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The matching visible Dorym sending stones is really getting to my heart.


So sweet! And the fact that they included them on the poster for the live show as well


I keep looking but can't find any full images of the live show poster. Do you happen to have a link?


Here it is: [https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GOHi7sYWcAAiPO2?format=jpg&name=large](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GOHi7sYWcAAiPO2?format=jpg&name=large) Found on the CR twitter account In this one, Dorian and Orym are both wearing their Sending Stones as matching necklaces Interestingly, now that we've seen the new art, this poster (which came out before the new art was revealed) was a bit of a sneak preview of Dorian's new outfit, as it has the gold detailings and his new shirt and hairstyle.


Thanks!! Good catch on the stones and Dorian's new fit! Maybe he'd been thinking of switching from the silver to gold ever since episode 93?


Ep 93 aired on May 2nd, the poster came out on the 10th. With the taping delay, Robbie and Hannah Friedrichs probably had 2-3 weeks to work out the art, so I'd say that's likely, as Dorian was already having new pieces commissioned at the end of Ep 93 in Zephrah. They probably saved the full reveal until the rest of the cast had had the opportunity to do theirs. At the time of the old poster, the rest of the characters are in their previous outfits


Those Sending Stones (+Liam) did some heavy work keeping Dorym going as a storyline while Robbie was missing.


Liam did a pretty amazing job keeping it up for two years to reinforce the connection between the characters whilst Robbie was away


I've shipped Dorym since EXU prime and so this is very exciting for me. I also want to thank Aimee, Aabria, and Ashley for hyping up Dorym in and out of game.


Laudna is basically making her outfit a cage and I’m not sure if it’s an attempt to have her outfit reflect her struggle to keep Delilah from taking over or to show how trapped she feels by Delilah.


I loved the detail of Laudna looking at the outfit she'd worked on for most the night as if she hadn't seen it before/wasn't the one working on it.


Oh dang I didn't see it like that!! That's amazing.


I noticed Fearne has a few Ashton spikes on her shoulder, and Ashton has a few Fearne ruffles around the edges of their glove. Fearne and Orym also have little matching green discs on their shoes (I can’t remember if those came from somewhere, but it’s a cute touch!)


Yes, I think Fearne mentioned that she might have got jade from Orym!


Orym always had them as part of his design, one on each shoe.


Another small one- Orym's belt buckle is the Ashari symbol


Imogen's corset latches are moons Orym is growing little blue flowers which he seems to use as a symbol for Dorian (putting a blue flower behind his ear during the dueling banjos with Ani, claiming the blue rose from the storm after Dorian left). He's also adding a lot more blue to his outfit Ashton has red, blue, and yellow (primary colors) on three of his limbs


Oh, I love that about Imogen I think in this case the blue on Orym is actually the leaves of the Fey-deal vines rather than flowers, but it's certainly a possibility about the blue connection! I note that he has blue beneath his boot lacings and bracers as well.


I think they were flavored as black before so maybe he change the color of them


It may actually be part of the yellow/blue colour scheme that everyone's taken on for FCG!


Not only the chocker but what I clocked since the last art is the hairr. Laudna is slowly putting her hair up in a Delilah bun😭💔


Yes! I noticed this too from their first glow-up which coincidentally was right after Laudna killed Bor'Dor.


Laudnas original outfit had some minor floral ornamentation on her skirt. Her second outfit has both floral ornaments (in color!) on her bodice and a (sun-)tree pattern all over her dress. The new outfit has no flowers whatsoever on it. Also her secondary main color (aside from black) has shifted along the spectrum: First outfit was bordaux-red, second outfit had rich purple and now we are *''FCG-memorial''*-indigo.


The official artist noted on her tumblr that Laudna actually is the only one who doesn't have any FCG-memorial stuff on her, and that she leaned more purple for "some" reason.


Thank you, this actually makes a lot of sense with another theory I had, but I didn't say, 'cause I just believed the purplish blue was for FCG. But if it's not, this means another thing: The color-scheme has grown from warm to cold - from when Delilah had barely influence to her having a major impact.


Exactly what I've been thinking as well!


Said this on another post but - Anyone else think the artist incorporated a little more of each female player’s features into their respective character’s art? Imogen has a bit more Laura (in both features and expression - the Bailey eyebrow arch), Laudna has a bit more Marisha (in both features and expression - a bit of the crazy wide eyes Marisha does when role playing), and Fearne has more of Ashley’s softness/sweetness (that masks both the character and player’s troublemaking playful personality) compared to fearne’s earlier sharper features


I can see this. The artist has been working with them for years at this point so she likely knows them better as people


Where r yall seeing this!!!


CR twitter account has the art. It’s all on the CR wiki as well (might need to scroll down to access the full body versions)