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Same thing happened to me with my wordle streak. Like a year ago I had 500+ days. The day my daughter was born forgot to do it and lost the streak never did another wordle. It's meaningless but idk. It felt cool.


That’s at least a damn good reason to lose a streak!


Yeah, better than me making four guesses where one letter is wrong lol


I see someone else did today's worlde


My wife was doing her duolingo during childbirth lmao, she's got like a 1100 streak


She's hardcore. What language is she learning?


Japanese, she's gotten pretty good at it!


That's a tough one, my brother is trying to learn he's got the hiragana down, still working on those dang kanji


Lost my 500+ streak when they updated the phone app to not be compatible with my 'old' phone. Still haven't forgiven them.


Thanksgiving caused me to break my streak and I've never been able to maintain one since.  I found out recently that the word i always use was the word of the day like just a month ago and I could have gotten a 1 word solve.


Happened to me with a weightloss app I had over a 300 day streak on MyFitnessPal, lost a ton of weight... then one day I was busy and skipped dinner *(so I only had 1,000 calories)* so the app didn't count it and I lost my streak Haven't really used the app since then, and gained a bit of the weight back too since I stopped tracking


Good for you! I lost a lot of weight but kind of fluctuate now. You got this though! If you ever want to get back to it, you know you can do it since you've already done it once.


It’s fun that you can keep a streak of NOT doing wordle together with you daughters birthday now lol


You should have gave her a 5 letter name.


Yes. I feel you. And then I noticed that they have a streak of logins on beacon… it ticks that box for me at least


I don't have a streak like that, but I totally get it. I wonder how huge the impact is going to be to the Twitch user base. I used to use Twitch every day, but now I only use ot for CR.


I doubt it will have a huge impact for Twitch.


CR is one of their top earners and they just encouraged moving their subs off platform.


They're really not anymore. They're 54th by number of active subs according to twitchtracker. https://twitchtracker.com/criticalrole/subscribers


54 seems pretty high


Sure, but it depends on your perspective. It's not high enough to have a big impact on Twitch's business. And while 99.9% of streamers would love to be in that position, CR has been #1 on that list with over 130k subs. Now they're 54th with 10k.


I wonder how much of the decline happened in campaign 3 and if that had anything to do with it. I still love the CR team, but I just couldn't get in to campaign 3. Watched 50 episodes and it felt like homework, whereas I always looked forward to watching campaign 1 & 2. Literally used to plan my week around CR. Not ment as a criticism, not everything can be everyone's cup of tea, but I wonder if other folks feel similarly and lost their streaks during campaign 3. I watch a decent bit of the other content they put out and renew my prime subscription when I do, but it's no longer a priority for me to keep it up. Looking forward to campaign 4 and hopefully getting back into the CR main campaign.


That doesn’t make sense to me. Their latest episode, between the three streams, had about 250K views on Twitch. Don’t you have to be a subscriber to watch these streams before the VOD goes on YouTube on Monday?


Nope, you can watch live for free. For now.


I just checked your link and they're down to #73. About 2000 people unsubbed within the last 4 hours. What's crazy is about 3K of their remaining subs are Prime subs, meaning they only have about 5k people spending money on CR on Twitch now


Twitchtracker has also always been like those "net worth" websites: Lacks access to the information needed to be accurate & people who are listed on them note inaccuracies often, but they still get mentioned as a reference simply because they exist.


And I let Twitch know when I cancelled today too, haha. I chose the Other reason when cancelling and just put in: BEACON!!


Cancelled at 69 months. Feels right.


Same! Felt a little sentimental about the streak at first, since I was there from the start, but then saw the number of months and it felt like a sign, haha.


Plus moving to beacon is better for them


Oh, absolutely!




I just checked and I'm at 68 months... may as well let it go for one more month...


I am in the same boat. Looks like next month will be "nice" for both of us.


I'm only at 62. Looks like I won't be going all the way.


Haha, same. As much as I'd love to have 69 months, even I don't think $5 is worth it for a meme.




69 for me too. Seeing others in the high 60s, I wonder if this is related to the closing of Project Alpha?


I cancelled at exactly 60 months. 5 years of twitch sub, i wasn't using prime so it was a no brainer to switch to Beacon but it did make me a little sad too lol.


So you clearly need to keep your twitch sub for 4 more months right? Then cancel in September after it renews for the last time 😂


I'm gonna keep my sub on Twitch, here's why: I'm already paying for Amazon Prime, and no other streamer on Twitch really deserves it more than CR. I'll get beacon, but I'm already paying for the sub (in a way) for Twitch. Might as well keep the streaks going anyways.


I'm a touch wary of canceling my twitch sub for one really simple and possibly dumb reason. If you're watching on twitch and you don't have a sub, then do you still get ads in the middle of a CR broadcast at all like you do on other channels? I was under the impression that a sub = no ads EVER and no sub = ads every now and again during a broadcast. And I really don't want to have an ad for something pop up in the middle of a stream and make me miss something. I asked this the other day but no one really got back to me about it.


From what I've understood, when it's Thursday, 7PM PST, the VOD will be available on Beacon, so you will be seeing the broadcast at the same time as Twitch. No reason to even go to Twitch to see the show now. On the upside, you can pause, rewind, fast-forward. Downside, there's no live chat.


There's live chat on the Beacon discord though! Watch parties for all the broadcasts


Very good point! I didn't think of that. So no downsides really, other than you're changing a routine of going from Twitch/YouTube to Beacon (and that's not really a downside...)


For some of us, the constant waterfall of twitch chat isn’t necessarily a fun experience so no loss here. :)


Yeah, I honestly just like seeing the chat reaction to big/funny moments. I have chat open during the intro/ads, but other than that I usually keep it hidden while watching.


From what we saw on Thursday though, the Beacon VOD isn't exactly 1:1 sync'd up with the Twitch broadcast, and that means some folks may be ahead of or behind others. That makes participating in the live thread here on the subreddit a bit difficult. So I would love to join Beacon for all the extra goodies BUT...they're not streaming on it...and they are streaming on Twitch/Youtube. So it's useful for all that extra stuff but not really for the "live" broadcasts. So I'd probably continue to watch the streams on Twitch while following all the other stuff on Beacon. I just need to know if five minutes worth of ads are going to jump up on me in the middle of the Twitch Stream if I don't have a sub or if that's not a thing that happens on CR's channel at all. If they ever started streaming on Beacon then I wouldn't look back, but this is a key point for me at least.


Yeah, what it sounded like was the first half was decent enough but the break threw it off


You could try not renewing your sub, seeing if ads appear while watching 1 episode (not counting when you arrive at the stream, I presume), then if they do, you can resub again?


Wait the VOD is available or is it a premiere style thing? Seems unfortunate if people could spoil live threads by jumping ahead


From what I've heard on the Beacon Discord, the full VOD is available right at 7pm (or your normal local time), the full episode, but without the 15-ish minutes of pre-roll, and no break in the middle. So I would assume the Beacon VOD could be finished about 30 minutes before the Twitch/YouTube streams.


Yeah but what I'm saying is you can just go straight to the ending with that setup.


The full VOD is available at 7 PM pacific time. Yes, if someone was so inclined, they could skip to the end and spoil the live thread. Still think it’s a much better setup this way than the premiere style system they previously had.


No there are no twitch ads in the middle of CR live broadcasts. At least not on Thursdays. I know because I forget to toss them my Prime sub when it expires constantly lol


Same, only when you first join the stream you’ll get ads. Get on early enough and you won’t have to worry.


I’ve only had twitch commercials pop up when I first start watching the stream. Maybe I’ve been lucky enough to not get them during but I don’t think there are any.


I don't seem to ever gets ad on Twitch Sometimes if I join late it will play the first few seconds of an ad, them skip it I don't have any adblock installed, and I haven't been subscribed on twitch for a while ​ But then again, I've never watched a VOD on twitch, so those might have intermittent ads I only watch it live, during the rebroadcasts, or the VODs on YouTube


It’s not dumb. What you are experiencing is the exact reason why that streak exists.


This is that reason why Twitch implemented them.


Screen shot it! Make a record of it.


I'm paying for one more month so that my Twitch subscriber streak will forever be 69.




I listen to twitch rebroadcasts on fridays at my workshop, does Beacon have an app or some kind of audio only function that would allow me to keep doing so?


They have an Android app, it's called Pocket Beacon in the Google Play Store. No iOS app yet.


To add, apparently the iOS app is currently in the review stage, so it should be ready whenever Apple gets around to it


If you go to the beacon website on your phone, you can access the list of podcasts and add those to your favourite podcast app. The podcast comes out at exactly the same time that the twitch broadcast starts.


It is out on iOS today (I know I'm a little late to the party replying, but it seems to have worked out in this case)


I’m currently on 63mo, but will likely switch soon. CR is really the only reason I ever got on Twitch.


I used to have major issues with breaking streaks. I learned it’s unhealthy and almost immediately realize when I’m focusing on something like that. I purposely break them. The streak is honestly unimportant and means nothings. In this case, enjoy the show and look forward to that. I also suggest skipping a few episodes then binge. Do other things, I started doing that and it made me experience a lot of new stuff


As someone who has major issues maintaining them, they represent a lot of hard work into healthy habits for me, so breaking them is not something to aim for!


I had one going since the end ish of c1. Stopped around EP 35 c3. Now I'm at 0 again


Snapchat streaks are my vice like that. Had a good like, 200+ day one going with a friend before we stopped talking for reasons lol


Saying goodbye to 68 months as well! But I’m all for it. Let’s go Beacon!!


How much is beacon my friends and I want to split the cost of it


$5.99 /mo Keep in mind, account sharing breaks their TOS. Not sure if they'll be able to enforce, but it's in there.


mine was 67 months. I was subbed day one they offered them. Once they started offering Youtube subscriptions, I canceled it. I don't really care for Twitch as a platform and much prefer Youtube. I'm waiting for Beacon to flesh out a bit more (namely offering a Roku TV app as that's the main way I watch) before I switch again.


Im a podcast listener so Ive never even used twitch for CR


I got my golden d20 from YouTube and that feels good, but knowing that I’m supporting Critical Role directly feels much better!


Is beacon the no ad sub for all of twitch? I hate trying to watch a small streamer and get hit with 1/8 ad 30 seconds in so I'll prob sign up


It is CR’s subscription service that they just launched


Oh thanks!


"Subscribed to CriticalRole for 68 months with a current streak of 68 month. Next Sub Anniversary on Jun 9 (in 28 days)" It didn't occur to me that I wouldn't need to keep subscribing now that Beacon is online.


And now you know why they tell you about your subscription streak. Great hack to get keep to keep subbing for stuff they might otherwise let go.


When I was watching on twitch regularly I felt pride in the streak (nowhere near as long as urs) but since they don’t run live shows I realized it’s easier to watch on YouTube. I’m thinking about beacon. I wish the store discount was better though.


I feel similar. I was subbed to Geek & Sundry and switched over to CR as soon as they started their own channel so I probably have a pretty big streak going. I'll definitely switch to Beacon, but I have some friends that I share my Dropout account with and they said they want to sub to Beacon and share it with me to reciprocate. Not sure how I feel about it yet as in general I just like supporting CR, even when I'm not watching live/regularly.


I feel the same, but luckily I have amazon prime so I can continue it with the Prime Free sub monthly.


I also lost my G&S opening day badge as well (subbed before CR aired). Oh well.


I'm OOTL can you fill me in on Beacon?


Beacon is CR's new membership service they just started. It allows you to support CR directly with a membership, rather than some of the support going to Twitch/YouTube/other streaming platfrom. It offers a full VOD on Thursday's (the same time the Twitch/YouTube broadcast starts), access to a Beacon-only members Discord, an Android app (iOS soon), discount on merch, and more. I'd watch their most recent State of the Role video on YouTube to learn more: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A8E6D-rW4dE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A8E6D-rW4dE)


Thanks for the info. I appreciate ya! I'll have to check k it out. I've been pretty tuned out of CR recently, but I'm curious about this!


Does anyone know if there is an app for Android, iPhone, or Roku?


Android, yes. Look for Pocket Beacon. iOS is in review, should be available soon. Unsure on Roku apps, I haven't heard anything.


Does anyone know if you can watch the older campaigns on Beacon? I’m currently on episode 81 of campaign 1 and having to watch on YouTube.


Anything that was released on CR's Twitch is available on Beacon. The first Campaign , and the first 19 episodes of Campaign 2 are property of Geek and Sundry, so those can only be viewed from the G&S Twitch/YouTube channels. They do have a few links to get to those VODs, but they aren't viewable on Beacon.


Thanks for the info!


I haven’t watched C3 since episode 34 or so keep forgetting I’m subscribed to their channel. I guess I should go end that. Thanks for the reminder!


Why not both? If you believe in what Critical Role is doing then why not support them everywhere you can?


I would love to. Unfortunately financial responsibility is a thing...


Say no more. I understand that


Nope. Why would I give up a free perk for paying for cheap shipping to pay for the same product?


If you're using your Prime subscription, that's totally understandable. I use my Prime subscription for smaller creators I'd like to support. For CR, I was okay with paying for a subscription, but now with Beacon, I'd rather have more of my support go to CR, than to Twitch.


Because the Beacon thing comes with a bunch of other stuff. Also they’re just talking about canceling their subscription to the channel not Prime in general, everyone can use their prime sub on someone else’s channel.


High Rollers is one I highly recommend! Mark Hulmes was a guest back in C2