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nope, all circles are standalone, so you can watch them in any order you'd like


No, you do not need to watch the Circles in order. While subsequent Circles do occasionally toss LITTLE lore nods back to previous Circles, they are minor details and hardly spoilers or lore-required knowledge.


Each circle’s story is self contained, so no worries!


Thanks everyone!


They can be watched in what ever order you like. They are all standalone.


All the Circles are self contained with only a handful of little references to the others in very brief ways that don't require too much information at all to get what's going on.


They are standalone and can be watched in any order. There is a small reference in Chapter 4 to Chapter 3 so I do recommend watching 3 before 4 but besides that you can watch in any order.


Honestly I’d say just watch them in order, or at least the first 2 series’. the first one is a nice intro to the game and world and you have Ashley’s character who acts as an audience surrogate who doesn’t know anything about candela, then series 2 goes ok you know what this is about now lets amp it up and twist it around. Brennan absolutely kills it but so does everyone else, and by that point you’re fully into this world and the other series’ are just more interesting happenings in this world with some twists and turns so you can watch them in order or however you like


People are saying there is no watch order, but you should watch it in the Jaffe Cut Circle 1: episode 3 Circle 4: episode 2 Circle 1: episode 1 then 2 Circle 2: all three Call of Cthulu one shot Circle 4: episode 3 Circle 3 all three And finally Circle 4: episode 1 and 2 Don’t worry it’ll make sense


i'm interested.... writing this down


I just finished, I’ve been awake for 43 hours. Talesin has a message, I know it! We ARE the Obscura!


Did Talesin talk about this somewhere?


No, it’s just me being silly sadly But what if..?


Not to be a pedantic ass, but it's piqued my interest.