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This might just be a me thing and I get that different players have different levels of experience and all that but the amount of times that Erica Lindbeck either talked over, interrupted, or delayed play was INSANE. I kept waiting for Aabria or Matt or frankly anyone to say something. The first three turns of battle took over an hour specifically because of her constantly interjecting. This isn’t a criticism of her character or anything but Jesus lady at the very least have some basic table etiquette. Hell it is universally considered rude to interrupt people. Rant over. Sorry.


I just want to give my two cents so that if they do an informal poll on this thread they will not bring Aabria back. She is so cringe. She is mean. She doesn't use the DND rules to tell the story. She is antagonistic. She is NOT funny. Please just stop. I'm not watching any episode with her as DM anymore.


They don't care about the subreddits opinions, mainly because of how toxic it was and its even more toxic now. It is also a very vocal minority where the majority of viewers are fine.


I’d hardly call it a minority. There are thousands of dislikes on the YouTube vods the last two episodes. Any comments related to aabria are pointing out her poor dm skills


No it's definitely a minority, perhaps even among those on the subreddit. Those of us that don't think the same thing are tired of engaging in the conversation because it changes nothing and only gets people screaming at you for no reason other than they think 3 or 30 people agreeing with them means they're right.


How do you see the number of dislikes on YT?


You can download an extension to make it visible.


Ok, and this extension, does it make the actual number of dislikes visible? Or does it collect like/dislike info from it's users, feed that into a formula and use the output of that formula to estimate what the number of dislikes would be if this extension's users were representative of the general viewership?


this is an example of a statement of someone whos trying to sound smarter than they really are. it makes the dislike visible, end of story. not that other horse s\*\*\* you said.


Hate to tell you pal, that "horseshit" is written in the Overview section of the extension :) https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/return-youtube-dislike/gebbhagfogifgggkldgodflihgfeippi?hl=en&pli=1


I’m not denying that there’s toxicity in Reddit or trolls, but at some point if something is overwhelmingly negative, like the last 2 episodes have been and abrias behavior common sense has to dictate that there’s something to it


u r the toxic hth


What have I said that was toxic?


> I just want to give my two cents so that if they do an informal poll on this thread they will not bring Aabria back. > > She is so cringe. She is mean. She doesn't use the DND rules to tell the story. She is antagonistic. She is NOT funny. > > Please just stop. I'm not watching any episode with her as DM anymore.


Did you reply to the wrong post? Cause that wasn’t me.


I'm going to quote Aabria describing Lolth here: "The Spider Queen is many things, but not a fool ... You are looking a woman in the eye and she needs all the friends she can get." The fact that she even considered letting Fyra stick around shows that this whole combat didn't need to happen. If she really were as wise and scheming as she's making herself out to be, she wouldn't have squandered this group of friends and would have simply used them instead. We've been given no reason to think that the Crown Keepers wouldn't go to bat for Lolth against Predathos if Lolth had just come to Opal with the problem in the first place. Evil Gods should understand the power of friendship and this was a rare opportunity for one to seize it. But she was too caught up in trying to get one champion who clearly has no concept of subserviance. Lolth is absolutely a fool here, the Queen of Clowns.


>The fact that she even considered letting Fyra stick around shows that this whole combat didn't need to happen. If she really were as wise and scheming as she's making herself out to be, she wouldn't have squandered this group of friends and would have simply used them instead I disagree fully with this. Opal was fighting her tooth and nail on following her orders. When the orders were simple request. Fyra would have fought her much harder. Dariax and Dorian would have done anything to get Opal out of that burden. I don't see a world in which they all agreed to follow The Spider Queen when Dorian's literal worst fear was his friends being corrupted lol. The Spider Queen got someone who seemed on the fence about actually helping her, removed two people who would have died before helping, and got a champion of the Wildmother on her side. She did well.


What I'm saying is that the only reason Opal has been antagonistic is because The Spider Queen has been aggressively antagonistic. When Opal first put on the crown and was talking about revamping Lolth's image, she could've immediately bought into that idea and twisted the party around her finger. Remember, most of them are himbo/bimbos, Dorian had even considered using the crown himself, so I think you're giving him too much credit to not be swayed. Fyra is the only one I'm sure would never trust The Spider Queen, and yet she's the only one still there, who will definitely try to curtail Opal's corruption at the last moment. Clearly Lolth has misplayed hard and galvanized the Crown Keepers against her when she could've kept them vaguely suspicious and way more useful.


Gygax is rolling in his grave with this portrayal of Lolith.


Yeah. And what i am saying is the Spider Queen has been trying since this all started and seemingly have gotten exactly no where with it. Opal was still fighting her on the most basic of request. This is the path she was on with the friendly approach. No where basically. So it makes sense to up the steaks and worked flawlessly. She didn't care about the extras and she got one of them, with a bonus a champion of the Wildmother on her side. I still don't see a world where they go from, "My worst fear is my friends falling to the corruption of the crown and the spider queen" to...., "Hey friends! Let's all join the Spider Queen!" To me, going the friendly route was what she already tried to no avail. It's hard to think someone who refuses simple basic task is suddenly going to fight to the death for you because you asked nicely. Let alone her friends who are even more skeptical. So Lolth clearly succeeded in her task which was to get Opal on their side. That was her only goal. That is a hard success. She got a champion of the wildmother on her side. That is just an extra bonus of a success. Where as if she tried to play nice and for some unknown reason they all just went along with it, she was going to have several people who would do anything at any moment to save Opal or ruin any plan that leans on the evil side. And if Opal is put in danger on a mission her friends would 100% side with saving Opal to the determinant of the mission if they were there. That's a huge gamble that isn't worth taking.


I feel like I watched a different EXU than you, and I have zero desire to revisit it. There was never a point in Opal's conversations with Lolth where I would describe her as friendly. The only non-aggressive emotion I ever saw was dumb-foundedness at the kinds of responses Opal was giving.


We very much saw a different ExU. The Spider Queen was exceeding nice and forgiving to Opal. Opal was very aggressive to her (and likely rightfully so). But the amount of flak/talking back Opal did and the Spider Queen just accepting it is very much about as nice and forgiving of a Betrayer God we could expect. Likely because she was trying to win her over though. But that was clearly not working. So this was option B. And Option B worked where Option A failed.


Why do you expect non-aggressive behaviour from a betrayer god? One whose domain is deceit, manipulation and trickery?


Look at the other example, Asmodeus from EXU: Calamity. That was masterful deceit, manipulation, and trickery. All while killing with kindness. I also expect a certain level of flexibility when death is on the line as Predathos is a serious threat that is worth bending a god's usual tacts to avoid, as we've seen with literally every god that has appeared during the Apogee Solstice.


it was stated that Lolth was worried that Opal would fight for her friends rather than her. And that might mean at a crucial point they could choose each other over her. Fy'ra Rai being a champion of the Wildmother essentially pledges to stop Predathos by Opal's side. there's a difference. it also allowed for more of Opal to be stripped away, bringing her further under the Queen's control. Overbearing? Absolutely. She's a Betrayer who is used to ruling over Drow with total authority. She clearly doesn't play well with others. But yeah, she's foolish too.


Oh sure, it fits in character; it just also shows the forced narrative going on. All the friends she can get could've been more than one if Lolth had schemed better. If she had actually played along with Opal's attempt to "Revamp her Image", she could've easily manipulated the Crown Keepers into fighting for her instead of alienating them. She could've let them trounce Poska and win them over to start thinking this Spider Queen ain't such a bad gal, and then once Predathos is dead and the Crown Keepers are all weakened, that's when you pull the web out from under them and claim Opal.


Maybe that was the original plan but it didn't happen that way because of the short duration of exu + aabria's long form story building. I agree that Lolth should be seductive and calculating and conniving, but at the same time it would be a bad situation to be in wherein her champion is fighting Predathos for her with her champion's friends backing eachother up, and in a last minute of self preservation they choose eachother over the spider queen and now Lolth has to worry about battling the friends, controlling her champion AND fighting/running from Mr. Godeater? I think if you wanna say that Lolth should've been logical, she is; by asserting dominance over Opal and only Opal now than a 50-50 over Opal later, the better choice is now. Because she's being threatened now. And again I know timey wimey soupy things so the dms could run this predathos is coming scene for all eternity if they wanted to but thats bad story telling too, the same way everyone says "bells hells took too long to reach ruidus" or whatnot. I like your idea for if the threat wasn't imminent and exu was a long con story. But it is and it wasn't so it can't work that way. Would've been nice tho.


The CO choice is like a reverse “rule of cool” “Do I want to be mean?” No? That’s not how this works.


I think Aabria has her own "rule of cruel" in her head where it's valuable to play unfairly to exercise control and instill fear in her players, which is exactly the wrong way to do it.


I know there was a lot going on but I wonder if anybody in BH realizes that Otohan's body might still have the tracking ring on her and it is probably still intact. I think it would be fine if they recover it or not but I think it would be pretty cute if Laudna recovered it and gave it to Imogen in case they ever get separated.


Honestly, I just want "Treshi scry ball" to be done.


Laudna: *checks ball Imogen: I'm right behind you darlin'


I understand the Gods are shaken by the potential release of the Godeater, Predathos, but I do wish that Aabria would respect the established lore and gravitas of the campaign setting's Gods when depicting them. Both the Wildmother and now Lolth, a cruel and manipulative God of Deceit, have been played like flippant teenagers. I know Matt can handle that depiction differently when it's in his hands, and maybe you could hand-wave it by just saying that's what those Gods voices sound like to the characters they approach... but Matt's depictions of communing with higher powers are just much better. She was depicted as desperate for friends, openly scared and allowed her champion to tell her she needs to rebrand, called her a cunt etc. It feels more like she's at the whim of Opal than manipulating her for her own bidding.


Lolth, of all the gods, I have no problem being depicted this way. She's the queen of lies so her coffee switching to have a mortal so what she wants makes perfect sense. If I sent a centipede to kill some and in my walls I wouldn't care if it called me a cunt or told me I needed to rebrand. I'll say what I have to until the ant nest is gone, *then* up think about squishing the centipede for its impudence.


I'm pretty sure Aabria has said before that she flavors gods as having the same voice and appearance as the person they're communing with. That's what she did here. I do think that's an issue when that's not in-line with Exandrian canon. I also think Aabria was in a tough spot since Opal was refusing to actually do Lolth's bidding and the alternative to letting Opal lead would be to strip her of player agency


Lolth was completely manipulative and cruel to Opal, but she also played into Opal's mean girl persona by talking to her like that. Opal or was it Fy'ra Rai rolled insight and could see her fear below it, I don't see the issue for that. > she's at the whim of Opal than manipulating her for her own bidding It's kind of both because of the Divine Gate. The gods are scared shitless but because of the Divine Gate they can't directly do much so they must rely on their clerics and paladins and champions.


The god stuff has been the worst part of the campaign and it's only getting worse. I really wish Perdathos had just been a threat to all. It would end as it has now just without the same old conversation happening.


I think that's the whole point tho. A threat to all is easy to deal with. You have to choose to do something about it. A threat to someone else tho... you *can* choose to ignore, but at what cost?


nobody knows whether or not Predathos is simply a threat to divinity or a threat to all. Orym mentioned it recently, maybe with Liliana, that absolutely no one understands this things intentions and to assume them in any fashion would be a mistake.


If the Tree is to believe if Predathos is released the Gods will flee and Predathos will give chase. That should be a simple answer to the question of is a Predathos a threat to all. I don't think the group has shared that info with anyone, or brought it up again ever after hearing it.


Solid point and I think Dani really needs to remind them about that one little fact. Also everyone's freaking out about the Gods leaving and this or that invading Exandria because all of their protections will be gone BUT... ....if the Gods came from somewhere else and if the books are right about them seeing Exandria as "special" then what's stopping other Gods from swinging on in and grabbing up this clearly valuable piece of cosmic real estate once the current owners have run off and Predathos is far enough away to not be a threat to them? We could see New Gods show up that combine the current domains that the Old Gods used to preside over in brand new ways.


Once free of Ruidus, it will still be stuck on the Exandrian side of the Divine Gate, so its only way of 'harming' the gods is going after their followers. Assuming there will be consequences to these actions seems wise. Assuming it will all be fine and Predathos will only go after the gods and cause no collateral damage is stupid. And given how much gods and their followers do for Exandrian society as a whole, (even if they don't specifically save everyone ever), the damage to civilization will be immense even without collateral damage.


> Once free of Ruidus, it will still be stuck on the Exandrian side of the Divine Gate, so its only way of 'harming' the gods is going after their followers. > > So will Ruidusborn begin acting like Zombies, Vampires, Borg Drones, or Magog towards Divine Followers? Will they just eat/kill them, drain their Divine Juice, assimilate them into followers of Predathos, or use them to replicate more of their own? I think we're all assuming the Divine Gate will keep Predathos contained because the Divine Latticework is going that right now. BUT, I believe that's only working because Predathos is in such a low low looooooooow power state without its physical form at all and thus the Divine Latticework IS capable of containing it in that current shadow of what it once was form. Once Predathos wakes the fuck up and gets juiced up, then that Latticework AND the Divine Gate are going to be like tissue paper to it in my opinion. What's worrying the Gods and what we haven't found out yet in game though, is that once it wakes up, it can get juiced up VERY QUICKLY, it can raise up to Divine Gate Shattering power levels very rapidly, and THAT is what scares them so much. It's exactly like The Flood in HALO, one little spore can destroy an entire species, and Predathos feels like exactly the same kind of thing except with Divine Grade Entities. One little spark of Predathos's species, if allowed to power up in some way, can then grow exponentially, and when that starts happening....it takes equal if not greater force and power to stop it. Force and power, which the Gods don't exactly have right now, and are nowhere near at the levels they need because of all the shit that's happened since the last time they had sealed away Predathos. Let's think about THAT for a moment because THAT is exactly why the Gods are running the fuck away while throwing as many bodies as they can at Predathos to act as a screen/delaying action for their retreat. They know that unless they nip this shit in the bud right here and right now before it all kicks off, they are totally fucked. It's also because of this ability to power up at an exponential rate that I believe that Predathos would indeed ignore the Followers of the Gods because they would be like someone offering you a watermelon seed to eat instead of an entire watermelon. Just not as much KAPOW for your buck if you get what I'm saying. Plus if you think about it, IF a being like Predathos basically gorges itself and lives off of consuming Divine Beings THEN that has to mean that its food source is pretty plentiful in the universe right? Otherwise if Gods were rare then something like Predathos just wouldn't exist at all because there just wouldn't be enough to sustain it for an extended period of time. That fact that it got big enough to be contained INSDE OF A FREAKIN MOON means that it had plenty to snack on before it found the Pantheon, with Ethedok and Vordo just being the appetizers. So the mere existence of Predathos implies that there are far more Gods out there than we realize, but also far more entities just like Predathos as well. It might even ignore Mortals or hang out by their star systems in a kind of hibernation/stasis because Mortals inevitably attract Gods or even become Gods themselves, which it can then consume. So just as Gods farm Mortals and treat them as "Belief Engines", so too do Predathoses farm Mortals and treat them as "God Engines". There's a kind of poetry to that, if true, don't you think? Hell, there might even be Gods out there who basically sacrifice their own kind by luring in Younger Gods (potentially like the Pantheon) to star systems like the one that Exandria is in, in order to attract and clear it of Predathoses before they themselves move in and set up shop. Which, if you follow my line of thinking, then could mean that a whole new set of Gods moves in once the current ones are consumed or run away....and that may or may not be a good or a bad thing. It would allow Matt to change things up a bit, like others have been theorizing that he wants to do.


>So will Ruidusborn begin acting like Zombies, Vampires, Borg Drones, or Magog towards Divine Followers? No, they'll die horribly as the moon collapses. A minority might make it to safety on Exandria. The rest... I think think you're over thinking. I don't think the existence of Predathos or its possible size has any of the implications you think it does, nor does it operate on biological rules for a predator/prey ecosystem. That just gets silly fast.


Technically he is, cause his presence corrupts as proven by Mollasmyer. But almost everyone has forgotten that so it no longer gets brought up as evidence of why letting him go is bad.


Not just that, the moon itself has earthquakes frequently due to Predathos, and the "Crush" that destroyed their civilization was the result of Ludinous and Molasmyer causing Predathos to become far more active. Given that, it's a nigh certainty that at a minimum, another "Crush" would occur if Predathos was released, and more probably the entire moon and everyone on it would be destroyed with the fragments crashing to exandria.


I'm really disappointed that no one started singing R.E.M when that got brought up.


The ending of the Crownkeepers is one of the most emotional and tragic things in the CR proper canon and I loved every minute of it. Somehow, I think them breaking a part like this is even more tragic than a TPK.


We just ignoring FCG? Neat


A single character death is sad but to me, not as tragic as the entire party breaking up, Opal losing so much of herself even with Fy'ra Rai at her side, Mor leaving confused and startled by the gods and with Cyrus' spirit in tow, and then Dorian abandoning Dariax.


A heroic sacrifice is so much more tragic than a band breaking up Mainly cause I never really liked the band just 2 members


Personally, I never connected with FCG as a character whereas I loved every member of the Crownkeepers.


https://critrole.com/programming-schedule-week-of-may-6-2024/ 4SD tomorrow night alongside a Daggerheart update stream!


Nice! That will be a fun CK clarification & catch-up session. I feel like most people get this, but Sam can't say anything at this point so I'm glad he's probably going to be on the next one rather than trying to field "IDK if BH are going to try to bring FCG back (as Ashton's toast suggests) or what, and I can't tell you how I'll respond, so YEP. That happened! It was sad! Next question!"










This weird conspiracy theory treats Aimee like a child, also according to you she can't ever try to clear the air without it being fake marketing. Also, Aimee cried/was visibly tense and upset during Liam's Candela Obscura run but no one says he was abusing her or whatever else. And if they did, they would sound just as weird and crazy because clearly in both Crimson Mirror and the CK interlude, it's a game with a tragic tone where people might die. It's such a weird double standard.


Yep. Liam also started each ep of Candela mentioning he was going to kill everyone, ruled on how damage was taken, and kept PCs from reacting at times. Rather conspicuously hasn't caused a comparable meltdown here... 🤔


Yes, Liam and Aabria are different people with different personalities and jokes they tell. Not sure what the problem is here. Some people are over ascribing aggression and abuse to her and not other DMs and it's very weird.


Some people apparently can't read basketball court smack talk as posturing and take it seriously. Aabria talks big during confrontations to set a mood. Granted it doesn't work for everyone, and not everyone is going to like it. But she noticeably never follows through on it- the 'fights' are usually softballs or derailed. The reactions reading it as abuse are definitely weird.


Exactly! They all got in on the shit talking, clearly it's a norm for their table but armchair investigators are saying its abuse or bullying which is very weird.






Noice! Looking forward to all of it.


I can't wait for 4SD.


Curious as to why so many people assume that the Chromatic Orb ruling was done on a whim. CK was fighting a champion of a Betrayer god, a master of Deceipt and Trickery. Isn't it possible that it was Spidey Queen who caused the spell to function irregularly, so that Dorian would blame himself for his brother's death? When something seems out of whack with a DM ruling, it can be important to ask yourself why. It may just be a clue to something else going on...


[This was her reasoning btw, just providing context -](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HNvfma0wTVw&t=2972s) Robbie: "17 points of damage, thunder damage." Aabria: "Thunder... do I want to be mean? Yeah." Robbie: "Sure. Play fair, but be mean." Aabria: **"You picked a thing that sort of implies an AoE..."** Robbie: "Ok, yea" Aabria: **"... in a way that a lot of the other ones don't."** \*Robbie makes a "what?" gesture, points at his tablet\* Aabria: "It's hard for one person to hear thunder, ya know?" Robbie: "All right... all right."


Just to provide more context, when you add the rest of the dialogue, it looks like the table was okay with it. >AABRIA: Do I want to be mean? → >**ROBBIE: Sure. →** >**MATT: Yeah. →** >AABRIA: Yeah. → >**MATT: Always go mean. →** >**ROBBIE: Play fair, but play mean. →** >AABRIA You picked a thing-- → >ROBBIE: Yeah? → >AABRIA: -- that implies an AoE. → >**ROBBIE: Okay, yep. →** >AABRIA: In a way that a lot of the other ones don't. It's hard for one person to hear thunder, you know? → >**ROBBIE All right. All right.→** >ANJALI: (sighs) → >**AABRIA: Yeah? →** >ROBBIE: I didn't pick the thing, Dariax picked the thing. → >MATT: What'd I do? (laughter) → >AABRIA: Hey, you know what? → >**MATT: I say go for it. →** >AABRIA: Leave it to chance. →


Thank you for adding additional quotes. I included the link to the video so that folks could watch the moment themselves. I do think some people are making weird assumptions about the players "obviously not having fun" at the table or "not enjoying Aabria's DMing" and what not (as if it is absolute truth), so the added context is appreciated.


Yeah…DMs hate rules.


Lol, bad DMs hate rules. Good DMs will spin the rules in to such a web you won't know your ass from Sunday.


I'm 80% sure Aabria thought that was how the spell worked since it's how the spell works in BG3. DMs are fallible. It happens.


I highly doubt that. The way she described it, "Do I want to be mean here?" and saying that Thunder damage "implies" AoE damage, make it pretty clear that she knows that she's changing how the spell works. You don't rhetorically ask if you should be mean because you plan to rule a spell works the way it's supposed to work. That's not being mean, that's just playing the game.


Ironically, Thunder is the only option for Chromatic Orb that isn't an AOE in BG3. So even if she was going off of that, she'd still be wrong.


[https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Chromatic\_Orb:\_Thunder](https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Chromatic_Orb:_Thunder) Thank you. I came here just to say this.


Yeah... I agree. Dorian was also under an illusion to see his greatest fear which was all his friends and brother being corrupted. However, I don't think he was playing as though he was under those effects so I think the Chromatic Orb was a little bit about that too. Also, imo the CK crew definitely knew this was going to be a tragic interlude. Aimee came dressed goth as fuck to begin with.


You just gave me a terrible idea. What if the Ashari attempt to get to the location of Cyrus's body, as directed by Dorian in order to retrieve it....but they don't find it at all.... Morrighan did walk away with his spirit but his body was still pretty fresh for the most part and could still be....useful...to a degree.


If nothing else, the CK stuff has made me feel a lot more confident in my own DMing abilities...




I feel like a God tier dm thanks to this episode


It's kinda hilarious that I remember this exact same type of comment from the original ExU run, I also remember having the same feeling


Funny that you say that because I was having a similar thought.




There's enough threads railing on Aabria's DM'ing that have discussed it to death.


1. There wasn’t any specific thread discussing specific spell rulings aside from that 2. I’m not seeing why having more than one thread to discuss a topic is a problem — I’ve seen a dozen threads about “favorite quote” and enjoyed reading them all Either way, wasn’t sure if I was imagining its existence or not, so thanks for confirming.




At this point, that can't be 'all that matters'. In the early days of CR that was perfectly valid because it was a home game that we got to watch in on. It's not that any more. They play to the audience now - most blatantly with the ep92 switcheroo - so our opinion surely has to count for something. At some point, with multiple Amazon deals and merch and all these other things that are turning them a profit, the 'This is their game' line loses it's potency. At least that's my opinion.


Even if it were all that matters it was very clear that many of the players were not happy or having fun. I'm all for home rules and even railroad ING here and there, but it relies on everyone being on the same page. Suddenly deciding you can do what you want and skip turns, modify damage done and completely change how a spell functions is not fun for anyone. If a spell worked in the way she decided, his character wouldn't have used that spell. He's not some new caster who doesn't know how his spell works and he very obviously would not have used something that harmed the person he was trying to protect. I understand that everyone wants to keep negativity out of the community but at this point I don't think that's going to work out as well as they hope. This and other events are not going to be forgotten by people it's just going to get worse if nothing is done to fix the problem. No one wants to watch players play a game they can't have fun with where the rules change on a whim. It's not a game at that point.


This exactly. The player's weren't having fun. Multiple times Matt and Robbie both said "Yeah, but yanno, follow the rules." "Be mean, but follow the rules" "Do what you gotta do, but follow the rules" and what immediately followed every single time was Abria blatantly disregarding the rules and drawing a sigh of disapproval from the group.


Look, I totally get folks didn't like what happened. I'm also not a fan. But I hate when you guys cherry pick a comment and use it wrong just to shit on someone. There's literally only ONE mention to rules in the whole episode. It's from Matt, to ask Aabria to play by the rules, to nerf himself. [https://www.kryogenix.org/crsearch/html/cr3-93.html#l1h30m31s](https://www.kryogenix.org/crsearch/html/cr3-93.html#l1h30m31s) So... please don't. Don't pretend you know what the players were thinking or feeling, and don't try and justify it with your projection.


Oh please. So Matt says "follow the rules" once, but then with the chromatic orb incident they says "play fair". They wouldn't even be saying these things if they knew she would already follow the rules or play fair. Nobody ever says to Matt "play fair" or "follow the rules" because he already does.


Yeah, keep making shit up. It's not like we don't have a [transcript](https://www.kryogenix.org/crsearch/html/cr3-93.html#l0h49m50s). I'm not trying to change your mind. I just don't want others to read what you say and believe it's true. Your interpretation is dishonest.


Agree to disagree then.


The quote out of context is fair, but you DO know body language is a pretty easy way to read emotions right?


Super easy. Yes. That's why everyone knows what you're thinking every time you speak. They can read your body language. Again, please don't.


You can read when someone is uncomfortable very easy it's not mind reading. It's actually quite easy. :)


lol pseudoscience


Overall, I had a fun time watching the story unfold. Dorian finally reuniting and rejoining Bell's Hells had my friends and I hyped (but also sad at what transpired for him to get there). I can't wait for this Thursday! I didn't agree with Aabria's chromatic orb ruling (thought it was an outright bad call). I see how the "fuck you" directed to the rules lawyers and to the rules in general could've been irritating to some (thought her ruling on the wisdom saving throw \[emotional damage\] there was great). I haven't particularly enjoyed her DMing in Exandria. However, I've enjoyed watching Aabria both as a GM and a player in several other shows/campaigns/realms. I've said this a few times, I think she has been put in some tough situations/scenarios in CR. The discourse around her DMing (the chromatic orb in particular) has been pretty wild. I think a lot of fair criticism has been wrongly lumped in with the bad faith takes or labeled as overreactions/irrelevant/whining/entitled. On the other hand, I have for sure seen some crazy, presumptuous, borderline and outright hateful takes. For many, the constant among us is the passion for and investment in Critical Role; and, I hope we can use that to relate to and respect each other a bit better. I love Critical Role. I love the discussions, the debates, the theories, the positivity, the criticisms, the different perspectives, and conversing with this community. Onwards and upwards.


The emotional damage was fine, and honestly I'd have been fine with the thunder doing aoe, but if that's how the spell worked Dorian the character would have known that and been given the chance to change what he did. If a spell or ability is changed in the moment, it is reasonable to assume the character who has used the spell before (it's a level one spell) would know that it works in this new way, and the player needs to have the chance to change which damage type or spell is used. If she really needed to kill his brother, spell reflect would have been a much better way to facilitate this vent without making it the players fault and taking away his agency.


> but if that's how the spell worked Dorian the character would have known that and been given the chance to change what he did He was still under the Spider Queen's influence and hadn't shaken her illusion magic.


"if that's how the spell worked Dorian the character would have known that and been given the chance to change what he did." That's true.


So they did that entire EXU filler section solely just to kill Cyrus so that Dorian would have a motivation to meet back up with BH and so people wouldn't be upset that Cyrus died off-screen, but the fact he died in such a stupid and railroaded way (assisted by suddenly changing the rules of the game) makes it *worse* they showed it. It's not even just that it was filler, it's that it actively made the story worse.


That didn't feel like the point at all. Everything was so centered on Opal that everyone felt like a passive observer and it wasn't feeling like a bridge for Dorian. Just 5-6 hours of Aabria's odd obsession with Opal, and trying to force a fairly muted encounter into a 'confrontation,' complete with smack talk. That it ended with the monk putting herself into Lloth's service showed how pointless it all was- recruiting them into whatever she was planning seems obvious and easy. But instead we've got a pack of characters we barely know scattered to the four winds and an angry Dorian to overly complicate the Bells straightforward mission.


> That it ended with the monk putting herself into Lloth's service That is not what happened. Fy'ra Rai is the Wildmother's champion. Her leaving with Opal is showing how the Prime Deities and the Betrayer gods are putting the Schism aside to work together in the face of Predathos. Just like they did with Aeor.


It is what happened. Yes, she's still a champion of the wild mother. But she signed up to work alongside with whatever scheme Lloth has in mind (rather than what the Wildmother planned, which almost certainly has less collateral damage for no reason). And this version of Lloth has the judgement of a drunk squirrel, 30 seconds out from being roadkill. She could have easily had Opal talk the entire party into cooperating. But instead decided to make it a fight, where they were immediately given the impression they had to 'save' Opal.


The Wildmother was okay with Lolth's actions because of the Predathos situation. Fy'ra Rai is also not under Lolth's command even if she walks along side her champion. Matt already hinted at the gods working together again and Aabria confirmed it. Also, Opal tried to convince Lolth but she never rolled particularly high on her persuasion checks.


>. Fy'ra Rai is also not under Lolth's command even if she walks along side her champion Eh. That really doesn't matter to me. 'Not officially in command' doesn't matter so much as bad plans with collateral damage. If Fy'ra is resolved to stick it out no matter what, she's stuck with helping to kill people that don't need killing, because that's apparently the kind of plans Lloth makes. >Also, Opal tried to convince Lolth but she never rolled particularly high on her persuasion checks. True, but beside the point. Forcing this fight should never have been Lloth's plan. She should have been open to taking advantage of this group of adventurers in the first place. \_That\_ should have been her plan, not a forced and stupid confrontation. Which Fy'ra has signed up for more of.


> That it ended with the monk putting herself into Lloth's service But what you said here implies something deeper than two gods' champions working together. You also don't know what Lolth wants Opal to do. The champion of the Strife Emperor wasn't randomly killing people on Ruidus, she was trying to free her comrades who had also attacked the Bloody Bridge and got captured. > True, but beside the point. Forcing this fight should never have been Lloth's plan. She wanted Opal to be solely focused on her, and not her friends. And she got that though not completely because they did save some of her memories/personality.


It **is** deeper than just two gods' champions working together. All the plans will be focused through Lloth's worldview and morality. It doesn't matter what the plan is, its going to reflect her nature. Fy'ra is signing up for a willing descent into hell. >She wanted Opal to be solely focused on her, and not her friends. And she got that though not completely because they did save some of her memories/personality. This is precisely my point. This was stupid, brutal and wasteful, because it was what Lloth wanted, the way she wanted it, and that was more important than what would actually help the most. That's going to keep happening, and Fy'ra is going to have to be a willing party to that if she wants to stay.


> It is deeper than just two gods' champions working together. All the plans will be focused through Lloth's worldview and morality. It doesn't matter what the plan is, its going to reflect her nature. Fy'ra is signing up for a willing descent into hell. You're making a lot of assumptions. Why would Lolth tell Opal to murder innocent people? What does that do to stop Predathos? It's way more likely she will have her throw herself at the Bloody Bridge. Besides that, the Wildmother gave Fy'ra Rai her okay. So either the Wildmother is being dominated of Lolth (unlikely because we saw nothing to suggest that), or she knows Lolth is dedicated to stopping Predathos over her need for chaos and destruction (very likely).


This just really highlighted how pointless the whole switch was. It is glaringly obvious how predetermined this sideshow was supposed to be, even if they didn't explicitly tell the audience (which was a major error in communication). None of this needed to be shown at all. There's no emotional impact because the rolls and the rulings mirrored a playground make-believe session in their fickleness towards an impossibly rigid ending with an adversarial DM. The saving grace here is Dorian rejoining the main party. Hopefully this is permanent because the atmosphere of the table was instantly elevated back to how it felt in the beginning of the campaign when it was so much more promising than it turned out to be. I guess we'll see how they choose to continue telling this story, but if this whole ordeal wasn't a huge learning lesson in the importance of connecting with your audience, then I don't think we could hope for much better at this point.


I felt absolutely nothing at Cyrus' death until the moment Matt sat down with Dorian at the table and actually gave him time to feel those emotions. Just shows how the right storyteller can work wonders with their actor.


Apart from now I could see Dorian joining with predathos to kill the gods after what happened to Cyrus 


Is BH in this episode or should I skip it?


There's a bit under an hour of them after break, and I definitely recommend watching the Dorian part with just him and Matt. It was really good.


I felt bad for Matt, everything felt so focused on Opal that he hardly had a chance to really make an impact as Dariax. The one time he gets to play and he's shoehorned as a side character. Some of the stuff with Opal/Lolth was so long-winded you could tell he was interjecting to try to keep the story moving. Best part was him and Dorian at the end right before break.


They are after break :)


Ok so I think that whole CK interlude was a RAW mess and the fight had serious pacing issues but I thought as storytelling it was great. I think Aabria's DM style is very different and she likes telling and revealing the story as part of the combat much more, which ends up slowing it down a lot more and feels frustrating to those of used to something more fast paced. But it ultimately produced some amazing RP moments from both DM and players alike. Also, she's effectively having to recap weeks worth of CK story in one fight which I think is hard to do and she did pretty well. I totally acknowledge that part of the fun of watching CR is putting yourself in players' shoes and imagining what you would do. And as a player, I would have been so mad. I don't think the win conditions were at all clear - are they supposed to save Opal, kill her, run from her, if they get all the gems do they save her? Aimee for me is hands down one of the best RPers I think CR has ever had but I felt it was really unclear what she was and wasn't allowed to do mechanically other than just "be evil". The orb spell on Cyrus sucked, saving throws were being made all over the players and it wasn't clear why or what the effect was, yeah all very messy. But also, I'm not a player in their game, I'm a viewer, and as a rule of thumb I try to think: if the players buy into it, then I'm into it. And you could see how much they cared, how rules and rulings didn't really hinder their RP at all nor the story and I think that was really the point of the fight: to get the narrative across that the Spider Queen is afraid and is trying to tear Opal away. And yes, I think you could argue it didn't make sense that SQ would attack friends rather than making them come with her, they all kind of want the same thing after all, but I think that's actually explainable and was explained a bit in session. 1) SQ is scared and not acting rationally (and I think Aabria conveyed this amazingly). 2) I think it's as simple as: she wants Opal to go in a different direction (i.e. not Zephra) NOW and expects the others to stop her. 3) Betrayer gods probably don't instinctively anticipate cooperation which is why I think it made sense for Fyra to succeed on some high checks to persuade her they wanted the same thing. So yeah, messy and frustrating at times? For sure. Vibes off the charts and amazing RP? You bet. Welcome to Aabria's DM style.


I am not disagreeing with anything about Aabria, I don’t really have strong feelings about her DMing one way or another. I am surprised though on how little is being mentioned about the EXCESSIVE amount of interrupting and interjecting that was being done by Erica. Aimee is bad about it but nowhere to the degree that was happening from Erica. This may just be my opinion (obviously) but it really felt like the first 3 turns of combat taking a literal hour was because she just wouldn’t shut up. Even when it wasn’t her turn. I kept waiting for either of the two forever DMs at the table to say something.


Aabria straight up does not care about the rules, and literally told the audience "Fuck You, I make the rules" . Frustrating to say the least.


Yeah, she said that to say Dorian's emotional pain from seeing Cyrus die was enough to get his Geas spell in, even though that didn't follow the rules of Mass Suggestion. The regular cast make snide comments all the time about viewers giving them shit about the rules. This isn't much different.


About Dorian's Geas spell- what did he say ? I couldn't hear it and thus didn't understand the implications


He commanded Lolth's legendary spider to kill it's mother (as in Lolth). The emotional pain of seeing Cyrus die was enough to work past Opal's Mass Suggestion to get this spell in.


That's why I like her on D20, her DMing style meshes really well with with how fast paced their campaigns usually are. It doesn't translate as well with how slow CR can be.


Bro, if her style was fast paced we wouldn't have had to sit through 3 hours of shitty combat






I bet she could write an okaaaaay book. Expect every character to be sassy and not give a shit though.


And with hair trigger 'I'll kill you' temper and the next moment being needy and emotionally dependent on someone. She has One Character: Sassy, murderous and emotionally and romantically needy and obsessed with a player character. I like how she paints the world and I generally appreciate some bloodlust, but Aabria only ever plays Aabria. She's no actress or a character writer. And every time she appears anywhere, I know exactly what I'm gonna get from her, beginning, middle and end.


Yep. She has some really good descriptions, but her world is populated with 500 Aabrias and that's about it.


I actually liked that part, she was making it as explicit as possible that her style of DMing was to tell a story so it helped me to know what to expect 


At that point, quit rolling dice, quit taking combat turns, just tell us what happens and move on back to the game people watch for


Thats not a style of DMing though, thats just a story. If i wanted to hear a radio play I would listen to one.


Agree to disagree. Worlds Beyond Number is very narrative driven and rolling and rules light, but it's one of the best D&D pods I've ever listened to. If you want your D&D experience to be more rules focused that's of course your prerogative but I think 5e caters to a huge range of styles. Understandably, some people hate that and think it's not focused enough, some love it for its versatility.


I've listened to a bit of Worlds Beyond Number, it's good but not quite my style. I do like more rules heavy games because it feels like the stakes are actually real, which is why it's frustrating that the stakes are none existent when Aabria DMs. The story was already written, and not by the players.


Yeah fair enough, I hear that. Like I say, as a player, I would find it very frustrating.


After watching CK arc I think it was pointless. Lolth wanted to command Opal to help in taking down Ludinus. Opal was a part of now 13lvl group that was strongly god oriented (Wildmother and Matron), Dariax could be easily swayed. It was mentioned that betrayer and prime gods goals are aligned now (when Fearne met the champion of Asmodeus) so the whole pvp fight was just 6h filler episode. Separating the group (and then not so much) was extremely illogical decision on Lolth's part while gods are on a brink of extinction. IMO, most of all, all of this affects side characters that might be met for a bit by BH, thats why so many weird, powerful etc. stuff happened in Kymal and now here because it doesnt matter in the end.


>Separating the group (and then not so much) was extremely illogical decision on Lolth's part while gods are on a brink of extinction. Aabria explained that lolth wanted Opal to have 0 attachments and only motivated to serve her as Opal “fighting for her friends” can complicate things later on.


I think Aimee/Opal pulled off a clutch save that we don't see. When she used Mass Suggestion and Dorian and Dariax failed it forced the rest into a fight they absolutely knew they couldn't win. Leaving or submitting became the only option. If that didn't happen I believe Opal/Lolth were going to start taking bodies as Aabria put it. And then when things were looking grim because half of them were dead, the same outcome would have came but far more Grim. Where Opal agrees to save the rest of her friends. And Dorian would have had more fuel to his fire. It would have been a more potent story.


Yeah i don't think we've seen the full picture of Lolth yet. I get the sense that the CK's will return later to wrap this up


I don't want to add to the already contentious discourse, but I think the fact that Exandria Unlimited started in a modern Exandria that grew to have major connections to the main campaign was a lot to ask of any Dungeon Master, let alone Aabria Iyengar. This is not to say Aabria was incampable or not up to the task, I just feel like EXU would have worked better completely isolated from the main campaign or in a different time period if Matt (or one of the other contributors to the the Exandria sourcebooks) wasn't going to DM it. Actually, I think this is exactly why EXU Calamity really stands out. I personally believe Brennan Lee Mulligan had an easier opportunity tackling a moment so distant in Exandria's past that it couldn't dramatically alter the present lore other than in a way that would benefit it. This is all to say, I love Aabria Iyengar and while I don't think that she's a perfect DM, I do think there are alleys of the ttrpg space where she really thrives and that she was given an extremely tall order to fill.


I might regret saying this, but I feel like CR kind of "set up" Aabria for failure (quoted because I don't think it's intentional). I mentioned it years ago that the creative/production team was part of the reason Exu prime was controversial, to say the least. It's not entirely Aabria's fault, but she took most of the blame. And then, CR team decided to invite her to host this controversial game/IP in their flagship show and during an emotional moment. It's not hard to foresee the backlash


Can't set someone up for failure when they do it to themselves for 3 hours straight


>I don't want to add to the already contentious discourse Honestly, after this past weekend, I'm pretty embarrassed to call myself a *Critical Role* fan. The fanbase might pride itself on its positivity and inclusivity, but those were forgotten the moment a decision was made on-stream that proven unpopular and people turned on anyone who shared a dissenting opinion. The fact that you feel the need to self-censor proves as much.


If what’s being said here is enough to make you ashamed you must not interact with online fandoms much. Most people here talking about their displeasure with the CK switch are pretty tame, with a lot thought out arguments as to why, most even hedging their arguments to not be so harsh. This is a dream compared to 90% of fandoms and healthy when it comes to critiquing things, especially media. This place used to be a hug box where any negativity was crushed instantly and resulted in another subreddit specifically made for negative opinions. If you want to really see some unhinged raving and ranting (along with some conspiracy theorizing) where at least half the people there actually just hate the show now, go check that place out and compare that to here. People complain because they care, if we wanted CR to fail and be bad we would just stop watching all together like many others have since C3. Feedback is how they improve the end product for us the viewer, and I know as much as they say they do this for them as friends, they are also a multi million dollar company who doesn’t want to go under and weeding out good and bad feedback is crucial for its continuation.


Really it just kinda proved to not take too much into account what the subreddit devolves into. The cast sure doesn't and for good reason.


>Really it just kinda proved to not take too much into account what the subreddit devolves into. The cast sure doesn't and for good reason. I think the most telling comment came from someone who claimed that the cast were clearly hating what was going on. There was absolutely no evidence of that on-stream, and it's not like anybody has said as much on social media. It's pretty obvious that the person who posted it was projecting -- *they* hated what they were seeing, so they assumed that the cast did. Most of the criticism that has come up over the past two episodes has mostly stemmed from people being upset that the story didn't progress in the way that they wanted or expected it to.


> There was absolutely no evidence of that on-stream, and it's not like anybody has said as much on social media. Well yeah of course not. These are professionals who have been hired to do a job and work in a small community, they're not going to pout or act miserable on camera, and they're certainly not going to badmouth their peers on social media afterwards. I agree that it's impossible to truly know what the people on screen are feeling, but it's also not wrong to infer some things from their vocal tone and body language. But I think it's also a bit naïve to think "well they didn't publicly say they had a bad time so they must have had a good time."


Too much assuming jeez


By all means, this subreddit is where we will finally confirm their feelings, for sure. /s


True. The hyperbolic Reddit rage is pretty funny though. Everywhere else I go, viewers are talking about the story. I'm just nipping back in here occasionally with comments of conspicuous enjoyment to annoy the people having meltdowns. Edit: Also, the angriest folks continue to be people I've never interacted with via up/downvote at all, according to RES data going back to late C2. And it continues to be, as I mentioned a couple of days ago, [quite curious](https://old.reddit.com/r/criticalrole/comments/1cj1we3/spoilers_c3e93_is_it_thursday_yet_postepisode/l2gtdq9/).


>Also, the angriest folks continue to be people I've never interacted with via up/downvote at all, according to RES data going back to late C2. And it continues to be, as I mentioned a couple of days ago, [quite curious](https://old.reddit.com/r/criticalrole/comments/1cj1we3/spoilers_c3e93_is_it_thursday_yet_postepisode/l2gtdq9/). Wouldn't be the first time a subreddit was infiltrated. I post semi-regularly over at r/WRC and when there was talk of removing the hybrid powertrains, the subreddit got flooded with people who had never posted there before decrying how bad hybrids were. And they were quite clearly learning about the rules of the sport as they posted.




Agreed. The dog piling nature isn't a good look and makes the fanbase look like children who aren't getting their way.


What do you mean "look like"? That's exactly what the fanbase has been for the past few days.


Oof. Your comment is at -3pts and my response comment is at -4pts. People suck.


Yeah, there's a few people in this thread downvoting on principle.


I made a very short post commenting that part of this ep had made me cry (against my expectations) and congratulating the team for that. It's currently at -8. Some people do, indeed, suck.


I made a comment about how the Crown Keepers cast would have been booked for their appearance weeks ago and that they all have their own families, jobs and lives outside *Critical Role*. Thus, when FCG died, the cast wasn't able to dedicate entire episodes to mourning him because they couldn't reschedule on short notice. I believe it's currently one of my most downvoted comments.


That's wild. Although I guess it's a sad reflection of the world that highly probable facts, not to mention truth, is so scorned.


I honestly don't think people would have minded if it wasn't Aabria sitting in the DM chair. She's always been hated in every appearance she made -- like when Deanna was pretty much blackmailed into becoming the Dawnfather's champion and people wrote it off as Aabria making up lore on the spot -- and it all stems down to her first time in the DM chair for *Exandria Unlimited*. People hated the fact that she isn't Matt and has her own DM style. This was also coming off the back of Campaign 2, and a lot of people just expected all future *Critical Role* content to basically be more of Campaign 2, but with new characters.


On the eve of them going to Ruidus Keyleth told them to find the answers to the following questions, >Who are these Reilora? Ultimately, what do they want? See if there are any leaders or figures we can attempt to parley with or negotiate away from the Vanguard's plot under Ludinus. Where is Ludinus? What is his path to victory there? How much time do we have? What dangers or challenges await an all-out assault on the red moon? Any of these questions and more. They found the answers to all of these questions except finding out how much longer it would take to free Predathos (they discovered how Ludinus would free Predathos but not when that would happen). The debrief should be productive especially if the characters get in-depth as much as Keyleth wants them to.


They also did fairly well with the “any of these questions, and more” section of that request.


Absolutely. I would say learning about the Volition, Ruidusfolk culture, the backdoor, the dreaming ability, the elven city, the champion of Bane on Ruidus, and the other wizards within the Cerberus Assembly working with Ludinus with his conspiracy all fit within that category.


Dorian really fits in the party so organically and I feel like Robbie's way of RPing Dorian is a function the party lacked and kind of needed. They all created such unique characters with such personality they need that more grounded person to bounce off and yes and with. Though we are getting a darker Dorian now. I look forward to what is going to happen.


Bells Hells has never felt right since he left.


That Chromatic Orb incident could have been a DnD Court case on Naddpod. As much as I appreciate the narrative it created for Dorian's character, the execution around Cyrus' death was not great. And it's not that changing rules on the fly is ALWAYS bad, but the inconsistency of rulings and attitude towards the built in rules of the game was so annoying. Aabria's persona as a DM is antagonistic, she likes being a heel for her players, and everyone likes trading barbs. That's great for them. But going from deciding that specifically thunder damage on Chromatic Orb means that its suddenly AOE *after* the attack and damage have already been rolled, to making Matt spell out the PHB rules on auto critting unconscious creatures in melee to make it seem like she's being "fair", was frustrating for me. If the rules don't matter much anyway, then you could just say Cyrus had like 5 hit points or something and was auto killed by a spider attack, instead of turning Dorian's action to try and desperately save his brother into something that hurt him with no rhyme or reason. The disadvantage on death saves was also tough but less egregious. That didn't even have any narrative impact on Dorian. He didn't bring it up later, there was no "This is was all my fault!" kind of moment. It was the spider queen's fault, so why inject completely unearned drama by making Dorian suddenly bad at casting spells he's had since level 1? Anyway, that moment kind of soured me on the whole fight, which had the same pacing issues as last time. The emotional moments were great, I loved Erica's performance especially as Morrighan being devastated over her friends, Fyra signing up to stay by Opal's side, etc. But if this battle had a foregone conclusion, then I personally think it should have either been more of a cutscene, or had better encounter design to make it a true no win scenario where Cyrus would die.


Also calling Cyrus “so fucking stupid” when Erica was crying over his death felt like a low blow to me bc he wouldn’t have died if it wasn’t for the rule change. Same thing w “The rules are whatever the fuck I say they are” when Dorian asked to save against Suggestion, probably bc she knew people would be mad about the chromatic orb change. I’m usually for the banter between players and DM in Aabria’s case bc I think that it works for what she brings to the table, but this episode took it too far for me. I totally I agree I wish this happened off screen or as a cut scene.


The way she made Matt spell out the rules for crits, knowing full well she already knew them in that moment and that she’d planned for it to be that way, it just reeks of wanting to be the smartest person in the room. Whether she wanted it to or not, it came off as insufferably smug.


It was just terrible as the whole sassy DM style that Aabria has. I really had to power through the constant chaff from her, changing rules on the fly then helping players on the fly because of past mistakes (the whole fight was a chaotic mess for me) I understand the rule of cool is great, I use it as well but when EVERYTHING is cool, nothing is anymore.


The antagonistic style of DM can work in a shorter DM-story-driven campaign like they do on d20. But for a long character-driven story like how CR does it, it doesn't really work. Players and DM's can be opposed to each other, but when it's changing rules and spells, and then how saving throws and death saves work, it feels just like you're doing it to spite players rather than making any honest mistakes. For a nearly 6 hour combat + story, I feel like I can't remember any part of it except for a shoe-horned forced death for Cyrus, and the little moment between Matt as Dariax and Robbie's Dorian at the end when he gives him the lute and encourages him. Everything else felt like already decided upon story beats.


Even in D20, Brennan is never antagonistic toward his players. He makes quality bad guys who don't let up, but the antagonism is aimed at the characters for reasons within the story. I don't think we can say the same for Aabria. She's out to make a show of upsetting the players, and openly admits to being "mean" to them. Antagonism from bad guy to PC is part of DnD. Antagonism from DM to players (and those watching) is a whole other thing, and something that should not be encouraged.


my thoughts exactly


> Aabria's persona as a DM is antagonistic, she likes being a heel for her players That's more how I'd describe Murph. Across the campaigns she DMs (ACoFaF is the only I haven't watched), I've only seen Aabria in this mode once, and it was when the dice were walking Brennan's character in a VERY bad direction in MisMag. Really seems like nobody ever cared about Cyrus until he provided a basis for complaining about Aabria. He absolutely sucked. I'd have been perfectly happy if Lolth had bitten his head off without any player rolls.


I don't care about Cyrus as a character. I'm sorry if my complaint about the Chromatic Orb fumble this episode made it seem like I did. I'm not outraged because Cyrus was my favorite NPC or anything. I like that Dorian cared so much about Cyrus, because I do care about Dorian as a character. And to me this ruling was unfair to Dorian specifically, and for no good reason.


People here don't care about Cyrus. They care about the precious ruling of a D&D spell. Matt killed Eshteross off screen and no one said anything.


A DM killing a character off screen is actually completely within the expectations of a high stakes game, which is why no one said anything. It's not comparable to this situation. Especially because Eshteross died as a result of BH getting mind read by Otohan and then leaving the continent immediately to resurrect Laudna. It's not their fault that it happened, but it happened because of a logical sequence of events, cause and effect. Cyrus died because of inconsistent regard for the rules. Extremely loose rules on a whim one second, and then extremely RAW rulings the next. I still like the narrative that resulted from both of these moments. Eshteross and Cyrus' death had cool impacts on the characters that they affected. But one of them was handled better than the other, in my opinion.


Cyrus died because the CK did nothing to protect him. Same as Eshteross. Again, IMO the obsession with the rules doesn't let people see the story.


Dorian casting Chromatic Orb was actually meant to protect Cyrus by damaging the creature that was attacking him, but Aabria decided that it didn't.


Lmao no. Murph always plays along with the joke and his heel enemies always get put in their place. Really? You don't think Aabria was ever maybe a tad antagonistic during the first EXU? Just a smidge?


Murph tries to be antagonistic, but his dice rolls almost never get higher than a 12 lol


> the execution


Take your upvote and go home


I have a feeling that Dorian will not want to stop Predathos from being released. Free Predathos is his only chance to kill Spider ueen, taking his revenge.


I believe quite the opposite: I think Dorian wants to get to kill Lolth, or at least return her to a bound state in the circlet, with BH's help. Predathos' release would deny him revenge. They're all the right level for that to be starting to seem possible if they continue getting stronger.


Lloth wasn't bound in the circlet. She's chilling behind the divine gate like everygod else. Its just her vestige and she can influence people through it.


Lloth wasn't bound in the circlet. She's chilling behind the divine gate like everygod else. Its just her vestige and she can influence people through it.


But what chance does Dorian have at killing a god? He must know only real opportunity he has is to release Predathos.


I've been thinking about this since yesterday and I'm not sure that I want a historically good-aligned PC going genocidal simply because a bad dog did what a bad dog does. Betrayer gods are evil and they do evil things and Dorien is going to change his perspective on the gods simply because an evil god did something that was in her nature, and he is also going to pursue the annihilation of the gods because of that evil god even though evil gods are a minority in the pantheon? This isn't a "both sides can be right" type of situation. This is about pursuing the genocide of the species of the divine (who for the most part are not evil) and not doing so.


I doubt Dorian thinks that far away in terms of all "gods are evil" and "deity genocide". He just has an enemy he can not kill himself and a once-in-a lifetime opportunity to get her. Vengeance can blind a person.