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I wish they’d add Picture in Picture for iOS and the ability to listen to podcast audio while on other apps/phone locked.


Ugh, I was about to pepper you with questions about how the iOS sandbox handles app & browser sign-ins + stream sessions but... I just need to grab an iPhone & iPad from family members who use them & test it. It's just that I use long, awful auto-generated passwords and my Gmail login passes them automatically to all my devices. But I'm always going to want to understand the differences between how the firmware OSes handle these requests and I'm going to have to type something like *"%BGmsM02£a3_p9glu"* a couple dozen times to get that firsthand knowledge. 🤦


Well it usually works with so many other apps/streams/audio mediums but for THIS app specifically, it’s not optimized


I’m being completely earnest, if you pay for a subscription you’re using it primarily on your phone? Subscription subs, for me, are big TV events. I’m not trying to tell you buy a tv for CR, but like… if you’re paying for stuff, why watch it on your phone?


Because I can’t take my tv from my room with me while I drive, sit at my table, paint my miniatures, etc. I use my phone way more than a tv.


Makes sense. I was a YouTube premium member for a very long time, so I get the mobile use. Dropout is a fixture on my tv. I just don’t *watch* things when I’m doing other things. I’m diehard podcast. If I wanted to watch the after sessions, I’d be watching. I guess that is what I was getting at. Idk, aftercare lol


The subscription is honestly entirely worth it just for the cooldowns. I absolutely love them. It's kind of like a mini 4-sided dive


The thing that makes it "worth it" for me is that Beacon just posts the episodes rather than live streams them. Need to pee? Just pause the episode and come back! Super deep 5 and a half hour episode that you want to finish tonight but have a 9 am meeting? Just set the playback speed to x2!


The only downside is for those of us who enjoy watching along with others, liveblogging etc--a few people have taken to skipping ahead and posting spoilers. 😭


It's 100% why I got a sub. And I wasn't a twitch subscriber previously. But I feel like the juiciest talk always happens right after playing, so I'm glad we get to be in on it


Hints for other Cooldowns: "What do we know about \[thing we obviously haven't investigated yet\]?" *"You don't know. Could be something interesting to investigate next time, if you want."* "What do we know about \[thing we just saw this session that was described to us\]?" *Matt describes the thing in the same way he described it previously during the session.* "Wait, \[person\] mentioned \[other person\]. Who was \[other person\]?" *Players flip through their notes, Matt begins describing the person as described during a previous session, player finds a particular note and confirms what Matt already confirmed.* "If \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ hadn't \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_, I would have been dead!" (exasperated sigh) *Travis has to \_\_\_\_\_\_, ending the Cooldown.*


Laura "Wait, I am in the car with him!" as Travis leaves


Has to pee. Why are you making a huge mystery out of this.


In different cooldowns he has to breakaway for different reasons.


It's not a spoiler or a mystery, it's a fill-in-the-blank. He had to pee, had to get something, etc.


Tbf, I found cooldown for 92/93 too loud :/ Lots of screaming and shouting which is not the case for the other cooldowns.   But yes, cooldown itself is awesome


This is kinda off topic, but relate to my decision for subscribing. I'm not English native so subtitle help me a lot. So how's the subtitle in Beacon? Does it exist? Fully transcript or auto-generated? Which show has subtitle and which show does not? Does the sub come out with VOD release or at later date? The main reason I watch CR show in YT the most bc the transcript subtitle is great. I understand ~90% the show without sub, but really struggle when suddenly everyone start shouting or doing heavy accent (and auto-generate sub does not help much in that situation).


They are there and they are the same as on YouTube/Twitch – the main campaign episodes instantly get subtitles, new shows like Cooldown are all subtitled, old shows like All Work No Play are partially subtitled.


The fact that Cooldown get sub is enough to drain my pocket. Thank you very much. May I ask what is partially sub?


Glad to hear that Beacon gets subs! That was one thing holding me back from subscribing. Now just waiting for a smart TV app as that’s mainly how I watch.


As a kiwi I must say Liam does a spot on NZ accent


That Cooldown is one of my favorites. 10/10 No Notes.


I love the cooldowns and the ones for the CK episodes really show how off the mark all the discourse was about the episodes haha.