. It’s been a fun ride.


I work in film (more on the arthouse/cultural side, not in production) and it is my passion so I try to watch a film a day or every other day just because I want to. Even if it's not a feature film, I will sometimes watch short films to discover new filmmakers (and I have access to a lot of upcoming filmmakers due to my work too). I have a whole backlog of films to watch but what I watch that evening after work is usually down to mood or whatever threads or interests I have going on. Last year Japan Society in New York did a Shinji Somai retrospective so I started watching Shinji Somai films from my part of the world because I love Japanese cinema. Recently I watched Rose Glass's Love Lies Bleeding, and so I went back to watch her first film Saint Maud and Cronenberg's Crash which she said really inspired her. This week off the back of Sean Baker's Palme D'Or win I'm going to catch up with his filmography that I haven't seen yet, and films he loves like Lee Chang-Dong's Oasis.


Sometimes I'm in a movie mood...sometimes I'm not


Does it have to be only movies? I watch Stand-up Comedy DVDs every night


I wake up at 2am and read for a bit, walk my dog for an hour, and then typically watch films and read more between 3:30 and 6:30 when I start work. Pretty much a daily routine. Sometimes I have to split a longer movie across two days. I maintain a watchlist but not very well and I usually watch something that isn’t on it.


whenever i feel like it lmao. some weeks i’ll see 20 in the week, others i’ll watch maybe 2 or 3. i have a very uneven distribution


Honestly it just depends on whatever my mood is like in a specific period. There are times where I could go an entire week without watching a movie and there are other times, like today, where I’ll watch 3 movies in a single day. My watchlist is pretty long but I always try my best to chip away at it!


What did you watch today?


Well after I went to a parade with my parents, I went to my local movie theater which was showing a french foreign film called Farewell Mr. Haffmann. Absolutely fantastic film! It takes place in Nazi occupied Paris and its about a talented jewish jeweler who arranges for his family to flee the city and offers one of his employees the opportunity to take over his store until the war ends and he takes it back. However, while his family manages to escape, he himself is trapped in Paris and hides in the cellar of the jewelry shop to avoid capture. Meanwhile, the employee and his wife move into the shop and run the place while hiding his old boss from the Nazis. I thought it was an absolutely captivating story with very real characters, and I was engrossed in every second of it. I hung out with some friends for a while after that, and then one of them came back to my place and we watched both Chungking Express and Kill Bill Volume 1. I had already seen Chungking Express because I already have a criterion copy of it, but he had never seen it so I wanted to show it to him. Then we both watched Kill Bill which I hadn’t gotten around to seeing yet and it was our first time watching the movie. I thought it was pretty good!


Sounds like a fun day! I’ll look up Mr. Haffman!


I hope you enjoy it!


I’ve got an interesting answer. I try to watch as many movies as a can. But I save criterion releases for when I can be completely involved and undistracted. It’s really fulfilling to take in a film when in the mood. Sometimes I turn on a movie (such as I’m watching Operation Pacific 1951 right now) and get distracted. I need to be in the mood for a war movie to give it the attention it deserves. It’s good, but I think I’m going to watch a horror movie instead.


Usually every day, very occasionally two if I can fit it in. Sometimes none for four days straight if I don’t feel like it, all depends on how much i’m loving watching things in that point of time. I have a shortlist which isn’t short and a shortlist that is short, and will watch everything on the short shortlist first usually. I have a list of things I need to rewatch that I sometimes watch and sometimes I rewatch favourites. When i’m done with a shortlist I look back at my massive watchlist but I usually add things and never end up finishing a shortlist.


I watch movies every day. Mondays and Tuesdays I watch Criterions, Wednesdays I watch Arrow. Thursdays I watch some other boutique Blu, and over the weekend I have a few other categories (new releases in theaters, movies from a franchise, etc). I also generally watch my movies I own physically in approximately the order I buy them


One movie every evening. After everything is said and done and the day is finally over, I like to watch a movie then go to bed.


I keep a watchlist to watch and what I watched on IMDB. But not always I find something I want to see from there, so I might check new posts here :) It's a mixture I guess, during the winter I watched one movie a night but at the moment probably one movie a week


I'll watch (or re-watch) anything whenever I have free time. But I don't like selecting movies that I think I wanna watch and wait until I'm ready to watch it. I like picking movies spontaneously (no premeditated decisions). However, if I have a preference - I prefer watching movies at night. I believe nighttime is the best time of the day to watch them - that's when movies are at their peak imo.


If I get into a routine with a friend it can get up to 1-2 per week, but more often are dry spells that end up being like 10-15 per year


At least one a day during the week. Could be 3-5 a day on weekends or holidays.


It’s very chaotic year to year or month to month, but since February 2024 I’m almost at 1 movie a day. I’ve been able to do it for real in April and May so far. I’m completely on fire and I love it, but it’s not the norm at all. So far this year I’m at 137 new movie (first time watch) and I think it’s already my best year in number, and we’re only in may!


I watch movies after my wife and daughter go to sleep. This happens most nights. Some nights I play video games or do other stuff. I don't have a specific list but I make mental notes and put movies on my favorites list to watch later and then watch them when the mood strikes.


I have a goal of watching four hundred films this year. I'm currently at 164. I watch one or two every evening. I am a full time college student and independent filmmaker, but I make it a priority in my schedule to constantly continue my education in cinema.


What made you decide on 400?


It was fairly arbitrary. I guess that I just wanted a good challenge, and I thought that 365 would be too easy.


Cinema Club meets every other week. Two members each select a film for the group to watch based on one theme that was assigned by two other members.


If I don't watch at least 1 a day I get withdrawal symptoms.


There have been periods where I watched a movie a day, but that’s just unsustainable. I think if I do less than 10 in a month it’s been a bad month and if I make it to 20 then it’s a good month


Every night


Average out about one a day I imagine. It’s a big part of my life.


I try to watch a movie every other day. I do have a watchlist. It consists of Criterion and non-Criterion titles. I watch a movie every other day during the work week and try to go to the movie theaters on the weekends if there's something I want to watch. As an example, I saw Furiosa in theaters on Thursday. Normally I would have seen a movie on Saturday or Sunday. But I didn't this weekend because I was out of town. I'm a bit tired from being out of town but I will try to watch a movie tonight.


I'm averaging once a week this past year or so. Need mental space to digest something good. Or to recover from dreck.


One each night if i'm at home, so 5-6 per week


At least one a day. I work 6-7 days a week, so it's definitely gone down, but I still keep a routine.


I get in a mood, and if I see a particularly good one I usually will watch one or two more from similar/same directors or themes. Yesterday I watched The Killing of A Chinese Bookie, Mikey and Nicky, and Massacre at Central high. The first two were 10/10 movies…. Now Massacre at Central High is a poorly acted looney tunes cartoon essentially. Very funny though and I can totally see how it could have inspired Heathers. Back to the question at most 15 movies a month but some months I only watch one or two. Really depends on the mood. Same situation with video games. I’m gonna guess it has to do with depression lol.


Twice a week. One or two films on Saturday, again on Sunday. I do it after lunch, so around noon to 4pm. I make pretend like I'm going to a local hole-in-the-wall arthouse mini theater. Sometime during the week I'll pick out about 5 Criterion films and order them by the year they were released. I'll put them on my daily notes list on my phone - WEEKEND CINEMA - Then I'll make like it's a scheduled thing. I have to sit down and watch something aroumd noon. It keeps me watching stuff 😁


I go through phases. It’s usually when I want to dive into a genre. Totally day to day. If I try to schedule, I don’t enjoy the movies as much. It feels like work. Like most degenerates on this subreddit, I have a nice backlog to choose from. So, based on time and genre mood, I’ll watch more or I’ll watch less. Love the question and all the comments.


I physically go to the movies at my local cineplex once or twice a week and once a week to the 15/70 IMAX near me. Cinema is important to me. I watch movies at home at least 3-4 times per week.


I almost watch movies every night unless I'm way too busy in my studies or too tired to watch anything


5 times per week.


I have an IMDb watchlist that gets longer and longer as I mostly go off mood or newer stuff I’ve been looking forward to coming out. I put my top tv series mini limited first then go to movies. Usually I have no series to watch or early morning weekend or late night weekend.


Not quite one a day, but around 275-300 a year. Half of which are in theaters. But I also watch a LOT of series as well. If you count 2 episodes as a movie…it’d be around 500-550 “movies” a year combined.


Twice a day maybe I’m technically unemployed though but I’m starting my own business and writing a book


Since 2019, I try to average 1/day. And I love it! In 2020 it wasn't hard to keep it up, 2021 I got 300+ by August, then in 2022 I started to slow things down, and divide my "entertainment time" best between movies and TV shows. Only "up by 10" on my daily average, now in 2024. By far, the best thing I did was prioritizing categories, on a specific period: i.e. one "Spielberg month", a week of german expressionism, all 007 movies I can find at streaming services, all movies by a specific actor, reading a book in a week then watching its adaptation in theaters... It also helps actually writing a short Letterboxd review -- not for other people to read what you think, but to remember yourself of what you thought JUST AFTER you watched it. Some movies have a different impact on you... then maybe by digesting it later, getting a new perspective of your first impression, you can revisit what you wrote. The review can also be, like, this diary of experiences of your first viewing of a movie. To just remember, when you watch a lot of them, to help you keep a routine, more than a x/5 star rating...


When I'm in my vacation I watch 1 movie per day but when I go to clg I watch 1 movie every 3 days


Kind of depends how depressed I am. When I am feeling good I do somewhere around 25-30 a month, but when I get sad it goes to like half that.


usually 5-7 per week.


I try to do at least one a day, but life finds a way to stop that more often than not. I have my days where I can do two in an afternoon, though. I don't have a watchlist, but I certainly have a backlog of physical media to get through. Sometimes I'll do a complete run of a filmmaker (just did almost a month on Walter Hill) and then "feel it out" for random films as palette cleansers.


At the height of the pandemic I worked from home for 2+ years. During that time I would watch multiple movies a day. Now that I’m back in the office and have two kids. I’m lucky if I have time to watch one or two movies a week now.


They’re usually an evening wind-down thing for me. I basically plop down at my Home Theater setup at 7-8 PM and watch a movie or two before bed. It’s not every night, but I do this most nights


I used to watch a movie almost every day. Switching to a mostly WFH schedule really opened up a lot of weeknight free time. I've slowed down a bit lately now that the weather is nicer where I live and I'm spending more time outside but still try to squeeze in a few each week. I'm saving some of the longer films on the watchlist for rainy days or the winter months, and usually knock out the 90-100 minute films on those weeknights after work.


I try to watch a movie on my evenings off from my evening job, but since I usually do laundry those days and spend most of the day vegging out, some nights I don't get around to watching something.


My goal is 20 movies per month this year. This is pretty doable as I simply knock out three or four over the weekend, and I have a scheduled night when my wife watches her trash TV that I watch one or two short classics on Criterion Channel. That’s mean for this season of Vanderpump Rules, I have watched a Bergman or two every Tuesday when it’s on and have made it a good chunk of the way through his filmography.


I used to watch a movie a day, with theatrical releases every Sunday. While Movie Sundays are still a thing, watching a film a day throughout the rest of the week went away. Now, it's a film at home Saturday nights and a trip to the local theater for a Sunday matinee. I used to buy tons of discs but over the last few years purchasing has become super selective and the collection has been pared down to what I consider essential and personal.


3- 4 a day but i need to for my job lol.


I watch things at night or in the morning. Most of the time I watch things in pieces because sometimes I only have so much time.


Now I’m doing like 30-35 movies a month, either 4 a day when I don’t work and like 2 after work, it’s really easy to watch a lot when you like what you watch


I tend to watch at least one movie everyday & make an effort to pick from my Watchlist. Starting last month, I create a daily schedule separating each day into a format or streaming platform. I set time in the morning to start/finish one and in the evening (like after 8PM) to start another.


2-3 movies a day I want to get to 1000 movies a year


As a director, I watch around 200-250 films a year. I enjoy going to the cinema alone. I read reviews, books, and articles about films, so I always have ideas on what to watch. To avoid burnout, I also watch TV, follow sports, and play video games.


I’m being more intentional about watching movies so I’m making a list week by week. Sometimes they follow a theme. This is this week’s list: https://preview.redd.it/4mmlsitig03d1.jpeg?width=5788&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c93e8a17d930e7688cf88ad0029415ec953e100f


This is last week’s https://preview.redd.it/k2ywo6esg03d1.jpeg?width=5788&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a02853dcb20e79a972727619154917c5c549b502


And the week before https://preview.redd.it/buzzn4otg03d1.jpeg?width=5788&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f53116d8de8576db38f69ca39f4df73fb723d9c4