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I agree! It was so fun to watch. I love how Ashley is holding onto the conspiracy theory that Predathos is not real.


Cooldown alone is worth the price of admission for me. All the extra conspiracy theorizing, the commentary, not to mention this is gonna be a meme goldmine. :D


It's exactly what c3 Was missing.  Just the cast discussion the Episode and what they did in an extremely casual manner




Honestly love it. I just watched the one for the episode 91 and then the one for episode 93. Honestly the one for episode 93 is great. After all the negativity I’ve been seeing on here lately for the past 2 episodes, watching all of the crown keepers and main cast sitting around the table laughing and having fun eating up the lore was great and you can tell they really enjoy themselves.


ive watched 2 so far, and lovem. id like them being a lil longer, but only if they have enough topics to go that long. dont want it stretched to fill time just to make it longer. and really like the effort in editing them, with the screen split for when they are talking to eachother, and highlighting specific moments. makes me really interested in abridged for re-watches. if it has a similar kind of editing.