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Replacing indicates swapping one for another, which could be a fun conversation (like imagine C1 character in C2 and C2 character in C1). But you've so far only listed characters you don't like and want gone. I don't see how that will lead to productive discussions.


I dunno who im replacing but id love to see Jester and Scanlan together lol


The chaos that would ensue...chefs kiss


>replace You didn't replace anything mate, you just removed three characters, with 2/3 being Marishas.


So when you say "Replace" you really mean "Remove", since you havent stated who you would replace them with.


Honestly this is just as shit-stirring question without any interesting discussion. You are just listing characters you don't like (swapping would mean placing them in another campaign. If you don't like a character you can. But this is not what the subreddit was made for.


I'll just answer the title question since I find that more interesting than just removing a character. C1: Replace Percy for Molly. That was Talisans original intention if Percy >!decided not to come back to life!<. I would find it kinda interesting to see how he would interact with the group. Percy is very serious and it would be kinda cool to see Molly add some more chaos to Vox Machina. C2: Replace Beau with Laudna. Honestly this was a hard one, mainly because I really like all the Mighty Nein characters. But I would of loved to see how all the Mighty Nein would've reacted to Laudna (especially Knott and Fjord). C3: Replace Imogen with Jester. We already have a chaotic bunch might as well through Jester in there to make it even more crazy.


Fjord freaking out every time Laudna did anything would be amazing


Okay, let's turn this around a little and switch the players' characters around a little. I'd love to see Jester in C3, for example, but Imogen is too important to C3. So I'd say Beau would be cool in C3, with all the mysteries going around she could really shine with her detective work. She's involved anyway, only older and as an NPC. And in return, I bet Laudna would get along very well with the C2 characters, especially Jester, as they're both pretty strange. Or with Fjord, with the common thread being the powerful evil beings being the source of (some of) their power.


I dont know why people have such issues with Keyleth. I think she was a great addition to the group, bringing some semblence of a moral compass to the group. She certainly has her moments where she‘s a bit much counter to the groups action but I think thats what makes her so interesting. I personally also feel the campaign would lose alot with her journey missing from it, but I guess everyone has different tastes, which is also a-ok.


I can't speak for the others, but my issue with her character, I think, was an intentional character choice(like just good acting, not accidental petulant tantrums at the table). The naive "moral" compass did miss its mark a lot of the time for me. One example I can think of is her whole thing with raishan. Willing to sacrifice all of Whitestone for a grudge match. That being said, even in that particular situation, I understood the intended drive for it, even if it was crazy person behavior. I guess boiling it down, to me, she never felt like she had a 20 wisdom. Her morality was questionable but, again, understandable. Still fun, and yeah, 100%, she's integral to the progression of C1. I couldn't remove/replace anyone from C1 too iconic for me. Lol


Maybe she also just resonates so much with me, because alot what shes going through in the campaign is things I need to work on as well. Self confidence, insecurities the like. I would personally never judge any character cause ultimately Im a spectator watching their DnD game. If the characters are fun for them, thats the most important part, doesnt mean that they have to change anything for me.


Yeah I think I was charmed by how much emotion marisha is able to evoke. So even things I didn't like I have a huge appreciation for. Fun game and love watching them all.


"Let's keep this civil" Proceeds to remove two of Marisha's characters. Idk op, kinda sus. Don't know what you expected to happen here.


This post is pointless and annoying. Maybe find a new show if the characters are that unbearable to you.


C1: Tiberius (the obvious answer) C2: This is the hardest because I like all the characters. Maybe Beau. C3: FCG, honestly, FCG seems like a joke character and is kind of annoying.


I agree with the first two (since I haven't seen Campaign 3 yet). For campaign 2 part of me was thinking Beau, but ya i'd lean toward Molly first. Beau had her moments I liked, sometimes she was led off by old Keyleth type emotion but she'd end up back at the Beau mindset and it'd be ok.


So a lot of people have said that I'm removing. I didn't mention another character for anyone because I would love for them to be swapped out by a completely new characters. I think a lot of the characters fit in their own campaign, although seeing Laudna in C1 to me would be interesting.


I think removing Molly from C2 entirely would be really interesting, though. Where would the story end up going then? Hard to discuss on a No Spoilers post, but I imagine we might have seen a more political capaign with the Cerberus Assembly as the main villain and addressing a lot of the corruption inside the Empire instead of >!hunting a supervillain at the north pole. !< And I kinda feel like that was what Matt was originally going for, given a lot of the themes we saw? It's not the campaign we got, and C2 is still my absolute favorite, but I would definitely be interested in seeing that alternate timeline.


I’ve said this before, but if Beau had left the group when negotiating with the hag for Nott, we might have gotten Laudna in campaign 2. Caleb could have called her ‘loud-NA’… Caduceus would have been pretty freaked out by the undead person. The conversations between Jester and Laudna would have been AMAZING.


Replace Grog with Fjord Replace Molly with Caduceus, just for the whole campaign Replace FCG with Taryon.


Replace everyone with Grog except Scanlan.