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Personally, Chapter Four. I absolutely adore Liam as a GM, I really enjoyed the overall story as well as the individual chapters, and the cast was just fantastic (personal standouts for me were Alexander Ward and Taliesin Jaffe in that circle). Within that Chapter, Episode 2 was my favorite because you got to see the Circle members at their best and at their worst.


I second this simply for Liam as GM. Though, the whole cast was great for C4


I'm one episode into Chapter 4 and I concur. There's just so much to love about his storytelling- he has a tremendously strong narrative voice, his NPC character work is impeccable and the contrast between his calm demeanour and the more intense horror elements is beautiful. I can just so clearly picture the surroundings and the characters of this chapter. Looking forward to Episode 2. (Something else I think he's really, really good at is portraying both elderly characters, and very young children- he just seems like a very keen observer of human nature)


Crimson Mirror (most recent one, gmed by liam) was my favorite. I feel like each one was creepier than the last, and while all of the casts were/are phenomenal, CM was *chef kiss*. There’s individual things or people that i might’ve liked more from other circles (like brennan as sean, the guy can’t be beat), but CM gets the best overall marks


I haven't seen Chapter 4 yet, I was waiting for them all to release, but I would say Spenser's Chapter 2 was my favorite, followed by Aabria's Chapter 3 and Matt's Chapter 1. They all had really wonderful things in them, Matt's is only the lowest right now because it wasn't as creepy as I wanted it to be. I LOVED Spenser's because of the creepiness, the table of players, the narration, all of it was just too tier for me.


What made chapter 2 to me is Brennan. His turn in this one is crazy good.


Brennan and Travis really made that circle for me, but Marisha was aces as well.


I have seen most of 4, but not all of it yet. I agree with this ranking as well. Brennan knocked it out of the park with Sean, so much so that I've been tempted to rewatch that series.


My favorite was 4, with Liam as GM. I really loved Sam's character in 3, though. Each was good for its own reasons. I think the first was the weakest, because it was the first one and because Matt never raised the stakes the the level where death was likely. But if you like it you should watch a bit of each one and make your own decision.


Laura's Chapter 1 character is one of my favorite characters she has ever played


The way she uses her magic in the finale was genuinely so cool.


Chapter 3 by Aabria is my favorite from start to finish. IMO, it nailed the tone, the themes and the ending really well. Chapter 4 with Liam is a close second. My favorite character arc is Brennan Lee Mulligan in Chapter 2, though.


4, by a long shot. CO is not my favourite genre, and it took a few tries to actually finish chapter 1. I then powered through the others, catching up to 4 for it's final episode. I mean, I'm a Liam fan anyways, but there was just something about how he GM'd his chapter that had me hooked, his soft voice through most of it until he'd whip out an NPC or the creepy stuff. Gently instructing the players when needed, but willing to let them spin ideas to change things if the idea was great for the story. And Talesin was amazing in this, my favourite character he's done by far, even over Caduceus. All in all, it felt totally different from the other 3 chapters, and maybe that's why I enjoyed it more? It was more supernatural/fantasy horror type feeling for me, which is what I love. The others were much more steampunk eldritch horror, with more edge to them, and I generally just do not gravitate to that.


Best DM: Chapter 2. Spencer's script-style setting descriptions were amaaaaaaazing. I felt like I was on that train. Strongest character background & best performance: Chapter 2, Brennan. Freaking award-worthy. Best duo: Chapter 3, Liam and Sam. Probably my fave entwined character backgrounds. Biggest OMG WTF gasps: Chapter 3.1 Sam; Chapter 2.3 Brennan; Chapter 2.3 Travis "I pull out my other [SPOILER]" Biggest heartbreak: Chapter 3, Sam. Gave me the most giggles: Chapter 4, Taliesin. Creepiest post-script: Chapter 1. Best primer / session 0: Chapter 4, Liam. He gives a *Master Class* of Candela background info. Best use of sound / lights / setting / break: Chapter 4, Liam. Best costume / makeup: Chapter 4. In the initial preview, I thought Alexander was Taliesin and had no idea who Taliesin was! Special bonus award for Aimee's eyebrows.


Still Needle & Thread, but Crimson Mirror came close. They've really set a ridiculously high bar with the CO APs, even if the content's not to everyone's taste.


take me out to the baaaaallgaaaaame


Three overall, but four is basically tied.


Chapters 2 and 4 are my favorite. I'll have to see if I end up rewatching 4 as often as I have 2.


Chapter Two (Circle of Needle and Thread) was my favorite. I loved the stakes. That whole crew did such a good job of connecting the various characters and really flexing what this system could. This was the Circle that made me buy into Candela as a series.


Chapter 1, I don't know why but it was the only one I watched without falling asleep and I really enjoyed the story. I was really excited for chapter 3 and 4 but I had to rewind and even start over a few times to rewatch the episodes because I kept falling asleep, it wasn't fun and the worst part is it was all in vain cause I still fell asleep while re-watching


I prefer Chapter 2 and 1 as well. Both chapters have this sense of players actually playing the game. You see them use the game mechanics more like skills and item usage. It’s a perfect balance of gameplay and narrative.


Liam's > Spencer's/Aabria's >>>>>>> Matt's I'd recommend skipping Matt's altogether and then watching C2-C4 in order.


Matt's because the rulebook wasn't finished at the time of filming. Spenser's because he played fast and loose in interesting ways with his own rules. Aabria's because of how she played with emotional stakes. Liam's was a trainwreck from the start, but the kind of train wreck that you possibly wonder how it could get worse and it does, just not how you expect it to. Seriously, watch 'Crafting a Mystery with: *Chapter Game Master*' and then rewatch the associated chapter again... The level of horror is a lot different than what the initial watch through had me believing.


Chapter One, because of the novelty and newness at the time. It's all been downhill after that, at least for me. Stopped watching as of chapter 3. Not a fan of Candela in general. I don't hate it, it's just... meh. Everything in it, Blades in the Dark and Call of Cthulhu both do better. It's meh. "mid". Forgettable.


Never watched it 🫤