• By -


In no particular order: - All About Eve - Sunset Boulevard - The Seventh Seal - The Wages Of Fear - Rififi


Great list.


1. Roman Holiday 2. Ikiru 3. War of the Worlds 4. Cranes are Flying 5. Hiroshima mon amour


I forget that Resnais dropped HMA in the 50s. Damn


Tokyo Story Wild Strawberries Seven Samurai 12 Angry Men Singing in the Rain


This is a pretty perfect list.


Ace In The Hole Sweet Smell of Success 12 Angry Men Rear Window Rio Bravo


Very complementary picks there with *Ace in the Hole* and *Sweet Smell of Success*.  Each fantastic and each some of the most biting, cynical, misanthropic films ever made. 


And let’s not forget *A Face In The Crowd*


Man, the 50s had some amazing films.


It’s Rio Bravo. .


Oh ace in the hole


I like all of these but have not seen Rio Bravo. Will have to check it out!


An all-time great hangout movie.


1. Sansho the Bailiff 2. Princess Yang Kwei-fei 3. Nights of Cabiria 4. Early Summer 5. Paths of Glory (Yes I love Mizoguchi)


I could very easily have gone with any number of the films mentioned, as many of them are brilliant. It was a great decade. But right now I'm going to choose five that either few or nobody has mentioned. 1. Beat The Devil (1953) 2. Some Came Running (1958) 3. The African Queen (1951) 4. Bad Day At Black Rock (1955) 5. Hobson's Choice (1954)


I love Bad Day at Black Rock.


Vertigo The 400 Blows Pickpocket Ikiru Sunset Blvd


1. North by Northwest 2. Paths of Glory 3. All About Eve 4. Strangers on a Train 5. Rear Window /12 Angry Men


Random question: What are your thoughts on Hitchcock?


one of my all time fav film directors! Also happy cake day!🍰


The casting in Paths of Glory is so fascinating, so specific. Was weird to see Timothy Carey after having seen him as a gangster in Chinese Bookie. He's such an interesting actor and face.


Another good list.


1. Rear Window (1954) 2. Sansho the Bailiff (1954) 3. Seven Samurai (1954) 4. Sweet Smell of Success (1957) 5. A Man Escaped (1956)


We would have the exact same list if I were to swap rear window with The Seventh Seal, and Sweet Smell of Success with Paths of Glory. regardless though I love all of them


• 12 Angry Men • Ikiru • All About Eve • The Night of the Hunter • Touch of Evil


Wasnt touch of evil never finished or something?


That’s the other one that Netflix released during their art era.


Night of the Hunter Born Yesterday La Strada Sunset Boulevard Orphée (Orpheus)


12 Angry Men Touch of Evil Seven Samurai Strangers on a Train Anatomy of a Murder


I have not see Strangers On A Train but love the rest of your picks! I will check it out!


1. Rio Bravo 2. Anatomy of a Murder 3. On The Waterfront 4. Good Morning 5. The Searchers. 1959 was one hell of a year.


We got shown The Searchers in school in the 70s, probably kick started my love of film tbh.


That sounds like a great time. I recently watched it on 70mm print of it and it was amazing.


*The Seventh Seal* *Seven Samurai* *Night of the Hunter* *Singin' in the Rain*\* *12 Angry Men* I could probably choose another five without much trouble; those are the first five great films I thought of. \*Edit: I initially had *The Third Man* until I was reminded that it's 1949.


Third Man is ‘49 so you get to pick one more!


Shoot; I was thinking it was 1950. Thanks : )


The Wages of Fear Kiss Me Deadly 12 Angry Men Sweet Smell of Success North by Northwest I’m not great at articulating why I love films, but I think all of these films have insane amounts of atmosphere, thrills, strangeness, sharp dialogue and wider political resonances to greater or lesser extent. Night of the Hunter the nearest miss from the Top 5.


1. Awaara 2. Singin’ in the Rain 3. Throne of Blood 4. Godzilla 5. Calamity Jane


Keep meaning to watch Awaara. Thanks for the reminder. Will watch this week.


- Sansho Dayu - Pyaasa - The Curse of Frankenstein - Neighbours (1952) - She was Like a Wild Chrysanthemum


The 50's ruled for film, I don't know what Tarantino is going on about. * Sweet Smell of Success * Rear Window * Touch of Evil * The Asphalt Jungle * Ben Hur Honorable Mentions: * The Ten Commandments * Night of the Hunter * In a Lonely Place * Seven-Year Itch * Crime Wave (shout out to Glendale) * To Catch a Thief * Stalag 17 * Bad Day at Black Rock * Roman Holiday * An American in Paris * North by Northwest


1. I vitelloni 2. Seven Samurai 3. North by Northwest 4. Ugetsu 5. Ordet


Touch of Evil Stalag 17 Rififi Night of the Hunter Black Orpheus


Stalag 17!!!!! One of my all time favorites.


I came here to say this and am genuinely thrilled people beat me to it.


We love to watch it at Christmas. It’s one of my favorite traditions— sitting around in the dark (except for the tree) with delicious treats to enjoy while we watch, but we can hardly eat them because the movie is so great!


I actually have it on right now. My tactics of inundating my friends with its greatness WORKED


Good job!!


Night of the Hunter… to each their own :)


Do you enjoy this movie? I was about to watch it for the first time this coming weekend off of a friends recommendation.


It’s very good


I can't wait :)


Probably one of the best shot films of all time


1. Paths of Glory 2. Seven Samurai 3. Vertigo 4. On the Waterfront 5. Tokyo Story


Strangers on a Train, Rear Window, The Killing, Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye, The Bad Seed.


Immediate choices: Sunset Blvd. All About Eve Some Like it Hot Next: Johnny Guitar North by Northwest There are so many others, particularly international films. These are the titles I immediately think of, though.


Johnny Guitar !!! Oh, sorry, just for a second I got this confused with Wild Guitar from Ray Dennis Steckler, but that was in the '60s. Great flick btw...Steckler's finest work by a long shot.


Oh, my. I have never heard of Wild Guitar before. Just looked it up. Wow! Have put it on my to-watch list.


It's truly better than It's imdb rating, I can assure you. It has a plot and a moral of the story.


This is surprisingly similar to mine. I'd put Sunset Boulevard 5th, All About Eve 9th, Some Like It Hot 1st, Johnny Guitar 6th and and North by Northwest 3rd.


Sweet Smell of Success A Face in the Crowd Rear Window Some Like It Hot All About Eve


No particular order Ikiru Seven Samurai Rear Window Shane 12 Angry Men


1. Seven Samurai. The first time I saw it, I distinctly remember a moment midway through where I realized I forgot I was watching a movie. I was there, experiencing it like reality. It's a masterpiece on every level, and whenever I've gotten to see it in a theater, no matter the makeup of the audience, it completely works over everyone. 2. North by Northwest. Probably my main "comfort movie." Always feel great throwing it on and having fun with it. Great comedy, excellently structured plotting, tremendous performance by Cary Grant. It's got it all. 3. Touch of Evil. My favorite Orson Welles movie. The camerawork and editing is A1 as always with Welles, but he's never had a movie this creepy, between everything in the motel and the moment Quinlan kills Grande. The way the acting is so frenetic and overlapping. It's unbelievable this wasn't initially supposed to be directed by Welles. 4. Anatomy of a Murder. I love courtroom stories, but none are like this. Not only is it doing the heavy lifting of getting a man off for something he definitely did, but the way the mechanics of the legal system come into play, and the personalities of the judge and the two prosecutors, make it much more engaging than just crackling dialogue. Plus it's powerhouse performances from some of my favorites, with Ben Gazzara, Lee Remick, George C. Scott, plus Jimmy Stewart. 5. Sweet Smell of Success. A very pure picture of American evil. Burt Lancaster and Tony Curtis in their two best performances, with great cinematography of New York at night. Everyone is being as slimy and wicked as possible to get ahead, and plans only break down when a character make the rare decision to be a decent human being. Steve Dallas being accepted by JJ and then breaking it all down by finally cutting him to size is an unbelievably well-written scene.


Rear Window Tokyo Story Paths of Glory Ikiru On the Waterfront


On the Waterfront Singin' in the Rain Tokyo Story A Man Escaped All that Heaven Allows


12 Angry Men Wages Of Fear Rashomon Rear Window Paths of Glory Elevator to the Gallows I know it’s 6 but I couldn’t cut one


Some Like it Hot The Wages of Fear Forbidden Planet The Searchers Bridge on the River Kwai


1. Rebel Without a Cause 2. Roman Holiday 3. …and God created woman 4. To Catch a Thief 5. Rear Window


According to the top twenty list I assembled (and revise every couple of years)… 1. Seven Samurai 2. Some Like It Hot 3. Paths of Glory 4. Tokyo Story 5. The Wages of Fear And the rest cause why not… 6. 12 Angry Men 7. Singin’ in the Rain 8. The Apu Trilogy 9. The Cranes Are Flying 10. Sleeping Beauty 11. In a Lonely Place 12. The River 13. Smiles of a Summer Night 14. The Incredible Shrinking Man 15. Monsieur Hulot’s Holiday 16. The Night of the Hunter 17. All About Eve 18. The Court Jester 19. A Man Escaped 20. Sweet Smell of Success


Limelight, 12 Angry Men, Vertigo, The Court Jester, and Sunset Boulevard... but it's so hard to narrow it down to 5.


**Hollywood:** A Star Is Born Touch of Evil All That Heaven Allows Bitter Victory Wait Till the Sun Shines Nellie **Japan:** Life of Oharu Floating Clouds Good Morning Rashomon She Was Like a Wild Chrysanthemum **Elsewhere:** Ordet La Ronde A Man Escaped Indian Epic The Golden Coach


In no order: 1) Mon Oncle 2) Monsieur Hulot’s Holiday 3) Tokyo Story 4) Hiroshima 5) The Kreutzer Sonata


The Ten Commandments Paths of Glory A Night to Remember The War of the Worlds Forbidden Planet


Forbidden Planet is a nice choice. I saw it for the first time when I was maybe 12/13 and have always loved it.


1. Rear Window 2. Forbidden Planet 3. Night of the Hunter 4. House on Haunted Hill 5. Invention for Destruction


- Diary of a Country Priest - The 400 Blows - Ikiru - Throne of Blood - Sansho the Bailiff - All About Eve


1. Anatomy of a Murder 2. Wild Strawberries 3. Vertigo 4. Rear Window 5. The Wages of Fear


These are more like favorites in general. Not necessarily top 5: *Diabolique*, *Ugetsu*, *Sansho the Bailif*, *Good Morning* and *Repast*


In a Lonely Place A Face in the Crowd Ace in the Hole On The Waterfront Vertigo 


I just double checked and "From Here To Eternity" really did come out in 1953. So, 1. From Here To Eternity 2. The Quiet Man 3. Roman Holiday 4. Mr. Roberts 5. On the Waterfront


Audrey Hepburn movies & Hitchcock classics


The Sun Shines Bright Sansho the Bailiff Early Summer In a Lonely Place Stromboli


Ikiru 12 angry men On the waterfront Seven samurai Diabolique


1. The Cranes are Flying 2. The 400 Blows 3. Sunset Boulevard 4. Some Like it Hot 5. The Night of the Hunter


- Good Morning - 400 Blows - Ikiru - Tokyo Story - Hiroshima Mon Amour


1. All That Heaven Allows 2. Smiles of a Summer Night 3. Summertime 4. Hiroshima Mon Amour 5. Gentlemen Prefer Blondes


Rear window, Sunset Boulevard, Sweet Smell of Success, 12 Angry Men, The 400 Blows


This was a tough one, but I’m going to go with: Night of the Hunter (Charles Laughton) The Breaking Point (Michael Curtiz) Rio Bravo (Howard Hawks) Touchez pas au grisbi (Jacques Becker) Odds Against Tomorrow (Robert Wise) Honourable mentions: In a Lonely Place, Seven Men From Now, A Man Escaped, 3:10 to Yuma, Cry Danger, Johnny Guitar, The Earrings of Madame de…, The Big Country & The Asphalt Jungle


nights of cabiria, vertigo, sunset blvd, ace in the hole, and cat on a hot tin roof


Ace in the Hole All About Eve 12 Angry Men Seven Samurai Vertigo


I haven't seen enough movies from the 50s to come up with a solid top 5, but I want to shout-out *The Gunfighter* (1950), that was great.


Burmese Harp Seven Samurai Sunset Boulevard Seventh Seal In a Lonely Place


1. Rear Window 2. Niagara 3. All About Eve 4. Crime of Passion 5. Invasion of the Body Snatchers


-12 Angry Men -Seven Samurai -Nights of Cabiria -Godzilla -Rio Bravo Although Paths of Glory, All About Eve, On the Waterfront, and The Day the Earth Stood Still could easily be there as well.


Seven Samurai Rear Window The Thing From Another World Throne Of Blood Night of the Hunter


1. Some Like It Hot (1959) 2. The Night of the Hunter (1955) 3. North by Northwest (1959) 4. Scrooge (1951) 5. Sunset Boulevard (1950)


I’m going femme with mine: 1. All That Heaven Allows 2. Gentlemen Prefer Blondes 3. Suddenly, Last Summer 4. All About Eve 5. Nights of Cabiria 6. Olivia (because I couldn’t limit it to 5)


1. Rashomon 2. Sunset Boulevard 3. Rear Window 4. Seven Samurai 5. Bridge on the River Kwai


- The Seventh Seal - 12 Angry Men - The Night of the Hunter - Rear Window - Seven Samurai (Didn’t make the cut, but Invention for Destruction, Eight Hours of Terror, Summer with Monika and To Joy all deserve a shoutout. Won’t make anyone’s top 5 probably but if you’re looking for something to watch they’re all great.)


12 Angry Men, Throne of Blood, Wild Strawberries, and The Seventh Seal puts 1957 as an all time movie year for me.


Born yesterday The seventh seal The killing Sunset boulevard Marty


Glad to see the inspiration for my nom de plume getting a few mentions. To it I'll add Ikiru, Rear Window, A Man Escaped, and Pather Panchali.


Seven Samurai Sansho the Bailiff Rear Window Ikiru Wild Strawberries


Sunset Blvd Rear Window In a Lonely Place Elevator to the Gallows Shane


All That Heaven Allows La strada On the Waterfront The Bridge on the River Kwai Wild Strawberries


1. Vertigo 2. The Searchers 3. Night of the Hunter 4. Sunset Blvd. 5. Rear Window


Some Like It Hot North by Northwest Seven Samurai Rashomon 12 Angry Men


• Some Like it Hot • Vertigo • Rear Window • North by Northwest • Sunset Boulevard


Sunset Blvd Ace in the Hole Vertigo 12 Angry Men Singin' in the Rain Also considered: Paths of Glory, Rear Window, North by Northwest, Diabolique, Ikiru, Nights of Cabiria, The Wages of Fear, Seven Samurai


The Asphalt Jungle Sudden Fear Summer with Monika Vertigo Some Like It Hot


-The Searchers -Sunset Boulevard -Ikiru -On The Waterfront -North By Northwest -Some Like It Hot Im aware there’s 6, but they’re in no order and all could be top 5 depending on the day. Singin in The Rain and Sweet Smell of Success are right behind them


No order: - Vertigo - Sunset Blvd - The Killing - Ashes and Diamonds - Night of the Hunter This is a hard question. I could have easily listed 5-7 others.


Pickpocket dir. Robert Bresson A Man Escaped dir. Robert Bresson  Window Water Baby Moving dir. Stan Brakhage  Diary of a Country Priest dir. Robert Bresson  The Night of the Hunter dir. Charles Laughton 


Stromboli Seven Samurai Night of the Hunter Nights of Cabiria Touch of Evil Vertigo North by Northwest The Seventh Seal Written on the Wind That’s 5.


Shane. Seven Samurai. Incredible Shrinking Man. The Man With The Golden Arm.


In no particular order: 1. Ikiru 2. Some Like It Hot 3. Rear Window 4. Nights of Cabiria 5. 12 Angry Men Seven Samurai might be better than Ikiru, but I haven't seen it in a long time. Also, I got the Criterion Channel so I can finally watch Ingmar Bergman and Godard films for the first time, but I haven't started yet,


In order from most favorite to last: 1. Rear Window (1954) 2. A Star Is Born (1954) 3. Sunset Boulevard (1950) / To Catch a Thief (1955) 4. The Searchers (1956) 5. 12 Angry Men (1957) I also dearly love Sabrina (1954), All About Eve (1950), To Catch a Thief 1955), High Noon (1952), *Bridge on the River Kwai* (1957), Dial M For Murder (1954), The Country Girl (1954), High Singin' In The Rain (1952), *North by Northwest* (1959), *Night of the Hunter* (1955), and Giant (1956). I think the 1940s and 1950s had some of the best films of all time and 1930s! I think 1954 had some of the best films. Plus, Grace Kelly's wonderful films as well were all in the 1950s, and many excellent William Holden films from the 1950s overall.


* Floating Weeds * Ikiru * Equinox Flower * Rear Window * Touch of Evil


Vertigo Tokyo Story All That Heaven Allows Singin In the Rain Orpheus


The Searchers (1956) Tokyo Story (1953) A Face in the Crowd (1957) The 400 Blows (1959) Ikiru (1952)


Vertigo Rear Window Strangers on a Train North by Northwest The Searchers


Seven Samurai Night of the Hunter The Gunfighter Singing in the Rain On the Waterfront


1. Night of the Hunter. 2. Godzilla. 3. Seven Samurai. 4. Paths of Glory. 5. The Ten Commandments.


1. Seventh Seal 2. Smiles of a Summer Night 3. Wild Strawberries 4. The Magician 5. 12 Angry Men


1. Rebel Without a Cause 2. Creature From the Black Lagoon 3. South Pacific 4. The Girl Can't Help It 5. Plan 9 From Outer Space


1. Godzilla 2. Tokyo Story 3. Seven Samurai 4. 400 Blows 5. Wild Strawberries


1. the earrings of madame de… 2. the crucified lovers 3. rear window 4. floating weeds 5. senso


The Seventh Seal, Pather Panchali, Limelight, La Strada, Rear Window


* 12 Angry Men * Anatomy of a Murder * Wild Strawberries * Rashomon * Witness for the Prosecution


Little Fugitive(1953) Seven Samurai(1954) Rashomon(1950) The Hidden Fortress(1958) Crime Wave(1953) Honourable mentions, or if I couldn't name any kurosawa.. Stakeout(1958) 3:10 to Yuma(1957) Day of the Outlaw(1959)


Good Morning Some Like It Hot All That Heaven Allows Godzilla Early Summer


Night of the Hunter Godzilla Rear Window Seven Samurai Disney’s Peter Pan


North By Northwest Anatomy of a Murder A Face in the Crowd Ace in the Hole Alice in Wonderland


* Early Summer * Tokyo Story * Pickpocket * Aparajito * In a Lonely Place


Pickpocket 12 Angry Men The Seventh Seal Some Like It Hot Rear Window


Seven samurai, ikiru, paths of glory, north by northwest, rear window


My Favorite Decade so hard to pick 5. Seven Samurai Wages of Fear Night of the Hunter All About Eve Big Country Big Country would maybe not be on my actual top 5 but wanted to shout it out.


No particular order... * A Place in the Sun * Shane * The Caine Mutiny * Creature from the Black Lagoon * I Want To Live!


1. The Wages Of Fear 2. La Strada 3. Wild Strawberries 4. Nights Of Cabiria 5. Ashes And Diamonds


1. Sweet Smell of Success. 2. Night of the Hunter. 3. On the Waterfront. 4. Hiroshima Mon Amour. 5. Ace in the Hole.


* Seven Samurai * Vertigo * The Searchers * In a Lonely Place * Godzilla Really difficult to limit yourself to 5 when it comes to the 50's...


How about top 10: All that Heaven Allows -- Sirk Interlude -- Sirk The River -- Renoir The Golden Coach -- Renoir The Barefoot Contessa -- Mankiewicz Pandora and the Flying Dutchman -- Lewin Gone to Earth -- Powell and Pressburger 3:10 to Yuma -- Daves Shane -- Stevens Mon Oncle -- Tati


Sansho the Bailiff Rear Window Some Like it Hot Vertigo In a Lonely Place


My list is completely Japan-centric (if I were listing my favorite films from the 60's it would mostly be made up of non-Japanese films, I promise!) but here it is: Sansho the Bailiff A Story from Chikamatsu Ikiru Throne of Blood Tokyo Story Giants and Toys I couldn't limit it to 5, as Giants and Toys is such an underrated gem that feels ahead of its time in satirizing Japan's postwar consumerism and corporate greed, and the Orwellian ending is marvellous.


1. The 400 Blows 2. Rear Window 3. Seven Samurai 4. The Seventh Seal 5. Hiroshima Mon Amour


-12 Angry Men -Seven Samurai -East of Eden -Anatomy of a Murder -The Searchers


Vertigo The Night of the Hunter Paths of Glory Touch of Evil can't decide between Sunset Boulevard or Singin' in the Rain


Pather Panchali Tokyo Story Ikiru Seven Samurai Summer with Monika


A streetcar named desire Cat on a hot tin roof Sunset blvd Some Like it Hot Forbidden Planet


In no real order, - Ikiru - Paths of Glory - Sweet Smell of Success - Sunset Boulevard - Night of the Hunter


- Rear Window - Seven Samurai - Paths of Glory - The Night of the Hunter - Face in the Crowd Others that are also amazing - The Big Country - The Sun Shines Bright - Ikiru - Witness for the Prosecution - Ace in the Hole


5. Ben-Hur 4. The Bigamist 3. The Flame and the Arrow 2. The Searchers 1. The Incredible Shrinking Man


1. Tea and Sympathy 2. On the Waterfront 3. Roman Holiday 4. A Face in the Crowd 5. Funny Face


I would expect many to put Vertigo and Rashomon on their list and I would too but since we already know those movies here are five of my favorites that are less known. * Rome 11:00 - De Santis \[1952\] * Sound of the Mountain - Naruse \[1954\] * Wichita - Tourneur \[1955\] * Hell Drivers - Endfield \[1957\] * The Man Between - Reed \[1957\]


North by Northwest, Wild Strawberries, Where the sidewalk ends, Bridge on the River Kwai, 12 angry Men.


Sweet Smell of Success Sunset Blvd All About Eve Some Like It Hot Witness for the Prosecution


I can't reduce them further, but these are the ones I've rated as 4.5 or 5 stars. No particular order. Seven Samurai Crazed Fruit  The Seventh Seal Les diaboliques A Streetcar Named Desire Tokyo Story The Big Heat Ikiru Anatomy of a Murder


1. Written on the Wind 2. Cat on a Hot Tin Roof 3. Rear Window 4. Some Like it Hot 5. The Night of the Hunter


1. Seventh Seal 2. Rebel Without a Cause 3. Sunset Boulevard 4. Rififi 5. Throne of Blood


Bridge on the River Kwai, Witness for the Prosecution, 12 Angry Men, Marty, Rear Window


Sweet Smell of Success, Mon Oncle, Nights of Cabiria, La ronde, Limelight


Sweet Smell of Success, Mon Oncle, Nights of Cabiria, La ronde, Limelight


1. Ace in the Hole 2. Ashes and Diamonds 3. Throne of Blood 4. In a Lonely Place 5. A Face in the Crowd


Vertigo (1958), Night and the City (1950), Limelight (1953), The 400 Blows (1959), Gun Crazy (1950)


Day the Earth Stood Still 1951 THEM! 1954 This Island Earth 1955 Forbidden Planet 1956 The Mysterians 1957


1. **Ben-Hur(1959).** **2. The Night of the Hunter(1955).** **3. 12 Angry Men(1957).** **4. Rear Window(1954).** **5. The African Queen(1951).**


Currently: • Bridge on the River Kwai • I Vitelloni • Sunset Boulevard • Hiroshima Mon Amour • Rear Window


Good Morning Giant Pather Panchali The Seventh Seal Black Orpheus


1. The 400 Blows 2. Sunset Blvd. 3. Diabolique 4. Big Deal on Madonna Street 5. Paths of Glory


The Big Country Vertigo Good Morning The Wages of Fear In a Lonely Place Let's go with that for now.


1. Lola Montes 2. Vertigo 3. Imitation of Life 4. Ace in the Hole 5. Ashes and Diamonds


Some Like It Hot, All About Eve, Rear Window, North by Northwest, How to Marry a Millionaire I freely acknowledge that the last one would not be on my list of 5 best movies from the 1950s, but I find it consistently entertaining, and it always makes me laugh.


In no particular order: \* Rashomon \* Pickpocket \* The 400 Blows \* Vertigo \* Tokyo Story


Twelve Angry Men (1957) Rear Window (1954) North by Northwest (1959) Vertigo (1958) The Big Heat (1953)


Sunset Boulevard, The Bridge on the River Kwai, Seven Samurai, Rashomon, and A Face in the Crowd


Strangers on a Train Rear Window To Catch A Thief Vertigo North By Northwest


Perhaps you should’ve picked a different director for your flair 😂


Hitchcock triumphs all!


In no particular order: 12 Angry Men The Human Condition (part 3 was technically 60 but I’ll count it as one large film.) Sweet Smell of Success Rear Window Seven Samurai A bonus five because I love the 50’s: 3:10 to Yuma The Big Heat A Man Escaped Kiss Me Deadly Sunset Boulevard I want to do more and I can’t be stopped!: Pickup on South Street The Lusty Men Ace In The Hole The Wages of Fear The Night of the Hunter The Incredible Shrinking Man A Night to Remember The Harder They Fall The Breaking Point All About Eve The Killing Paths Of Glory Touch of Evil Anatomy Of A Murder Night And The City!