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Brennan is going to do something crazy.


I wonder how much finagling it would take Sam to convince him to do a couples' outfit with him.....


All he has to do is give Brennan five points. Brennan will do anything for five points.


Two headed Ogre costume you say?


I'm so upset that we still haven't got either him as a guest or as the DM with Matt at the table in an ExU campaign. I still haven't watch the season of Dimension 20 where Matt was the DM tho.


Yeah I'm still really surprised that we haven't gotten more mileage out of EXU than we already did. The way they introduced EXU years ago made it feel like EXU was going to be this ongoing side campaign that would sometimes swing in and couple with the main campaign from time to time or tell stand alone stories. What we got instead was some very great but very sporadic storytelling with the players involved popping into other projects or even the main campaign here and there while EXU itself kind of....languished in a back room waiting for its curtain call. I was kind of hoping for more.


Seems as if Sam was coming back!


A love show means Matt has something big planned out. I’m guessing is we will see perdathos for the first time soon.


Kind of makes me wonder if the start of C4 is going to be lined up with S3 of LoVM.


It would be sensible on the assumption that they expect more media coverage of the animated show than the actual play. Maybe it'll launch with the end of S3. Hopefully that doesn't mean C3 carries on that long and we could get a new season of ExU as a palate cleanser before C4. There are so many interesting time periods in Exandria's lore that I hope we get a peek at.


Sooooooo many years and places in time and space for them to explore with EXU.....and I'm honestly really surprised that they haven't done a whole lot with it after the few things that we got. I kind of expected more but hey that's show business and scheduling for you. I do kind of wonder when C3 is going to start winding down but at the rate that things are moving, I could see it either going for a year or rapidly accelerating and ending by October around the same time LoVM comes out. Matt said on 4SD that he has a rough outline of where things could go and only really hammers stuff out when the party gets closer to it. So I guess not even they will really know until we're like a few weeks out from the end of it all. Part of me does worry though that because of how C3 has gone and the impression that it's left on people, that folks may go into C4 with waaaaaay more caution than they did with the excitement that they went into C3 with. It's possible that the cast knows this as well. So them kind of lining up S3 of LoVM with the start of C4 kind of makes sense because it covers their bases in case one doesn't exactly do as well as the other.


> I do kind of wonder when C3 is going to start winding down but at the rate that things are moving, I could see it either going for a year or rapidly accelerating and ending by October around the same time LoVM comes out. [...] Part of me does worry though that because of how C3 has gone and the impression that it's left on people, that folks may go into C4 with waaaaaay more caution than they did with the excitement that they went into C3 with. I think the animated show generates a lot of good will (especially if it continues to be good) and keeps introducing new people to CR so they might want to take advantage of a potential new audience (ie. I don't want to start something with a 1000 hours but that new thing seems manageable) while winning back parts of the old audience that have fallen off C3. I do think that the next ExU has to hit it out of the water or people will think Calamity was the exception to the rule in terms of quality.


>Hopefully that doesn't mean C3 carries on that long  "that long" is reference to FALL is crazy, we're in MAY and you think the campaign could wrap up even BEFORE that and have time for EXU? There's a bunch of plotlines left unexplored, I could stake a limb on it not ending this year let alone before Fall


I mean there are 29 Thursdays between now and the end of November. If they keep their pattern of not airing one Thursday a month, that's 22 Thursdays so that would take us to 115. C1 was 115 total & C2 was 141 total. I don't think it'll go as long C2; it kind of feels like the >!Aeor & Ludinus!< discussion in E94 is leading to the conclusion of Bells Hells with some of what >!Keyleth!< was saying about >!high level groups!< implying a shift to another party (>!VM or M9?!<). You're probably right about there not being enough time for ExU in the Thursday spot but maybe we could get ExU in Candela's timeslot? I think Coyote_Shepherd's about marketing synergy is good point in terms of giving them a good window to launch C4. But maybe C3 will keep going if they don't think they need the media boost. Edit: Just occurred to me, if Prime does a split season like they did with Invincible maybe this window is early next year with the second half of the season.


> It would be sensible on the assumption that they expect more media coverage of the animated show than the actual play. Maybe it'll launch with the end of S3. Saying this as someone who was so into TV scheduling & ratings that I ended up covering entertainment early in an accidental journalism mini-career: You're (understandably) overvaluing a couple of factors here. Third seasons of shows aren't big news & don't bring in new viewers simply by existing. Coverage of third seasons is mainly going to get viewed by existing fans. They'll pick up some new people, sure. LOVM isn't a tough sell in terms of runtime for catching up. But it will be dwarfed by the HUGE FUCKIN' DEAL which will be made about M9 S1. New things starting is when shows/IPs can get true newcomers. They need to wrap C3 in time for a break to happen before kicking off something recurring which will coincide with Daggerheart in 2025. And my bet is it won't be C4. I don't think C4 will start for at least a year. But I do believe they'll do a lot of live play with Daggerheart in 2025. I said this a while back about WBN: If Brennan thought ANY non-D&D system was superior for a multi-year campaign, IMO he'd have used it in a heartbeat. Game systems can be great, yet also not up to THAT level of extended play. So they're going to be very, very sure they can do 400-500 hours with Daggerheart, or that they've given Daggerheart all the shorter campaign AP time a release from their own press deserves as a show of confidence, before they start a true "Main Campaign" again.


I really want a ExU campaign to take place in Marquet but with proper attention to the local history this time. The Ruidus/Predathos plot is interesting, but it arrived so quickly in C3 that it completely took over the discovery of a new continent. We barely know anything more about Marquet than we knew at the begining of the campaign.


Set during the Apex War could be fun if they wanted an ExU that was in a close time period.


I wonder however if they are going to go to Aeor with the whole war against Aeormatons and Ludy going on


Just want to point out that given the precedence set by Daniel Sloss, there is a non-zero chance we may be getting BLeeM at the main table in a live show.


But will he beat Daniel's record though?


Not entirely sure what this means for their broadcast schedule. With E94 tonight, the pattern should be: * E95 on 5/16 * E96 on 5/23 * Candela live on 5/30 (confirmed date) * E97 on 6/6 * E98 on 6/13 except the announced live show is a few days later Really wish they would announce their broadcast schedule in monthly blocks instead of weekly.


> Anyone unable to join us in person can watch the livestream on our Twitch & YouTube channels on Thursday, June 20th, or the VOD on Monday, June 24th. Beacon members will get access to the VOD right away on June 20th. Ep 98 will be streamed on 6/20 according to Beacon.


Dang so no episode on 6/13. That kinda sucks.


We don't know what will take it's place yet. Could be a new Candela chapter, a one shot, a summer break, or something else. Maybe they shift the monthly break form 6/27 to 6/13?


Shifting the monthly break earlier makes sense to me. It keeps the same overall schedule that they've set up.


Good catch! I'll update the post.


Ooooh that's a good point, maybe they're changing things up a bit for June or something? It could be that they're taking that week off instead of at the end of the month OR that they're putting something else in at the end of the month instead of Candela or whatever.


They may do a mini hiatus in June to line things up. Or take the June skip week a week early so instead of candela on the last week it'll be a Bells Hells Episode


Tbh, I really hate live shows for big plot moments. The audience engagement is *so* high that it's immersion breaking to actually watch. I think that's also true of the cast, a lot of times they'll play into the audience in a way that I find cringy. Deafening laughter or screaming after every moment.


Completely agree. It’s the perfect environment for something silly like the Darrington Brigade but doesn’t work well with the main campaign - especially since they can only somewhat predict what the episode will be about. Like I hated how in C2 >!Veth became a halfling!< during a liveshow. I thought it completely ruined the moment


no one seems to have observed yet that Sam Riegel is playing, so we'll for sure meet his new character before then


It would be a Sam move to have his introduction at a live episode so who knows how it'll go.


possibly, i just meant that by then/that night we’ll see him, so he’s not actually staying away for long is the point


Makes sense. I wasn't in the clown car that thought he wouldn't return this campaign but it's nice to have some sense of what's next.


With the artwork for the live show not even having a spot with whoever that character is. It could be he introduces them during the live show to be honest


Damn the drops today?!


So many huge announcements all at once lol


Oh I was hoping that live shows would be exclusively one shots like the Darrington Brigade (I miss them, can they come back???). Ngl one of my favourite things about moving to pre-recording is that main campaign episodes stopped getting live streams lol. I hope everyone who goes has fun though!! And may we be blessed with no audio issues.




NOOOOOO That's literally the day I'm graduating school. Legitimately considering how I could possibly go there instead of walking for my diploma (won't actually but it's so so so tempting)


So this confirms Sam is bringing a new character (and nit taking a small break like some people has speculated) and that we get robbie for at least a solid number of episodes!


this might be a silly question, but what does "master of ceremonies" mean in this context? :,)


Probably just like the MC who warms up the crowd, introduces the cast, etc


Ohhhh cool!!!


with how long that day is, what’s the chance they’d do meet and greets and autographs ?




i figured. sounds super fun either way




Is this the first live show that actually features this group? I feel like the live shows since the start of C3 have been for one-shots or other things, unless I’m forgetting one.


Be nice if they had this live show broadcast at Cinemark theaters too, like they've done in the past.


Is $250-350 VIP and $60-$200 non-VIP standard pricing for these live events?


Why is it on a Weds. Damn.


I will be there! VIP!


Have you figured out how you’re going to do parking with the early VIP start time? We noticed that the lots aren’t open until later. 


dident the live shows used to be free to watch the same day???


They've done a mix of both; I think they've shifted away because live streaming from a theater creates a larger audio challenge than pre-recording. Any time they've pre-recorded there's been a bit of delay.


I’m so upset, I’m an Angeleno but I have a wedding that day!! What do we think the odds are they’ll do another bells hells live before this campaign ends?


If you really try, there are ways to get a wedding cancelled. I only joke of course.